She WILL cheat on you...but its okay


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Again this is an oversimplification. Cheating is an outlet and symptom for a deeper problem inherent to the relationship, which is a two way street. Lots of women find it hard to break up with a guy or are toxic and want to see how much they can get away with before the guy unplugs. All you can do is judge their character the best you can, and let the chips fall where they may. Any kind of anxiety about her cheating without evidence is just fear and insecurity projected. To project that from the start will not attract good loyal women.

Women are also masters of fizzling relationships to avoid confrontation because they're typically smaller and weaker than their partner. If they fear they can't be open with you, then they're more likely to be subversive and turn you off over time, so that YOU leave her like she secretly wants. The problem is men doubt themselves and don't pull the plug, identify strongly with the relationship, supplicate(which turns her off more), then get rekt when the truth slaps them in the face after years of her bolder and bolder disrespect.

Your rebuttal is well written and convincing. Our disagreement boils down to this simple premise. The premise being " women don't cheat if they are happy in a relationship". You make good points to support this premise.

My issue is that I have anecdotal evidence to state otherwise. The night I met an ex gf was Halloween. I was with my bestfriend. She was with hers. We were all very drunk. I took my girl to her house and hooked up. He took her best friend to a house and hooked up. The problem is that the bestie was in a "great" relationship.

My gf at the time would get angry whenever I would tease her bestie for cheating. She would insist that her bestie really loved her bf and wanted to marry him. According to my gf her bestie cried her eyes out the next day. She never told the bf.

Let that sink in ( i have other stories like this). How do you reconcile that story? Is the boyfriend a beta and the women was unsatisfied?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I think it’s actually way simpler than that.

There’s simply one thing you don’t understand about the female mind. And it’s this: Women can only serve 1 master.

So, when a woman “likes” or chooses a guy. That’s it. She focuses on him until either his behaviour changes and he turns her off, or a better man steps into the picture.

Women really really struggle to like 2 guys simultaneously. What they do is they line up a whole bunch of guys and choose 1. Then they switch.

Often, a girl will choose a beta and then use that as a safety net to springboard into Alpha fux. This gives the illusion of her liking 2 guys simultaneously, but that’s not the case. She hasn’t “chosen” the beta. The beta is for the bux, not the fux. She holds him in contempt. That’s why you see wives cheating regularly. The man she has chosen is beta by definition because he married her.

Do you get it now?

Women also do this - They fake that they are hyper-sexual because they know that guys like you enjoy it. But inwardly they are rolling their eyes. Guys like you are total putz’s from their point of view. They’d happily twerk on you and steal your wallet while your eyes are closed.

I know a number of cam girls too. Girls I went to school with who make money from simps online. These girls pretend to be hyper sexual and into dildos and orgies and stuff - it’s all an illusion for the simps. She knows simps love this illusion of hyper sexual women, and these simps will throw money at it.

The issue you have bro is that you don’t have enough real life to experience with women to get this. You very much write from an outsider’s perspective. You are on the outside, looking into other people’s lives, and drawing conclusions about it.

But if you’d actually dealt with thousands of women then you notice a clear pattern. Women hate sex-focused men. And they hate casual sex with strangers. Women want to choose a man, and then wants to feel that she like him a lot more than he likes her. That’s what makes a woman really really horny.
First of all you poser I actually dated a cam girl and did videos with her back when it was called Chaterbate ( DM for the link if you want proof). I can also put up pictures of this. You just know cam girls, I actually dated one. Don't come at me with this " you dont have enough life experience" stuff. No one believes your war stories. Put up your picture or be quiet please. You are ugly.

These cam girls are actually hypersexual you bozo. Most of them have borderline personality disorder or histrionic. They are not faking it you clown. Most sex workers have severe mental health issues. But what does this have to do with the stories of men telling you that they have fukked girls that for all appearances "loved" their boyfriends?

Secondly I agree that women will EVENTUALLY cut off one man. She can date two but eventually one of them gets cut off from sex. But that eventually can take months. So in practice what does it matter? My other gfs friend who was hot actually had two boyfriends for a whole year. One of them was a guy she met at her gym and the other was an actual boyfriend. Neither of them knew about each other.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Not all girls are hves. However, they all have the potential to be. It is imperative to screen properly and enforce boundaries. Before even committing a a broad I go through her phone and all social media. I investigate the amount of male attention she entertains, the male “friends,” and her social media habits. If they don’t pass the smell test I simply say.. “Let’s just keep things the way they are” (aka fvck buddy).

She wants to go clubbing with single girlfriends? I’m out.

She chats with an ex boyfriend?
I’m out.

She wants to go on a girls trip?
I’m out.
I agree. Not all girls are hoes but they all have the potential. The problem is that most hot girls still talk to their exes. They still are in contact with atleast one of them. The other issue is that most hot girls are going to want to go on a "girls trip". I would say 90% of them are like this. This is the point of this thread. Trying to find one that doesnt do this is almost impossible in the West. If it was easy this site would not exist. Im not sure why men have a hard time accepting this.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Yes, nymphomaniacs are mentally ill. I did mention that.

Where are these Cam girls now? The relationship imploded. They probably set your car on fire or called the cops on you. Women haaaate guys like you and see you as disgusting chimps.

Women are actually way smarter than you think. They use an illusion of hyper sexuality because it puts man-babies like you under a spell.

For a guy who’s getting all the nymphos, you sure seem to post a lot questioning why women don’t want to fvck you as much as you hoped they would.

You seem to constantly butt your head against the wall of a world you think exists, but doesn’t. All you get are mentally ill slvts who, as you’ve discovered, are crazy and no fun at all. Mega slvts always ALWAYS start opening up about how they were raped by their dad, or beaten half to death by their mom, or some other trauma. It’s across the board dude. I’m an expert on women and your weird d1ck-focused posts are very funny to me (and I’m sure very funny to the women you come up against).

You’ve totally fallen for the most basic of female manipulations, my friend. The illusion of easy sex and abundant sex - you’ve been sucked right into it and now you spend your whole life searching for women who love sex as much as you do. And you’ll never find her.
You are rambling now because you have been exposed. You still did not put up a picture.

1.)The Cam girl is in California last time I checked. I had to move away from the state she was in because I was done with my business there.

2.) I never said I am getting all the nymphos now. I said I USED to get a lot of sex from many girls. This was in my late 20s and early 30s'. Things are different now for many reasons.

3.) I have fallen "for the illusion of abundant sex"?? I am not sure what that means. I guess abundant sex is an illusion to you because you are a virgin.

4.) I talk about female promiscuity a lot because I have PTSD from everything I have seen with modern women. I wish it was different. This site is therapy for me. I vent here. Now I only live through my friends who are still living the promiscuous life. The stories they tell me are insane. Every once in a while I will make out with a girl but I am trying to be faithful to my girlfriend.

My main issue with you is that you think you know everything. You dont bro. Other people have valid perspectives. You talk too dogmatically and get butthurt when you get exposed.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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At one stage I remember Pandora was making a lot of progress in his understanding of the female mind. Some good insights and questioning of the matrix was starting to emerge. He was well on his way to becoming a redpill assassin.

But it seems Pandora has now fallen back into the BluePill matrix of pornhub and camgirls who will do anything you want, and a fantasy world of women who truly love sex more than men.

The fantasy goes like this - If we can just “free” the inner slvts that live inside all women, we could all just live in a giant polyamorous sex village forever. We are Sharing the pvssy amongst us all, as women have multiple squirting orgasms because she’s so turned on by all the d1ck surrounding her. “Diiiiiiiicks. So many diiiiiicks. Mmmmm. Diiiiicks” she says as she squirts for the million-th time.

It’s pretty funny stuff. The matrix is all powerful.
No clown what I am saying is this. We have no choice but to be okay with female sexual liberation. If you actually got laid with a lot of young women you would know that you have to have a chill attitude about their thot behavior. If you dont accept that they are sluts then you will always be pissed.

Go ahead and try to tame that 8/10 chick. How come you have not done it? If it worked so well you would not be single right? The truth is that it doesnt. Men will NEVER be able to control female sexuality. Even in slave times the women sneaked out of the house to fukk the slave. I am simply saying we recognize that they are sluttier than we think. I have seen it.

I am basically saying dont go through her phone. There will be some form of cheating there guaranteed. Always have some girls on the side that you could sleep with if you wanted to. This is the only way to keep you sane when dating a legit hottie in 2022.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I don’t know what world you’re from, bro. But it sounds super ghetto.

In dissolved-family, high fear, high violence, high poverty environments women sometimes become more R-selected because life is cheap. Never know when da bullets from da next drive by comin. Hit da curb Holmes.

There is a huge demographic of meth-addict traphouse Ho’s who fit into the description of women you write about. But these women are invisible to me. I don’t want to stick my d1ck into living corpses, which is what traphouse methheads are.

If a woman is behaving in the way you claim to experience so frequently, then you’re messing with the proper dregs of society.

Women are keenly, keenly aware that their value is tied to their sexual past. If a woman ever reaches a stage where she says “fvck it” and just starts fvcking everyone, as you claim to have experienced, then she has put herself on a ticking clock to complete mental and emotion self-annihilation.

Casual sex is really bad for a woman’s mental health. If you can’t understand that then it’s a clear reflection of your severe lack of experience with non-traphouse women.
Are you a virgin? Im serious. College girls are non trap house girls and have the highest sexual partners of even ghetto women. The post college intern that just moved to the new city is fukkin a lot of men that first year. The 35 yr old single white female with the coorporate job has seen more ****s than a urinal. You have no idea what you talk about.

You have never experienced true sexual abundance so you think I am making this up. SoSuave is this your leader???


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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As a man, if you’re trying to “tame” women then it’s beta and exposes you as a scarce man filled with fear.

The only dynamic (and you’d know this if you were actually experienced) is that the woman pursues and tries to tame YOU. When a woman is in pursuit of you, then you calmly and with amused mastery lay down the Law. You don’t try to “tame” women. You write the Law for the women who choose you. This is Frame.

And no, you don’t “act chilled” about her slvttiness as a way to get a woman to “like you more” because you accept her gross behaviour. You just Next her. She knows it’s gross and if you start celebrating it then she thinks you’re a proper little creep - she’ll eventually set you on fire while you’re asleep.

When you Next a slvt she loves you because you’re a man who gets it. If you want to keep a slvt in your life you have to treat her like the gross person she is, and very reluctantly feed her some scraps. That’s the dynamic they want - but I don’t do that anymore. Slvts always make me sad because when you get closer to them they start to show you the barren wilderness that is their soul.
Most HOT college girls are sluts dude. Not sure what part of this you dont understand. This is why I think you never actually have gotten laid with college girls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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College is a bit different dude. This relates to the “naive virgin” thing I posted about before.

Women are super, super impressionable. They are surrounded by propaganda that goes something like “women and men are the same. Women enjoy casual sex as much as men do.”

So it’s political. Women think that to be a proper feminist then they must replicate male behaviour. They fall for this clever propaganda, go out and have a bunch of sex at college (because they are naive), they catch “feelz” and get brutalised by guys (guys can have casual sex without emotions, women can’t - we have a huge advantage here). Very soon they will turn into bitter, jaded and (frankly) useless women who tried to have casual sex, realised it hurt them a lot, and they feel extremely pissed off that men can just “fvck and move on.” Women really struggle to do that. Especially with her first few bangs.

Here’s another little lesson for you about women - they really struggle to have sex without the emotional component. This is actually a great way to manipulate them into sex. You can pretend you don’t care about sex, and you only do it if you really like someone. That resonates deeply for women and you’ll gain more trust from her.

Remember the old “men will say anything to get women into bed” - remember that? What men were doing is pretending they wanted a relationship (which is what women want, or think they want) and then pumping and ghosting them. Which was really hurting the chick. They struggle to let it go.

Keep backtracking lol. You went from only ghetto girls are sluts to " college is a bit different". Man shut up. College is when they have casual sex. When they graduate and move to a big city they have more casual sex and try to find a husband. Many will rack up more lays until their early 30s. So no, college is just the beginning of their slut career. If they don't find a marriage partner in college it will be precarious for them.

Again, women don't like casual sex as much as men. Stop using that straw man. But women do have PHASES where they enjoy no strings attached casual sex. This is what they call their "hoe phase". These are normal everyday women who you would never expect. Many "normal" women who are now mothers have slept with two men in the same day. This is not uncommon. Single women date so much that sometimes guys overlap. This happens a lot in big cities like NYC, LA and DC.

Do they keep being this promiscuous forever? No. But they do go through phases. This especially happens when they are fresh out of a divorce or break up.



Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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My response is if you're taking care of business why care. Protect your assets. Always run a bit of game on chicks so you know there would be no drought . If she gets knocked up insist on genetic test. If she wants to haw thank her for being honest about who she is and not wasting more of your time. Different with kids of course. If you have a normal life she s working cooking going to gym and spending time with you then any extra time in bed she should want to sleep! You ask any good woman that's their main wish
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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My response is if you're taking care of business why care. Protect your assets. Always run a bit of game on chicks so you know there would be no drought . If she gets knocked up insist on genetic test. If she wants to haw thank her for being honest about who she is and not wasting more of your time. Different with kids of course.
Exactly. When I am killing it in life I am a group 1 type of guy. I just dont care that much. When I am not killing it in life I am more of a group 2 type of guy.

This is the point of my post. Its better to be group 1 because they just dont care. They know she is replaceable. But I was just pointing out that there are two types of guys.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I agree. Not all girls are hoes but they all have the potential. The problem is that most hot girls still talk to their exes. They still are in contact with atleast one of them. The other issue is that most hot girls are going to want to go on a "girls trip". I would say 90% of them are like this. This is the point of this thread. Trying to find one that doesnt do this is almost impossible in the West. If it was easy this site would not exist. Im not sure why men have a hard time accepting this.
if she talks to her exes she is recreational use only. No exceptions.

Men, stop eating shvt from hot girls just because they are hot.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Succeeding or not it's my life. As epimanes used to say a woman should make your d1ck hard not your life. I d rather live the blokey single life than put up with any kind of haw - attention or otherwise.

Idk about boundaries. My LTRs never seemed to have orbiters. I think being in group 2 would drive you nuts. Plenty of people manage to bump uglies on their lunch break. How r u going to guard against that.


I am extremely handsome. I can promise you that. But I have absolutely no interest in doxxing myself. Especially not for a small-minded, sexually frustrated “muhhhh slvts” derp like you.

I actually shared my Signal App with a member called Chocolate Muffin (now banned) who proceeded to spam me pictures of his assh0le mid-sh1t and demanding that I pay attention to him.

This is what usually happens. Guys see my pic and go gay for me. I’m not gay and I don’t want to have to tell the mods that another member has been spamming me gay sh1t. I have well and truly learned my lesson. This forum is absolutely full of gays who are here to read about other men having sex.
You good, bro?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
You good, bro?
HAHA dead no he is not good. Shyt got real weird real quick. But i will stop picking on him now. I see he has a lot going on. I just be bored sometimes and he is annoying with his dogmas and theories.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I am extremely handsome. I can promise you that. But I have absolutely no interest in doxxing myself. Especially not for a small-minded, sexually frustrated “muhhhh slvts” derp like you.

I actually shared my Signal App with a member called Chocolate Muffin (now banned) who proceeded to spam me pictures of his assh0le mid-sh1t and demanding that I pay attention to him.

This is what usually happens. Guys see my pic and go gay for me. I’m not gay and I don’t want to have to tell the mods that another member has been spamming me gay sh1t. I have well and truly learned my lesson. This forum is absolutely full of gays who are here to read about other men having sex.

Back to college. Sure. College is a great opportunity and a small window where women are still figuring out that casual sex fvcks them up. So fill your boots.

But the real world ain’t college, bro. As you’ve discovered. The slvts be crazy and every time you stick your d1ck in that you are spinning the chamber and clicking that gun to your own head.

Pan87 i love you bro. I will stop picking on you now. I have no beef with you because I dont even know you personally. But just try to not come off as a "know it all". There are guys on this forum who are older than you and have actually experienced WAY more with women than you have. I am one of them.

You do have really good insights. You are correct in what you say sometimes. But what is annoying is when you downplay other points of view from men that have actually LIVED it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Yes man. Asking for pictures from other men online is pretty weird.

I can’t imagine getting into a debate with another man online and then wanting to see his picture. That’s a completely foreign and strange concept to me.
The reason I ask for pictures is because you can be anyone behind the screen acting like you are super pimp. I wanted to see this man who has slept with " thousands of women". Pan87 you are a legend among legends. You must be super duper handsome. I am sure you are not fat and sloppy at all.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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It’s all good bro. I’ve actually really enjoyed some of your posts in the past. I think I can come across as overly direct and arrogant. Maybe it’s just my communication style.

It’s a failure on my part because I’m actually trying to help you. But because I’m also a bit of a natural bully I always fall into teasing and coming across like I’m trying to belittle you, rather than help you see things in a different way.
Okay its all good man. We are all here trying to share ideas and learn. We are all on the same team at the end of the day. The dating market is crazy enough. We dont need to be at each others throats. Ttyl


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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How can you say that you " disagree that women will cheat eventually" but also say " i have known men in marriages who were in elite physical shape and their wives still cheated on them. In those cases, it was the passage of time that was the primary factor"

Those two statements seem contradictory. Doesnt " passage of time = eventually"? It sounds like we are agreeing.
No woman ends a relationship before having another guy in the background. She was cheating ( either sexually or emotionally or both) with the other guy before she monkey branched. Women end a relationship because they have found a better option.
I think some women will leave a relationship without another guy in place. In thinking about the men I know are divorced, over 90% of the woman filed and in the majority of cases, the woman had another man in place.

However, I think women today know that they don't need a man in place at the moment they decide to exit a relationship. Most women have known a woman who has used a swipe app or seen a female friend's DM's on Instagram/Twitter/LinkedIn. They know they can take time off and they have a ton of penises competing for them. I do think some women are willing to take them off.

Also, there are still some older couples out there (mainly adherents to a Judeo-Christian religion) where the wife has stayed faithful over the years. Many of these couples formed prior to 1990. At this point, we're talking about people 55-60+.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
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I think the real issue is that modern women (and especially hot women with a lot of options) get easily dissatisfied in relationships. and also do not easily develop feelings for a man. So he can keep her around so long as he does everything right but eventually he will screw up or she will simply start overthinking trying to figure out why she doesn't feel any of the emotions she thinks she should be feeling and starting to nitpick and find fault all the time. As a result most of their relationships fizzle out after a few months and most of them are serial daters that haven't been in a proper relationship for years.

Unless a woman loves you or has very high moral standards I'd say there is a definite risk she will cheat on you either emotionally and/or sexually.