Cold approach is becoming impossible

Don of the north

Don Juan
Dec 3, 2022
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What are you doing here? This forum is for MEN. Don't you have anything better to do?
I just don't understand, seriously.
I welcome her here. I've only seen a few of her posts, but so far they've pretty good. A woman who has a man's back in 2022 where we are second class citizens are rare. She's not the one going around shaming men for cold approaching call them creepy. Those are the people that shouldn't be here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Great post. We've obviously got some male feminists on the forum. Can't they find somewhere else to go instead of invading our space? It's a don juan forum for petes sake.

Some of them are so scared to approach and possibly get rejected that they have to "justify their not approaching" by saying it's creepy or beta. Ridiculous. Now they're blaming men for getting called into HR. Go figure.
Male feminists dont get it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Great post. We've obviously got some male feminists on the forum. Can't they find somewhere else to go instead of invading our space? It's a don juan forum for petes sake.

Some of them are so scared to approach and possibly get rejected that they have to "justify their not approaching" by saying it's creepy or beta. Ridiculous. Now they're blaming men for getting called into HR. Go figure.
Man, it's because of guys like you that sexual harassment laws have been enacted and HR departments are busy with complaints from women against men. You simply can't get it trough your head that most women don't like cold approaching nor unwanted and persistent attention from males at work.

What's 'so suave' about harassing women out on the street or at the mall or worse, in their work place?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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I welcome her here. I've only seen a few of her posts, but so far they've pretty good. A woman who has a man's back in 2022 where we are second class citizens are rare. She's not the one going around shaming men for cold approaching call them creepy. Those are the people that shouldn't be here.
I just think it's inappropriate to have women as members given the nature of the topics discussed. If I were a woman I would understand that this forum is like a sanctuary for us and I would go play somewhere else. It's a bit disrespectful in my opinion. It shows a lack of civility
and social intelligence.

Don of the north

Don Juan
Dec 3, 2022
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Man, it's because of guys like you that sexual harassment laws have been enacted and HR departments are busy with complaints from women against men. You simply can't get it trough your head that most women don't like cold approaching nor unwanted and persistent attention from males at work.

What's 'so suave' about harassing women out on the street or at the mall or worse, in their work place?
It's not harassment until she says she's not interested or she feels uncomfortable. Repeated, unwanted sexual advances. That's the way harassment has always been defined until this recent lunacy. Going to hr because a guy asked you out for coffee is a RAT snitch move. I'd say the the same thing to any guy who turned in one of him female workers into HR because she gave him a compliment. RAT. #equality.

This will be my last reply to you on anything. If I wanted to argue with male feminists, I'd go on reddit or twitter.

Don of the north

Don Juan
Dec 3, 2022
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On the street? Yeah, most women want to be left alone, agree with you about that.

I sometimes do too but mostly if/when a man says hi, I'll smile and say hi back. I'm definitely an anomaly in that regard tho.
Totally disagree. A hot guy can go out and get a TON of numbers from women on the street. That would never happen if what you said were true. They simply don't want someone who they deem unattractive approaching. They've simply be trained that way with metoo. This is purely entitled princess nonsense. Also, they are not FORCED to interact with anyone they don't want to. A simple no thanks is too much work? Give me a break. In a FREE country you can approach anyone you want and ask them for coffee. It's literally protected free speech if it's only done once.

Would most women be open to being approached from a guy they considered a dreamboat?
Of course most would, and they'd love the attention even if they weren't single.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Saying "hi"? Or comment "cool haircut"?

I've known women who DO consider that harassment and will call cops (or threaten to) or report it to HR. Which is a bit extreme don't you think?
Indeed, it's extreme but I'll make 2 comments: if that is the 3rd unasked for 'hi' on that day and comes from a guy with an aggressive look/body language and she's having a bad day, I can't blame her. I will brush aside one nuisance call, but the third one in a day annoys me.
2. some guys like OP need a telling-to from a cop or HR otherwise they simply don't get it. They still don't get it as OP makes it obvious, but at least they'll probably refrain from that behavior because they're aware of the negative consequences.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Totally disagree. A hot guy can go out and get a TON of numbers from women on the street. That would never happen if what you said were true. They simply don't want someone who they deem unattractive approaching. They've simply be trained that way with metoo. This is purely entitled princess nonsense. Also, they are not FORCED to interact with anyone they don't want to. A simple no thanks is too much work? Give me a break. In a FREE country you can approach anyone you want and ask them for coffee. It's literally protected free speech if it's only done once.

Of course most would, and they'd love the attention even if they weren't single.
Yeah, a hot guy can literally collect panties from random women or kiss them on the spot, or hand their phone for them to put the number in without saying a word, etc... Seen them on youtube vids in mid 10s.

Don of the north

Don Juan
Dec 3, 2022
Reaction score
Indeed, it's extreme but I'll make 2 comments: if that is the 3rd unasked for 'hi' on that day and comes from a guy with an aggressive look/body language and she's having a bad day, I can't blame her. I will brush aside one nuisance call, but the third one in a day annoys me.
2. some guys like OP need a telling-to from a cop or HR otherwise they simply don't get it. They still don't get it as OP makes it obvious, but at least they'll probably refrain from that behavior because they're aware of the negative consequences.
I had to react to this then I'll ignore. The third approach in a day that annoys "me". Are you a woman? I think you just told on yourself. lol
Most women don't get approached 3 times in one day and can you imagine being so entitled and stuck up you complain about the number of suitors you have!

Can you imagine a man complain about the amount of emails he gets on the online dating apps. I've literally heard women complain they have too many emails in their inbox. They COMPLAIN about everything! Their women. That's what they do. uhhh...honey try having NO emails like some men.

Get over yourself!

A man said hello to me today...... first world white female problems


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Wow. Not gonna disagree with your experience but this does not happen in my neck of the woods (SoCal) where Chads are a dime a dozen.

Chads don't even typically approach on the street where I live, they've got such abundance from simply living their lives they don't need to.

I also think many women view men who approach on street as desperate.

I've heard them say so.
To be fair, socal is a unique market. The male competition is such (too manydudes.chads) that women can afford to view street-approaching chads as desperate.

Are you in LA county CM?


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
I had to react to this then I'll ignore. The third approach in a day that annoys "me". Are you a woman? I think you just told on yourself. lol
Most women don't get approached 3 times in one day and can you imagine being so entitled and stuck up you complain about the number of suitors you have!
Hey man, I was talking about nuisance calls. Read the whole sentence, not just the part you bolded. I used it as an example to put myself in a woman's position and see where she's coming from. Even one nuisance call is too much.
Here's another idea: go to Egypt, to the popular tourist attractions and witness first hand the harassment from the street sellers. Maybe you'll return as a changed man with a whole new perspective on unwanted attention.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Lol, excuse me but did you miss the part where I stated I DO have experience in U.S. employment/labor laws? Over five years in fact. Direct experience.

Did you also miss the part where I said I am on men's side here, having witnessed the unfairness of men being falsely accused?

Lord, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone lol, read posts.
You’re doing nothing besides seeking attention from a small swarm of posters here … you are essentially a case study in the other running thread “do words matter to women?”… clearly not. You have no legal experience. If you want to opine on how to type, make coffee, research what you’re told to look up, send emails etc. then yes, you’re a wealth of information… outside of that you’ve done nothing but attempt to create boogeyman scaremongering so that men here won’t go out and attempt to talk to women under the complete false pretenses that sexual harassment is possible striking normal workplace conversations (btw not the theme of the thread, just one you infested it with) ….. if you want to add value, which we all know you don’t, tell men here how to actually frame and defend if necessary…. But you can’t… again, because your a sexually frustrated housewife looking for attention under the fact that you sat in an office sending someone else’s faxes, cutting their checks and booking their lunches, and there are a couple posters here who will Grace you with it

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
New cold pickup; hey miss, I heard I can get sued for saying hi to you


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Totally disagree. A hot guy can go out and get a TON of numbers from women on the street. That would never happen if what you said were true. They simply don't want someone who they deem unattractive approaching. They've simply be trained that way with metoo. This is purely entitled princess nonsense. Also, they are not FORCED to interact with anyone they don't want to. A simple no thanks is too much work? Give me a break. In a FREE country you can approach anyone you want and ask them for coffee. It's literally protected free speech if it's only done once.

Of course most would, and they'd love the attention even if they weren't single.
So what it your goal with the thread? Do you wanna know something or teach us something? Are you just venting?

Oke so you are maybe too unattractive and women dont like you. Suck it up. Find other ways to get women. Become more attractive. You sound like a blackpiller. Mad at women because they do whatever the F they want with who ever they want. No woman owns you shyt. Who cares that she gives her panties to a Chad she doesn't know. I can already tell by the way how you argue over here you are a passive aggressive type of guy, who likes to blame others for your failures. No wonder women reject you.

And yeah, I agree with @pipeman84 .It went completely over your head that its men like you who pushed things so far that companies came up with strict HR policies. Just like you have the freedom to say whatever you want, any random woman has the freedom to have her own boundaries. Apparently it's necessary to give guys like you boundaries.

Stop acting the whole world is against you. I have approached 100's of women and NEVER something like this happened. At worst some friend of her that cuckblocked me.

If I were you I would take a few steps back, look in the mirror, improve your self where ever necessary and invent a new strategy.

@pipeman84 let's not forget most men think with their D. So a guy is at his job, simply simping HARD. You dont know how a dude looks out of eyes and his body language when he gives her a compliment. Maybe like you say, she subtlety ignores or politely answers , but many men lack the ability to read up social cues. If you deal with a hot woman(7+) you'll see just how pathetic men are. Some men simply have no quit in them and keep pushing. Some men believe " no means yes".
Last edited:

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Lol, feel better now? After getting that off your chest?


For the record, paralegals do essentially what lawyers do except make court appearances.

They (I) did legal research, located appropriate case law, wrote legal briefs, motions, discovery, met with clients.

My hourly rate ranged from $175-$250 per hour.

Receptionists and secretaries got coffee, made copies of documents etc.

I'm 32 and been married 5 months, hardly a "frustrated housewife," that's hilarious.

Look mate, I have no idea what up your butt other than I'm a female on a "men's" forum, but I suggest you place me on ignore, before you get a heart attack over me. Lol
I know what paralegals do… none of which is attributed to your own professional opinion, you’re a typist. You’re repeating what I already said. You’re also not offering defense or recommendation- you’re entertaining yourself … and married for 5 months at 32 years old, enough said on that one

Don of the north

Don Juan
Dec 3, 2022
Reaction score
So what it your goal with the thread? Do you wanna know something or teach us something? Are you just venting?

Oke so you are maybe too unattractive and women dont like you. Suck it up. Find other ways to get women. Become more attractive. You sound like a blackpiller. Mad at women because they do whatever the F they want with who ever they want. No woman owns you shyt. Who cares that she gives her panties to a Chad she doesn't know. I can already tell by the way how you argue over here you are a passive aggressive type of guy, who likes to blame others for your failures. No wonder women reject you.

And yeah, I agree with @pipeman84 .It went completely over your head that its men like you who pushed things so far that companies came up with strict HR policies. Just like you have the freedom to say whatever you want, any random woman has the freedom to have her own boundaries. Apparently it's necessary to give guys like you boundaries.

Stop acting the whole world is against you. I have approached 100's of women and NEVER something like this happened. At worst some friend of her that cuckblocked me.

If I were you I would take a few steps back, look in the mirror, improve your self where ever necessary and invent a new strategy.

@pipeman84 let's not forget most men think with their D. So a guy is at his job, simply simping HARD. You dont know how a dude looks out of eyes and his body language when he gives her a compliment. Maybe like you say, she subtlety ignores or politely answers , but many men lack the ability to read up social cues. If you deal with a hot woman(7+) you'll see just how pathetic men are. Some men simply have no quit in them and keep pushing. Some men believe " no means yes".
Never complained once about getting rejected. Did I? In fact I said they owe me nothing.
I never said no means yes. I said as soon as they say no I leave immediately.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
How did he not see the wedding ring?
Mostly any time anyone is doing approaches in non-bar venues, there's a need to take a quick glance at a left hand for rings.

I can't count how many times the ring glance has saved me from likely wasting time doing an approach in certain venues. I tend to go to areas with a higher concentration of unmarried people and I've still encountered enough physically attractive married women to be annoying.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Lol, feel better now? After getting that off your chest?


For the record and your information, paralegals do essentially what lawyers do except make court appearances.

They (I) did legal research, located appropriate case law, wrote legal briefs, motions, discovery, met with clients.

My hourly rate ranged from $175 - $250 per hour.

Receptionists and secretaries got coffee, made copies of documents, mailed letters etc.

I'm 32 and been married 5 months, hardly a "frustrated housewife," that's hilarious.

Look mate, I have no idea what's up your butt other than I'm a female on a "men's" forum, but I suggest you place me on ignore before you get a freaking heart attack over me. Lol
I have experience with law as well esp in my mid 20s in the early 00s. Learned everything there, motions, factums, appeal books, nothing like youthful energy along with a fight the power drive to drive a passion for DIY law. Not sure I could bring myself to that now being middle age.

You are sharing good info on here.