Asked my boss out


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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She's the boss, she could be at risk for losing her job too, if she goes out with you. If she has someone above her somewhere.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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U know what I mean, remove my attention from her , hi and bye and polite but distant

I had been flirting with her at the office we even went for lunch together. So I mean doing now the opposite.

honestly I looking for advice to get her out on a date with me lol
I will let you make the independent risk assessment on dating your co-workers and bosses.

I got you bro. How valuable is the job really. Once you get her on the date - make it clear in your head - she's not your boss - you are boss. Basically, when you are at work, it is kind of like being a guest at a girl's families house or something. Basically do this - you asked her out , she said no. She attempted to add you on facebook - you should have ignored , causing her to doubt a little bit and wonder if you were still interested; reduce the flirting a bit at work, do not give her too much attention. After a while start hitting on her again. If she had mentioned the friend request say, "I try to keep it professsional and not get too freindly with the people at work and wink" Touch at her when she comes physically close to you.

I would suggest invite her over for drinks when you have a small party and see where things go. Try to get a "date" in a plausibly deniable way, all the while, keep physically escalating things with her.

Be patient, no rush, your around this woman all the time anyhow. Once you know you have "got her" you can go ahead and ask her out again.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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If it was a part time job you don't give a sh*t about then go for it. If you're making 100k a year, hell no!!
maybe he can readily find another 100k a year job. I have never had a female boss besides my mother, grandmother, or my aunts.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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Don't **** where you eat!

Our mind is very good at convincing us a bird likes us. It's not worth your job.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
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I will let you make the independent risk assessment on dating your co-workers and bosses.

I got you bro. How valuable is the job really. Once you get her on the date - make it clear in your head - she's not your boss - you are boss. Basically, when you are at work, it is kind of like being a guest at a girl's families house or something. Basically do this - you asked her out , she said no. She attempted to add you on facebook - you should have ignored , causing her to doubt a little bit and wonder if you were still interested; reduce the flirting a bit at work, do not give her too much attention. After a while start hitting on her again. If she had mentioned the friend request say, "I try to keep it professsional and not get too freindly with the people at work and wink" Touch at her when she comes physically close to you.

I would suggest invite her over for drinks when you have a small party and see where things go. Try to get a "date" in a plausibly deniable way, all the while, keep physically escalating things with her.

Be patient, no rush, your around this woman all the time anyhow. Once you know you have "got her" you can go ahead and ask her out again.
I don’t have a lot of time to go to the office I work in the field. Today I went to the office and I talked to her like 3 minutes. She was friendly and stuff, hard to say if she is interested or just being friendly. She has been checking my Facebook stories and dropping likes. I think I’m gonna pull the trigger and ask her out one more time, 2 strike rule and if she isn’t interested then I remove my attention from her.

My dad who used to be a playboy lol who banged probably over 500 girls in his life according to him, told me not to ask her out again because it will break the spell, just to assume we are already “dating” and treat her well when I see her in the office and drop hints here and there that eventually it will escalate and she will see us like “dating” too. He says no need to ask girls out just let things happen naturally.


Dios mio, let it go man. Even your father tells you what is best.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
I don’t have a lot of time to go to the office I work in the field. Today I went to the office and I talked to her like 3 minutes. She was friendly and stuff, hard to say if she is interested or just being friendly. She has been checking my Facebook stories and dropping likes. I think I’m gonna pull the trigger and ask her out one more time, 2 strike rule and if she isn’t interested then I remove my attention from her.

My dad who used to be a playboy lol who banged probably over 500 girls in his life according to him, told me not to ask her out again because it will break the spell, just to assume we are already “dating” and treat her well when I see her in the office and drop hints here and there that eventually it will escalate and she will see us like “dating” too. He says no need to ask girls out just let things happen naturally.
Yeah he has a point. This is the answer to your whole thread. Balls in and do it. **** it if she's your boss. Handle the situation like a boss haha. You should elaborate on his advice and make a post on this. "Try to get a "date" in a plausibly deniable way, all the while, keep physically escalating things with her. " - this is kind of what I implied by this. Get a "date" in a casual way.

I think I’m gonna pull the trigger and ask her out one more time, 2 strike rule and if she isn’t interested then I remove my attention from her. - Nah do things the way your dad said. Badass advice he has. Finally I saw something novel on this forum that makes it worth reading.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
Hope you exercised good judgement: either you are due a promotion or a demotion lol

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
If you are actively looking for a new job, yeah pursue her (as long as you see signs of high interest). If you value your job and do not have another lined up, then don't think with your penis.

Modern Man Advice


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2019
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flirting with girl at the park: 0% chance of getting fired
flirting with boss: 50% chance of getting fired
such a tough choice to make


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
So my female boss has been quite flirty lately, so I pulled the trigger and sent her a message asking her for drinks over the weekend. She said it was a sudden request and her weekend was full booked. I told her cool to hit me up later when she would be free, she didn’t reply.

That same night she added me on Facebook, I accepted the friend request and sent a flirty message just saying hi more or less. She didn’t reply.

How to act around her now ? Continue flirting or remove my attention and just be polite but distant? And there will be a company party in 2 weeks, ignore her at the party for the most part or make a move ?

I heard 3 years ago she dated a worker in the company by the way.
as per OP question , he wants to bang his boss not asking if it is ok to bang your boss

if we would think mainly about risks , no one would bang women . Risk of being arrested , risk of getting and STD , risk of an angry ex , risk of , risk of etc etc

if he will be fired because of banging his boss then it will be a lesson learned . He is young , most likely his job is not that serious to begin or well paid . He can easily find another job , maybe even better paid

if you want to help him out , then try to give him some advice on how to actually bang his boss . The lessons after is his to be learned . This is how you learn , by also doing dumb stuff from time to time


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
if you want to help him out , then try to give him some advice on how to actually bang his boss . The lessons after is his to be learned . This is how you learn , by also doing dumb stuff from time to time
It’s stupid on many levels. Not only can he lose it job, it will tarnish his professional reputation. You think a sexual harassment firing won’t affect future career opportunities?


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
If you actually want to keep this job, what would possess you to make such a blunder in asking your female boss out for drinks? I understand kind of the rush of doing something that is dangerous (and this certainly qualifies), but as others have pointed out, simply not worth it if you are dead set on hanging onto this job. This thing is either going to end in a neutral way or in a negative way - and if it is the latter you very well may be sent off packing against your will.

Good luck, OP.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
It’s stupid on many levels. Not only can he lose it job, it will tarnish his professional reputation. You think a sexual harassment firing won’t affect future career opportunities?
you can be accused of sexual harassment by literally any woman , at job or not

better not to speak with women to not run the risk of being accused of this

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
So my female boss has been quite flirty lately, so I pulled the trigger and sent her a message asking her for drinks over the weekend. She said it was a sudden request and her weekend was full booked. I told her cool to hit me up later when she would be free, she didn’t reply.

That same night she added me on Facebook, I accepted the friend request and sent a flirty message just saying hi more or less. She didn’t reply.

How to act around her now ? Continue flirting or remove my attention and just be polite but distant? And there will be a company party in 2 weeks, ignore her at the party for the most part or make a move ?

I heard 3 years ago she dated a worker in the company by the way.
It's a risky move. You have to be really careful not to do anything that could be considered "inappropriate". And then, it could still blow up in your face. Definitely not recommended unless she has a verrrrrry nice rack.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
Oh right- trying to fvck your female supervisor is a great idea. Manosphere logic.
if you are afraid of getting a sexual harassment complaint , then you also know that this happen in any possible context , not only when you try to sleep with your boss . Being afraid is not the way , as slowly you will get more risk adverse

if it is a matter of job security , like I have stated the guy is young and most likely has an entry level job that can easily be changed if the circumstances require it

Most likely he even thought about being fired by her and he does not really care

since he is young I think that the story “ bro , I banged my boss “ would do him way better down the liken even if this would mean that in the worst case he will be fired . Most likely he will not be fired

how many guys from those who write here “ bro do not do i , there are risks “ actually banged their boss ?
Since most likely the real number is close to 0 , then how would you know that you will be fired if you sleep with your boss ?

people talk from a place of fear mainly , which makes you more and more risk adverse till ultimately your d1ck will fall off and grow a vagina instead
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