"We have to talk. I'm moving out."


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Lexington said:
I see that this guy was dumped by a "fat *****." This said fat ***** left him with very few possessions. By his own admission he had little sexual interest in her. Now he is rationalizing getting back with her. He states this is what he truly wants, but it doesn't appear to be that way. This appears to be due to a lack of options and is indicative of much deeper problems.

One could ask what is your motivation, Boilermaker? Why do you feel the need to speak on his behalf? He's a grown man and he can speak for himself.
So you're admitting that this forum is a punching bag for you, as I am not seeing any clear motivation apart from further insults?

My motivation is to use SoSuave for what's intended for. To discuss with mature men and help others. And get ideas and feedback as opposed to the

constant vitriol that I am feeling you are giving away these days. I am sure you're not like that in real life, I really am.

I think he's been answering you for about 10-pages. He has spoken for himself for a while now, no?

He was the one who started this "fistfight." If he didn't want people to
You keep squealing, "Mommy, he hit me first" over and over again. Out in the real world, maybe you'll have the guts to get into a real fight and maybe you'l l get to use that defense again. ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Social_Leper said:
Lex, don't feed the troll.
Awww, did I break your little heart again recently smurfette?

Thanks for your love,

Kissing enough Moderator asses to be able to post in the men's club?

Keep it up, :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
So you're admitting that this forum is a punching bag for you
This is a non sequitur. Nothing I typed would suggest this at all.

as I am not seeing any clear motivation apart from further insults?
The motivation is that this is an online discussion board and there are some interesting points to discuss. Everything I said was factual and based on statements that he provided.

My motivation is to use SoSuave for what's intended for. To discuss with mature men and help others.
Really, is that what you're here for now?

And get ideas and feedback
Which I gave him. My feedback is that he should not go back to this fat, unattractive girl who made an obvious power play.

as opposed to the

constant vitriol that I am feeling you are giving away these days.
There was no vitriol in my statements. They were statements of fact.

I am sure you're not like that in real life, I really am.

I think he's been answering you for about 10-pages. He has spoken for himself for a while now, no?
He makes a statement, people make rebuttals. That's how a discussion is supposed to work. Throwing a hissy fit and hurling childish insults are generally not recommended but not disallowed.

You keep squealing, "Mommy, he hit me first" over and over again.
Who are you, Gandhi or something? Generally, in the real world when one insults or strikes another, people respond in kind.

Out in the real world, maybe you'll have the guts to get into a real fight
Done it multiple times.

and maybe you'l l get to use that defense again. ;)
I did, as I stood over the bruised and bloodied bodies of my vanquished foes :)

Is BB giving you the shocker?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Using big words like non-sequitur and dichotomy really make you look smart,
as if you know what you are talking about. I don't have so much free time to line-by-line thrash your cute response. I am done here, sexy, you are really boring me.

You are just another coward pretentious wannabe bad-boy, at least, this is your latest fad.

Sadly you aren't cutting it. Maybe try another act next month?,


Fine ! Do what you want , pointless discussion.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Social_Leper said:
No. As one of the users who sways between quasi intellectualism and clownish trolling, I (describing yourself?)never have nor ever will take you seriously.

Lex, just thought I'd save you the trouble of wasting time debating this genius, although your drubbing of said troll is quite entertaining.
Genius? Intellectual? So many compliments. You've got some things right about me, but no I am no genius, thanks.

Try being a puppy for Lexyy now maybe he'll give you the time of the day.


P.S With your English you are insulting yourself; without even realizing it. Read what you've written. Or is Inglesi a second language for you?

Smile, relax , no hard feelings, it's all a game.



Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
Using big words like non-sequitur and dichotomy really make you look smart,
as if you know what you are talking about.
Yup, heaven forbid I read books.

I don't have so much free time to line-by-line thrash your cute response. I am done here, sexy, you are really boring me.
Says the guy who posts here twice as much as I do.

You are just another coward pretentious wannabe bad-boy, at least, this is your latest fad.
And you are Bible's butt buddy. I'm sure you're the catcher at the end of the daisy chain with BB and his fat ***** right behind you.

Sadly you aren't cutting it.
I'm devastated that I don't meet your standards.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Guys, please don't get thread locked. Take it to PM! I really want to see some updates in this situation!


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Stopped reading a bit ago. Anyone got the chronological footnotes? He didn't get her preggers did he?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
This thread reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where a guy gets the gift of being able to read minds. And then he goes insane, because the thoughts going through peoples' heads are so repulsive.

The gf is not pregnant yet. We've only been trying for two months, and this might be the last. We will have that talk when she gets her period in a week or two.

I go my gf's house every other day and fvck her. Just about every other moment has been spent around BPD girl. I have been going to her house and sleeping with her every night. We try not to have sex, but we did get drunk and fool around once. It was like preggo porn. We agreed to not have sex again, or at least try not to, for the sake of both of our relationships. Her guy has a bail hearing on Monday. He might be out this week. I am going to try to let their relationship run its course. I don't think it will last long.

And I really, really hope it is nothing, but I am paranoid that BPD girl could have given me an std in that one minute of drunken sex. The skin on my nuts feels irritated and looks a tiny bit red. I hope to god it's not herpes. There are no blisters or sores, but it just doesn't feel right.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Nice work, BB, nice work. Generally STDs are pretty obvious. If you have to ask if it's an STD, it almost always isn't. Having said that it's always best to check with your doctor.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I thought you said your girlfriend was moving away. If that's the case, why are you trying to get her preggers?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
This thread reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where a guy gets the gift of being able to read minds. And then he goes insane, because the thoughts going through peoples' heads are so repulsive.

The gf is not pregnant yet. We've only been trying for two months, and this might be the last. We will have that talk when she gets her period in a week or two.

I go my gf's house every other day and fvck her. Just about every other moment has been spent around BPD girl. I have been going to her house and sleeping with her every night. We try not to have sex, but we did get drunk and fool around once. It was like preggo porn. We agreed to not have sex again, or at least try not to, for the sake of both of our relationships. Her guy has a bail hearing on Monday. He might be out this week. I am going to try to let their relationship run its course. I don't think it will last long.

And I really, really hope it is nothing, but I am paranoid that BPD girl could have given me an std in that one minute of drunken sex. The skin on my nuts feels irritated and looks a tiny bit red. I hope to god it's not herpes. There are no blisters or sores, but it just doesn't feel right.

BB you are a mess, a complete and utter mess. In fact you may be as bad off as anyone I have ever seen on this forum mentally, and that includes mynameisnobody at his worst. You claim your undying love for your gf, get back with her, you are trying to impregnate her, she keeps that a secret from her family, and at the same time on the nights you don't spend at her house, you run off TO A BPD'S house of all things, a white trash BDP who is dating a felon in prison and who may or may not have STD's, and have sex with her? Can't you spend time with friends, family, alone trying to further your life? Without having to be with these loser girls every night?

Is this really what your life has come to? No money. No career. No furniture. No friends but unable to spend time alone. Dating completely undateable girls? I wrote a few months ago in this thread when your ex broke up with you that this was your wake up call. A chance to begin anew and to get your house in order. All you have done instead is to fall deeper into the abyss.

I realize now that there is no hope for you. None. You are either going to end up dead, homeless, or in jail. One of the three.

This thread should be closed, locked up, and never heard from again. It's a pitiful thing.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
There' s a saying from where i come from: Nothing more permanent than the temporary.

The way OP conservatively clings to the past and raises massive denial defences seems to me as an indicator that he could also be suffering from a BPD of some kind, or is just on an ego-preserving crusade (many have warned that excessive attachment to the ego is a form of insanity).

He did make some valuable arguments a mature man would have (be thankful for what you got, not all happiness stems from material assets) but it seems to me that he lacks and refuses to produce perspective, and any kind of insight on the repercussions his present actions would cause.

Are these the decisions of a mature man?

Where did his life preserving instict go?

Could it be that these are the effects of the deep dug-in claws of a guilt trip?

Last edited:

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
BB you are a mess, a complete and utter mess. In fact you may be as bad off as anyone I have ever seen on this forum mentally, and that includes mynameisnobody at his worst.
Glad I could finally pass on the torch.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Malice said:
Glad I could finally pass on the torch.
I give you a lot of credit for trying to turn your life around and you have made a lot of progress.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
I give you a lot of credit for trying to turn your life around and you have made a lot of progress.

It's easy when you get rid of the source of the problem (American women). And the right medication (adderall).


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I wish BB would just run the other way. He's 37...he can still hit up the 29-35 bracket. There has to be something, someone better than what he is dealing with.

BB, don't you have any friends that are friends with some single ladies?


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
And to everyone else, I thank you for your input, with no hard feelings.

The girlfriend everyone hates and I have another ten months of recreational sex ahead of us before she leaves, and I am just going to enjoy it for what it is.

Not that this makes sense to anyone here, but I am attracted to BPD girl for intimacy much more so than sex. She's just about the only woman I enjoy hanging out with. (that's part of what BPD is) I still end up being somewhat physical with her, but we don't have sex, which is somehow fine with me.

So I want to fvck one girl, and then spend all my time with a different one. This is exactly where I was five years ago, except I was fvcking both of them, often both on the same night. It's one big circle.

BPD girl is going back to her man if he ever gets out of jail, with my blessing, and the girlfriend is going away eventually. At that point, I'll probably just fvck wh0res off craigslist. I don't think I have a fear of being alone. But going without sex is pretty scary.

And I really, really hope it is nothing, but I am paranoid that BPD girl could have given me an std in that one minute of drunken sex. The skin on my nuts feels irritated and looks a tiny bit red. I hope to god it's not herpes. There are no blisters or sores, but it just doesn't feel right.
This whole thread of BB's posts is just one giant mother of all troll jobs.

I posted in this thread about a month or so ago saying how the circumstances were outrageously ridiculous THEN. I log back in now and HA!

Now it's just plain obvious.

All this stuff is so whacked out it HAS to be made up to get a rise out of people here.

Either BB snapped and is making all this up to get a rise out of people here or someone hijacked his account and is writing in place of him.

HAS to be.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I don't think I'm much more fvcked up than anyone else; I'm just honest about it.

It wasn't an std. I had a tiny cut from my gf's fingernails during rough sex.

I'm not exactly homeless yet. My issue with money is that I know it doesn't make me happy, because I really have had more of it (once upon a time ago) than I know what to do with. Having cash out the wazoo didn't make me any happier. Most people never get that experience.

GF had a come-apart today about bpd girl. She is now cllingy and wanting me to be around every night. That's her way of keeping me away from BPD girl. She's buying me food and beer, cooking my dinner, and throwing herself at me physically.

I know I come off as a big wuss about still being with a gf who moved out. But right now I am emotionally torturing her over my feelings for the girl who is her one worst nightmare. Keeping me away from that girl is why she moved in with me in the first place. I am now getting my revenge.

BPD girl is tall, thin, beautiful, and of course knows how to make a man happy, which is inherent in the disorder. I feel like everyone in my life thinks I'm a deadbeat. But with a girl who has nothing, even my meager wealth makes me a great provider. I've never had a girl be so happy to be bought dinner at a fast food place.

I even like her kids; I have fun being around them. Their dad, my former best friend of years ago, is a raving lunatic schizo a55hole who is pretty mean to them, especially the 13 y/o girl. He took away all the furniture from her bedroom, even took off the door, and made her sleep on the floor. He also had a paranoid fit about the kids stealing his diet soda, so he bought a gun safe for the kitchen to lock it up. The dude is nuts. I like being around his kids to show them that everyone isn't that crazy. I think of them as people more so than children.

There's a good chance that BPD girl's fiancee is going to get released tomorrow morning. She is pissed off at him for leaving her with all the bills to pay. I don't see them being together for long. He has no money, no driver's license, no job skills or prospects, and a nasty heroin habit.

Even if the gf and I last until she goes away in June, I don't see how I am going to go a year alone and not end up with bpd girl.