Friend zone fun


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
...and now I'm getting pictures of a tattoo she just got. Never. Ends.
You are 32. She is 21. She isn't mature enough to be on your level. Girls under 25, if you aren't having sex with them then they are a complete waste of time, and you are experiencing it now.

She will keep waving her hands in your face saying "pay attention to me, pay attention to me." By texting by calling by sending you pictures of tatoos facebooking you etc etc because you feed her ego and getting attention from you keeps her entertained. The only one not being entertained is you.

Tell her you're not impressed with the tatoo and tell her you are busy and if you have time you will get back to her. Then go no contact, block her on social media and your phone and go date girls who won't waste your time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
I've been getting chewed out in a few texts completely unprovoked. Mad about last night I jokingly giving her a hard time about getting permission to talk to me.

...she's tripped the f out. Cussing me up and down. I've barely replied and it's making her even more mad. I wanna be done with this, but I don't wanna seem petty about it. My current dilemma.
If she is now cussing you out, that is disrespectful. Delete. Block. Never talk to her again. Once they disrespect you THEY ARE OUT!


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
If she is now cussing you out, that is disrespectful. Delete. Block. Never talk to her again. Once they disrespect you THEY ARE OUT!
Yeah. Jealously is a b**** I guess. She gets jealous over everything if I'm not feeding that ego. Mad if i ignore her for a day, mad if I don't reply to stuff, etc...this time she was mad I responded to her friend's text and not her rant she threw at me. Thought I was mad because she couldn't go to lunch. In reality I didn't care, I just told her I made other plans. I didn't feel the need to defend myself at all. Anyway...I'm not blocking her, I'm just going to push her off for a couple weeks. If I decide to do that, it won't be after some intense'll be when she least expects it. She calmed down, but it's whatever. I'm cool with it.

She went on to explain that we can have lunch and stuff but she can't come back to my place anymore because it's not fair to her bf. Said he doesn't have a problem with it (BS), but she doesn't want it to ever be a problem. Boo hoo...anyway essentially I told her I can't help she feels guilty and that it's not my fault she doesn't trust herself around me and that's pretty much when she shut up for the night.

I'm enjoying most everyone's posts though. I've learned a lot and would love to continue hearing advice and things. Like I said...I'm new to all this. The only girls I've ever really had have fallen in my lap I'm now working on girls I actually want. All this has been tremendous insight though.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Yeah. Jealously is a b**** I guess. She gets jealous over everything if I'm not feeding that ego. Mad if i ignore her for a day, mad if I don't reply to stuff, etc...this time she was mad I responded to her friend's text and not her rant she threw at me. Thought I was mad because she couldn't go to lunch. In reality I didn't care, I just told her I made other plans. I didn't feel the need to defend myself at all. Anyway...I'm not blocking her, I'm just going to push her off for a couple weeks. If I decide to do that, it won't be after some intense'll be when she least expects it. She calmed down, but it's whatever. I'm cool with it.

She went on to explain that we can have lunch and stuff but she can't come back to my place anymore because it's not fair to her bf. Said he doesn't have a problem with it (BS), but she doesn't want it to ever be a problem. Boo hoo...anyway essentially I told her I can't help she feels guilty and that it's not my fault she doesn't trust herself around me and that's pretty much when she shut up for the night.

I'm enjoying most everyone's posts though. I've learned a lot and would love to continue hearing advice and things. Like I said...I'm new to all this. The only girls I've ever really had have fallen in my lap I'm now working on girls I actually want. All this has been tremendous insight though.
She sounds like a complete time waster. Your business how you go about things but if it wereme i would just next her and not have anything to do with her. She is basically saying, "you can buy me lunch, feed my stomach and my ego, make my bf jealous so be sees that i have options and his beta @$$ will stay in line, buy ill never have sex with you. Just remember to be at my beckoning call because i call the shots ok."



Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
She sounds like a complete time waster. Your business how you go about things but if it wereme i would just next her and not have anything to do with her. She is basically saying, "you can buy me lunch, feed my stomach and my ego, make my bf jealous so be sees that i have options and his beta @$$ will stay in line, buy ill never have sex with you. Just remember to be at my beckoning call because i call the shots ok."

When he screws up she'll run to me. In the meantime I'm gonna do my thing and hopefully get to where I don't want her when she does. Be friendly when needed but unavailable. I may never date her, but at some point I'm sure I'll sleep with her. Just wait till she catches on that I'm out with other girls. No doubt she'll be jealous and let me know it. It's happened before, it'll happen again. This time...I'm not going to be a p**** about it and give in though. She wants me? She's gonna have to work. I'm learning that I'm the prize...and I'm learning to take her off the pedestal.

I'm not buying her jack nor am I going to feed her ego like I did. If being short with her and barely talking feeds her ego or is enough for her, then I guess that's what's gonna happen, but she doesn't like being ignored obviously, and I know this from before all this got started that one of her biggest fears is losing people she cares about. So let her lose me. See how she reacts. I have nothing to lose.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
When he screws up she'll run to me. In the meantime I'm gonna do my thing and hopefully get to where I don't want her when she does. Be friendly when needed but unavailable. I may never date her, but at some point I'm sure I'll sleep with her. Just wait till she catches on that I'm out with other girls. No doubt she'll be jealous and let me know it. It's happened before, it'll happen again. This time...I'm not going to be a p**** about it and give in though. She wants me? She's gonna have to work. I'm learning that I'm the prize...and I'm learning to take her off the pedestal.

I'm not buying her jack nor am I going to feed her ego like I did. If being short with her and barely talking feeds her ego or is enough for her, then I guess that's what's gonna happen, but she doesn't like being ignored obviously, and I know this from before all this got started that one of her biggest fears is losing people she cares about. So let her lose me. See how she reacts. I have nothing to lose.
Date other women and make sure she sees it. That is your best and likely only shot with her. The hotter the other women the better. Women are nothing if not competitive with other women.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
Date other women and make sure she sees it. That is your best and likely only shot with her. The hotter the other women the better. Women are nothing if not competitive with other women.
Yeah dude I'm definitely going to make sure she sees!! I'll have to make it nonchalant though. Out of the few I've been out with, all but one is had been hotter than she is...and overall just better (career, educated, etc...). Yes I know it makes me sound ridiculous to say "yes I've found better women, but I still want her"...I know. There's just a fun factor involved that is hard to replicate. I'm sure it'll just take time though.

The jealously thing worked in the past when I did it...I'm sure it'll work again. I lost the upper hand when I moved here and she knew I wasn't going to be with the other girl back home who she hated and made it clear by her petty comments. Her curiousity seemed to tank after that. Now she's saying "I can't hang out at your place bc it's not fair" to her bf. When before she was all about doing whatever with me. She'll get a taste of her own medicine soon enough...though she's never really tried to rub him in my face until the last couple days.

Regardless...If nothing else comes of this, I'll for sure have learned some valuable lessons that have been forced on me through all this.