For the exceptionally brave foreigner, Russia is now poontang paradise


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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“All of the most reasonable guys are gone,” said Tatiana, a 36-year-old who works in technology sales, as she watched a game of billiards with her friends at a women’s social club in the trendy Stoleshnikov Lane. “The dating pool has shrunk by at least 50 percent.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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There are men thirsty enough in Western nations to do this.
When the Petrodollar collapses maybe they'll come here lol


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Is it really that there are less men, or just women who are getting more picky?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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in Australia they always go on about this stupid "man drought" myth when in reality what they really mean is a Brad Pitt drought.
There is no man drought in Australia. I'm hearing that Australia has plenty of excess males.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2019
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Anyone desperate enough to jump into that wild dog pit really needs intervention from friends and family. This comes from experience dating a Russian woman and being around her Russian girlfriends, if you are so weak that you need to go to Russia to get a woman, you are NOT strong enough to keep her. They have ZERO tolerance for ANY weakness. If you are not in the top 10% of men the Russian woman will eat you alive.

Russian women are great, but they are not for the weak.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Same with certain Asian types
The thing that makes Russian women different than Western women is that they have not fallen into the "Sex in the City" mythology. Russian women know they have an expiration date and they DO NOT want to waste time when they are at their peak value. The second she does not believe you can deliver the goods, she is out of there.

Its the difference between knowing the wall is coming and not believing that such a thing exists.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
The thing that makes Russian women different than Western women if that they have not fallen into the "Sex in the City" mythology. Russian women know they have an expiration date and they DO NOT want to waste time when they are at their peak value. The second she does not believe you can deliver the goods, she is out of there.

Its the difference between knowing the wall is coming and not believing that such a thing exists.
Mike I agree 100% with you, but for Russian women"being weak" means "not be able to provide so they can she can stay at home, stop working and do her nails 3x/week", it has very little to do with men being "real men". Men in Russia can be top notch simps: they buy expensive flower bouquets, pay for everything all the time (including plastic surgeries, nails, hair, clothes), deal with their caprices and so on, just to get laid with those beauties. But at the same time, they have masculine traits that we Westerners/West Europe men don't have, they are really primitive in terms of dating (caveman style), not all the them thought. I've seen extreme examples of simps and cavemen. I always say that Russia if a country of contrasts. That is another story...

In general, Russian women want so get married, have children and sit at home, take care of the children and enjoy life while the man breaks his back at work to satisfy her. Same thing for Ukrainian, Belarussian women. They will get a degree, find a job but they will actively look for a husband-provider. They are serial daters, they are basically shopping men to find the best deal. Lot of Russians/Ukrainians had told me about it but I could't believe (didn't want to believe), it's a cultural thing. After 3 years living in Russia, several trip to Russia, countless of dates, very few lays, I know what I'm talking about.

If the man can't provide for his family (and the rest: nails and stuff) then he is not a "real man". I think Russian women's most important value in life is money, no wonder why there are so many gold diggers and prostitutes in Russia. Foreigners in Russia can't compete with Russians men, unless they are full of cash and can provide (provide x10). Love and sex are transactional in Russia, you wouldn't believe how many women openly sell their body, no shame at all, it's a common thing.

One German guy who lived in Russia once told me: "to compete with Russian men you to be 2-3x better than them, otherwise dating you is not worth it." The guys I know who got married or got in relationship with Russian women in Russia have average and below average gf/wife. Good luck getting the hot ones, they know their value.

Another thing (has nothing to do with what you said), as a foreigner in Russia, if you don't speak Russian you will have a hard time dating women. The majority of women are not comfortable with English or doesn't want to speak English (even if they know English). It's way easier for them to date Russian men, plus they share the same culture, values, etc.

This is my experience with Russian women in Russia.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Mike I agree 100% with you, but for Russian women"being weak" means "not be able to provide so they can she can stay at home, stop working and do her nails 3x/week", it has very little to do with men being "real men". Men in Russia can be top notch simps: they buy expensive flower bouquets, pay for everything all the time (including plastic surgeries, nails, hair, clothes), deal with their caprices and so on, just to get laid with those beauties. But at the same time, they have masculine traits that we Westerners/West Europe men don't have, they are really primitive in terms of dating (caveman style), not all the them thought. I've seen extreme examples of simps and cavemen. I always say that Russia if a country of contrasts. That is another story...

In general, Russian women want so get married, have children and sit at home, take care of the children and enjoy life while the man breaks his back at work to satisfy her. Same thing for Ukrainian, Belarussian women. They will get a degree, find a job but they will actively look for a husband-provider. They are serial daters, they are basically shopping men to find the best deal. Lot of Russians/Ukrainians had told me about it but I could't believe (didn't want to believe), it's a cultural thing. After 3 years living in Russia, several trip to Russia, countless of dates, very few lays, I know what I'm talking about.

If the man can't provide for his family (and the rest: nails and stuff) then he is not a "real man". I think Russian women's most important value in life is money, no wonder why there are so many gold diggers and prostitutes in Russia. Foreigners in Russia can't compete with Russians men, unless they are full of cash and can provide (provide x10). Love and sex are transactional in Russia, you wouldn't believe how many women openly sell their body, no shame at all, it's a common thing.

One German guy who lived in Russia once told me: "to compete with Russian men you to be 2-3x better than them, otherwise dating you is not worth it." The guys I know who got married or got in relationship with Russian women in Russia have average and below average gf/wife. Good luck getting the hot ones, they know their value.

Another thing (has nothing to do with what you said), as a foreigner in Russia, if you don't speak Russian you will have a hard time dating women. The majority of women are not comfortable with English or doesn't want to speak English (even if they know English). It's way easier for them to date Russian men, plus they share the same culture, values, etc.

This is my experience with Russian women in Russia.
i also lived For like 1 year in Kiev , Ukraine ( like 6-7 years ago )

my thoughts are that true EE women can not enjoy sex or love . It is transactional

very unlikely that they will ever see you more than a wallet . And this includes also how they see the Russian men ( not only foreigners )

above average women are difficult anywhere you go . The best dating markets are still the western societies , where casual sex is accepted by societies .

in Ukraine without spending money ( restaurants , bars , etc - the high end ones ) most likely k would have never slept with a girl there . Big contrast to when I compare it to Sweden , Spain , uk , or some former communist countries , where girls were more interested in you as a guy than to go to x place to be seen there

I rarely go for women from poor countries these days , unless they are cool ( or really hot )

most guys who talk about the p8ssy paradises are mainly talking about : average and bellow average women , prostitutes , gold diggers . Rarely heard about guys who were not doing that well back home and when they arrived tk this places they were dating high caliber women

mainly those who managed to do it , they had everything in place except for confidence . But this guys are an exception , a couple of % from all the guys who flood those places
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Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
Anyone desperate enough to jump into that wild dog pit really needs intervention from friends and family. This comes from experience dating a Russian woman and being around her Russian girlfriends, if you are so weak that you need to go to Russia to get a woman, you are NOT strong enough to keep her. They have ZERO tolerance for ANY weakness. If you are not in the top 10% of men the Russian woman will eat you alive.

Russian women are great, but they are not for the weak.
Is this a moscow thing or just in general even in the outlying smaller cities? Most capital cities are full of prima donnas


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Mike I agree 100% with you, but for Russian women"being weak" means "not be able to provide so they can she can stay at home, stop working and do her nails 3x/week", it has very little to do with men being "real men". Men in Russia can be top notch simps: they buy expensive flower bouquets, pay for everything all the time (including plastic surgeries, nails, hair, clothes), deal with their caprices and so on, just to get laid with those beauties. But at the same time, they have masculine traits that we Westerners/West Europe men don't have, they are really primitive in terms of dating (caveman style), not all the them thought. I've seen extreme examples of simps and cavemen. I always say that Russia if a country of contrasts. That is another story...

In general, Russian women want so get married, have children and sit at home, take care of the children and enjoy life while the man breaks his back at work to satisfy her. Same thing for Ukrainian, Belarussian women. They will get a degree, find a job but they will actively look for a husband-provider. They are serial daters, they are basically shopping men to find the best deal. Lot of Russians/Ukrainians had told me about it but I could't believe (didn't want to believe), it's a cultural thing. After 3 years living in Russia, several trip to Russia, countless of dates, very few lays, I know what I'm talking about.

If the man can't provide for his family (and the rest: nails and stuff) then he is not a "real man". I think Russian women's most important value in life is money, no wonder why there are so many gold diggers and prostitutes in Russia. Foreigners in Russia can't compete with Russians men, unless they are full of cash and can provide (provide x10). Love and sex are transactional in Russia, you wouldn't believe how many women openly sell their body, no shame at all, it's a common thing.

One German guy who lived in Russia once told me: "to compete with Russian men you to be 2-3x better than them, otherwise dating you is not worth it." The guys I know who got married or got in relationship with Russian women in Russia have average and below average gf/wife. Good luck getting the hot ones, they know their value.

Another thing (has nothing to do with what you said), as a foreigner in Russia, if you don't speak Russian you will have a hard time dating women. The majority of women are not comfortable with English or doesn't want to speak English (even if they know English). It's way easier for them to date Russian men, plus they share the same culture, values, etc.

This is my experience with Russian women in Russia.
Based on my experience, this is pretty much spot on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
This is my experience with Russian women in Russia.
That's fair, my experience with Russian women is with Russian women in the US. So US based Russian women are going to be even more mercenary. Every Russian woman I have met in the US have been hot as fvck... seriously, and they know it... if you are not in top physical condition, have 7 figures in the bank, with a high 6 figure income you do not have a rat's chance in hell.

Tatiana was a little different, since she had her own money (her dad was one of those oligarchs) and she held a lot of his wealth for security... I haven't seen her in over three years and she now lives in Rhode Island. But I knew her friends and still stay in touch with a couple, they are both dating VERY wealthy men, but these women would sit around and HUNT for rich men. They were very calculating and manipulative, they were scary good at that sh1t.

When they were done with a guy it was (in an Russian accent) "We are done... do not contact me again, you are not worth my time. If I hear from you again I am calling the police [click]" Then they were onto their next target without a second thought. It was in a Machiavellian way somewhat admirable. But I felt sorry for the dudes.... because that sh1t would come out on nowhere.

When Tatiana ended things with me it was the same "Mikey (she called me Mikey) we are done I am moving to Providence, we are done... don't call me I'll call you, your stuff at my apartment will be on the porch tomorrow morning at 10 AM, I will not be home so don't knock." That was it, which was fine with me, I got my stuff and left her stuff and I didn't here from her for another 8 months when she texted me for some advice. I hear from her every now and then when she has a question about import/export laws, and that is all.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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Russian women no matter how attractive become babushkas... so yeah, I'm good... plus the negative stereotypes of them being gold diggers.
No actually it's the opposite, I've seen a lot of super skinny hot 30-something, even 40-something, but after that it goes down, same thing in the west. Women in Russia will do everything to delay the aging process: fitness, eat well, no alcohol, plastic surgery. Sometimes it works sometimes it don'T but in general it does work since they have a superior genetic in terms of beauty.

In Russia or in the West, I've never seen a sexy grandma, it has nothing to do with Russians or Americans or Chineses or...
Women age and they become less attractive as they age.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
In Russia or in the West, I've never seen a sexy grandma, it has nothing to do with Russians or Americans or Chineses or...
Women age and they become less attractive as they age.
spanish or Italian age very well

you will see women in their 50-60 looking like they are no more than 30-35

they have a bit darker skin on average , which conceals a lot the wrinkles or the bags under the eyes for example