Stepped way out of my comfort zone today


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
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Warning: this is a bit long, and perhaps pointless, but I thought I would share an experience getting out of my comfort zone.


No, I did not make a cold approach but I did take a couple steps out of my comfort zone.

First off. A hair cut. Been a very long time since I got a pro cut. I never knew what to ask for, or what cut is for me or what not. So I hit up great clips (I know, but better then the shears in my bathroom). Ended up waiting a bit, but that was okay. Only two stylist there, an older lady and a younger black girl. I was wanting to get the older stylist because I found the black stylist attractive. For you number lovers out there, probably a 7, taller then me with some tattoos here and there. She asked me some general questions about how often I cut my hair, what I usually do and so on. I told her it has been a long time since I been to a pro shop because I did not know what I wanted.

Had a little conversation with her while she did my hair cut, a "gentleman's" cut I suppose you could call it with a bit of texturing. I did make a few jokes, got her to laugh and asked her how long she had been doing this. A nice conversation I guess. Real pleasant girl who obviously knew what she was doing with the scissors.

Then, I walked into Dillards "just to look":eek:

First thing I saw was a pair of white dress shoes, I had this thought of a white suit, but was unable to find the correct shoes and then gravitated toward a black suit with a light purple dress shirt. This really put me on edge, I seriously thought I was going to have a damn anxiety attack or something. If the girl helping me was any more attractive, I probably would have. Or if this girl that was helping me was not in a suit, I probably would have ran out. She was not ugly, but not hot. Perhaps a cute 6. I totally felt out of my element. I said I was wasting their time, but after a short while, next thing I know I have a 300$ sport jacket on (I think thats what they were called). All the time I am saying to my self, I don't know about this. Totally not feeling this. Hell, I dress like a slob, buying my clothing at walmart. Baggy pants, extra long t-shirt, cheap shoes etc.

After a bit, we ditch the off white sports jacket and I have a different black one on, kind of wool. Looks alright, now I am starting to loosen up. I had my mommy there too asking for advice, hey, she watches TLCs makeover show or something. I felt the Jacket was a bit too textured, kind of burlap so I opted for another sport coat that was softer, because I read that chicks prefer soft stuff. (Who the hell am I buying a suit for anyway?) The jacket had a price of nearly 400 bucks! :eek: But they where running a sale, 40% off with 3 items. With the 95$ pair of slacks which actually felt good and the purple shirt, and the discounts the total price was less then 400 bucks. Good deal and I was about to settle on this (by now I am relaxed a bit more) Hell, even sales girl KNEW I was nervous. At various times I was taking a few photos with my phone, handing it to the clerk who was helping me so I can sleep on the suit.

Now I am starting to think a little bit about making the look a little bit more mine. I noticed a nice suit with pin striping and I looked at it. Sadly it was too small, but we found one the right size but the price tag on the Jacket and pants was a staggering 800 bucks :eek:

But the good news is, it was marked down a crazy 65% off from that 795 price tag. I tried it on and I liked it. Since Dillards does the customization, they where able to fit it to me. A bit of work and I should have it Monday. I have no problems going through the bargains bin :rockon:

One thing that became apparent to everyone. The first jacket I put on, my posture changed for the better. I stood up better, meaning I would carry myself a little better. At one point I asked for a tompson sub machine gun to match the gangster look I seemed to have going on with my Fedora. I may have to wear a hat less often with a new haircut and the suit.

I opted to go with the pin stripped marked down suit. I had the markings marked, and paid for it.

There you go. My FIRST FITTED suit. Holy crap. But there are a couple things missing. Shoes. My 20$ pair of target branded shoes where not going to cut it. Nor where my Nike air basket ball shoes.

The white pair of Rockports I spied earlier did not work nor did the tan or brown shoes but the nice little asian lady, poor thing, I had her and the other girl running back and forth getting different shoes. Finally found a nice pair that fit good. But damn, are they strange. The souls are slick, the insides are made with, I think lambskin the outside, leather. They are not shiny, more of a flat black. Very comfortable. And the price. Hell I spent less on more clothing at walmart then on those shoes. But they feel so good.

Hard to believe the amount of cash I spent on the new threads. A new Sports jacket (I think thats what they are called) and matching slacks. A nice dress shirt, also a markdown. Then the shoes.

I could have got a slightly better jacket for a bit more money, I liked the pin stripes a bit more. I look weird. Damn weird and feel damn weird dressed up. Why did I do this? To feel better about my self, and I am sure the suit will help my posture, plus it looks damn good. Probably will take some time getting used to wearing the stuff and I don't need to wear the jacket all the time.

As I said, I stepped out of my comfort zone today, big time. A fitted suit? A "pro" haircut? Spending time with a cute-ish sales clerk who had to get very close to me for measurements and other things like buttoning the very top of my collar of my dress shirt? Yikes! I just went into Dillards to look. I figure this suit is an investment. On top of that, I can change up things as I wish and if this suit starts to grow on me, perhaps I can find my white one.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Even if this may just be a story of a little trip to the clothing store, I can totally identify with you, and I can appreciate this thread much more than most of the "what happened to this girl/what did I do wrong?!!" threads.

Also, I was in the same position; luckily at 14 years old. I was buying a suit to go out on new years eve with, and this girl I had one-itis for worked in the store and we played a little dress-up. Of course my heart was throbbing the whole time, and I felt like a boss just for talking to her, but I was about as shy and skittish as a little girl.

Wearing a nice suit will automatically make you feel much better about yourself too, and help you draw out that inner confidence.

I got myself some simple black suede brogues which I can wear under my jeans in case I want to look relatively neat.

And concerning the texturing of the jacket(Not sure if you mean a blazer), it is my personal opinion that women like the texturing heavy. Thick texturing comes off a bit more rugged than fine texturing does. Of course it all depends on the individual jacket, but personally I prefer heavy/thick texturing, to go for the same vibe as I do with black suede brogues. Of course I'm a different age as you so you may want to go for a more refined look.

Also, pin stripe is a good choice imo. I only got 1 suit and it's pin striped.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Today I was having second thoughts about buying the suit, but too late now since its being fitted :D

Not even sure why I bought the thing anyway, I NEVER thought I would buy a suit and it don't "feel" me.

But, its bought and paid for may as well wear it. Perhaps try it out at work on my day just to see if it turns heads or see if people recognize me :woo: