The #1 Thing Between You and Success is Discipline


Dec 30, 2022
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On SoSuave, we're all at different stages of life, thus being able to bring alot of different perspectives to the table. As someone who's at the top of my game at 31 yrs old, I can look back and safely say the one thing that I needed to hone to be where I'm at today is:


Discipline is what helps us say No to the things that are keeping us stagnant and say Yes to and be Consistent with the Habits that will help us progress and ultimately lead to success.

If you can define 3-5 habits that will inevitably lead to success in major areas of your life, and stick to those utilizing Discipline and Consistency, you will inevitably reach your goals.

Why do people struggle with Discipline?

Sadly, the truth is a lack of self respect and a lack of a vision of who they want to be/lack of goals of where they want to be in life. Why Self Respect? When people respect themselves, the won't tolerate bad behavior/detrimental habits because they like who they are and can see themselves becoming even better. They are comparing themselves to people they look up to in a healthy way and aware of their goals on a daily basis.

The people who lack self respect usually don't see themselves going anywhere or don't like what they already see, so theres little momentum or motivation to keep them going. Instead--they choose the easy Route.

What is the Easy Route?
The easy route is going after what you know will make you feel good in the moment aka instant gratification rather than going for the stuff you dont feel like doing, despite knowing that in the long run it will help you reach your goals.

Why is it hard for some?
Most peoples lives are already off balance and its like a tandem with everything in their life just throwing off the balance.. like having spark plug wires but plugged in the wrong sequence. Anyone who knows about spark plugs knows if the wires aren't plugged in following the specific sequence, nothing will fire right. This is most peoples lives.

Explain? Basically, lets say you don't sleep on time.. You sleep late everynight and you know your brain wakes up as soon as it gets light out.. So you are already lacking proper sleep, you wake up groggy and lacking energy and focus.. This will already cause issues in areas of your day.

Lets say you dont have a proper routine and choose to eat at whatever different time a day, etc.. your brain and consciousness has no discipline for consistency because instead of expecting you to eat lunch at 12, workout at 5 pm, and then eat dinner at 6 pm, It has no idea when you will eat because you don't have a proper routine.

The power of Routine:
Thats why Routine is so powerful. Once you create a routine that works around your schedule and makes it easy for you to operate, "not feeling" like doing stuff becomes a thing of the past.

MOst of the time we slack off because we don't have anyone to tell us what to do at a certain time. Think about our jobs, at work we usually get everything we need to get done. Why is that? Because we're told what to do and we know what to do at what time.. Routines work the same way! Except you don't have anyone on your ass to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to, and you dont have the paycheck incentive.

Being Prepared
Being prepared is half the battle. You take your average person.. They are most likely to go and do something they are procrastinating about or anxious about when they already have things prepared in advanced. ie: If you want to go to that job interview, have the outfit prepared and ironed ahead of time and right next to you when you wake up. Have an alarm set up. Practice questions and answers in your head ahead of time to make things easy fo you and alleviate anxiety.

IF you planned on going to a big event for the first time, prepare your outfit out, do your research on the event, buy the tickets FIRST and foremost.. Otherwise procrastination will prevent you from even trying.

Final Notes
While the illusion is that some of us have it easy and we're just inclined to be successful, thats complete bullsh.t. I grew up with ADHD, a mental disorder that is notorious for people not getting their sht together because not only is our attention spans and focus bad, we get distracted so easily and often , while a normal person might have 1 or 2 main hobbie sor interests, someone with ADHD can have 15 different interests to distract them in all different directions.. we also get bored very easily because our dopamine system doe snot work like everone elses and we get dopamine in bursts rather than a streamlined consistent amount of it.

For myself developing discipline was tough in many ways. But I think the biggest thing was knowing just how badly I wanted to be successful in life. For me, even with women (while im mostly talking about success in money, fitness, and all other areas besides women), the consistent factor was going out regularly and hitting the clubs and bars regularly and cultivating the skills and confidence. The other thing was knowing who I wanted to be in life and making a clear image of that.

While I mentioned ADHD in a bad light, people with ADHD however teach others a valuable thing.. about momentum. Because we require momentum to keep our motivation chemicals going.. We need to be consistent and constantly achieving to move forward in one direction and to be happy.

Edit: fixed typos
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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We are all products of our habits. Habits are self discipline on auto-pilot, good or bad.

It takes discipline to change habits and do the things that help push us forward in life.

Agree with the OP wholeheartedly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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You cant be successful unless you know stuff. People today dont know anything. Most ppl will need to be taught everything all over again, inc History, Politics, How to the live etc. The reason unless you know these things you will always be a victim of this system. And in this system financial mobility has now reduced and also many ppl even rich ones are not having good relationships even if they make money.

Most of this talk about hard work, self-improvement etc is just based on being a slave to this system, and the morals and values consistent with it. This is only sustainable because ppl dont know history.

Only when ppl KNOW about Civilzation will they know how to succeed and what needs to be done. Dealing with women is about civilization, they even say that men built civilization to impress women. Then you have to understand what is our current civilization based on and how is it changing.

All of this work hard stuff is just boomer Jordan Peterson Andrew Tate type nonesense. There is no winning for these ppl just blood sweat tears and little else.

I disagree with the OP because lots of ppl are already working hard and doing evrything, we mostly hear the few 'success' stories which are just financial success but we dont hear most of the stories which is that ppl are just working hard and gettting nowhere. And then even those we 'work hard' and succeed mostly just get financial success but their relationship success is nothing to brag about.


Dec 30, 2022
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You cant be successful unless you know stuff. People today dont know anything. Most ppl will need to be taught everything all over again, inc History, Politics, How to the live etc. The reason unless you know these things you will always be a victim of this system. And in this system financial mobility has now reduced and also many ppl even rich ones are not having good relationships even if they make money.

Most of this talk about hard work, self-improvement etc is just based on being a slave to this system, and the morals and values consistent with it. This is only sustainable because ppl dont know history.

Only when ppl KNOW about Civilzation will they know how to succeed and what needs to be done. Dealing with women is about civilization, they even say that men built civilization to impress women. Then you have to understand what is our current civilization based on and how is it changing.

All of this work hard stuff is just boomer Jordan Peterson Andrew Tate type nonesense. There is no winning for these ppl just blood sweat tears and little else.

I disagree with the OP because lots of ppl are already working hard and doing evrything, we mostly hear the few 'success' stories which are just financial success but we dont hear most of the stories which is that ppl are just working hard and gettting nowhere. And then even those we 'work hard' and succeed mostly just get financial success but their relationship success is nothing to brag about.
Your post just screams a few things
1) you believe "people today dont know anything" so I'm guessing you hang around a buncha losers or have no friends. I have friends who know A WHOLE lot. I mean sht, so many sectors too, Supply Chain and Logistics, Electricians, IT Consultants/Cybersecurity, People in Fintech, people in Real Estate, Construction, Insurance Adjusters, you name it -- Don't make stupid generalized statements just becuase YOU dont know anyone with capable knowledge.

2) You seem to just have excuses to why you're not successful. You have a pessimist and lets be frank, loser mindset.

3) The reason why you believe you don't hear stories of people working hard an getting nowhere, is because people who work hard always reach some level of success.
To some people making 60k-70k a year is just fine, especially because they know how to save their money and invest it properly, and are usually iwth a partner who also brings something to the table. Just because themedia might not share average stories doesnt mean they aren't all around us. I mean sht do you live in the middle of nowhere?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Great post by OP and if could add my 2 cents, knowing your purpose will both create discipline (via motivation) and also make that discipline more effective. That being said, you don't have to know or have a defined specific purpose for discipline to be necessary. It's a fundamental aspect of existence, along with effort.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Your post just screams a few things
1) you believe "people today dont know anything" so I'm guessing you hang around a buncha losers or have no friends. I have friends who know A WHOLE lot. I mean sht, so many sectors too, Supply Chain and Logistics, Electricians, IT Consultants/Cybersecurity, People in Fintech, people in Real Estate, Construction, Insurance Adjusters, you name it -- Don't make stupid generalized statements just becuase YOU dont know anyone with capable knowledge.

2) You seem to just have excuses to why you're not successful. You have a pessimist and lets be frank, loser mindset.

3) The reason why you believe you don't hear stories of people working hard an getting nowhere, is because people who work hard always reach some level of success.
To some people making 60k-70k a year is just fine, especially because they know how to save their money and invest it properly, and are usually iwth a partner who also brings something to the table. Just because themedia might not share average stories doesnt mean they aren't all around us. I mean sht do you live in the middle of nowhere?
I don't think he's saying to lay down and die, I think he's making the point that we're operating within a matrix. Doesn't necessarily mean that "playing the game" can't be rewarding.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I don't think he's saying to lay down and die, I think he's making the point that we're operating within a matrix. Doesn't necessarily mean that "playing the game" can't be rewarding.
Exactly. The problem with these ideas of 'hard work' and discipline is that it wont affect the outcome of being in the matrix. Once your in the system you can only have certain outcomes unless you 'think outside the system'. It just means people need to have knowledge about this system and its limitations. Granted this is not easy or straightforward. But the problem with many self-help gurus and even Tate, who acknowledges the Matrix ie the system, is that they dont know its limitations ie that is tough to have positive life results unless you can think outside of the system.

The system is the normie blue values of most guys.

Evry guy out there is working hard and being disciplined, infact, more so today than ever before. Guys today spend alot more time at work, at the gym, saving, investing doing all that hard-work stuff and tbh most guys just have average outcomes.

Most people dont really know ****. Most people are workers. So they go to work and 'play the game' and somehow **** gets done in society. But that doesnt mean ppl actually know about programming, building houses, electrical stuff or whatver, its one thing to be a craftsmen who knows his craft and another to be a worker in a corporation where most of your work is just based on the system ie the matrix.

So many ppl go to work say as a programmer, instead of being good programmers, they might just be 'playing the game' by which I mean corporate poltiics, swtiching jobs whatever it takes to make more money and move up but that dont mean they really know their craft, they just know how to play the game of the matrix.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
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Good post! I'm focusing all my energies recently into becaming more disciplined since I have a few experiences on how this can lead to great achievements and success in life.

It's not easy for me at all, since I was handling a lot of other issues on the past 3 years. But I don't accept giving up.

About ADHD, I started to think about it lately and I'm almost sure I have. Do you have good resources of knowledge that can help to build this momentum and help building discipline for people with ADHD? It can be books, youtube channels, anything that have some really helpful info about it.

I was on bupropion for depression, and as it acts on dopamine it helped a little bit. But after 3 years I'm finally off this medication... and it's being a bit hard to keep focus and motivation (its been 30 days I'm completely off that med, so maybe I might have some few withdrawals effects).


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Good post! I'm focusing all my energies recently into becaming more disciplined since I have a few experiences on how this can lead to great achievements and success in life.

It's not easy for me at all, since I was handling a lot of other issues on the past 3 years. But I don't accept giving up.

About ADHD, I started to think about it lately and I'm almost sure I have. Do you have good resources of knowledge that can help to build this momentum and help building discipline for people with ADHD? It can be books, youtube channels, anything that have some really helpful info about it.

I was on bupropion for depression, and as it acts on dopamine it helped a little bit. But after 3 years I'm finally off this medication... and it's being a bit hard to keep focus and motivation (its been 30 days I'm completely off that med, so maybe I might have some few withdrawals effects).
Meditation can help with adhd and discipline



Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Exactly. The problem with these ideas of 'hard work' and discipline is that it wont affect the outcome of being in the matrix. Once your in the system you can only have certain outcomes unless you 'think outside the system'. It just means people need to have knowledge about this system and its limitations. Granted this is not easy or straightforward. But the problem with many self-help gurus and even Tate, who acknowledges the Matrix ie the system, is that they dont know its limitations ie that is tough to have positive life results unless you can think outside of the system.

The system is the normie blue values of most guys.

Evry guy out there is working hard and being disciplined, infact, more so today than ever before. Guys today spend alot more time at work, at the gym, saving, investing doing all that hard-work stuff and tbh most guys just have average outcomes.

Most people dont really know ****. Most people are workers. So they go to work and 'play the game' and somehow **** gets done in society. But that doesnt mean ppl actually know about programming, building houses, electrical stuff or whatver, its one thing to be a craftsmen who knows his craft and another to be a worker in a corporation where most of your work is just based on the system ie the matrix.

So many ppl go to work say as a programmer, instead of being good programmers, they might just be 'playing the game' by which I mean corporate poltiics, swtiching jobs whatever it takes to make more money and move up but that dont mean they really know their craft, they just know how to play the game of the matrix.
Agreed. And echoing what I said earlier, having a truer sense of purpose, and less of a superficial one, can engender a greater sense of discipline.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
We are all products of our habits. Habits are self discipline on auto-pilot, good or bad.

It takes discipline to change habits and do the things that help push us forward in life.

Agree with the OP wholeheartedly.
Discipline *and* introspection to change habits.


Dec 30, 2022
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I don't think he's saying to lay down and die, I think he's making the point that we're operating within a matrix. Doesn't necessarily mean that "playing the game" can't be rewarding.
He makes it very clear that his stance is "why work hard when the outcome doesnt matter, The matrix controls your outcome".. Thats what hes saying. He's saying he's a slave to something outside of himself.. and has no power for himself to contorl his life. Its the most pathetic, most self deprecating mindset to have. All he's doing is making excuses for why he feels he wont be succesful. That's what you missed.

That mindset is so far removed from the mindset successful people have that he doesn't realize he's just a big pessimistic self defeatist. WHen you're not in control of your own life and believe something else controls the outcome, that's when you essentially have started to give up and become okay with mediocrity, or the bare minimum.

Great post by OP and if could add my 2 cents, knowing your purpose will both create discipline (via motivation) and also make that discipline more effective. That being said, you don't have to know or have a defined specific purpose for discipline to be necessary. It's a fundamental aspect of existence, along with effort.
In my opinion, knowing your purpose is complete and utter bull.sht. We're designed to find and give our life purpose, not come into a predetermined purpose. That's the kind of stupid thinking that makes people go into monkhood for 7-10 years of their life.. and wast eso mcuh time and energy, then go back into the real world and be stuck --unless they can pull a Jay Shetty and become a motivational speaker or something--they end up wiht a whole lot of nothing when it comes to a professional skillset or trade and now they gotta start from square one

Imagine if someone said "you know what, i dont know my purpose yet, let me hold off on being disciplined in my tasks, habits, routines thatim cultivating"


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I think there are many ways to live your life. You get born and then you die that is it. If you like discipline do it if yo do not don't.

I don't believe in free will. Things happen to us. If Jocko would have been born a midget nobody would have listened to him. He did not choose to be him. It happened him. Motivation happens to us. Life happens to us. There is no'I' anyway.

That being said discipline is my mantra from time to time but I am also an epikurean from time to time.