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  1. S

    the game

    This book looks like total over the top drek full of outlandish bull. And I should have my copy tomorrow. I figured I would give one last try at things before totally giving up hope of finding someone. I am simply Tired of this crap, this seemingly endless loop of failure I have had. I am tired...
  2. S

    Just a random question.

    Which is easier: Just getting laid or Getting a girlfriend / relationship?
  3. S

    The realization has hit.

    Yeah, its been a long time since I have been here. Perhaps its for the better. Things have come crashing down. The realization has hit. I am a freaking nice guy. Probably bordering on desperate. I thought I was different then those other guys. I am not. I am a nice guy. And it took the loss...
  4. S

    The truth about talking to women

    I have seen several post here about not knowing what to say to a woman, or wanting to chat her up or what not Now, before I get started, I need to give you a disclaimer. Im not very successful with women. Yes, its true. I suck at getting ladies. I can't even walk up and talk to them. I know...
  5. S

    Before you can learn to walk, you must crawl

    The past week at work has been crap. Busy, pretty much tired of people and had a chick on the brain. Woke up this morning, day off and needed to go pick up my new threads and really did not feel like going out. I had seriously thought about just staying home and do nothing, get the suit later...
  6. S

    Why do you need booze?

    I find it ironic that the biggest tool for many of the "alphas" here is a bottle of liquor to get into a chicks panties. Sounds like beer goggles to me. Why not use a bottle of ether and a rag, at least spare her a hangover? This feels like a weak "game" to me? Cant smooth talk your way in, so...
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    Any introverts here?

    Just wondering if there where any introverts here on SS. If so, did you have to change your tactics when it comes to women, especially if you don't like to be around people.
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    Stepped way out of my comfort zone today

    Warning: this is a bit long, and perhaps pointless, but I thought I would share an experience getting out of my comfort zone. -------------------------------- No, I did not make a cold approach but I did take a couple steps out of my comfort zone. First off. A hair cut. Been a very...
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    You know, I knew I was shy, but I really did not have any idea how bad it really was. Shyness has pretty much destroyed me. I am not shy all the time, but it takes me a while before I really warm up with anyone and by the time that happens, some think I am a total whack job or something. I made...
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    Even fatties can get some

    A couple days ago while at work, I was kind of down (been trying to keep a more positive attitude) but saw something that really got to me. A really fat chick, like twice my size, probably 300 pounds, had an okay face, but had like 2-3 kids. Whisky Tango Foxtrot!? This kind of made me upset. I...
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    Age brackets

    Just wondering what your age brackets are, if you have any
  12. S

    Odd feeling / Sexual tension?

    Hey guys, I will likely get flamed for this post, but thats okay. I am posting this to learn. There has been something on my mind for the past few weeks, though I am not sure what. Something I have not felt before probably because of my social ineptitude. I happen to work directly with a very...
  13. S

    The Manual

    Yeah, never thought I would resort to the self help books but I digress, I am starting to get quite the collection. Most recent addition is The Manual: what women want and how to give it to them. Just wondering if anyone here has read the book and what they though. Looks like part of it is...
  14. S

    I feel invisible

    Hey all. Been a long time since I have visited SS. Basically after my last fail, I just gave up. Said screw it all. And for a while, that worked. But it didn't. I started to feel bitter but kept telling myself I did not need it. I did not need a girl. I just sat around doing jack every day after...
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    Even my friend said Im too nice

    Was chatting on the phone with my buddy for a bit the other night. A couple weeks ago the truth came out that I wanted to bang his sister, he suspected I did anyway, and when this was let out, his girlfriend was in the car too. Her response was, "you want to bang his sister?" I said, "yeah, why...
  16. S

    I just ordered, "The 48 Laws of Power"

    I keep hearing about this book mentioned here and had a bit of spare cash and was ordering something else anyway so I dropped it in the cart. Guess I wanted to see what the book is all about. :yes:
  17. S

    How would I go about

    Okay, so at work I have gotten into saying "hi" and "hows it going" to chicks who happen to stray close enough for me to interact with them... on a "Professional level" that is. So I was wondering, is there a way I could turn a customer/employee interaction into something more? Say like perhaps...
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    Dead car...

    The car that we had had has now quit running. Past couple weeks it has been having trouble turning over... but it would start first time, it would just hesitate a little. Tonight it will do nothing. Only thing that works on the car are the lights, as normal. When you turn the key, it just clicks...
  19. S

    Seen something that made me think about self esteem today

    At work today, saturday, the nice thing about working where I do is I do get to see many people (not to mention some hotties). Near the end of my shift I notice a guy walk in with a girl. Fairly hot in my mind and for of you who like the numbers, I would say, she was a 7, at the least. Short...
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    The HB# rating system...

    Should not be used. Why? Because I think its pointless and stupid. What do you people do? Carry around the equivalent of a macbeth chart ( ) for women? You pull the chart out and see if the chick you are interested in matches the...