Emotional eating weight gain


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Olive oil absolutely is good. Also it depends on the type of fat...some are stored while others are preferentially used as fuel.

You way oversimplify things unfortunately too often.

Obviously processed foods are pretty much garbage, but even "good" sources of carbs can be problematic depending on how your body handles it.

Also, fat doesn't need insulin to be stored, if your body wants to store fat it can easily do so without carbs or insulin.
It is debatable if olive oil is “good.” Like butter and all oils, it is almost exclusively empty calories in the form of added fat. Olive oil just contains some health promoting antioxidants making it “less bad” than other oils. People trying to lose weight should not load up on olive oil. Its best use is as salad dressing that encourages one to eat more greens. It is a non-essential food.

In a hyper-caloric environment (I.e. this discussion), the fat from food is stored first. Carbohydrates are the body’s default energy source. You are delving into nuances that pertain to a hypo-caloric environment.


Apr 22, 2023
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People shouldn't go low carb for that length of time. The reason why people will fight you tooth and nail is because you come up with ridiculous stuff and act as if it's some sort of fact when it's mostly rubbish.

Some people may be who eat tons of processed foods. People who eat low glycemic carbs or quality sources of carbs are not carb addicts they are smart.
My comments were for the original poster and it is boarish how you kids call others names here.

i personally believe crackers and biscuits and white flour products are not healthy. But it is boring how everything in the forum becomes and argument and a fraternity kid calling names at others

at any rate best of luck OP


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Successful day yesterday, and the route to get to work is a good exercise course. There are bunch of stairs going form an upper train platform to a road, cross the road, and a bunch of stairs going to an upper-level of a street, cross that (jay-walk) and I'm there. Yesterday, J jetted up a flight of stairs in order to catch a train before the doors closed. Yeah, looks like a work-out. I also do a personal work-out by walking around the yard, doing jumping jacks and some slanted push-ups as well.
Tbh its kinda disappointing to hear you still treat your weightloss journey like it's made out of porcelain: way too careful, being sorry for yourself and faking effort.

You MUST do more and do it consistently. Pick a sport; martial arts, plain old fitness/weightlifting, cycling ,running. /walking . The last two can be combined with a more "fun" sport like football, basket all ect. Hiking comes to mind.

Imo you don't challenge yourself enough. I'll sympathize with you bro, but runnning up a stairs to catch a train isn't working out, it will just show you how bad you are in shape.

No more mr sorry for himself: you are being way too nice to yourself to make any kind of progress. If you start NOW, then by the beginning of the next year(2024) you'll see the results. main-qimg-91b9347799baea8ae45802d19b639f52-lq.jpeg


Sep 10, 2014
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Tbh its kinda disappointing to hear you still treat your weightloss journey like it's made out of porcelain: way too careful, being sorry for yourself and faking effort.

You MUST do more and do it consistently. Pick a sport; martial arts, plain old fitness/weightlifting, cycling ,running. /walking . The last two can be combined with a more "fun" sport like football, basket all ect. Hiking comes to mind.

Imo you don't challenge yourself enough. I'll sympathize with you bro, but runnning up a stairs to catch a train isn't working out, it will just show you how bad you are in shape.

No more mr sorry for himself: you are being way too nice to yourself to make any kind of progress. If you start NOW, then by the beginning of the next year(2024) you'll see the results. View attachment 10306
Part of the reason why I rarely try and help others who ask me about how to lose weight. They seemingly want me to tell them I simply press a magic button and it just melts away...

Or take an injectable drug. People want the results but they don't want to actually put forth the real effort to get it.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Part of the reason why I rarely try and help others who ask me about how to lose weight. They seemingly want me to tell them I simply press a magic button and it just melts away...

Or take an injectable drug. People want the results but they don't want to actually put forth the real effort to get it.
Well don't worry because all your advice is not for nothing. I enjoy the discussions between you and @EyeBRollin and everybody else, and it always triggers me to do research and thus increase my own knowledge.

Perhaps OP just needs to hear the truth.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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i personally believe crackers and biscuits and white flour products are not healthy.
We are all in agreement on this! The consensus even here is all the same- sugar, processed foods, and white flour are bad for weight loss and overall health.

The divergence is among other stuff- macronutrient partitioning, and how much fats and carbs are optimal. I am not a low carb / keto / carnivore advocate, yet do not recommend white flour and sugar.


Sep 10, 2014
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It is debatable if olive oil is “good.” Like butter and all oils, it is almost exclusively empty calories in the form of added fat. Olive oil just contains some health promoting antioxidants making it “less bad” than other oils. People trying to lose weight should not load up on olive oil. Its best use is as salad dressing that encourages one to eat more greens. It is a non-essential food.

In a hyper-caloric environment (I.e. this discussion), the fat from food is stored first. Carbohydrates are the body’s default energy source. You are delving into nuances that pertain to a hypo-caloric environment.
I am firmly in the camp of it's very good. It contains oleic acid which helps reduce inflammation, lower LDL cholesterol, reduce free radical damage, aids in heart, brain and skin health, helps with mood, and cellular repair via very strong autophagy and apoptosis modulation which means it also is very anti-cancer.

And to boot, it helps supersaturate the leydig cells in the Testes which allows for more testosterone production.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I am firmly in the camp of it's very good. It contains oleic acid which helps reduce inflammation, lower LDL cholesterol, reduce free radical damage, aids in heart, brain and skin health, helps with mood, and cellular repair via very strong autophagy and apoptosis modulation which means it also is very anti-cancer.
To add context, adding olive oil does not actually lower LDL cholesterol. It only “lowers” LDL cholesterol if it replaces butter or <insert less optimal added fat>. That’s actually what is meant. A vegan already on a low-fat diet will not lower their cholesterol by adding olive oil. The contrary will happen. Their cholesterol will go up a little.

I think for most people olive oil is beneficial if it gets a person to eat more salads or consume less butter. I wouldn’t recommend adding it in a vacuum otherwise. I eat olive oil myself, it is damn good as a salad dressing.


Oct 12, 2009
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Tbh its kinda disappointing to hear you still treat your weightloss journey like it's made out of porcelain: way too careful, being sorry for yourself and faking effort.

You MUST do more and do it consistently. Pick a sport; martial arts, plain old fitness/weightlifting, cycling ,running. /walking . The last two can be combined with a more "fun" sport like football, basket all ect. Hiking comes to mind.

Imo you don't challenge yourself enough. I'll sympathize with you bro, but runnning up a stairs to catch a train isn't working out, it will just show you how bad you are in shape.

No more mr sorry for himself: you are being way too nice to yourself to make any kind of progress. If you start NOW, then by the beginning of the next year(2024) you'll see the results. View attachment 10306
There is simply no time for these activities. Have a low pay full time job that is a tier or two above welfare, two elderly parents who are both not 100% (one going through a surgery), and there is no true downtime.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2020
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OP, you need to get creative. If I were you, I would eat as healthy as you can afford, a small dinner in the evening and another an hour or so before bed. 15-1700 calories max. Jog to the bus, No breakfast, take the stairs, don't put food in the hole under your nose at lunchtime. While everyone else is eating Hot-Pockets you are working out. They will envy you. Water

IIWY I would get very very serious for a year and solidify my new lifestyle. Think of Rocky Balboa jogging in the dark early morning. Train your tummy to be tough. Stop jamming something in there every time you feel hungry. Nobody has a valid excuse for being fat. At minimum stop making excuses and don't eat very much. << You don't even have to work out, just do that.

Note: Hundreds of women will see you taking life by the horns. (they like that)...

Edit: Now I Got to go practice what I preach, Dammit!
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Sep 10, 2014
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There is simply no time for these activities. Have a low pay full time job that is a tier or two above welfare, two elderly parents who are both not 100% (one going through a surgery), and there is no true downtime.
What kind of job is it? Are you able to stand up while doing it? Walk more at work?

Walk around while eating/drinking for lunch?

You simply have to want to stop looking the way you do more than making excuses for why you do, and you'll figure it out. That's pretty much it.


Oct 12, 2009
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What kind of job is it? Are you able to stand up while doing it? Walk more at work?

Walk around while eating/drinking for lunch?

You simply have to want to stop looking the way you do more than making excuses for why you do, and you'll figure it out. That's pretty much it.
I am selling insurance over the phone and being paid hourly. Its a call center office job, therefore mainly sitting. Breaks and lunch is barebones short. You usually have to shave a few minutes off as have to report in before a breal or lunch is over.


Sep 10, 2014
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I am selling insurance over the phone and being paid hourly. Its a call center office job, therefore mainly sitting. Breaks and lunch is barebones short. You usually have to shave a few minutes off as have to report in before a breal or lunch is over.
Again, my comment stands. When you want it badly enough you'll figure it out. Until then, you'll make excuses.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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You could probably get away with not eating for 3-4 months, I bet you couldn’t even fast for 1 day.

Also @BackInTheGame78 funny how you mention you fast for 2 days and go low carb for 4 days basically entering mild ketosis from the man so staunchly against ketosis. Anyway.


Sep 10, 2014
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You could probably get away with not eating for 3-4 months, I bet you couldn’t even fast for 1 day.

Also @BackInTheGame78 funny how you mention you fast for 2 days and go low carb for 4 days basically entering mild ketosis from the man so staunchly against ketosis. Anyway.
1) My "low carb" day is far higher than most keto people's...I don't go under 100g.

2) There is a big difference cycling back and forth over a week and doing something every day for months on end.

3) I never said I was against ketosis, I am against it being in it for months on end.

This would be like arguing that because I said I am against getting drunk every day I am totally against alcohol and shouldn't be having a drink a few times a week when I go out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman




Here are a few before and after video shorts of men that chose to move beyond their perceived limitations and excuses.

Take a look to see what is possible. The videos are only about a minute long.

Perhaps they’ll help you realize that you too are at choice. You too can choose to change. It is a choice. Only you can make it.

They did it. So can you!!
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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We had a neighbor lose over 90 lbs over a year from walking every day for an hour and almost assuredly improving his diet. He was consistent. Thats the key.

he did seem to stop this winter but may have been doing indoor workouts. Saw him yesterday and looked like he kept most of the weight done

moral of the story… this is very doable.Pick an exercise activity that suits your interest and fitness ability now and start doing it. Often that alone will motivate you to improve your diet

there was something disturbing in Peter attias book about diabetics not being able to tap into their fat stored despite having alot. It had to do with their level of insulin and maybe also producing lactate at lower levels of intensity than most


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Diet and exercise are tried and true. Eat wholesome food and exercise everyday. Exercise doesn’t have to be crazy either. I tried keto and lost 10 lbs in a week, it was all water weight. Not on it now but it was a great eye opener to learn how much crap food is out there. Get educated on your food and start a basic exercise routine. The secret is once you start, your confidence builds and you start feeling and looking better. You have to learn self control with your eating and move your body.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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1) My "low carb" day is far higher than most keto people's...I don't go under 100g.

2) There is a big difference cycling back and forth over a week and doing something every day for months on end.

3) I never said I was against ketosis, I am against it being in it for months on end.

This would be like arguing that because I said I am against getting drunk every day I am totally against alcohol and shouldn't be having a drink a few times a week when I go out.
Ok I hear you. I am doing the same, I used keto to drop fat and lean down but because I’m working out 5-6x per week I quickly found myself burning out as I reached 16-15% bf and started seeing abs. I kind thought I needed -50g carbs to lean down to 12% bf but I realise my workouts are better now I eat some carbs (still only 70g-110g per day) and I’m still losing weight after the inital water weight gain a few weeks ago.

I think it works for sedentary fatter people but active slimmer people not so much.