Recent content by DoctorLW

  1. D

    Reddit's "The Red Pill" Quarantined

    This is where I discovered Pook nearly 20 years ago. Like many, after I had learned enough here I slowly migrated away. Peripherally, I had followed The Red Pill on Reddit for some time just to keep myself from ever getting too complacent (for those unfamiliar, basically the same type of...
  2. D

    OK WTF??...Girl am not interested in now in a relationship and i feel hurt!?!

    You acted like a chump in a number of ways I don't want to get into. However, I'll address what I found to be the biggest: She waited for you alone on Valentines day. Did you have sex with her? If the answer is no, then you blew your shot at her.
  3. D

    Genetic Push Away from Monogamy?

    So here I am again as my mind is once again blown open by the dating world. Every relationship I've had, generally I get sick of the girl after a few months. Before I told myself it's just because I hadn't found the right one, but now I'm starting to suspect that isn't the case based on...
  4. D

    I can't cvm during vaginal intercourse...

    I actually agree with this. Not that I like loose vaginas or anything, but some of them are just too tight and not that isn't always a good feeling. Also, virgins suck at sex wheras sluts are good at it.
  5. D

    Need some advice

    No, bad advice. Don't listen to Scars that was ridiculous. Like the poster above said, I hope that was a joke but you never know. Call her whenever you want to make plans. There is no special rule on this. She is either interested or she isn't.
  6. D

    Don't Know What To Do

    I think this situation is completely obvious, and I hate to say it so bluntly, but this chick is over you and even if she does want to stay together this weekend you need to bail FAST. Read into a chicks mind for a second here. Why does she need a weekend to think about it? Basically, she...
  7. D

    Is it impractical to buy a COMPACT pick up truck now?

    Never heard any compensation jokes. People will definitely ask you to help move their crap though.
  8. D

    Is it impractical to buy a COMPACT pick up truck now?

    I had a truck. F-150. You can find more uses for a truck once have one, believe me. Very handy. Damn I miss that thing. Girls love trucks too, I can't tell you how many comments I got when I had my truck. It basically screams manly. Although, I'm not sure about the compact ones...
  9. D

    Should I Really Leave My Girlfriend...Help!

    The solution to this is really simple, and you don't have to break up with her either... not yet at least. I mean basically all you need to do is tell her what you told us, only try not to sound like a whiny pvssy when you do it this time. Essentially, "I really like you a lot, I really...
  10. D

    Would you feel like an a$$ if...

    Oh yeah, and one more thing. I've ran into girls that would not hook up with guys that couldn't drink more than them on multiple occasions. I can recall 4 seperate occasions off the top of my head where a girl told me that directly... Just an fyi to some of the guys out there.
  11. D

    Would you feel like an a$$ if...

    Never. But my tolerance is very high in conjuction with me being nearly 200 lbs. I do admit, I've seen some girls last for a long time with me before, and I've gotten concerned. In the end though, they all had just held it together pretty well for being as wasted as they were (later proved by...
  12. D

    Life without alcohol?

    Ridiculous. Drinking is fun and you should do it for that reason. Sure, at some point we all blacked out and made an ass of ourselves somehow. Here's a tip: find a group of friends that accept it for what it is and it's totally acceptable. I still drink about 20 beers (shots/mixed...
  13. D

    Aggressive Sex Positions

    Some good stuff here guys. Thanks.
  14. D

    How do I not appear beta around people who smoke or do drugs?

    People don't look at you as less of a man because of this. Honestly it's not as big a deal to them as it is to you. They are all just dissapointed because they want you to have a good time, and think (and are probably right) that you would if you just tried it. Of course, that's assuming...
  15. D

    How do I not appear beta around people who smoke or do drugs?

    This is a generalization and not true. Clearly, you never witnessed the cocaine scene either.