Just Witnessed a girl laugh at some Dude who tried to approach her

King Lion

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2020
Reaction score
By the way, for those of us who are speaking about signals, I know it sounds like we are timidly waiting for an obvious hammer over the head before we will approach. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

It’s a matter of learning instinctively who will be receptive, and who will not. It seems like an inner “knowing”, but I believe it’s actually being so finely-tuned into the unspoken language of women that there's really no need to cold approach blindly.

Only those who respect themselves have the courage to be humble.

I'm content with being a contrarian on the "cold approach" subject, Atom Smasher.

If a bunch of cynical muppets that "need balls of steel" to 'cold approach' random females, but don't know they must have sh*t-for-brains for believing anyone opposed to it is 'timid' or "needs to man up" or whatever nonsense; wanna follow their diks and be pvssy-whipped - rather than respect themselves - Let 'em, that's their folly!

If they need "balls of steel" to approach - They are the truly timid!

Those poor deluded azzholes are the very guys we'll later hear b*tching about the way females are!

They're also the same naive men(?) who turned themselves into human toilet paper for women to wipe their asses with!

I'm disgusted with the lack of dignity and self respect that some men display!

"In times of stress, the weak get together." - Conor McGregor



Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score

Only those who respect themselves have the courage to be humble.

I'm content with being a contrarian on the "cold approach" subject, Atom Smasher.

If a bunch of cynical muppets that "need balls of steel" to 'cold approach' random females, but don't know they must have sh*t-for-brains for believing anyone opposed to it is 'timid' or "needs to man up" or whatever nonsense; wanna follow their diks and be pvssy-whipped - rather than respect themselves - Let 'em, that's their folly!

If they need "balls of steel" to approach - They are the truly timid!

Those poor deluded azzholes are the very guys we'll later hear b*tching about the way females are!

They're also the same naive men(?) who turned themselves into human toilet paper for women to wipe their asses with!

I'm disgusted with the lack of dignity and self respect that some men display!

"In times of stress, the weak get together." - Conor McGregor

I do not understand the analogy between cold approaching and not having self respect

to be frank , I never heard anyone that is worthwhile in anything ( business , dating , etc ) that is good in what he is doing but also an extremist in the way he is thinking , because the more experience you get in whatsoever the more you realize that things are not black or while , but more grey

the only thing I understand from what you are saying is that only because you have a lower chance of being successful when you do not wait for her to give you approach invitations you are not self respecting yourself , because you are going against the odds

the only thing that I can tell you is that the biggest rewards come from the biggest risks , and that from your retheroic you are not fearless and are actually afraid that a silly thing like a woman rejecting you is affecting your manhood

I would lie if I would say that sometimes I take rejections more serious than I should , but in the same time when I have next to me a girl that is hot I just say to myself that all of this is worth it , because you feel more manly when a hot women is naked next to you , than when an average girl is giving you an approach invitation and you feel validated


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
I do not understand the analogy between cold approaching and not having self respect

to be frank , I never heard anyone that is worthwhile in anything ( business , dating , etc ) that is good in what he is doing but also an extremist in the way he is thinking , because the more experience you get in whatsoever the more you realize that things are not black or while , but more grey
Yeah, exactly. I think some guys are taking this way too seriously and creating strawmen and rationales to justify their opinions. It's not that big of a deal either way, whatever works for you. I know what works for me, that's all I can speak for, so I don't care if another guy has success with waiting for IOI's. If he's getting the results he wants and enjoying himself, that's what matters. (You can also do both, we're not picking teams.)

Like I said, in the end it's your own frame that matters. So whether you're letting a woman dictate that (she rejects and you slink away) or some other guy (telling you your methods are weak), if you're worried about that stuff then your frame needs work.

That's not to say you shouldn't accept constructive criticism or seek to improve. But trying to be like everyone else or expecting everyone to be like you is the wrong mindset.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
There exists a hidden world that some men and some women live in and understand. It’s a world that can’t be described, but only hinted at.

It’s very similar to trying to explain and picture a fourth dimension. In our three dimensional space/time continuum we can conceptualize a fourth dimension and visualize a shadow of how a 4 dimensional object may look, we cannot fully grasp it and perceive it and interact with it because we are not equipped to perceive it fully since we are three-dimensional beings.

When a man discovers a “crack” in the dimensional perimeter (usually only attainable with drugs), he is able to visit the fourth dimension, but when he comes down from the experience he is back within his original confines of perception.

Either Atom Smasher has finally flipped his lid, or he is talking about something that is real but completely hidden to most.

The hidden world requires no idea of “cold approach”. It’s just a natural state of being wherein the inhabitants have an instantaneous mutual understanding of attraction. We all know instantaneously who is a cohabitant and who is not. This could also be thought of as a secret “society”. I would say that within this world, most men know how they got there but cannot articulate in words how they did, while zero percent of women know how they got there, nor do they even know that they are a habitant. They just exist without question in a very childlike way.

Within that hidden world, men don’t give any thought at all about how to attract women. They just walk around throughout their day, improving their lives, and they simply enjoy an abundance of women who are attracted to them, the women who are members. The “signals” or “invitations” are for those who are just discovering this hidden society. Full-fledged members just instinctively know.

I went from being utterly hopeless with women to a member of this hidden world of abundance, and I know how I got there but I’m incapable of articulating it in words. All my life the only thing I “knew“ about women was that there was a cosmic law in play that all women despised me. In my perception, this was as real as the law of gravity.

The only way I can articulate how to open up a crack of entry into this hidden world is twofold. First is to train oneself to recognize the subtle, almost imperceptible signs that women give out, and second, to cultivate a presumption that flies in the face of objective “reality” that women can and do find you attractive. It is a state of being like driving a car. Once at your destination you gave no thought whatsoever as to how you got there. You drive completely on instinct with zero conscious calculations as to how you drove.

Of course, the more I try to explain it, the more confusing and convoluted it becomes because ultimately it is inexpressible. You have to develop an inner knowing, and the only way to do it is to shift out of conscious thought about how to do it (the mechanics of cold approach) and just flow with the abundance that’s there for the taking.

So in the crude language that we are confined to, it seems to me that the tangible jumping off point into this hidden world that I and others live in is to learn to perceive these ultra-subtle signs of attraction that interested women broadcast, and to shift oneself into a state of being and doing, forgetting about cold approaching but rather creating easy, relaxed fun and amusement for yourself in your interactions with others.

The closest guy here who was able to partially articulate this would be da dynamically. He has a deep understanding of this hidden world, but he can never stick around here long enough to continue his writings because he cares to much what his detractors think. I’ve told him that is his Achilles heel.

I on the other hand couldn’t care less what my detractors think. A handful of you know that I’m onto something real here. Those are the ones who are well on the way toward enlightenment and abundance. Some will say it sounds like Uncle Atom has been hitting the mushrooms again, and that’s fine. I sound crazy to those who either aren’t ready yet or who never will be.

Are these the ramblings of an out-of-touch madman, or are they the writings of a man who has worked his way into a higher state of abundance but lacks the ability to articulate how to get there? You decide. All I know is that my little world is a great place to live. My current mission is to move other aspects of my life into this world of abundance until I’ve attained a reasonable state of balance across the board.

Take the hammer and chisel to yourself.
Present yourself to the world as a man who has self-respect.
Assume a virtue if you have it not.
Move through life with an easy air of self-generated amusement and fun, but require respect.
Learn to recognize women’s signals.
Develop faith in yourself, an inner knowing that you can succeed, even if your situation seems dire. This is called Creating Your Reality.
Learn to live with cognitive dissonance until your seemingly “unreasonable” faith in yourself becomes your reality.
Learn about mechanical discipline and the power of habit.
Learn the power of baby steps.
Pay attention to your relationship with our Creator.

All of these things will elevate you to a higher plane in many aspects of life. And to the issue at-hand, attraction and whether or not to cold approach, you will find that cold approaching is entirely unnecessary because responsive women will become visible to you, and you to them, and you will know their receptivity before a single word is uttered.
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Oct 29, 2020
Reaction score
There exists a hidden world that some men and some women live in and understand. It’s a world that can’t be described, but only hinted at.

It’s very similar to trying to explain and picture a fourth dimension. In our three dimensional space/time continuum we can conceptualize a fourth dimension and visualize a shadow of how a 4 dimensional object may look, we cannot fully grasp it and perceive it and interact with it because we are not equipped to perceive it fully since we are three-dimensional beings.

When a man discovers a “crack” in the dimensional perimeter (usually only attainable with drugs), he is able to visit the fourth dimension, but when he comes down from the experience he is back within his original confines of perception.

Either Atom Smasher has finally flipped his lid, or he is talking about something that is real but completely hidden to most.

The hidden world requires no idea of “cold approach”. It’s just a natural state of being wherein the inhabitants have an instantaneous mutual understanding of attraction. We all know instantaneously who is a cohabitant and who is not. This could also be thought of as a secret “society”. I would say that within this world, most men know how they got there but cannot articulate in words how they did, while zero percent of women know how they got there, nor do they even know that they are a habitant. They just exist without question in a very childlike way.

Within that hidden world, men don’t give any thought at all about how to attract women. They just walk around throughout their day, improving their lives, and they simply enjoy an abundance of women who are attracted to them, the women who are members. The “signals” or “invitations” are for those who are just discovering this hidden society. Full-fledged members just instinctively know.

I went from being utterly hopeless with women to a member of this hidden world of abundance, and I know how I got there but I’m incapable of articulating it in words. All my life the only thing I “knew“ about women was that there was a cosmic law in play that all women despised me. In my perception, this was as real as the law of gravity.

The only way I can articulate how to open up a crack of entry into this hidden world is twofold. First is to train oneself to recognize the subtle, almost imperceptible signs that women give out, and second, to cultivate a presumption that flies in the face of objective “reality” that women can and do find you attractive. It is a state of being like driving a car. Once at your destination you gave no thought whatsoever as to how you got there. You drive completely on instinct with zero conscious calculations as to how you drove.

Of course, the more I try to explain it, the more confusing and convoluted it becomes because ultimately it is inexpressible. You have to develop an inner knowing, and the only way to do it is to shift out of conscious thought about how to do it (the mechanics of cold approach) and just flow with the abundance that’s there for the taking.

So in the crude language that we are confined to, it seems to me that the tangible jumping off point into this hidden world that I and others live in is to learn to perceive these ultra-subtle signs of attraction that interested women broadcast, and to shift oneself into a state of being and doing, forgetting about cold approaching but rather creating easy, relaxed fun and amusement for yourself in your interactions with others.

The closest guy here who was able to partially articulate this would be da dynamically. He has a deep understanding of this hidden world, but he can never stick around here long enough to continue his writings because he cares to much what his detractors think. I’ve told him that is his Achilles heel.

I on the other hand couldn’t care less what my detractors think. A handful of you know that I’m onto something real here. Those are the ones who are well on the way toward enlightenment and abundance. Some will say it sounds like Uncle Atom has been hitting the mushrooms again, and that’s fine. I sound crazy to those who either aren’t ready yet or who never will be.

Are these the ramblings of an out-of-touch madman, or are they the writings of a man who has worked his way into a higher state of abundance but lacks the ability to articulate how to get there? You decide. All I know is that my little world is a great place to live. My current mission is to move other aspects of my life into this world of abundance until I’ve attained a reasonable state of balance across the board.

Take the hammer and chisel to yourself.
Present yourself to the world as a man who has self-respect.
Assume a virtue if you have it not.
Move through life with an easy air of self-generated amusement and fun, but require respect.
Learn to recognize women’s signals.
Develop faith in yourself, an inner knowing that you can succeed, even if your situation seems dire. This is called Creating Your Reality.
Learn to live with cognitive dissonance until your seemingly “unreasonable” faith in yourself becomes your reality.
Learn about mechanical discipline and the power of habit.
Learn the power of baby steps.
Pay attention to your relationship with our Creator.

All of these things will elevate you to a higher plane in many aspects of life. And to the issue at-hand, attraction and whether or not to cold approach, you will find that cold approaching is entirely unnecessary because responsive women will become visible to you, and you to them, and you will know their receptivity before a single word is uttered.

That pualingo site explains a bit of secret society too.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

That pualingo site explains a bit of secret society too.
Interesting. I’ve never seen that site before, though I’ve heard of it. I always assumed it was just a dictionary for PUA terms so I had no interest.


Oct 29, 2020
Reaction score
Edit to remove link.

I look up one thing and it leads to another and another cache. I wasn't looking up 'secret society' when I found this, lol.

I'll remove the link now after rereading it, lol.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
There exists a hidden world that some men and some women live in and understand. It’s a world that can’t be described, but only hinted at.

It’s very similar to trying to explain and picture a fourth dimension. In our three dimensional space/time continuum we can conceptualize a fourth dimension and visualize a shadow of how a 4 dimensional object may look, we cannot fully grasp it and perceive it and interact with it because we are not equipped to perceive it fully since we are three-dimensional beings.

When a man discovers a “crack” in the dimensional perimeter (usually only attainable with drugs), he is able to visit the fourth dimension, but when he comes down from the experience he is back within his original confines of perception.

Either Atom Smasher has finally flipped his lid, or he is talking about something that is real but completely hidden to most.

The hidden world requires no idea of “cold approach”. It’s just a natural state of being wherein the inhabitants have an instantaneous mutual understanding of attraction. We all know instantaneously who is a cohabitant and who is not. This could also be thought of as a secret “society”. I would say that within this world, most men know how they got there but cannot articulate in words how they did, while zero percent of women know how they got there, nor do they even know that they are a habitant. They just exist without question in a very childlike way.

Within that hidden world, men don’t give any thought at all about how to attract women. They just walk around throughout their day, improving their lives, and they simply enjoy an abundance of women who are attracted to them, the women who are members. The “signals” or “invitations” are for those who are just discovering this hidden society. Full-fledged members just instinctively know.

I went from being utterly hopeless with women to a member of this hidden world of abundance, and I know how I got there but I’m incapable of articulating it in words. All my life the only thing I “knew“ about women was that there was a cosmic law in play that all women despised me. In my perception, this was as real as the law of gravity.

The only way I can articulate how to open up a crack of entry into this hidden world is twofold. First is to train oneself to recognize the subtle, almost imperceptible signs that women give out, and second, to cultivate a presumption that flies in the face of objective “reality” that women can and do find you attractive. It is a state of being like driving a car. Once at your destination you gave no thought whatsoever as to how you got there. You drive completely on instinct with zero conscious calculations as to how you drove.

Of course, the more I try to explain it, the more confusing and convoluted it becomes because ultimately it is inexpressible. You have to develop an inner knowing, and the only way to do it is to shift out of conscious thought about how to do it (the mechanics of cold approach) and just flow with the abundance that’s there for the taking.

So in the crude language that we are confined to, it seems to me that the tangible jumping off point into this hidden world that I and others live in is to learn to perceive these ultra-subtle signs of attraction that interested women broadcast, and to shift oneself into a state of being and doing, forgetting about cold approaching but rather creating easy, relaxed fun and amusement for yourself in your interactions with others.

The closest guy here who was able to partially articulate this would be da dynamically. He has a deep understanding of this hidden world, but he can never stick around here long enough to continue his writings because he cares to much what his detractors think. I’ve told him that is his Achilles heel.

I on the other hand couldn’t care less what my detractors think. A handful of you know that I’m onto something real here. Those are the ones who are well on the way toward enlightenment and abundance. Some will say it sounds like Uncle Atom has been hitting the mushrooms again, and that’s fine. I sound crazy to those who either aren’t ready yet or who never will be.

Are these the ramblings of an out-of-touch madman, or are they the writings of a man who has worked his way into a higher state of abundance but lacks the ability to articulate how to get there? You decide. All I know is that my little world is a great place to live. My current mission is to move other aspects of my life into this world of abundance until I’ve attained a reasonable state of balance across the board.

Take the hammer and chisel to yourself.
Present yourself to the world as a man who has self-respect.
Assume a virtue if you have it not.
Move through life with an easy air of self-generated amusement and fun, but require respect.
Learn to recognize women’s signals.
Develop faith in yourself, an inner knowing that you can succeed, even if your situation seems dire. This is called Creating Your Reality.
Learn to live with cognitive dissonance until your seemingly “unreasonable” faith in yourself becomes your reality.
Learn about mechanical discipline and the power of habit.
Learn the power of baby steps.
Pay attention to your relationship with our Creator.

All of these things will elevate you to a higher plane in many aspects of life. And to the issue at-hand, attraction and whether or not to cold approach, you will find that cold approaching is entirely unnecessary because responsive women will become visible to you, and you to them, and you will know their receptivity before a single word is uttered.
That's interesting. A few years ago, I was still "psyching myself up" sometimes when I'd go out. Not to "approach" women, but just to be social and charismatic, etc. (Well and to talk to women, as part of that.)

Within the last year I had an epiphany. I was on my way to a bar and I realized that I hadn't had to talk myself up or get into some kind of mindset. I WAS the mindset, and the mindset was I. It had been many, many months since I even thought about it.

In fact it occurred to me I'd been walking around with a shyt eating grin and a spring in my step almost constantly. That's not to say I don't have off days or bad moods. But I'm consistently on a frequency I used to push myself into.

What's coincided with this is that I turned inward over the last couple of years, rather than outward. Sounds ironic but it's not. Whether it's physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual, the past 2+ years I've devoted myself to knowing myself thoroughly, warts and all.

The result is a version of me I used to think would be a childish dream. And that's kind of how it feels now, like a dream.

(Note that throughout this journey I've also questioned a LOT of traditional Sosuave/RP "rules of the game." Not that they're all wrong, but they're not always right. Which is why I sound contrarian lately.)

This has nothing really to do with approach vs. don't approach or IOI vs low interest. That's all situational and always up for debate IMO. My greater point with that is no one here should get attached to any one method or truth. Once you start clinging to beliefs your self will recede and your ego will take over.

So, you're not mad. Or if you are, than maybe I am too. Not sure I'm where you are yet but I'm definitely on a different plane than before.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
There exists a hidden world that some men and some women live in and understand. It’s a world that can’t be described, but only hinted at.

It’s very similar to trying to explain and picture a fourth dimension. In our three dimensional space/time continuum we can conceptualize a fourth dimension and visualize a shadow of how a 4 dimensional object may look, we cannot fully grasp it and perceive it and interact with it because we are not equipped to perceive it fully since we are three-dimensional beings.

When a man discovers a “crack” in the dimensional perimeter (usually only attainable with drugs), he is able to visit the fourth dimension, but when he comes down from the experience he is back within his original confines of perception.

Either Atom Smasher has finally flipped his lid, or he is talking about something that is real but completely hidden to most.

The hidden world requires no idea of “cold approach”. It’s just a natural state of being wherein the inhabitants have an instantaneous mutual understanding of attraction. We all know instantaneously who is a cohabitant and who is not. This could also be thought of as a secret “society”. I would say that within this world, most men know how they got there but cannot articulate in words how they did, while zero percent of women know how they got there, nor do they even know that they are a habitant. They just exist without question in a very childlike way.

Within that hidden world, men don’t give any thought at all about how to attract women. They just walk around throughout their day, improving their lives, and they simply enjoy an abundance of women who are attracted to them, the women who are members. The “signals” or “invitations” are for those who are just discovering this hidden society. Full-fledged members just instinctively know.

I went from being utterly hopeless with women to a member of this hidden world of abundance, and I know how I got there but I’m incapable of articulating it in words. All my life the only thing I “knew“ about women was that there was a cosmic law in play that all women despised me. In my perception, this was as real as the law of gravity.

The only way I can articulate how to open up a crack of entry into this hidden world is twofold. First is to train oneself to recognize the subtle, almost imperceptible signs that women give out, and second, to cultivate a presumption that flies in the face of objective “reality” that women can and do find you attractive. It is a state of being like driving a car. Once at your destination you gave no thought whatsoever as to how you got there. You drive completely on instinct with zero conscious calculations as to how you drove.

Of course, the more I try to explain it, the more confusing and convoluted it becomes because ultimately it is inexpressible. You have to develop an inner knowing, and the only way to do it is to shift out of conscious thought about how to do it (the mechanics of cold approach) and just flow with the abundance that’s there for the taking.

So in the crude language that we are confined to, it seems to me that the tangible jumping off point into this hidden world that I and others live in is to learn to perceive these ultra-subtle signs of attraction that interested women broadcast, and to shift oneself into a state of being and doing, forgetting about cold approaching but rather creating easy, relaxed fun and amusement for yourself in your interactions with others.

The closest guy here who was able to partially articulate this would be da dynamically. He has a deep understanding of this hidden world, but he can never stick around here long enough to continue his writings because he cares to much what his detractors think. I’ve told him that is his Achilles heel.

I on the other hand couldn’t care less what my detractors think. A handful of you know that I’m onto something real here. Those are the ones who are well on the way toward enlightenment and abundance. Some will say it sounds like Uncle Atom has been hitting the mushrooms again, and that’s fine. I sound crazy to those who either aren’t ready yet or who never will be.

Are these the ramblings of an out-of-touch madman, or are they the writings of a man who has worked his way into a higher state of abundance but lacks the ability to articulate how to get there? You decide. All I know is that my little world is a great place to live. My current mission is to move other aspects of my life into this world of abundance until I’ve attained a reasonable state of balance across the board.

Take the hammer and chisel to yourself.
Present yourself to the world as a man who has self-respect.
Assume a virtue if you have it not.
Move through life with an easy air of self-generated amusement and fun, but require respect.
Learn to recognize women’s signals.
Develop faith in yourself, an inner knowing that you can succeed, even if your situation seems dire. This is called Creating Your Reality.
Learn to live with cognitive dissonance until your seemingly “unreasonable” faith in yourself becomes your reality.
Learn about mechanical discipline and the power of habit.
Learn the power of baby steps.
Pay attention to your relationship with our Creator.

All of these things will elevate you to a higher plane in many aspects of life. And to the issue at-hand, attraction and whether or not to cold approach, you will find that cold approaching is entirely unnecessary because responsive women will become visible to you, and you to them, and you will know their receptivity before a single word is uttered.
In terms of subtle approach invitations there are : she is in a club and dancing , she is loud , she is not sticking with her group , etc

sure sometimes this are not real approach invitations , but most of the time the women is signaling that she wants to be approached by guys . Just food for the thought :)

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I’ll further add that the SoSuave techniques and mindsets are valuable training wheels that can help one get to a higher state. Or one might think of them as rungs on a disposable ladder.

Out of necessity they are stated in a very rigid, formulaic way, else they would have little substance. But they are to be used and modified to a degree to fit one’s personality.

There comes a time when a man recognizes what a huge help they were, but now they have become unnecessary as he starts “being” what he formerly aspired to.

As I analyze my own growth from clueless loser to whatever I am now, I might partially describe it as self-brainwashing. It’s a combination of rational thought processes and letting go to instinct. I think that this can’t really be taught, but only discovered. I figure that by my trying to verbally describe the process, or more accurately the end result, some men might use these writings as a marker along the path, to say to themselves, “Oh, okay, THAT’S what Atom (and a few others) were talking about”.


Oct 29, 2020
Reaction score
The secret society thing sounded WAY out there when I first read it years ago.

But it’s roughly true.
Well, I think it probably is.
I'll tell you what it reminds me of.
Women in religious schools. But not the public ones(main senior high and some night school courses and summer school courses)

And here's how I mean how it reminds me.
So if you're new to a religious elementary or religious high school, and you don't have a 'best friend', in order to ensure that every girl has 'good feelings', one will be assigned to you and that will be the clique you will be a part of. Usually just the shy new girls were enveloped this way. When a new shy girl started after me and if there was no extra best friends to assign, there would be a 'cabinet shuffle' and the smartest or the most athletic girl would bow out(she has so many competitions and games to go to anyways) and although she no longer is 'coupled up' with her very own best friend., she would have visiting rights with each best friend in the clique in sequence.
I was in my 30's before it struck me like a lightening bolt that this was choreographed this way.

I had ended up imitating this myself by being the one to start a clique in my second year of religious high school. When I transferred out to the public system, 2 of the entourage transferred with me. The rest couldn't because of religion and parents and other factors.
It was very important that there was always 'good feelings' and nobody was left to get lonely on their own.

So although not sexual, the behaviour of women is very much like a secret society, at least in religious schools where making each other feel wanted was important.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Well, I think it probably is.
I'll tell you what it reminds me of.
Women in religious schools. But not the public ones(main senior high and some night school courses and summer school courses)

And here's how I mean how it reminds me.
So if you're new to a religious elementary or religious high school, and you don't have a 'best friend', in order to ensure that every girl has 'good feelings', one will be assigned to you and that will be the clique you will be a part of. Usually just the shy new girls were enveloped this way. When a new shy girl started after me and if there was no extra best friends to assign, there would be a 'cabinet shuffle' and the smartest or the most athletic girl would bow out(she has so many competitions and games to go to anyways) and although she no longer is 'coupled up' with her very own best friend., she would have visiting rights with each best friend in the clique in sequence.
I was in my 30's before it struck me like a lightening bolt that this was choreographed this way.

I had ended up imitating this myself by being the one to start a clique in my second year of religious high school. When I transferred out to the public system, 2 of the entourage transferred with me. The rest couldn't because of religion and parents and other factors.
It was very important that there was always 'good feelings' and nobody was left to get lonely on their own.

So although not sexual, the behaviour of women is very much like a secret society, at least in religious schools where making each other feel wanted was important.
Yeah. I was thinking more of the “popular clique” in school. I would accidentally overhear bits and pieces (gossip) about parties that went on that were held by the popular group, but I wasn’t invited to any of them. In fact, I wasn’t even supposed to know about them.

And I was puzzled that the popular group always seemed to know who was dating who, but I had no idea and couldn’t have guessed. Years later I figured out that they saw who was together and hooking up at these “secret society” (of sorts) parties.

This obviously continues in many other areas in adulthood like the nightlife scene, the workplace, etc. I’ll stop there; I don’t need to continue being Captain Obvious lol.
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Oct 29, 2020
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Yeah. I was thinking more of the “popular clique” in school. I would accidentally overhear bits and pieces (gossip) about parties that went on that were held by the popular group, but I wasn’t invited to any of them. In fact, I wasn’t even supposed to know about them.

And I was puzzled that the popular group always seemed to know who was dating who, but I had no idea and couldn’t have guessed. Years later I figured out that they saw who was together and hooking up at these “secret society” (of sorts) parties.

This obviously continues in many other areas in adulthood like the nightlife scene, the workplace, etc. I’ll stop there; I don’t need to continue being Captain Obvious lol.
I was never in the most popular group. Just the friendliest.

The most popular group would drop hints and gossip about each other. Sounded like they all talked behind each others backs(like what I'm doing rn, lol). I think underage sex was happening, other stuff like underage drinking.

I always had the type of friends like the male version of friends in the movie Good will hunting. Loyal, joking around, looking out for each other, know each other's family members kind of vibe.

The more popular clique all had the divorced parents and bragged of two sets of expensive gifts and trips at holidays.

King Lion

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2020
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There exists a hidden world that some men and some women live in and understand. It’s a world that can’t be described, but only hinted at.

It’s very similar to trying to explain and picture a fourth dimension. In our three dimensional space/time continuum we can conceptualize a fourth dimension and visualize a shadow of how a 4 dimensional object may look, we cannot fully grasp it and perceive it and interact with it because we are not equipped to perceive it fully since we are three-dimensional beings.

When a man discovers a “crack” in the dimensional perimeter (usually only attainable with drugs), he is able to visit the fourth dimension, but when he comes down from the experience he is back within his original confines of perception.

Either Atom Smasher has finally flipped his lid, or he is talking about something that is real but completely hidden to most.

The hidden world requires no idea of “cold approach”. It’s just a natural state of being wherein the inhabitants have an instantaneous mutual understanding of attraction. We all know instantaneously who is a cohabitant and who is not. This could also be thought of as a secret “society”. I would say that within this world, most men know how they got there but cannot articulate in words how they did, while zero percent of women know how they got there, nor do they even know that they are a habitant. They just exist without question in a very childlike way.

Within that hidden world, men don’t give any thought at all about how to attract women. They just walk around throughout their day, improving their lives, and they simply enjoy an abundance of women who are attracted to them, the women who are members. The “signals” or “invitations” are for those who are just discovering this hidden society. Full-fledged members just instinctively know.

I went from being utterly hopeless with women to a member of this hidden world of abundance, and I know how I got there but I’m incapable of articulating it in words. All my life the only thing I “knew“ about women was that there was a cosmic law in play that all women despised me. In my perception, this was as real as the law of gravity.

The only way I can articulate how to open up a crack of entry into this hidden world is twofold. First is to train oneself to recognize the subtle, almost imperceptible signs that women give out, and second, to cultivate a presumption that flies in the face of objective “reality” that women can and do find you attractive. It is a state of being like driving a car. Once at your destination you gave no thought whatsoever as to how you got there. You drive completely on instinct with zero conscious calculations as to how you drove.

Of course, the more I try to explain it, the more confusing and convoluted it becomes because ultimately it is inexpressible. You have to develop an inner knowing, and the only way to do it is to shift out of conscious thought about how to do it (the mechanics of cold approach) and just flow with the abundance that’s there for the taking.

So in the crude language that we are confined to, it seems to me that the tangible jumping off point into this hidden world that I and others live in is to learn to perceive these ultra-subtle signs of attraction that interested women broadcast, and to shift oneself into a state of being and doing, forgetting about cold approaching but rather creating easy, relaxed fun and amusement for yourself in your interactions with others.

The closest guy here who was able to partially articulate this would be da dynamically. He has a deep understanding of this hidden world, but he can never stick around here long enough to continue his writings because he cares to much what his detractors think. I’ve told him that is his Achilles heel.

I on the other hand couldn’t care less what my detractors think. A handful of you know that I’m onto something real here. Those are the ones who are well on the way toward enlightenment and abundance. Some will say it sounds like Uncle Atom has been hitting the mushrooms again, and that’s fine. I sound crazy to those who either aren’t ready yet or who never will be.

Are these the ramblings of an out-of-touch madman, or are they the writings of a man who has worked his way into a higher state of abundance but lacks the ability to articulate how to get there? You decide. All I know is that my little world is a great place to live. My current mission is to move other aspects of my life into this world of abundance until I’ve attained a reasonable state of balance across the board.

Take the hammer and chisel to yourself.
Present yourself to the world as a man who has self-respect.
Assume a virtue if you have it not.
Move through life with an easy air of self-generated amusement and fun, but require respect.
Learn to recognize women’s signals.
Develop faith in yourself, an inner knowing that you can succeed, even if your situation seems dire. This is called Creating Your Reality.
Learn to live with cognitive dissonance until your seemingly “unreasonable” faith in yourself becomes your reality.
Learn about mechanical discipline and the power of habit.
Learn the power of baby steps.
Pay attention to your relationship with our Creator.

All of these things will elevate you to a higher plane in many aspects of life. And to the issue at-hand, attraction and whether or not to cold approach, you will find that cold approaching is entirely unnecessary because responsive women will become visible to you, and you to them, and you will know their receptivity before a single word is uttered.
It's said that during a thunderstorm - just before lightning strikes - a person's hair will stand on end...I felt it and thought of this while reading your very articulate post...BRAVO

H.I.M. on spiritual power.jpg


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Open up your year book from high school. Look at pics today on ig or fb. Pie eating contest, single mom, fat as ****kkk. Lulz

Chase excellence. obviously approach but know she's likely headed to the dumpster farm and back to the circus very soon. fit for the bearded lady.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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Yes it was mean of the girl, but on the other hand, that guy only had himself to blame, for being chubby and having funny body language.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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IMO I wouldn't see it as mean. Girls r programmed to seek the best genetic material and secure resources. She doesn't have much choice. When some guy she thinks is below her level approaches she feels disgust and irritation.

I d suggest situational approach. Talk about something in the environment. Ask her a question if she starts running with the conversation you have your hook. If she s brushing u off say ....anyway catching up with friends it was nice meeting you....and eject. Make sure u hold eye contact and walk away slowly. Your frame is no woman can upset me and I own my environment wherever I am.

This way you avoid the brutal public rejections and still get plenty of PRACTICE. If you practice different approach styles - chatty hi energy, calm quiet centred, busy goal focused etc. And the divine gift of self amusement i.e. this is entertainment you ll inevitably get better.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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One thing is when I ejected and said ...nice meeting I used to hold out my hand for the shake and hang on for half a second while smiling and keeping strong eye contact. PRACTICING good habits. Remember they can blow u off but they can't stop you using them for practice.

Probably not cool in COVID times. I ve been in an ltr for 5 years so not much practice for me. I m curious how do you guys kick off early kino these days? Or is everyone just doing my place dates?


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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When you lean in to hug her upon meeting, just hug her with your left arm.

Let the back of your right hand gently brush past her nipple as you lean in for the hug.

It’s not overt enough to where she’ll think you’re a sleaze bag, and it’s something she’ll just interpret as incidental contact.

Nevertheless, she’ll feel it.

Just a subtle way to get her engines started.
it does not really help you as much as you believe , as as you mentioned , it looks accidental

so either she likes you or not

but never less , it might be a morale boost for the guy