Recent content by Spartan301

  1. S

    college freshman

    Having returned to school recently, I came across a great site with a few good articles on college dating. I saw something that I wish came out during my freshman year. I figure it's better to put it here than the high school threads, but feel free to check it out...
  2. S

    Wowww what a major FAIL!

    the difference between success and failure is reactiveness. Will you react to whatever she says or does, or will you go your own path and 'allow' her to follow? Okay, easier said then done, I know, but isntead of just saying 'youre a reactive *****' and just leaving it at that, here's what I...
  3. S

    What every skinny guy should know...

    you're on the right track. Just stick to the basics: -find a caloric calculator online (try at first) to figure out how many calories you need to take in a day to gain mass -from my personal training days, the rule of thumb was 50%carbs, 30%proteing, 20% fats. You can...
  4. S

    My college approach journal

    From one college student to another...brotha, you gotta start thinking BIG PICTURE. To be THE MAN in any situation, you have to think bigger than the interaction level. Think about this, the greatest generals in the world: Napoleon, Machavelli, Washington, Tokugawa. They didn't think on a...
  5. S


    the scale system actually was created in the pickup community, but can really screw up your game if you don't keep it in perspective. Just think about it this way; most people give a certain number to certain women based on THEIR judgement. This can really mess up someone's game because if...
  6. S

    Stuck as a friend?

    Well the sooner you get out of the friend zone the better, but if you find yourself there anyway, it might not be a bad thing. I actually was curious about it, and I found a video that someone made about what to do in the friend zone, especially with your really hot friends...
  7. S

    Facebook, Myspace, IM = DEATH!!!!!

    yes, I'll risk being the minority, but once again, I have to disagree. If all you're doing is posting pics of you with women over and over again on facebook, the only thing that you are projecting is that: 1) you're a typical immature party goer 2) all you do is go out, go out, go out 3)...
  8. S

    "IOI's": Real and important, or just another irrelevant myth?

    My mentor has been drilling this into my head from the first day he's known me: "You can't always depend on what your eyes see." IOIs is purely a visual measurement. You can't count on it fully because you don't know the whole story. Just trust me on this. 'your eyes can decieve you...
  9. S

    How to be center of attention when approaching group of girls?

    Alright, here's how I would pull this off: The secret to doing this successfuly is calibrating your vibe compared to theirs. See, you want to give the vibe of a fun guy who she can talk to, right? Well, a little pre-emptive work an make things a lot easier for you. Best case scenario, you...
  10. S

    Facebook, Myspace, IM = DEATH!!!!!

    I actually disagree... a lot. I have a facebook, and it's one of my big weapons in the world of attraction. Yes, I do go out. Yes, I do talk to women face to face. Yes, I have a life outside of the computer. In fact, I use facebook as a window into my world and lifestyle. If your lifestyle...
  11. S

    How to get a woman's phone number EASILY

    In the old west, he who had the slowest hands typically died. It's obvious. Just imagine a old west quickdraw. Two people standing face to face, hands hovering over their guns. Then suddenly each gunfighter would quickly pull out their revolvers and BANG! The quicker of the two would win...
  12. S

    College Game 101

    With the new semester of college on the way for many of us out there (myself included), I can't help but feel damn excited about it all. Women at parties, women in class, women in the library, women in the cafeterea. Imagine the possibilities with females at every turn. So, here's my own...
  13. S

    Getting Laid

    just be honest and don't be a needly little dude. 'Look, I'd love to hang out with you again, but I'm not ready for another relationship with you at this time.' will you possibly miss out on an orgy? Maybe, but improve your game and someday you wouldnt be needing her around to make an orgy...
  14. S

    Is skinny and awkward the male curse?

    Curse...what a word. Saying you have a curse is just a copout way of saying, "I don't have the power to change this." when in all truth, yes you do. You just have to chose to change it. You don't want to be skinny? I did personal training for 4 years, I've seen people choose not to be...
  15. S

    How to get that AURA...

    Based on my past experience, an 'aura' is a manifestation of the vibe you want to project. In other words, the vibe you give out is an emotional aura that emanates around you. With that said, you can switch your aura as you switch your vibe. You can have a fun vibe, and emanate this aura of...