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  • Acting on how you feel instead of acting on rational, long-term consequences is self destructive.

    Relying on emotional manipulation for any kind of survival is parasitic.
    As an adult, every person is an addition to your life, not a necessity. When you see another person as a necessity, you've emasculate yourself.
    Women have the perception of wanting to emasculate men to turn them into workhorses. When you are single and moralized, you work for yourself, not for others.
    For men, sex represents love. If there isn't enough love in a man's life, he uses sex to fill the void. For women it's attention and corollaries of attention that they attempt to fill that void of lack of love. This is why people with trauma or neglect have relationship problems.
    Chow Mein
    True. Women who do not receive the validation from a man she adores will be voided of happiness. It’s finding the right balance to have her be the plate spinner :)
    Acting irrational is emasculation. Being forced to conform is being forced to act irrational.
    When thinking about how to gain access to anything, ask yourself what is it that you have to offer.
    To build talent within yourself, you really have to stick with it so that you recognize and fully understand all of the patterns associated with whatever you are doing.
    AOC - If I am so dumb, how did I finish a jigsaw puzzle in 6 weeks when the box said 3-6 years.
    Men and women are different at the lower stages of cognition. Men and women both grasp the same higher stages of cognition.
    Attraction is not a conscious choice

    Hardship acts as a force of accountability

    Sex is rooted in our animistic nature. Sex, like enjoying a work of art, is not a process where a higher order of consciousness and critical thinking is needed.

    Don’t talk about sexual exploits openly.

    “I want equality, but I can be a strong overpowering woman or be a defenseless victim when it’s convenient.”


    “I am the strong breadwinner yet I am determined by things supposedly outside of my control (Blackpilled).”
    Women want a man who has a strong capacity for emotional responses, not a man who is emotional. Whim worshiping is acting on emotions, and doing so weakens the emotional capacity. Woman want a man who has clarity of mind.
    Whim worshiping clutters the mind; it diminishes the clarity of the evaluative process.
    You notice how whimsical the tv commercial voiceover people sound, right?
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