
  1. M

    Dating ex ****buddie

    Hi everyone, I started dating a girl again with whom I had had sex for a couple of months about 3 years ago, we were **** buddies, we saw each other every now and then, at my house, nothing more. We met again and started dating, we went to the beach together, I went out with her and her...
  2. M

    Party, events, night game

    I need some advice on meeting girls at evening events or parties. I approached and met a girl at an event who kept looking at me, we talked for a bit and I preferred to exchange contacts and arrange to see each other another day, she seemed very interested, result: ghosted. I thought it...
  3. M

    Sex experiences

    Have you ever had problems penetrating? I didn't like the last two girls I had sex with, I wasn't attracted to them and at the moment of penetration I lost my erection, also because they had very narrow vaginas. Let me start by saying that I decided to go out with them because they were...
  4. M

    Please, help!

    Guys, I need your help, I already talked about it some time ago, there is a woman much older than me, to whom I feel a strong attraction, she is the aunt of a friend of mine, we talk and see often, she knows that I am attracted from her, she loves me, but I can't resist anymore, I don't feel at...
  5. M

    Help, dating 2 girls

    I wanted to ask for advice, I saw 2 girls, I got on well with the first one, we didn't kiss, but I think she likes me and we should see each other again soon. I already knew the second girl, I had lunch at her house, she was a little embarrassed but after a few glasses of wine she melted, we...
  6. L

    Some positive updates in life

    Hello everyone! For the context, this was my last post. My life has been really well from the last month or two. My self-work on gym finally paid off, and my life just transformed on it own. I, for first, read this in an old article related on testosterone, but now I just feel so, how do I say...
  7. C

    Thinking of getting into AI dating

    I'm thinking of getting into AI dating. Tinder and Bumble haven't given me much luck lately for some reason. AI dating seems to be a new thing people are talking about on podcasts. Heard of one called Suave or that sounds new and legit, anyone tried it or AI dating in general?
  8. L

    Where did I went wrong?

    Hello, I am 19 and new to this platform. In fact, any dating platform Recently, I have been reading The Rationale Male, and from there, I read about SoSuave, so I decided to check it out. This post will be long since I do not know how to write a short summary, so if you can bear with me, point...
  9. P

    approaching two girls at once?

    imagine two girls who are friends are walking together so do you think i can approach both of them at the same time to be my gf? secondly what do you think of a girl using her friend(girl) to say something to her bf or someone she likes? is it because she is afraid of direct confrontation? one...
  10. M

    When she refuses to come home on a first date

    Have you ever lost opportunities because you invited a girl over at the end of the first date? And she refused? I do more than once, especially when I'm not interested in having a second date. Sometimes I'm too clingy, once I get to kissing I can't help myself and I push to have sex, that's...
  11. M

    Help dating older woman

    Guys, I need some advice, for a few years now I've been attracted to a woman much older than me who, among other things, is the aunt of a friend of mine, and this has always held me back, we talk on the phone sometimes, a a couple of times she also invited me to her house for a coffee, one of...
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    I'm making this thread for a personal outlet. I have never had an easy life, my father died when I was 10, my mother abandoned me when I was 14 and luckily I was adopted by my paternal grandparents, my grandmother died in 2018 and I currently live with my grandfather, I am now 32 and a few...
  13. M

    My last night experience

    I wanted to share my experience last night with you, I was on the beach with friends and around 6pm we went to another nearby beach where there was a party, I'm not used to drinking anymore and we had 4 drinks in a short time, so I was a a little tipsy (as mentioned in my other posts, I don't...
  14. M


    Are you lazy with women? If I think about my life I certainly could have had many more relationships, but I'm very lazy, I've never had very long relationships and consequently I've gotten used to being fine alone. I kind of envy some people I know because they're always on point like they...
  15. M

    Amazing Pua

    Guys, yesterday I discovered a pua that closed 147 girls in one year, I saw some of his videos, I like his style, he is very direct and his way of doing could be very helpful to me because I tend to be very introverted and not a excellent communicator If I can link you the channel or tell you...
  16. M

    Cold approach

    I approached a girl a little while ago and one of the first things she told me was that she's engaged, I didn't insist because she was too young, she's 18 and I'm 32. When they tell you they are engaged what do you do? do you insist? do you still ask for her number? If it weren't for that...
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    Little story that happened recently I was texting a girl with whom we have mutual friends, she was very invested, she accepted flirting, long messages, voicemails, I asked her out after a few messages giving her the option to see us one day or the next, she managed to find excuses saying...
  18. M

    Text game tips

    Ok guys I wanted to share with you some points about text games with girls you don't know, hoping that I can help you in my small way. Based on my experiences, as already mentioned by many if a girl is interested she won't make your life difficult, she will be more receptive and will invest a...
  19. M

    Dating, social media

    Ok guys now I'm curious to hear your opinions and every day I can think of one haha It often happens that girls who follow me on social networks unfollow me for no reason It would seem that they are not interested but once I dated a girl who years ago removed me from facebook and revealed to...
  20. M

    Dating or work?

    Have you always put yourself out there with women even if you weren't financially well off? I'm 32 years old and unfortunately I don't have a permanent job, for a while I dated girls despite the situation but now I'm more focused on getting in shape financially. What do you think about it? Maybe...