Recent content by slitherjef

  1. S

    10 Myths About Introverts

    I found out that I am an INTP. Well, everything points to that anyway. If you want to find our more about yourself.
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    the game

    So I have been reading this thing and can't help that this guy sounds almost like me. The self esteem issues, the over thinking, low voice, etc. In other words, the biggest obstacle, could be ones self. However, I am unsure if I buy into the stories presented in the book. They still seem a bit...
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    the game

    I forgot to mention I ordered the rules of the game too. I think the biggest hurdle when it comes to this stuff is myself.
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    the game

    This book looks like total over the top drek full of outlandish bull. And I should have my copy tomorrow. I figured I would give one last try at things before totally giving up hope of finding someone. I am simply Tired of this crap, this seemingly endless loop of failure I have had. I am tired...
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    life's just not fair

    First of all, what the hell is "wat" and "kno" and "i"? Second of all, sorry about being harsh on that. And thirdly, you are not the only one. I can't seem to even get a "female friend" out for coffee even after knowing her for a year and working with her. Seems as if you are putting too much...
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    Just a random question.

    Which is easier: Just getting laid or Getting a girlfriend / relationship?
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    I Can't Get ONE Date

    Whats an IOD? Indicator of ? disinterest?
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    I Can't Get ONE Date

    I can't either. I usually just end up mistaking a woman's friendliness for interest. Hell. I thought I could make a female friend. Guess not.
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    The realization has hit.

    Turns out I did not need to text her today. I think I will tomorrow as a courtesy to say I can't do this weekend. Im sure she ain't going to care. She bopped in to get her check and bailed real fast with out even looking or coming over to say hi. I was going to just go talk to her but she...
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    The realization has hit.

    If she is just playing a game, like using me for validation or baby sitter then maybe I should just play along. I ain't got nothing better to do. I intend on texting her in a bit to see if Saturday is still "on" . Why not?
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    The realization has hit.

    Oh, I have no resentment on her if things do not go forward. It will suck, yes, but I'm not going to be angry or anything. I have already offered her a bunch of guilt free "outs" which she did not take. Actually I am waiting till tomorrow to hit her up for coffee. She is expecting me to...
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    The realization has hit.

    Hmmm. Self esteem issues, huh. Yeah I can see that. Its either that or over thinking crap. I figured I was a nice guy. Now what to do about it. Oh and I am thinking of texting her in a bit.
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    The realization has hit.

    Yeah, its been a long time since I have been here. Perhaps its for the better. Things have come crashing down. The realization has hit. I am a freaking nice guy. Probably bordering on desperate. I thought I was different then those other guys. I am not. I am a nice guy. And it took the loss...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    Well.... I am glad to see I am not the only one who tends to have run-ins with younger girls in the 19-23 range. Too bad nothing ever comes out of my run-ins however.
  15. S

    Where would a take a girl to have sex in this situation?

    You got two legs right? Public transportation? No date ideas? Got a park around you? Go for a walk. Play a game of chess or something. Oh you asked where to nail her? If there is a will... there is a way...