The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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"I have a boyfriend"


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
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Her: "IHAB"

Me:" I don't think I have enough condoms for what you're suggesting."

Seriously though, if you hear IHAB, stop wasting your time with a woman who isn't interested.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
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If she will branch swing for you, she will branch swing away from you too


Feb 17, 2017
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does he care if we have sex?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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Just say "Great, you're gonna need someone to keep you entertained when I'm busy."


4 words that will will throw me off in a convo. How do I respond to this? Say we're talking and I ask her out, and she throws this line at me? I wouldn't go after her after hearing this, but how to do I back out of this gracefully?
“Oh cool. I like it when a woman is tied up like that.”

“Oh, I’m so happy for you.”

“I’m sure he’s perfect for you.”

There’s nothing to back out from. Nearly every woman you see and meet is fukking someone. 99% of the women with “boyfriends” would be looking to jump on an opportunity if it’s a good one.

No woman leaves the house thinking...”God I hope I don’t run into a really awesome guy today.”

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2018
Reaction score
Whenever a girl says she has a boyfriend I will say "interesting, what's his name?" & she will give the name..for example say she says his name is Brett. I'll then say "that's so great..Im sure Barry is a great guy".
usually the girl will laugh & say that I got his name wrong & again I'll reiterate how I listened, but get the guy's name wrong again: "No I heard you the first time, I'm really happy for you & Brian" (even better if I use a name that's kinda obscure like Bartholomew, but sometimes my brain doesn't act quick enough)
It sounds so stupid on paper but surprisingly I've gotten great reactions from girls who are supposedly in committed relationships but will still give me their number or consider hanging out because I basically ignore them shooting me down with an ongoing joke.
If one of the litter gets pissed at the joking I'll just say have a great rest of the afternoon & keep it moving.


Whenever a girl says she has a boyfriend I will say "interesting, what's his name?" & she will give the name..for example say she says his name is Brett. I'll then say "that's so great..Im sure Barry is a great guy".
usually the girl will laugh & say that I got his name wrong & again I'll reiterate how I listened, but get the guy's name wrong again: "No I heard you the first time, I'm really happy for you & Brian" (even better if I use a name that's kinda obscure like Bartholomew, but sometimes my brain doesn't act quick enough)
It sounds so stupid on paper but surprisingly I've gotten great reactions from girls who are supposedly in committed relationships but will still give me their number or consider hanging out because I basically ignore them shooting me down with an ongoing joke.
If one of the litter gets pissed at the joking I'll just say have a great rest of the afternoon & keep it moving.
Sounds like fun actually. There’s a lot of threads off of that.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
I've caught on to women with boyfriends (or husbands) trying to hide the fact that they're not single.

Some would even lie and claim their boyfriend is just a friend...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2020
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Whenever a girl says she has a boyfriend I will say "interesting, what's his name?" & she will give the name..for example say she says his name is Brett. I'll then say "that's so great..Im sure Barry is a great guy".
usually the girl will laugh & say that I got his name wrong & again I'll reiterate how I listened, but get the guy's name wrong again: "No I heard you the first time, I'm really happy for you & Brian" (even better if I use a name that's kinda obscure like Bartholomew, but sometimes my brain doesn't act quick enough)
It sounds so stupid on paper but surprisingly I've gotten great reactions from girls who are supposedly in committed relationships but will still give me their number or consider hanging out because I basically ignore them shooting me down with an ongoing joke.
If one of the litter gets pissed at the joking I'll just say have a great rest of the afternoon & keep it moving.
That made me laugh out loud.Funny.That kind of silly humour is really attractive IMO,the only problem with me using that is id struggle to keep a straight face! But good un


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Google Boyfriend Destroyer Lines. Always deploy one of those when you hear IHAB. IHAB is a shiit test.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
her : i have a boyfriend
you: I have a maths test
her : What?
You: Just letting you know what were both gonna be cheating on soon
This is one of the destroyer lines I have used.
Feb 21, 2020
Reaction score
4 words that will will throw me off in a convo. How do I respond to this? Say we're talking and I ask her out, and she throws this line at me? I wouldn't go after her after hearing this, but how to do I back out of this gracefully?
you: "Yes. And I have a face."

her: "wait what?"/confusion

you: "I thought we were just trading irrelevant facts ;) "

King Lion

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2020
Reaction score
Here's my number - When you want a MAN - Call and let me know!

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


New Member
Aug 4, 2020
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4 words that will will throw me off in a convo. How do I respond to this? Say we're talking and I ask her out, and she throws this line at me? I wouldn't go after her after hearing this, but how to do I back out of this gracefully?
You just turn around without a
4 words that will will throw me off in a convo. How do I respond to this? Say we're talking and I ask her out, and she throws this line at me? I wouldn't go after her after hearing this, but how to do I back out of this gracefully?
I had a similar incidence at the gym.
Igniter: I was wondering if we could hang out to know each other.
Girl: Sorry....I have a .....
Before she could say a word after sorry Igniter turns 180 and goes back to do tricep extensions.
Girl: ( chasing Igniter) hey..I was saying..blah blah blah.
Igniter doesnt even acknowledge her presence or gives his valuable attention to her.

Personally I think its not about having a comeback line, its about leaving her right there without waisting a single second trying to say "its okay" or something else. Think of yourself as a prince, like pook says. She is lucky to have your attention. Any disinterest should not be entertained or soothened up.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Seriously though, if you hear IHAB, stop wasting your time with a woman who isn't interested.
The IHAB line is often used as a disinterest indicator in real life approaching. There are times where it isn't true. Most women are in some sort of relationship, usually an exclusive one, at any given time so the line isn't necessarily BS. These relationships can vary in quality.

I'd try to use some boyfriend destroyer line like many of the ones given here when IHAB is said.

IHAB is fading. With more people using swipe apps to meet people, IHAB's are less commonly used now than they were in the early years of me dating (1999-2005, ages 16 to 22). Even when websites were gaining in popularity from 2005-2012, IHAB's were still common enough. Once Tinder got big around 2013, I think they started fading. I can't recall the last time I got IHAB'ed. I have used swipe apps over the years but have done plenty of cold approaching. Something you'll notice with more use of swipe apps is that some women don't know how to process in-person approaches anymore. This was going on before COVID hit and was usually seen in daytime approaching.

In the 2015-2019 era, the most inane rejection I got was at my gym and it was not an IHAB, but it was a close variant. There was this attractive (borderline cute/hot) woman at gym. I approached her over the course of 2 or 3 distinct times in about a 10 day time frame. She wore earbuds but I got good body language from her. It took 2-3 approaches to get the ask out because I could sense her focus in working out. It wasn't like approaching her at the end of a fitness class. This was done in the middle of workouts. Her look was feminine but she was nicely muscled. She was probably in the 5'4"-5'6" range. Anyway, when I asked her out, she gave me some bogus excuse that she had just gotten out of a relationship and wasn't going to see anyone one on one. She had moved to the city 6 months earlier, so it is likely that whatever relationship she was in ended 6 months earlier when she moved. About 6 weeks later, I saw her at the grocery store with some guy. That line was total horse manure. I had to see her at my gym for a long time after that and had still seen her at my gym right before the pandemic hit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
I've caught on to women with boyfriends (or husbands) trying to hide the fact that they're not single.

Some would even lie and claim their boyfriend is just a friend...
update to 2020 , Women do this all the time now, they hide the fact they have a chap.

She had moved to the city 6 months earlier, so it is likely that whatever relationship she was in ended 6 months earlier when she moved. About 6 weeks later, I saw her at the grocery store with some guy.
proves my point then
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bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
4 words that will will throw me off in a convo. How do I respond to this? Say we're talking and I ask her out, and she throws this line at me? I wouldn't go after her after hearing this, but how to do I back out of this gracefully?
Two sausages are better than one.