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  1. I

    Saying I'm sorry!

    Got myself into another sticky situation... part of learning/experimenting :s Well here goes: I was hanging out with this girl and a few friends at my bro's house. I am interested in this one girl there who I used to talk to quite often. Well I decided to get hammered and I ended up being the...
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    She knows I'm a player...

    So she knows from my reputation that I'm a player (girls that she knows have told her). This girl is super attracted to me and when we were hooking up at a party, she said promised me I wasn't gonna get anything because I treat every girl the same. Well I managed to get her naked until her...
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    Fvck it all!

    Seriously, just fvck it all! I'm just tired of all this bullsh1t: fights, girls, uncertainty... I've gotten with many girls, had sex, got head and done pretty much everything else, but I couldn't give a damn about those girls. Sure it's fun, but in the end, I'm still not happy. I guess I'm just...
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    Making money online

    Is there any legitimate ways to make money online?
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    What do you guys think of earrings on men? Looks good?
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    It only hit me today how much time people spend on facebook. It's so time consuming it's crazy. I think I look at my facebook every 5-10 minutes to see news and updates. It's just so tempting. I have it on my phone, iPod and my computer. While I'm doing a project or going through my phone...
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    Shrugging off the player reputation

    Words been getting around I'm a player, hooking up and using girls hehe :cool: I have been confronted by 2 girls I'm hitting on about this lately and some girls I met have told me they've heard my name... What do you guys think would be the best way to respond to this and how to keep my...
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    Swine Flu Vaccine

    So what's the deal with the swine flu vaccine? Are you guys going to take it? Why is everyone so scared to take it? Discuss...
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    Looks like I've reached my sticking point. When I'm chilling with a girl, her friends and my friends, I have trouble isolating the girl I want. I know the girl is into me because the way she looks at me. How do I isolate her from there?
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    FR: Don't take **** from girls

    Begenning of the night, we chill at my friend's house with some girls. The girl I had sex with shows up and we hook up a bit. The others are just chilling. Later on, I see her getting closer to my friend and she apparently needs talk to him and they go in another room. Well they started...
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    Lost my virginity!

    Well guys it finally happened :). It has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world! I met this girl and she sucked my d1ck at a parade, and than I fvcked her a few days later.
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    Taking it too far?

    I've been getting this reaction from some girls lately. I have trouble telling if they're just playing or really hate me. I'll be ****y with some girls and they start hitting me, but at some point they really start flipping out and I just tell them to calm down. I really can't tell if they're...
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    How to get laid!

    I've been meeting some girls and getting together with some, and I'm still a virgin. I don't have a problem with meeting girls but I just can't seem to get laid. I don't care about a relationship at the moment, I just want to get laid and fvck girls. WELL HOW THE HELL DO I GET LAID??
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    Getting laid

    Well here's my sticking point: getting laid. Meeting women has become much easier for me. The problem is I don't know how to get them to fvck. Thanks for the help!
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    The Facebook Pimping Thread

    Discuss the different ways to pimp facebook. What's your status? How do you take pictures?
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    Warning about parties

    Just been to the worst party in my life yesterday. It was fvcking chaos. I got my iPhone stolen (700$ gone), had to wait for about 1 hour and a half for my coat and I was rejected by most girls because they didn't want to dance (I almost always pull at parties, but not this one...) I would like...
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    Flacky girl

    This girl is very flacky, but she's into me. I don't know exactly how to handle this situation. I was supposed to meet her at the movies yesterday, but than apparently her parents were taking her downtown. I told her to meet up today and she said she couldn't get a lift there because there...
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    Party hook up, than nothing.

    I'm good at hooking up at parties and dances... I grind with all these hot girls, make out with at least one of them and get most of their numbers, but I can't seem to get passed there. I text them and call them sometimes to meet up and that's when things always f*ck up. Their usually busy or...
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    Sex tips

    How do you get girls turned on for sex?
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    The Ultimate **** Test - Getting Her Boyfriend Involved

    This girl was sitting alone in one of our classes, and I told her I'd sit next to her. We talked a lot and she was interested. I got her number and texted her. Later that night her boyfriend texts me and he's telling me to stop texting her. I told him it's funny how he's getting all jealous...
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