Recent content by Mofongo

  1. M

    Groups of dancing girls?

    If you have the guts, go in between them but you have to be confident and biiiig smile, make sure they see you first, verry ****y and funny. 2 things can happen, 1 they love it and they start grinding you, 2 they look at you like you are crazy and walk away. I have had many good nights after...
  2. M

    What's Your Favorite Cologne Picks?

    Lapidus by Ted Lapidus Hard to find but if you go to a perfume store, they might have it. Only use a little of it, spray on wet hands and apply on skin. Females find it irresistible. Don't go buying all of it now. Also check out body sprays, Bod came out with a new one called Body heat, don't...
  3. M

    Escalating to the next level

    Look at her left eye, look at her right eye, look at her lips, do this a few times and alternate (one second each look), get closer to her face, check for signs of aproval or just keep getting closer and doing this and go for it, if you see that she is backing up then abort mission and keep...
  4. M

    Met a new one today.

    Heyyyyyyy, hold your horses man. you are already getting married having kids with her moving in with her and coming back for visits on holidays together. YOU JUST MET HER TODAYYYYYYY.
  5. M

    Pregnancy pls..only 17

    I was going to reply earlier but I didn't have a chance. If the condom you used had Nonoxynol 9 as an ingredient then you didn't have to worry so much because Nonoxynol 9 kills the sperm on contact.
  6. M

    good plain tshirts?

    Here is what I do: I go into a big store that sells mens clothes and they usually have a clearance rack. I look for my size and start feeling all of them, I pick the ones that feel the softest then I look at the prize, It doesn't matter if they will be discontinued soon, they are just t...
  7. M

    I've realized that i'm pretty much an a$$hole

    You seem to have 2 personalities, not like a "crazy" person, in front of certain people you are one way and in front of others you are another. What you need to do is to merge both together and find a balance and like Tarzan said, think before you speak.
  8. M

    Tarzan smoke signal of day: “Let’s just be friends”! by Tarzan the Ape Man!

    The few posts that Tarzan has made are great advice and very interesting. :up: :up: :up:
  9. M

    what do you do if you get no interest from women, what's the problem?

    I have seen a handful of others like you that can get the females, one of them I met last summer and his gf was a 9. The thing about him was that when he talked everyone listened and he was very charming and interesting. Also his posture and body language reflected something that I can't...
  10. M

    first time here. need help

    I had to read your post a few times,Tarzan, but yes, this would be the most simple and effective way to do it. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts :) .
  11. M

    what do you do if you get no interest from women, what's the problem?

    You look like a person that is going to snap and go on a killing spree. No wonder they don't want to look at you. You have to change your attitude first and be happy with your self. The smiling is verry important and it works verry well, try it some times even if you dont feel happy. Try...
  12. M

    What would you do if you were in my situation? I'm sorta pissed

    Maybe she likes you and that was her way of getting your attention. Maybe that was her way of being ****y and funny. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that you will be seeing more of her because this incident will be burning in the back of your mind and it will surface every time you see her. I would do...
  13. M

    im new - need advice

    There is something in the DJ bible that tells you how to do this. Something about leaving the friend zone.
  14. M

    How do I tell someone I'm dating that I'm not comfortable going to her neighborhood?

    If you decide to keep going to the hood, read this: I am a pasty white Hispanic, my nickname in the hood was White Boy, because of the way I looked and behaved. I would always carry at least a knife with me, sometimes two, one in each pocket and ready to strike. I would never smile and never...
  15. M

    I am done......Absolutely ridiculous...

    To Trent81 and The Message Boy: It is obvious to me and I don't know how no one else has noticed this, but it seems that the problem here is you. You are doing something wrong, maybe you are not showing them that you are worth it. They had fun that night but maybe they don't think that you are...