I gotta say this. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm picking on you for this but really, really, what is up with the constant reference to blue pill this and blue pill that?The stuff in bold is what makes your post blue pill.
Sounds great on paper but its just no realistic. Humans are social and cannot completely ignore each others thoughts, words, options, etc. without any emotional reaction whatsoever.
Sounds awesome. But not realistic.
You throw that term around like confetti and slap it on literally every opinion that you don't agree with.
It's funny because some of your points on this site are spot on, but when you argue with people, you seem to think that by you calling someone's views "blue pill" that it will shame them into agreeing with you or at the very least consider your views.
Maybe that works in Return of Kings, where being called blue pill is the ultimate public shaming to a bunch of insecure men but as you can probably see, doesn't have the same effect here.