
  1. B

    How to develop your alpha side?

    Rollo uses the phrase "Alpha ****s, Beta bucks." for the two sides of female hypergamy. Since I'm very young (20), it makes more sense to work on my "alpha" side, bc. girls my age are more attracted (or aroused as Rollo says it) to that than to a "good faithful provider". Now I don't wanna be...
  2. reality250

    Should I ever tell her about my kid and my Open Releationship?

    Hey guys, I will meet a 22-year-old one and I thought before we meet each other and I start building deep comfort (telling about myselft etc) should I be completely authentic and tell her about my life partner or not? What were your experiences?
  3. GoodOne123

    I Wish I Started Earlier

    Recently I went out. This was a club that caters more to college students. I recently turned 24 so I was a bit older than lots of the girls there. But I do look younger, like 20-21. I had a good time. One girl started undressing me in the middle of the club, and feeling me up. A second...
  4. pyros

    young girl I am seing stills fvcking her ex

    I've been seing this 21 years old girl for 1.5 months. Right from the begining I classified her as a friend with benefits because of several reasons I dont like about her life (too slutty, drinks too much, many male friends, average body...) We have sex every week one or two times (it is a bit...
  5. pyros

    21 years old slvts...

    I've been seing this 21 years old girl for two months or so now...she's a lot of fun, and sex is good BUT...she's a complete slvt. In all this time we've been seing each other, she's told me that: 1 She's still banging her ex bf. Sometimes she tells me this, sometimes she denies it. She...
  6. pyros

    cute young single mom

    is it just me or there are a lot of cute young chicks (from 18 to 22) who already have a kid but there is no father around? I mean, everytime I check fb I see a few profiles of girls that are quite cute or hot but when you have a look at their pictures you suddently see a kid, so you know she's...
  7. pyros

    fake alpha female

    I posted about this 19 years old chick before. Today we went on a first date and I noticed that she behaves in a very uncommon way. She tries to act 'alpha', but you can see she's trying too hard, I mean, she's avoiding to act like she would like to act and instead she's trying to be the...
  8. pyros

    dating girls way younger than yourself

    When I was 27 I dated a girl who was 20... One year ago I banged a girl who was 19 while I was 29... Now I have an incoming date with another girl who is 19 and I am now 30... In the following link you'll see a Master or a King, however you want to call him. The guy is 42 or 44 and the girl is...
  9. pyros

    clingy 19 years old

    I met this 19 years old almost one week ago in a latin club. I am 29. I noticed she was staring at me ...several times, so I asked her to dance. After that I talked to her for like 10 minutes, got her number, etc. Two days later she texted me, we talked, and she asked me if I minded her age...
  10. pyros

    when they like you its easy

    last night I was in a latin club with some of my friends. After a while I was walking around on my own and then I saw this pretty cute girl. I walked past her and she looked at me and kept looking. Then I stopped 2 meters away from her; the place was crowded. I looked at her again and she looked...