She WILL cheat on you...but its okay


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I have two types of male friends. One group deals with female infedelity by not caring too much. The other group enforces strict boundaries in an attempt to prevent female infidelity.

Group 1:

They have a live and let live attitude. They are resigned to the fact that all girls have an inner hoe. As long as they dont see it then they are cool. These men are also either cheating or on the verge of cheating themselves. Their gfs are often in a state of competition anxiety with other women.

Group 2:

These guys attempt to enforce rules and regulations on their females. We calling it putting the metaphorical " foot on her neck". They make her delete her social media. They also mate guard heavily.

Like most things in life I believe balance is key. One of the reason I advocate mild cheating is that it maintains leverage. I gravitate toward philosophy 1 because restricting women will never work.

Your woman will cheat on you in some way, shape or fashion. Women are NOT monogamous. As a man your only leverage is indifference and to be doing the same thing.

Of course in a marriage with kids it gets more complicated but the same general rules apply.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Group 1 is the better group to be in.

I disagree that women will cheat eventually but agree that women's preferred mating mode is not monogamy. Women's preferred mating mode is serial monogamy. Serial monogamy has an expiration date, usually after about 5-10 years.

I disagree that women will cheat eventually because often time relationships will end prior to her having extra-relational sex. That's a non monogamous model though because a woman has multiple lovers in a lifespan.

The passage of time does a lot to reduce a woman's desire for sex with the same partner. Additionally, the passage of time is closely linked with having children. After women have children, they often dead bedroom their monogamous mate, but that would also happen in time in a lot of cases even without having children.

I have known men in marriages who were in elite physical shape and their wives still cheated on them. In those cases, it was the passage of time that was the primary factor, though these were situations where the women also had children.

This is why I believe monogamous relationships have a shelf life of goodness.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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You cannot say all women cheat... You could say all women have the capacity to cheat, but so what.

I think the idea that you're just supposed to accept it and cheat as well is absurd. I'd rather just be single or stick with FWB type relationships, until I find someone who doesn't give me reason to doubt.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I would also like to say that men losing frame and acting more beta is a consequence of the passage of time. That's why the passage of time is the most dangerous variable in an extended relationship and is the underlying condition leading to a bunch of negative consequences.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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You need better male friends because your current ones are clueless when it comes to relationships.

Women cheat when the emotional connection is lost.

Once a man is married, he cannot just coast. It takes continual work to maintain the emotional connection.

Same goes with the sh*t test. Wives will still periodically test their husbands. You have to be able to handle being tested at any time.

A good husband never stops leading his woman, never stops calling out his wife when she tests him to see what she can get away with.

A good husband continually maintains the frame.

Feminism and cancel culture have made too many men “forget” how to act like men.

A woman’s main weapon is “shaming”. Today’s men are so afraid of being shamed by women that they cannot even begin to take on their rightful role as being a male leader and role model for society.

Fear holds too many men back.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Most of your threads are able female promiscuity, not trying to disrespect you but are you a cuckold?
This is the basis of most of the RedPill complaints. When you get a girlfriend this is what you worry about the most. Most of the problems with modern women boil down to their promiscuity.

1.) Abortion
2.) Lack of pair bonding
3.) Delusional standards because they have ****ed Chads
4.) Monkey branching ( this is cheating too because she was romantically involved with a man before she broke up with you)
5.) Paternity fraud
6.) Bitterness due to being pumped and dumped too many times
7.) Divorce goes up exponentially with sexual partners
8.) Girls on dating sites who have boyfriends

You like to throw out this corny cuckold thing. This is not the first time you have said this. Not to disrespect you but when was the last time you had a relationship with a hot girl? If you had one recently you would realize that you constantly worry about her sexual past and whats in her phone . A females sexuality is 99% of who she is.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Group 1 is the better group to be in.

I disagree that women will cheat eventually but agree that women's preferred mating mode is not monogamy. Women's preferred mating mode is serial monogamy. Serial monogamy has an expiration date, usually after about 5-10 years.

I disagree that women will cheat eventually because often time relationships will end prior to her having extra-relational sex. That's a non monogamous model though because a woman has multiple lovers in a lifespan.

The passage of time does a lot to reduce a woman's desire for sex with the same partner. Additionally, the passage of time is closely linked with having children. After women have children, they often dead bedroom their monogamous mate, but that would also happen in time in a lot of cases even without having children.

I have known men in marriages who were in elite physical shape and their wives still cheated on them. In those cases, it was the passage of time that was the primary factor, though these were situations where the women also had children.

This is why I believe monogamous relationships have a shelf life of goodness.
I hear ya man. My claim that most women cheat is a non falsifiable claim. It is a logical fallacy and I admit it. How can I even prove that?

My viewpoint comes from what I have seen and done. I was promiscuous in my past. I was never quite a Tyrone but I was close. I have seen women cheat on boyfriends. I have seen many women cheat on fiances and husbands without batting an eye. My friends routinely bang girls in relationships. Married women are the worst. About a month ago i made out with a girl that had a long term boyfriend in her car in front of a bar.

This girl and I were co workers for a long time and it finally happened ( I feel guilty about it). So I am projecting my distrust of woman onto these threads. No disrespect my brother but don't you think its naive to say women dont eventually cheat? By cheating I mean talking romantically to another guy preparing to monkey branch etc. You would not know if your girl cheated on you or not. Our ego wants to tell us otherwise.

American women cheat at rates that would shock you. We just dont want to admit this dirty truth.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Group 1 is the better group to be in.

I disagree that women will cheat eventually but agree that women's preferred mating mode is not monogamy. Women's preferred mating mode is serial monogamy. Serial monogamy has an expiration date, usually after about 5-10 years.

I have known men in marriages who were in elite physical shape and their wives still cheated on them. In those cases, it was the passage of time that was the primary factor, though these were situations where the women also had children.
How can you say that you " disagree that women will cheat eventually" but also say " i have known men in marriages who were in elite physical shape and their wives still cheated on them. In those cases, it was the passage of time that was the primary factor"

Those two statements seem contradictory. Doesnt " passage of time = eventually"? It sounds like we are agreeing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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You cannot say all women cheat... You could say all women have the capacity to cheat, but so what.

I think the idea that you're just supposed to accept it and cheat as well is absurd. I'd rather just be single or stick with FWB type relationships, until I find someone who doesn't give me reason to doubt.
I hear ya man but you will never be with an attractive women in the United States then. I am not insulting you in particular. I mean this for all men. If your girl is a hottie she will cheat eventually. There are exceptions to this rule. This is why so many men are just dropping out of the dating market. So I agree with you. You will be single forever if you are waiting for a hot chick who is not for the streets. Less than 10% of them are faithful ( maybe less than that).


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
You need better male friends because your current ones are clueless when it comes to relationships.

Women cheat when the emotional connection is lost.

Once a man is married, he cannot just coast. It takes continual work to maintain the emotional connection.

Same goes with the sh*t test. Wives will still periodically test their husbands. You have to be able to handle being tested at any time.

A good husband never stops leading his woman, never stops calling out his wife when she tests him to see what she can get away with.

A good husband continually maintains the frame.

Feminism and cancel culture have made too many men “forget” how to act like men.

A woman’s main weapon is “shaming”. Today’s men are so afraid of being shamed by women that they cannot even begin to take on their rightful role as being a male leader and role model for society.

Fear holds too many men back.
Are you married my brother? Just asking because it is an important question. Saying women cheat because the emotional connection is lost is tricky. Maybe you are correct but this emotional connection will be lost over time. So its basically inevitable. This is especially true if she is attractive. It is very difficult to maintain alpha frame over a 40 yr period. At some point even Superman becomes boring.

I think we will be shocked if we went through our girls phones. I am not saying they will all go out and bang a dude. I am saying is that most of them have some guy in the background ( if they are attractive).


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I think the important thing is being true to yourself and your values. Being a fish out of water in either situation OR even a balanced situation is going to be miserable.
Exactly. I agree. I think every man should determine what type of values he has on this topic. This is the number #1 thing we should consider before getting into any relationship with an attractive woman. This sets the frame. Too many guys dont think about this until they land a really hot girl then they are confused and hurt when she is going out to ladies night etc.

I have noticed that I oscillate between group 1 and 2 depending on how attractive the girl is. Also depending on their sexual history, their friend circle, whether I am cheating or not etc etc.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Monogamy is a Fugazi.
It’s always going to be battle as to who checks out first.
100000% I totally agree. This is what I try to communicate in my posts. A lot of men dont want to accept this fact. Monogamy will never work. No attractive woman in America is totally monogamous even when she is with you. She will either cheat and stay with you or she will check out and cheat before she "checks out".


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I disagree that women will cheat eventually because often time relationships will end prior to her having extra-relational sex. That's a non monogamous model though because a woman has multiple lovers in a lifespan.
No woman ends a relationship before having another guy in the background. She was cheating ( either sexually or emotionally or both) with the other guy before she monkey branched. Women end a relationship because they have found a better option.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Most of your threads are able female promiscuity, not trying to disrespect you but are you a cuckold?
Btw the more puzzy you get in your life the more obsessed you will be about female promiscuity. Most men that have fukked over 50 women think like I do. Most guys who were promiscuous in their youth will never ever ever trust a woman again. This is because they have seen things that made them lose faith in the female gender. You just have not had that much sex yet.

Why do you think T.I. the rapper forced his daughter to get her hymen checked? This is because he has been with many promiscuous women. He has seen it all on tour.


Why do you think T.I. the rapper forced his daughter to get her hymen checked? This is because he has been with many promiscuous women. He has seen it all on tour.
Didn't know that much about TI, but this was always played prepping for my first date....Since 2011!

Never fails to get me hyped


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Absolute bullsh1t OP.

Dude, you are never going to get laid the way you want to unless you take the time to understand women properly, instead of projecting wank fantasies about how women just love sex from multiple men, and behave like men when it comes to sex. They don’t. Women have a totally different sexual configuration.
if women would behave sexually like men , then they would easily sleep with 2-3 guys a day , if they are not ugly

Rarely the case though