Spin plates for life?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Would Warren Buffet make the biggest financial investment of his life at a time when all evidence and analysis he could possibly do told him that it's a very bad time?

SoSuave members who choose not to marry are doing so because the market of women who are available to us to marry is just plain sh|t. Maybe it will turn around for us and in 10 years and women will go back to being feminine and respectful to men. And things will go back to the way that nature intended, and that even the Christian Bible agrees with.. But for right now IMO there hasn't been a worse time for a MAN to get married at any time of human existence. Any man who is already married and things are going well, I say congrats and good luck to you. But any man who gets married now is just a plain fool IMO.
To me, that seems like an issue of personal quality. A high quality person will naturally attract high quality individuals, where he or she will have their pick of the litter.

Suggesting that the opposite sex in its entirety if $hit is both a projection of their lower value (thereby constantly attracting low quality individuals) and a very clear representation of ego preservation because they are incapable of handling high quality people. And this goes between both sexes.

If you constantly think women are crap, it is time to evaluate the source of the problem. A high quality man will have the problem of attracting to many great women and having to pick one...


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
To me, that seems like an issue of personal quality. A high quality person will naturally attract high quality individuals, where he or she will have their pick of the litter.

Suggesting that the opposite sex in its entirety if $hit is both a projection of their lower value (thereby constantly attracting low quality individuals) and a very clear representation of ego preservation because they are incapable of handling high quality people. And this goes between both sexes.

If you constantly think women are crap, it is time to evaluate the source of the problem. A high quality man will have the problem of attracting to many great women and having to pick one...
The topic here is women to marry. Not STR, LTR, plate, etc. MARRY. So are you saying you are an advocate for marriage AND that you have a long list of quality women you could marry right now? If you do, I say congrats and good luck. I also ask the question, what are you still doing here?


Mar 12, 2011
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Hollywood and politics is all about image. You can't look at the bullshyt those guys do and try to apply that to your life as a regular dude.

You have to worry about yourself. Not try to copycat other guys.
In other words, if you like to be married, you can’t be a regular dude. You have something special about yourself, either genetically and through connections.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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In other words, if you like to be married, you can’t be a regular dude. You have something special about yourself, either genetically and through connections.
And I thought that we were supposed to try to self improve ourselves into something special, to stand out. I thought mediocrity was looked down upon here. But I know some "regular dudes" for whom marriage seems to be working out for them. Their lives aren't over though. I think the key is that if a guy can build a family, and be a good father, it can be quite fulfilling. It's just a bad risk going in, because of the divorce/alimony/child support odds.

In any case, the fact that there are exceptions shows that the statement "No one with an abundance mindset would ever get married" is not true. I mean I would not recommend marriage for men today, but "abundance mentality" has nothing to do with it.


Jan 14, 2018
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In my opinion there is absolutely NO reason ever for a man to marry. Period.

Notice that Buffet says he was "lucky." Why would he even risk to begin with? Why rely on the dictates of the church and the state to validate his relationship?

Marraige has a 50% fail rate. The ultra-conservative Buffet can afford to lose 50%. The vast majority cannot.
The balance of those 50% whose marriages didn't end, i can almost guarantee that they r either hen pecked men or simply men who gave up their frame to their wife's to attain "happiness".

The elders within my circle would remind me that marriage ultimately transforms a free man into a water buffalo, being pulled through the rice fields by the hook of his nose. I would laugh it off then but not now.


Jan 14, 2018
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Not wanting to be tied down doesn't mean we r women haters.

Fact is I enjoy women tremendously and find them highly amusing, I just plain hate being domesticated and women can't help themselves but attempt it most likely because of their insecurities.


Apr 9, 2018
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In other words, if you like to be married, you can’t be a regular dude. You have something special about yourself, either genetically and through connections.
Not saying all that.

Marriage is simply a scarcity mindset that is more risky for some men than others. But its a scarcity mindset no matter who does it unless its being done for practical reasons.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Did Warren Buffet marry the type of women we date who get 100 messages a week on Facebook?
I LMFAO'd at this^ This explains it perfectly.

Finding a good woman to marry really is like buying a stock in a way. Apply this to both buying stocks and picking a woman to marry:

1) You gotta study the market in general so you know how the whole game is played which includes getting yourself in the best position possible to enter the market
2) When ready to play you gotta know how to screen the market so you can know where to look for and how to find possible good picks
3) You gotta know how to analyze the potentially good picks you found in #2 to confirm if they are good picks or not prior to entry
4) You gotta know if and when it's a safe time to get into a position with the good pick from #3

#4 is the kicker with women. It's just not safe to enter into this market right now. All of the best picks from step #3 come with too much risk for me. It's just not worth it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Great post. Sure sex is fun but when you get older, you will realize that you have wasted all that time chasing women and instead never invested your time in something significant. Nothing beats having a solid women who is by your side as you take over the world.
Sure. Until she changes, refuses to work on the marriage, closes her legs and attempts to divorce you for half or more of your assets. There are no benefits in marriage unless you like to lose your sh!t. The security they want is that, the ability to take your sh!t when she changes her mind. If you are foolish enough to believe in love and forever, then you do not know today's modern woman. Sorry, but these are facts. Heck, Brooke Burke just divorced her Baywatch husband after all the support he gave her through her medical issues. Some appreciation. The sad truth, most women nowadays have had so many d!cks and cvm inside them they can no longer parabond with a man and build a lasting relationship. You can thank feminism for this breakthrough. Warren Buffett only stayed with his first wife so she can have medical insurance. He's been boning the other wife since the 70's. Sandberg made a fortune off of her two marriages to two very successful men. Wouldn't be surprised if Zuckerberg fvcked her too. She's very good at picking places to invest.. Hubby 1, Hubby 2, Facebook, etc. Good for her, but the facts just do not lie.

Just the facts.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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To me, that seems like an issue of personal quality. A high quality person will naturally attract high quality individuals, where he or she will have their pick of the litter.

Suggesting that the opposite sex in its entirety if $hit is both a projection of their lower value (thereby constantly attracting low quality individuals) and a very clear representation of ego preservation because they are incapable of handling high quality people. And this goes between both sexes.

If you constantly think women are crap, it is time to evaluate the source of the problem. A high quality man will have the problem of attracting to many great women and having to pick one...
Interesting perspective on today's women. How's the weather on Cloud 9?


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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In my opinion there is absolutely NO reason ever for a man to marry. Period.

Notice that Buffet says he was "lucky." Why would he even risk to begin with? Why rely on the dictates of the church and the state to validate his relationship?

Marraige has a 50% fail rate. The ultra-conservative Buffet can afford to lose 50%. The vast majority cannot.
Way higher than a 50% fail rate if the brother is good looking and has his sh!t together in life. Divorce now happens on a whim. How many men stay in unhappy marriages due to the threat of divorce rape? How about the guy who goes off to war, and his wife at home has her legs open like 7 / 11? I know this happens to so many guys, and it is heart breaking. It's even worse if you are in the military. The cheating wife makes out like a bandit due to military regs.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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No one with an abundance mindset would ever get married.

Marriage is a scarcity mindset.
Marriage is a prison mindset.
The balance of those 50% whose marriages didn't end, i can almost guarantee that they r either hen pecked men or simply men who gave up their frame to their wife's to attain "happiness".

The elders within my circle would remind me that marriage ultimately transforms a free man into a water buffalo, being pulled through the rice fields by the hook of his nose. I would laugh it off then but not now.
Funny. Before my brief marriage (I was at a weak time in my life. It happens, albeit rarely), many elders, work and friends warned me against marriage. I said, what's the worst that can happen? It was an actual nightmare. Another friend of mine said he's getting married and I said, sorry to hear. I'll throw you a divorce party in a few years..


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Way higher than a 50% fail rate if the brother is good looking and has his sh!t together in life. Divorce how happens on a whim. How many men stay in unhappy marriages due to the threat of divorce rape? How about the guy who goes off to war, and his wife at home has her legs open like 7 / 11? I know this happens to so many guys, and it is heart breaking. It's even worse if you are in the military. The cheating wife makes out like a bandit due to military regs.
Anyone who watches red pill guys on Youtube look at Terrance Popp. He has told some horror stories about military guys getting shafted. He was one of them. Here is a good one here:

He has told stories, from his own military career, of wives bringing divorce papers to a soldier's commanding officer and the soldier being militarily ORDERED to sign them. Brutile, brutile sh|t.


Jan 14, 2018
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It just boggles the mind, wife's whose husband is sacrificing his very life to keep everyone safer is the one that's hurting him the most.

What comes natural for women is brain fvck for a man if he's not red pill aware.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Anyone who watches red pill guys on Youtube look at Terrance Popp. He has told some horror stories about military guys getting shafted. He was one of them. Here is a good one here:

He has told stories, from his own military career, of wives bringing divorce papers to a soldier's commanding officer and the soldier being militarily ORDERED to sign them. Brutile, brutile sh|t.
Yep, know about that well. I recalled a buddy of mine told me about his, and I told him to contact J.A.G. and NOT sign anything without reviewing the papers with private counsel. He was threatened to being sent to the brig. He retorted, you do that, I'm calling the NYT the day I am out. Shut his superior officer up pretty quick.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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It just boggles the mind, wife's whose husband is sacrificing his very life to keep everyone safer is the one that's hurting him the most.

What comes natural for women is brain fvck for a man if he's not red pill aware.
Until the divorce laws change, I know many men who will not not marry or cohab with a woman w/o a cohab agreement signed with two lawyers present and a videographer. Only one word is to blame. Feminism. Congrats to all the die hard feminists. You've destroyed many female (and male) lives, children's lives, the family unit and brought in the hookup/std culture.

It sucks when everything is fine w/o a marriage cert. As soon as that is achieved, I still find it amazing on how women change. I know so many men that are so fvcked it isn't even funny. One brother, had two kids with a wife who was a lawyer. As soon as the kids were born, she cheated on him and then filed for divorce. He stupidly married again, and had two other kids with a wife who is a SAHM. He works 6 days a week and is the sole bread winner for both families. He's 47. I'd be amazed if he makes it to 50. Damn shame. He's a good guy.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
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Spinning plates for life is the answer.
Whether it takes her 2 months, or 6 months, to change and start playing games with you, pull the plug right then.
The reason for leaving- Irreconcilable differences. Then on to the next.