Would you date a girl who smokes cigarettes?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It'd be tough to either long term or short term date one. She would need to make sure her mouth doesn't taste like an ash tray.
I tend to prefer longer term relationships. I have some athletic interests. Cigarette smokers are less able to have the lung capacity to keep with certain athletic endeavors. Having a girlfriend that has the ability to partake in athletic stuff is important to me. That's debatable with some cigarette smokers.

98% of you guys are in no position to be picky with women, it's not like yall have women just throwing themselves at you lol yall better take them smokers lol
Most men are beta males and end up settling for whatever they can get, no matter how tough they talk.


Apr 25, 2016
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98% of you guys are in no position to be picky with women, it's not like yall have women just throwing themselves at you lol yall better take them smokers lol
Pretty judgy to members on here. How about people can have their own opinions, their own likes and dislikes when it comes to what they prefer in women, and you stop attacking posters when you disagree. Thats what a little kid does. Are you a little kid?


Feb 4, 2022
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Pretty judgy to members on here. How about people can have their own opinions, their own likes and dislikes when it comes to what they prefer in women, and you stop attacking posters when you disagree. Thats what a little kid does. Are you a little kid?
You can look and see how old I am.
And it's funny hearing you call someone judgy when you made a post judging "smokers" saying they don't care about their health.

That's like saying all people who don't wear seat beats don't care about their safety, are you able to see how ridiculous that sounds ?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
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Yeah but see that guy or girl ahead of you while leisurely driving at 10 mph under the speed limit? That person who is in their own little relaxed world, not responding when the light turns green? 9 times out of 10, they’re smokers.
Anything that changes one’s state from anxiety to calmness is a tranquilizer, regardless of the initial cause of anxiety. The oral gratification of a brand new smoker, plus an excuse for something to do with the hands, produces a sedative effect in social situations.
I smoke and I cut through traffic like I'm in a die hard movie.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I smoke and I cut through traffic like I'm in a die hard movie.
Double-proof that all that toxic smoke impairs logical thinking.
First, because you think that your personal experience represents the vast majority. Second, that you cut through traffic like you’re in a die hard movie.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2020
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I don't like the taste of Virginia-Slims on a Vagina. But I've guzzled wine (out of a box) with Women that smoke and
Wasn't fazed. At my age I can croak while posting this, I pick my annoyances carefully.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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I grew up with a chronic smoking father and cannot stand the smell of second hand smoke up till this day. If I found out my fiance smokes, I would have ended the relationship a long time ago.

No thanks to making out and tasting an ashtray.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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So it’s settled. Sosusave doesn’t like smokers.
What about girls who go to church like once a month?
I’d take a smoker over a religious chick all day. One shows a mistake and an addiction. The other is an indication of naievety and stupidity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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A large part of men’s woes are that they usually desire the cream of the crop without elevating themselves to that league.
Just to play devil's advocate.... You believe that men should be King's of their world. How can one see himself as a king if he accepts leagues?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Just to play devil's advocate.... You believe that men should be King's of their world. How can one see himself as a king if he accepts leagues?
I’m not quite sure what you’re driving at but I’ve clawed my way to the upper leagues by taking the hammer and chisel to myself daily in order to sculpt the man I knew I could be.
I always pined away for and fantasized about women who were clearly out of my league because I had extraordinarily low social calibration. I was afraid of my own shadow. So although I had girlfriends who were in my league, I would fantasize about the upper echelon, thinking one day one would magically like me.
I believe that most average men fantasize about far above average women. The math just doesn’t work.

When a man claws himself up to higher levels through shear will and tenacity, he finds that more upper-echelon women start showing interest. In other words, his fantasy and reality start to converge.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I have good news!

Against air pollution? I have a solution for you. Never drive an automobile again. And also, never be a passenger in an automobile as well. The carcinogens emitted from one automobile Farrrr exceed that of a cigarette.

I'll consider kicking the smoking habit (for the environment) when you also put your money where your mouth is.

As to your analogy about smokers being too relaxed while driving, let's go there. If they were truly "impaired" then can you explain why smokers are not getting arrested for "driving while impaired?" Also, over fifty years ago, nearly half the population were smokers. How did they get to their destination? After all, if half the traffic back then were smokers (according to your logic) they'd all be driving at a snails pace.

Instead, I suspect that your traffic analogy is similar to the attitude of those that first owned cellphones. Back when cellphones were a luxury, some of the non-cellphone owners would raise a fuss over those that would talk (not text, but talk) while they were driving. Now that most people own a cellphone, we hear nothing about those that talk while driving.

Irony: A lot of the forum members here... . are affiliated with a political party - known for preaching "tolerance." I'm certainly not seeing this being put into practice. Sounds like a case of "Tolerance for me, but not for thee."
All smokers defend their habit with great tenacity. I am against the stink that invades my airspace. To most people it is an extremely foul odor, even to many if not most non-smokers.
It seems silly to argue about whether cigarette smoke is difficult to deal with or not. You as a smoker are completely habituated to it. For non-smokers, second-hand smoke irritates the nose, throat and lungs. I can also taste it on my tongue and feel a stinging sensation there.
I’m not going to stand here and apologize for hating a stench that seriously irritates my nose, throat, mouth and lungs.
Tell a pit bull owner that pit bulls are by nature aggressive, and they will jump all over you and say everything they can to demonize you and try to “prove” that you’re wrong. Ditto with smokers. In each case they have skin in the game and MUST justify their habit or their choices.
Logic is out the window for you because of your vested interest in justifying the use of your drug.
OF COURSE if 50% of people smoked while driving, then 50% would drive with that selfish, contented slowness, the “I’m the only one on the road that matters” style. If 100% smoked, then 100% would drive that way. In no way does that diminish my point that smokers slow down drastically and drive quite selfishly while smoking.
They are contented, relaxed, and self-absorbed, and I would contend that those who still smoke (with what we know today about the physical repercussions) usually have little regard for how they affect others.
I fully understand and expect that 99% of smokers will defend their habit by any means possible.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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It's 2022 anyone who's under 25 really is an idiot to smoke. If you under 50 smoking I would question you life choices and assume(but could be wrong) your a lowlife dirt bag, If your 50+ smoking I find it to be alright.

Im sure in 100 years it will be same for weed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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I’m not quite sure what you’re driving at
I'd think a king's mindset would be "no female is out of my league". Therefore recognizing leagues is putting females above one's self, and that is not being a king of your world.


Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2017
Reaction score
All smokers defend their habit with great tenacity. I am against the stink that invades my airspace. To most people it is an extremely foul odor, even to many if not most non-smokers.
It seems silly to argue about whether cigarette smoke is difficult to deal with or not. You as a smoker are completely habituated to it. For non-smokers, second-hand smoke irritates the nose, throat and lungs. I can also taste it on my tongue and feel a stinging sensation there.
I’m not going to stand here and apologize for hating a stench that seriously irritates my nose, throat, mouth and lungs.
Tell a pit bull owner that pit bulls are by nature aggressive, and they will jump all over you and say everything they can to demonize you and try to “prove” that you’re wrong. Ditto with smokers. In each case they have skin in the game and MUST justify their habit or their choices.
Logic is out the window for you because of your vested interest in justifying the use of your drug.
OF COURSE if 50% of people smoked while driving, then 50% would drive with that selfish, contented slowness, the “I’m the only one on the road that matters” style. If 100% smoked, then 100% would drive that way. In no way does that diminish my point that smokers slow down drastically and drive quite selfishly while smoking.
They are contented, relaxed, and self-absorbed, and I would contend that those who still smoke (with what we know today about the physical repercussions) usually have little regard for how they affect others.
I fully understand and expect that 99% of smokers will defend their habit by any means possible.
You have this real thing about smokers and driving don;t you :D.

Never seen any evidence that it effects smokers driving to the extent you indicate. Do you not think it would have been outlawed if it did? I'm sure you've seen bad driving and as you've cruised past them or pulled up at the lights they;ve been smoking at times, but come on. I've seen bad drivers in equal measures smoking, not smoking, male/female, german cars, jap cars - whatever.

In the UK theres this stigma about 'German' car drivers being more aggressive, not using indicators or letting people out etc. I've seen people in Nissans, Vauxhalls, Audis, BMW's etc all driving like idiots, but when its a German car people tend to go 'typical Audi, BMW driver' etc, whereas when someone in Renault does it it's just look at that '****' or 'bad driver'. Seems similar with your views on smokers.

People being stressed racing around to get somewhere in a hurry, or in bad mental state due to something else, or just generally being dopey/bad drivers is at least as much of an issue. I'd say being amped up on caffeine is much more likely to turn a higher %into a menace on the roads compared to smokers.
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Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
It may not be readily apparent or noticeable. Next time you finally get by some slow poke, take a look. Chances are are you’ll see them smoking, especially immediately after work hours. They drive me nuts here in the NE at least.