break up

  1. nonchalant

    I broke up w her and now she’s back

    I was dating this girl for going on a year and a half. We had been fighting a lot and we had been breaking up and getting back together like every month. Mentally it has been exhausting for me, and I just felt like I couldn’t deal w it anymore and felt like it was better to end things. I had...
  2. R

    Broke up with my girlfriend, was this message mean?

    I know things between us haven't always been easy, and I want you to know that I've been doing some reading to understand better where you're coming from and it talks a lot about why people with an avoidant attachment style act the way they do. you had a rough childhood, your caregivers...
  3. W

    Having seconds thoughts after breaking up a 4year ltr

    Hi I’m 26 years old who recently broke up with my gf because she lied to me where she was and made no effort to clarify when I confronted her red handed. The reason I broke up is because I have trust issues with her since she had lied to me in the past and was fooling around with a guy so i...
  4. bluepilled

    Prioritizing career, relationship downfall, and break-up

    Hi guys, in need of your experiences and insights with regards to breaking up. Background: 28 years old, 6'4'', I wouldn't call myself an alpha yet but I've certainly had my fair share of interactions with women (having been with around 30 of them). I am hungry for power and growth and have...
  5. D

    Breakup. Plate to Spin or No contact?

    My girlfriend and I recently broke up. She initiated the breakup I do care for her. However, she continues to be down to have sex and asks me to go over to spend the night with her. Should I continue and turn her into a plate as I have fun with other women or go no contact with her?
  6. Jariel

    Why you Must Block her Social Media after a Breakup

    If there’s one thing more humiliating than self-pity and breakup drama, it’s when you do it publicly. Not only will you lose her respect, you’ll lose the respect of all your online friends and followers. They’ll see exactly why she needed to get away from you. A lot of couples play hurtful...
  7. Jariel

    Protect your Dignity after a Breakup

    Women don’t want to play mother to a weak and over-sensitive boyfriend. Their maternal nature is reserved for their babies. It’s our role, as men, to offer protection and emotional stability. Strength, dignity and confidence are qualities epitomised by the alpha male. They act as a primal lure...
  8. S

    Wife doing 180 to save marriage

    I’ve been dating/married to my wife for 20 years. I got red pill awoke about 6 months ago and had a ton of anger and resentment. I used the last six months to get in shape, learn about game and prepare for the SMP. Yesterday, I confronted my wife about our sexless, affectionless relationship and...
  9. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Just about two months ago I got dumped (realistically it was a 30 day ish relationship). Not so unexpected, seen some signs. Went NC immediately after. Long story short, I got some traumatic responses at first after the breakup from myself, going into flight or fight for 48 hours straight, no...
  10. J

    Should I still push through with our group vacay with ex?

    Half a year ago we all went to a Ukraine ski trip with my then girlfriend’s group of friends. It was really fun and we all enjoyed each other’s company. Which is why we all decided to do it again next year. We’ve booked our tickets I think a month before my ex and I broke up. Such a bummer I...
  11. R

    My 2year borderline girlfriend dumped me and Im devastated

    Hello, I don't have anybody else to talk who would understand me and it seems like you guys are going through the same sh*t here. So I met her when she was 14 and I was 15. During this time she was very lonely and wanted me to talk to her for at least 5-6 hours a day. I was crazy in love for...
  12. B

    Did the right thing? The 2-hour friendzone

    Its been a while since I posted, greetings to all fellow DJs! Met a girl on Tinder, dated for about 7 months. Broke up twice. Both times she broke it off. Both times I went NC and moved on. A week ago she whatsapps me a photo we took together, we started talking, met her yesterday evening. She...
  13. Eric Hawkins

    She said, "I miss you."

    I am in an interesting situation. My ex girlfriend (we cohabitated) moved out about two months ago. I do not doubt that she loves me. I love her. So, what is the problem? The I'm "I'm not in love with her" situation. While we were together, she helped me a lot. But, when my 13 year old daughter...
  14. Mr. Focus

    I just left my girlfriend of 3 years, for business. Am I a selfish prick?

    (I'm new here) Hello everybody!!!! I am going to spend a lot of time on this forum. So, as the title says, I left my girlfriend this past weekend, the longest relationship I've ever had, so I can focus 100% on my business, and fully experience my 20's (I'm 20). I met this girl when I was 17...
  15. K

    How to deal with situation like this

    First of all I want to apologise for the repost, originally I posted this in the NC Challenge and I dont know how to delete my old post so bare with me, but I really need some opinions to help me get through this. Ok guys, after a serious reading on this forum I decided to post my **** story...
  16. J

    Any advice on getting over bitterness and regaining self-worth?

    Hey, so I'm at a low point in my life. I recently got out of a really ****ty relationship. Before I went into it, I was confident, was on my life mission and felt like I was the ****. I made a mistake and got into this soul-sucking relationship. It lasted 2 years and over that time I should've...
  17. SpartanWarrior77

    Breaking Up With A Great Girl To Evolve?

    Hey guys, I'm a 21 year old male in PA. I need your advice for a situation with this girl I'm with. I'm pondering whether or not to break up with her... (I'll make this as short as possible and leave in the most relevant details.) 1 year and a half ago, I picked up this girl on Union Square...
  18. L

    need advice after weird break up plz help

    hey guys, i was looking for some advice. long story short i dated this girl, i was his first boyfriend, and first kiss. we started dating while she was a sophomore in high school and i was a senior. fast forward now she is a senior in high school and im a sophomore at a college that is 1.5 hours...
  19. Starting

    Needs time to find herself

    She basically broke up with me but still manages to contact me and send me bs articles like this.. Basically she was in love but unhappy, so she needs to "find herself". Now what does that really mean? I'm confused, my relationship WAS beta-like...