Getting jacked/ripped would eliminate 85% of the problems on this forum..

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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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This forum seem to favour <25 year old women.
I know mate, I said it in one of my points, I have an 18 year old who lives in the other street, I hooked up with her about 2 months ago, and she wont leave me alone now, Apart from the adoring looks she was giving me being slayed by an older guy, I much prefer having an orgasm inside a fit older woman. They worship it. I have done nothing but self improvement the last 3 years, and ill be honest Im now the one who wants my ego stroked & to be objectified. 25-35 year old women do not appreciate a self improved man at all


Apr 5, 2021
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In college, I've been broke and obese getting laid like a warlord by just randomly talking to college girls after reading the book of pook

Game exists.

And fitness is a part of it.
In general, what did you talk about?

And how did you turn the interaction sexual?


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I’m telling you it’s no greater feeling than walking into a room with a shirt that could possibly be considered a size too small and watching girls eye-f*ck you when you walk by.

Men hold you in a higher esteem and automatically give you respect. Girls will walk up, touch your biceps and open you.

Your coworkers will respect you, your performance at work will improve, your family will admire you ..Your energy and mood will be better, you’ll have stronger erections Girls will put out faster, and you’ll have access to quality, fit women you did not have before.

I advise anyone who is struggling in dating, confidence or life in general to put down the phone and go to the gym right now.
If you are completely clueless, hire a trainer and nutritionists. If you know a little bit, read more and experiment and get those gains.

it will fix almost everything ..
the hard thing is, it takes an extraordinary length of time. Years even, without drugs.

6 months will be long enough to lose a gut.
12 months you might see some growth.
2 years to get properly jacked and ripped.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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I’m telling you it’s no greater feeling than walking into a room with a shirt that could possibly be considered a size too small and watching girls eye-f*ck you when you walk by.

it will fix almost everything ..

Not sure everything attraction is still non negotiable

When i was out last night a chick in a smoking area asked me to pretend to be her BF to get rid of a chad

she was HB 7 at best

I declined , it was late, raining and didn't fancy involving myself in someone else's drama

the chad was 6ft 1 maybe 2 a rugby player type build (chicks around the uk usually love this build )

In the chicks words " he's been bothering me all night i don't want to go home with him"

I told her sorry your going to have to sort your own mess out

The chad continued hovering around and nagging her just being way way too BETA

with every plea i could see her pu$$y getting drier and drier eventually the doorstaff had to remove him from the premises

Muscles and build will get you in through the door , your demeanour will still need to do the rest


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2010
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My question is, why would you feel the need to hit the gym every week to get your coworkers to respect you? And your performance at work will improve? I don't get it. So you need to have muscles to be productive at work? Not really, unless you're doing intense manual labor. And only after making gains will your family admire you?

This all sounds like deep psychological insecurities to me, which further proves my point that it's not going to increase your success with women.
Mar 9, 2021
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An incel-tier man would simply become a GymCel. :rolleyes:

View attachment 6634
This is accurate/unless you have clout like an athlete/surgeon, most women are intimidated by a deeply in shape men and think it screams @sshole gymcel that would rather eat chicken breasts and brown rice all day then do anything fun. Tbh, I can’t disagree with them lol.

As a dude that’s already jacked(11% bf, I run and workout like 6 days a week), work out for you not for women because you will be disappointed. I wouldn’t even recommend chasing women at all, but there are much better ways to get them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Since we’re talking about building an aesthetic body, I’m going to plug the Kinobody programs because that sh*t really works for slicing fat and gaining muscle while still enjoying your life.

It’s too bad there are so many myths and so much bullsh*t in the fitness industry. It’d be way easier to get ripped and become attractive if there wasn’t a ton of BS out there like:
“You gotta eat big to get big bro. If you want to put on size dirty bulking is a great idea”
“You have to cut very slowly, like 1 lb per week”
“If you want to lose fat you need to eat clean: chicken broccoli and rice” (Ignoring the fact that it’s a calorie deficit that causes weight loss)
“Fasting will burn all your muscle”
“If you miss a meal, your body will go into starvation mode and stop your metabolism, holding onto all the fat”
“You need to eat 5-6 small well balanced meals a day out of tupperware”
“You need to constantly switch workouts to confuse the muscle”
“You can’t ever drink alcohol if you want to get fit. Alcohol completely stops all fat loss and muscle building”
“Your body can only absorb 30 G of protein per meal”
“You need 300 G of protein a day if you want to build muscle”
“Cardio burns muscle, you should create all of your deficit from the diet”

I could go on and on… :rofl:
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Larry Lurex

Don Juan
Mar 5, 2013
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South East Asia
An incel-tier man would simply become a GymCel. :rolleyes:

View attachment 6634
Why do we allow such negativity here?

We’re not shooting to be Mr. Olympia here. Just aim to having a healthy and balanced mind, body and personality.

Beginners may need to initially spend more time (a phase you derogatively term as “gymcel”) to learn, and develop the mind-muscle connection to get the right form for his own biomechanics.

Over time, fitness may be on autorun, so time-resource can be expended elsewhere, say to work on the inner game.

Suavity is a full-time job and more. If you can’t commit, GTFO with your negativity and keep it to yourself. No one needs more of that here. We’re supposed to support each other out.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2019
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Doing it for my health, especially mental health.

People see the dedication and work you put in.
That's why they respect you more.

Couldn't imagine living without physical exercises
Women shouldn't even be in the picture with this one. The only thing that matters is being healthy, don't know about being ripped since it causes hormone imbalance.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
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Come on man. Some of you on this forum just twist yourselves into a pretzel to come up with some absurd nonsense, just to throw a wrench into a thread.

What grown man is going to do what you suggested in your example?

You all just enjoy endless debates about the nonsensical stuff you bring up.
Men from different backgrounds and some different problems, not everyone has the type A bluster, and that is some percentage of what some of the issues are. Those guys know who they are, you are probably not one of those. Real pain exists in places that gets laughed at.

Some of it is just for fun.

Thinking you all vs us all, this is how many men end up trashed in both you and us groups. It is always interesting to find out the details on one of you and to be ammazed and the same for us, sometimes it's not.

Only you think exactly as you think. Some are close to that whatever it is and some very far away. There is a reason your spending time on this forum, just as I do. Something you do is not exactly perfect, just as something I do is not. WE try to improve.

Carry on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
In general, what did you talk about?

And how did you turn the interaction sexual?
It never really seemed to matter what I said if there's attraction. Women would lap up the dumbest sh!t.

If there's no attraction, I could write a song w my guitar and they can't give a fvck.


I break indirect by asking about cool places nearby pool, climbing, swimming etc.Jokingly tease her about her choice a little.

Tell her I have to go join my friends in a bit.

Ask about her experience with the activity. Suggest a date to go there. Judge enthusiasm. Take digits.

Eject if anything except complete compliance.

Turn sexual on text pre date by a simple qualifier, are you a good kisser?

Eject if low interest. Eject if too many guy friends. Eject if she doesn't swallow. Eject if she's too busy. Eject if she tries to lead.

Imo, my game is about when to eject and focus my effort on better prospects.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I’m telling you it’s no greater feeling than walking into a room with a shirt that could possibly be considered a size too small and watching girls eye-f*ck you when you walk by.

Men hold you in a higher esteem and automatically give you respect. Girls will walk up, touch your biceps and open you.

Your coworkers will respect you, your performance at work will improve, your family will admire you ..Your energy and mood will be better, you’ll have stronger erections Girls will put out faster, and you’ll have access to quality, fit women you did not have before.

I advise anyone who is struggling in dating, confidence or life in general to put down the phone and go to the gym right now.
If you are completely clueless, hire a trainer and nutritionists. If you know a little bit, read more and experiment and get those gains.

it will fix almost everything ..
Its very difficult to put on mass and get ripped at the same time especially if you are tall and lanky. It also compromises your cardio. That being said you are 100% correct. Getting a very muscular body really helps with getting easy sex.

The work required for me to do this would not be worth the trade off in cardiovascular fitness. But the amount of puzzy you will pull is really making me think of going that route. Btw you have to consume ALOT of calories to get that size and im trying to go vegan soon so idk.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I dont have the jacked look that op talks about but I got reasonably in shape in terms of size and proportion and I can see the positive outcome since it happened.

Do girls are more flirty and attractive? yes they are but thats not the biggest difference I found.

The biggest difference is that lack of respect from both men and women disappear, aint talking about people insulting me which never happened, I'm talking about people contradicting you about personal sh1t like which clothes fit better and stuff or even stocks.

Even girls that have no sexual interest behave much better, provocations from me virtually disappeared.

You get served much faster at the bar and people pay more attention to you when you demand something.

That alone is worth all the commitment.

I would say a middle weight/light heavyweight body type and the genuine confidence/skill to back it up are a great device to drastically improve your life, hitting the gym and doing MMA has been one of the best thing I did in my life.

It also helps to get rid of inhibition and ignore rules that apply to betas.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
I'm 41 this year.. The useless during this 2 years when women are aloof during this lockdown.. My country for some stupid reason are still on fulll lockdown..

I workout regularly

Well here i am.

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