Spin plates for life?


Mar 12, 2011
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Warren Buffet, CEO, Net Worth $85,000,000,000

Who you marry, which is the ultimate partnership, is enormously important in determining the happiness in your life and your success and I was lucky in that respect."

Sheryl Sandberg. COO, Facebook, Net Worth, $1,540,000,000

"The most important career choice you'll make is who you marry.’’

Sosuave Member, American Worker, Net Worth. $35,000

‘’NEVER get married. Spin plates for LIFE. Marriage is good enough for 2 people whose combined net worth is 90 Billion ($90,000,000,000) Dollars, but it’s NOT good enough for you.”

Can someone explain why anyone would listen to a So suave member instead of Warren or Sheryl? Who would you take more seriously?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2016
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Spokane, Wa
ahahahhaha those rich guys want people to marry because it solely drives the economy..

how much money goes through child/divorce court..

how much.. goes through hospital fees of having babys.. maybe even dv's :D jk

how much goes through family/household consuming, holidays, assets..

take into the account every family is usually in massive debt with credit cards, mortgages, and all kinds of **** because the goal for everyone is to consume and consume.

not to mention paying kids through college.

I'm enraged!!!

and when a nerdy pimp guy at SS says not to marry it's crazy advice.

if everybody stopped marrying and lived in a sexually free society it would cure 80% of society's problems IMHO


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Trump, you have to admit though spinning new plates creates highs that an LTR can’t. Though, LTRs have advantages too.

The verdict: as long as you’re marketable, you have more fun spinning.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
Why not just listen to yourself?

Marriage would be boring to me right now most likely.

That couldn't possibly match the fun of threesomes with hot Brazilian hookers.

I think guys like Donald Trump have found the healthy mix of both.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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In what world does 85 + 1.5 equal 90? I mean even at a glance it's obviously 86.5.

Anyway for me personally the bond and feelings of an LTR do not compare to spinning plates. Plate spinning is fun and exciting, but not fulfilling or meaningful and leaves me feeling jaded.

I want to marry/kids between 32-35 y/o

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
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Marriage is good enough for 2 people whose combined net worth is 90 Billion ($90,000,000,000) Dollars, but it’s NOT good enough for you.”
A male worth 85 billions, can afford losing few billions $$$ in case of divorce, and still continue living like a king for the rest of his life, while SS member with $35k annual will find himself in the gutter in case of divorce.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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No marriage before 30. Until 30, work for your life. Try things, figure out what you like doing in life and give it a good go to try and make money out of what you like. It might be hard at first, but if you succeed, it will give you a powerful emotional and mental boost overall. There are guys who make 100,000 dollars a year who are happier than Warren Buffet. Having lots of money does not indicate you're in an optimal mental and physical health state.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Trump you got your data wrong..... Those billionnaires and millionnaires... 80% of them are married.

Married doesn't mean anything.... Its HAPPILY MARRIED that matter.

It's not because you are married that you will be happy or rich... even for the rich there is sad marriage.

However, Rich people tends to be married more often and at a younger age. Also, they tend to be more succesful or ''rich''....

Here's what... Statistics are showing:

70% of millionnaires and richer were married in their Teens (18 likely)
Rich people are getting more married than poor people (if you are poor, you likely to have less love, less marriage, less income)
University degree people marry later (around 30-35 years old)... yet they tend to last longer in average. (duration of wedding) than any other background..
More and More americans can't ''afford'' to marry... (guess they think they have to spend alot)
Rich people are 4x times more likely to be Married
If you have a Education (university degree) you are more likely to get married
Rich Women are more likely to get An affair (63%) ... and 50% of Rich Marriage are unhappy
In 2012... Women income is around 92% of what men income... there is no financial need for women to marry
When you get married... you are pooling your ressources together... 2 is stronger than 1
Rich and married families seems to have healthier kids
Married Men, work harder, drink less, take less drungs

https://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/06/marriage-is-for-rich-people/ (rich are marrying rich.... poor are poor and alone)
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entr...t-rich-people-now_us_59de61b8e4b075f45223a366 (quite interesting... driving force behind marriage)
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/s...times-more-likely-to-marry-than-the-poor.html (UK studies... show Rich people get married... poor people don't)
https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/data-mine/2015/10/26/marriage-and-the-growing-class-divide (US princeton studies and they even include statistics by race... show poor people are getting poorer and without love... rich are getting richer, and married)
https://www.ft.com/content/13cf5fc2-e9cb-11e4-ae1c-00144feab7de (financial times interview the billionnaire personality and their women)
https://www.economist.com/node/9218127 (TheEconomist is a serious paper)

In short: All the time people put on plate-spin and wondering about sex and love... The married people are using that time on their businesses or goals (if they are rich, they likely in a business or a professional career). It's logical that they get richer... since they have purpose
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Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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To add to the OP, even Tony Robbins says who you marry is the single most important decision you make in life. It is completely different for everyone, and I certainly won't tell people what they SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do, and nobody else should try to push that agenda either. Think about it for a second. Pook? Rollo? David Deida? And the thousands of other successful people? You do not hear them say "do not get married". They do talk about how the cards are stacked against them, but do not claim that you should not marry.

If you want stock advice, would you listen to your 13-year old neighbor or Ray Dalio?
If you want business advice, do you listen to Donald Trump or the guy running the dive bar?

Constantly cycling women gets old after a period of time, no different than a stale or bad relationship. We are social creatures, so naturally, we all seek pair bonding whether we choose to admit it or not (yes, everyone here wants a relationship to some extent). The problem is when desperation sets in, and men (and women) begin to choose their mates based on the next one that rolls along, or they are too blinded by their ego or psychologically inept to make proper mate choices. And many times, unfortunately people throw a baby in to the mix, and have to force a situation to work...

Nobody should have strict rules as their is too many variables to possibly fit into those rules. But one thing I think most agree on is that you really need to be comfortable in your own skin before you can be comfortable with someone else. Fundamentally, this is where many people get it wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Having a bunch of money doesnt mean you have game. In fact it usually means you dont since they have been focused on that their whole life. These people marry the first person who shows interest in them in most cases and usually before they have become rich.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Life and relationships are not binary. Not black and white. Each person must do what is individually best for himself or herself taking into consideration whatever pertinent variables require consideration in that individual's circumstance.

Those factors can be most anything but your biggest factors are most typically the following:

Financial status
Desire (or not) for children
Value system (traditional or not for example)
Desire for regular sex
Desire for friendship/companionship
Desire for intimacy
Desire for novelty
Desire for stability
Ability to co-exist in close proximity to another individual
Social constructs and expectations

Every person will be a different mix just on the factors noted above and their importance, nevermind factors that might be more individual in nature. The advice here is a buffet. Take what you find that resonates with you and your individual situation. Nobody knows your individual situation better than you do, and therefore you are the best person to decide what is best in your life. Own your life and make your own choices. The perspectives here carry a great deal of truth in a general sense but they also vary widely and may or may not be appropriate in your individual life.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Interesting article about Warren Buffet and his 2 wives.


Most of these wealthy people sharing their opinions on marriage are old! So you must understand that their viewpoints on life were shaped by a different point in time. They come from a different time. They dealt with different issues. Men and women played different roles, had different opportunities.

Some of their reasons for suggesting what they are might be obsolete.

Instead of taking their advice as is, one should ask them why they say what they do!


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
I can't be bothered to Google Warren Buffets wikipedia, but my guess is, he either got married after he ploughed through an army of top models like Donald Trump, or he got married in his early 20ies when women still had norms and value.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I can't be bothered to Google Warren Buffets wikipedia, but my guess is, he either got married after he ploughed through an army of top models like Donald Trump, or he got married in his early 20ies when women still had norms and value.
Read my link. Simple words, big pictures, and no fluff. 2minutes tops will explain it all. Its basically what you said regarding getting married early but with a twist.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
To add to the OP, even Tony Robbins says who you marry is the single most important decision you make in life. It is completely different for everyone, and I certainly won't tell people what they SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do, and nobody else should try to push that agenda either. Think about it for a second. Pook? Rollo? David Deida? And the thousands of other successful people? You do not hear them say "do not get married". They do talk about how the cards are stacked against them, but do not claim that you should not marry.
Decent point.

If you want stock advice, would you listen to your 13-year old neighbor or Ray Dalio?
If you want business advice, do you listen to Donald Trump or the guy running the dive bar?
Different issue. You are equating the speciality with the expertise. I was equating the expertise and the opposite sex, emotions, love, marriage, and kids.

Constantly cycling women gets old after a period of time, no different than a stale or bad relationship.
We are social creatures, so naturally, we all seek pair bonding whether we choose to admit it or not (yes, everyone here wants a relationship to some extent).
I think men want to have a relationship and kids, but they want to have sex with other women too.

I think Donald Trump said it best:

“I like to be married Monday to Friday.”

The problem is when desperation sets in, and men (and women) begin to choose their mates based on the next one that rolls along, or they are too blinded by their ego or psychologically inept to make proper mate choices. And many times, unfortunately people throw a baby in to the mix, and have to force a situation to work...

Nobody should have strict rules as their is too many variables to possibly fit into those rules. But one thing I think most agree on is that you really need to be comfortable in your own skin before you can be comfortable with someone else. Fundamentally, this is where many people get it wrong.
Decent points


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Would Warren Buffet make the biggest financial investment of his life at a time when all evidence and analysis he could possibly do told him that it's a very bad time?

SoSuave members who choose not to marry are doing so because the market of women who are available to us to marry is just plain sh|t. Maybe it will turn around for us and in 10 years and women will go back to being feminine and respectful to men. And things will go back to the way that nature intended, and that even the Christian Bible agrees with.. But for right now IMO there hasn't been a worse time for a MAN to get married at any time of human existence. Any man who is already married and things are going well, I say congrats and good luck to you. But any man who gets married now is just a plain fool IMO.