The Facebook Pimping Thread


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2008
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Tampa Bay
Discuss the different ways to pimp facebook.

What's your status? How do you take pictures?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
i have only a few pics, i untag myself from everything (i dont get out much as of late), minimalist info page, i have an album of some pics i took myself photography-style from a while back. otherwise its just wall stuff.
status? i dont update mine often but ive started recently just cause i felt like it. Got the newest jon dore-ism up there.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
The one photo album I have is only of me doing adventurous activities (surfing, sailing, riding a camel, etc.). My intention is to get girls to associate me with adventure and physical activity. Hopefully it get's their blood pumping too.

The photos I'm tagged in include a bunch where I'm surrounded by chicks. I have a bunch of female friends and thankfully they put up photos of me with them. I don't untag these photos because it shows my social value with other women.

My profile information is minimal, funny, and unique. Minimal to remain mysterious. Funny because girls want a dude that can make them laugh. Unique so that I separate myself from all the other dudes on facebook.

The status updates is probably the area where I could most improve. It seems as though I get most comments on my status when I propose a question. Thoughts on status updates my fellow DJs?

Never tell a girl how good she looks in a picture. Total chump move. Photos are great for neg hits, but don't overdo it. If she comments back on one of your photos, then that gives you the go ahead to comment on an additional one of her photos. If you comment on too many of her photos however, you will come off as too interested.

Whenever I write on a chicks wall I try to put something funny or ask a question so she'll write on my wall with a response. My wall is filled almost 95% with women making comments. Not all of them are love interests. Most are just female friends that you can actually use to make interested girls jealous. Interested girls will wonder about all these other girls on your wall, when in fact most are just friends. ;) This could be a problem, and I'm curious to hear what other DJs have to say, because this could backfire and make you look like a player. Any thoughts?

Oh yeah, I don't poke because I think it's too forward. Thoughts?


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Facebook is a joke IMO. It's cool and all to get in touch with old friends, etc but most women I interact with that mention it don't really think it's all that if you know what I mean. They're heavily involved in it but use it as an attention getter more than anything. Dudes that come at them or try to hook up through Facebook are a joke to them.

It's cool for putting up some pics of you clubbin or whatever, but it's not likely to get you any women. I see a bunch of chumps always commenting on photos and tagging themselves in hundreds of photos and it's very bit*h like to do such things.

As for me, I have a Facebook and like you guys I have a very limited amount of photos up. I barely have any info and my wall is always full but that's pretty much it. The little status thing is stupid and also bi*ch like in a way. What's the point of always saying something stupid for people to comment on?


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
ZhaoYun said:
Dudes that come at them or try to hook up through Facebook are a joke to them.
It sounds like you haven't had much success on Facebook (FB). I had a former classmate randomly find me on FB. We messaged back and forth and I eventually convinced her to come over to my band's practice and ended up f%&king her that night. No date--> just straight to the point.

Due to my job I'm too busy to go to pubs all the time, so when I do meet a girl it is relatively harmless to add them on FB. I think it's helpful because you can weed out girls before wasting time on a first date. Most of these girls put a shyte load of pics up and profile information. Oh my, she doesn't look as good in these pics as I had remembered, I must have been too drunk. Pass. Oh, her hobbies are shopping and hanging out with friends. Lame. Pass. Etc. No date, no problem. You have some new female friends that guess what...have other female friends.

Now if she is hot and seems interesting judging by her profile you can chat her up and then do the # close on FB. I've gotten a few #s that way and then set up dates later.

I'm not advocating hitting up total strangers on FB, I don't do that. But to say that "Dudes that come at them or try to hook up through Facebook are a joke to them" is an overstatement that doesn't ring true in my experience.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Facebook has it's purpose and it's NOT for hittting on girls

Chicks think guys who hit on them via facebook are lame


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not advocating hitting up total strangers on FB, I don't do that. But to say that "Dudes that come at them or try to hook up through Facebook are a joke to them" is an overstatement that doesn't ring true in my experience.

100% Agree.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
ucmedv8 said:
It sounds like you haven't had much success on Facebook (FB). I had a former classmate randomly find me on FB. We messaged back and forth and I eventually convinced her to come over to my band's practice and ended up f%&king her that night. No date--> just straight to the point.
Quite the contrary, I've banged about 5 women so far that are on my friends list. However, I met them in person and simply used FB as a tool.

So yeah I know it's possible to get your everyday h0 hookup with the help of Facebook. Grats on getting your skank via FB.

I'm not advocating hitting up total strangers on FB, I don't do that. But to say that "Dudes that come at them or try to hook up through Facebook are a joke to them" is an overstatement that doesn't ring true in my experience.
I probably should have stated quality women. Young, immature girls and attention hoes love FB because chumps give them free love without them having to directly interact. It's just like MySpace. It works for some but mostly it's just another site for girls to get attention from horny men that have trouble getting women the real, manly sort of way.

Very few are successful consistently and when you do get a lay or two more often then not it's from some ugly/average girl that anyone could have probably hit anyway.



Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
today.. me n this girl exchange facebook URL...

not sure if this is something... cuz i told her like this..

wanna be study partner for this class..? whats your facebook...

she said.. oh ye.. let me give you my url..

did i just hop in the friend zone circle? HAHAHA


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
I never really used my facebook as much as the regular person but I do want to use it a bit more.

My question is do you have your profiles set to private or public? My thinking is that with your profile set to private the girls that are interested will add you just to find out more about you whereas if it was set to public they can just scope out your page unbeknownst to you.

On the flipside, if you got a great page, then having it set to public would allow more women to see it and di your vibe...