"We have to talk. I'm moving out."


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
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Bible_Belt said:
This thread has taught me a lot, none of which has anything to do with the specific words that have been written.

Everyone here has been hurt by women. That's just part of dealing with women. The sad part is that you guys just can't seem to let it go. Your wounds are not healing. You're carrying around all of your emotional baggage and letting it influence how you see the world. How is that any different than being a man-hating feminist?

And how do you tell someone who says they are happy that they are wrong about how they feel? How does that make any sense at all?

The other thing that cracks me up is that everyone on the Internet is perfect - just ask them. Real humans all have issues...until they get on the Internet. So do real relationships, until they get talked about on sosuave. People telling me I have a big ego are pretty funny. If my ego was that big, I would be bvllsh!tting everyone into thinking my life was perfect...just like most people here do.

And I keep mentioning sex because it is a huge part of our relationship. It is probably the biggest reason we are still together. I don't like my posts on here to read like soft-core porn, so believe me I leave out a lot of details. It has been a long road to take her from barely ever having an orgasm to expecting a dozen screaming orgasms every time we have sex. I've seen countless amateur porn videos, and have hardly even seen any women who compare to her in bed, much less compared to the girls I have actually fvcked. The best sex I've had with women besides her have been with women that we had sex with together. I got her to play around with girls for the first time while we were together, and she found out she likes it...quite a bit, actually, at least with the right girl. Thankfully, she likes chunky chicks with big t!ts just like I do. And no, that's not something we do often, but it has been a very real part of our experience as a couple. We certainly have our problems as a couple, but I think the sex balances it out. I would not be telling the full story of this relationship without the sex details.

If sex is the biggest part of your relationship and the main reason why you're staying with her, then it pretty much proves the pssy has whipped you good. Whipped you to a point where you're blinded by everything else.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
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Bible_Belt said:
This thread has taught me a lot, none of which has anything to do with the specific words that have been written.

Everyone here has been hurt by women. That's just part of dealing with women. The sad part is that you guys just can't seem to let it go. Your wounds are not healing. You're carrying around all of your emotional baggage and letting it influence how you see the world. How is that any different than being a man-hating feminist?

And how do you tell someone who says they are happy that they are wrong about how they feel? How does that make any sense at all?

The other thing that cracks me up is that everyone on the Internet is perfect - just ask them. Real humans all have issues...until they get on the Internet. So do real relationships, until they get talked about on sosuave. People telling me I have a big ego are pretty funny. If my ego was that big, I would be bvllsh!tting everyone into thinking my life was perfect...just like most people here do.

And I keep mentioning sex because it is a huge part of our relationship. It is probably the biggest reason we are still together. I don't like my posts on here to read like soft-core porn, so believe me I leave out a lot of details. It has been a long road to take her from barely ever having an orgasm to expecting a dozen screaming orgasms every time we have sex. I've seen countless amateur porn videos, and have hardly even seen any women who compare to her in bed, much less compared to the girls I have actually fvcked. The best sex I've had with women besides her have been with women that we had sex with together. I got her to play around with girls for the first time while we were together, and she found out she likes it...quite a bit, actually, at least with the right girl. Thankfully, she likes chunky chicks with big t!ts just like I do. And no, that's not something we do often, but it has been a very real part of our experience as a couple. We certainly have our problems as a couple, but I think the sex balances it out. I would not be telling the full story of this relationship without the sex details.
I'll assume that your last paragraph was directed towards my post in this thread. I never stated that you had a BIG ego as in an overconfident, arrogant jerk. I implied that your ego was damaged by her leaving you, and since you had already posted the news of the breakup on here, perhaps you wanted to do a little damage control by verbalizing that there is no way a chick would ever leave you over your bedroom performance.
Yes, this is the internet, and by and large, we'll probably never meet each other, but we still take the time to unselfishly offer heartfelt advice to strangers. Maybe you're starting to feel a little attacked, and maybe that's why you're starting to get a little insulting.....but I can tell you that in my post at least, I was 100 % sincerely trying to help you. I still believe that this is far from your dream woman ( a dream woman is not a "fat *****"-your words, not mine), but it's your life, not mine. Good luck


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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This thread has been one massive exercise in male hamstering. First this broad was 80 lbs overweight ("fat b*tch") and obviously not very attractive as evidenced by the OP's admitted lack of sexual interest. But after she leaves the OP with practically nothing (a grown man without his own possessions....major sign of problems), he goes back to her. At that point she's apparently "only" 40 lbs overweight and is now a sex goddess and someone worth having kids with.

The OP backwards rationalizes it by saying love isn't rational anyway. After all, the only other woman he really cares about is his BPD ex....the dude really knows how to pick 'em. He then lashes out at those who point out that this looks like a terrible decision. Apparently their "emotional baggage is influencing how they see the world." This is the height of irony coming from someone who's perception of this fatty did a complete 180 right after her obvious power play.

I really hope this is just an epic troll job because it's just sad if it isn't.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
What is your deal, Lex? Are you short? Short-d!cked? Both? You obviously have some great insecurity that gives you the need to hide behind the Internet to say sh!t that you and I both know would get you punched in the face if you said it in real life. I think that makes you a coward and a pathetic excuse for a man.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
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I hope this is one big troll thread. Bible Belt, you're acting like a btch right now. Gettin all emotional and sht on the internets.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
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I'm surprised by everyone's reaction to Bible Belt. We're all on the outside looking in, so yes, it's easy to rationally assess the situation. When you love someone, it doesn't go away overnight, so the breakup happens in stages. He's still in the first stage where you attempt to get back together.

Their relationship had two problems: she took him for granted (weight gain) and he's a poor communicator. He will grow and learn from this situation because he's aware of his problem, but she will never change. Let me take that back, she will change long enough to get him back and then revert back to her previous behavior.

He's in the complicated process of breaking up. We shouldn't judge him for going through the process, just support him as needed when he posts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
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The thread that just won't die... Because every one of us is curious about what's going to happen.

And, if we are honest, almost all of us relate on some level to what bible is going through.



Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Bible_Belt said:
What is your deal, Lex? Are you short? Short-d!cked? Both? You obviously have some great insecurity that gives you the need to hide behind the Internet to say sh!t that you and I both know would get you punched in the face if you said it in real life. I think that makes you a coward and a pathetic excuse for a man.
I would say everything I typed here to your face. Nothing I said was even an insult, I'm just calling it like I see it and you're getting upset like a little girl. If you were looking for validation, maybe you should have posted on AskWomen.

Given the way you are lashing out at everyone, it's obvious that you're the one who's insecure. You are insecure about your ability to secure another relationship, you're insecure about your financial status and that's why you are rationalizing going back to this "fat b*tch" (your words, not mine).

Everything I have said was based on facts that you provided. I know the truth can hurt sometimes, but that's what you're going to get here. You told us the relationship was bad before and that you had little sexual interest in her. You told us she was obese. You told us she suddenly left with most of her possessions. You even told is she strategically left some important items so that she could leave the door open. You also told us she was bad with money.

When people point out the many glaring red flags, you respond by getting emotional like a PMSing teenage girl. You accuse people of "not seeing clearly" and being "insecure." Projection, anyone? The two best women in your life are a BPD chick and a broke, post-wall lardball. You're in no position to be accusing other people of having small equipment :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Lex , Bible, relax.

Don't take this conversation any further, you guys have reached an impasse.

Stop the insults, be men , not teenagers, come on.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Danger said:
If this girl makes you happy, then go with her. But what you have really done is let her pull the "walk away" card to get what she wants from you. And in all honestly, if that is really what you wanted.....she would not have had to walk away to get it from you.
Bible - think over what Danger wrote. Most of us have been in your shoes. Only you truly know what you want. But acknowledge that you might be making your decision emotionally. Chalking it up to "love isn't rational" is great comfort when you're in the storm. It's a life raft. However in a year or six months, when the emotions have subsided and you're day-to-day with this girl and (God help you) she's possibly pregnant with your kid, your rational mind is going to be working overtime. Believe me. I'm not trying to condescend to you and I think everyone here is trying to help because we're not emotionally attached to the parties involved. You are. I just hope you have taken some time FOR YOURSELF to divorce yourself from your emotions and really think things through. If she's what you want, then by all means, pursue your path to happiness. Happiness may be an emotion but one must think rationally about how he'll go about attaining it. Peace brother.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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samspade said:
I think everyone here is trying to help because we're not emotionally attached to the parties involved.
I highly doubt everyone is here to help. That's a very inane way to think about sosuave. If anything, the majority doesn't really care at all about Bible's best interests. Human pyschology is way more complicated than that. It's no coincidence that people who are the hardest on Bible are invested in opinions that are completely orthogonal to his current situation.

Not sure if my personal opinion matters, but I agree fully with Danger's last comment. On the other hand, it is insulting Bible's intelligence to suggest that "everyone" is here to help while some people are outright spiteful after a few posts of disagreement. What's missing here in our brotherhood is, the final stage of shutting up. Bible has gracefully listened to us (for about 12 pages of discussion) and yet, some still wanted to impose their beliefs relentlessly.

Truly mature men should realize that after a civil discussion with a healthy dose of brutal honesty, it is HIS life and we are in no way warranted to insult him for choices he makes, considering that I'd bet a thousand bucks that 99% of us who are throwing stones here, COULD HAVE BEEN in his shoes given the right circumstances and turn of events.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Boilermaker said:
I highly doubt everyone is here to help. That's a very inane way to think about sosuave.
Semantics and beside the point. This thread is tiresome.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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The important thing is Bible_Belt is happy with the situation and that's what really matters. His happiness is real. That's more than many can say about their situation. What's the worse thing that can happen if he continues on? We don't really know what will happen. I think it is valid to say you think it probably won't turn out well or that BB should find another girl. But to say he's an "AFC" and glutton for punishment is a little extreme.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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If it's silence that people want, all that needs to be done is to quit posting. The reason people keep "piling on" the OP is because he keeps on posting. If he's going to make posts, he's going to get responses. That's how these forums tend to work.

Obviously, he's free to make his own choices. No one is telling him otherwise. Whether or not people genuinely care about his well being is a red herring. The issue here is that there are many glaring red flags in this scenario.

The OP continues to post arguments defending his choices and others are posting rebuttals. That's all that's happening here. The OP should have known that people are going to give brutally honest answers here. I certainly wouldn't want it any other way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Stagger Lee said:
The important thing is Bible_Belt is happy with the situation and that's what really matters.
We'll see how happy he is a year or two from now when he signs his first child support check.

His happiness is real.
So will his sadness be.

What's the worse thing that can happen if he continues on?
Marrying and/or getting some heifer pregnant. Getting dumped again and losing his sanity even worse than this time. Etc.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Zarky said:
We'll see how happy he is a year or two from now when he signs his first child support check.

So will his sadness be.

Marrying and/or getting some heifer pregnant. Getting dumped again and losing his sanity even worse than this time. Etc.
So what's the solution? Never have sex without a condom and pull out, spend all your time picking up new women, don't have sex with women or date at all so nothing happens? There's no perfect solution.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Stagger Lee said:
So what's the solution? Never have sex without a condom and pull out, spend all your time picking up new women, don't have sex with women or date at all so nothing happens? There's no perfect solution.
There's no perfect solution, but there are solutions that vary in logic and intelligence. Currently, the OP's solution is at the low-end of that scale.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
She failed a math class she needs for the local school, so now it is certain that she will be going away for school. It looks like the school of choice will be 1,000 miles away. She will be gone for a full calendar year with hardly any breaks. The other option is being about 300 miles away for two years, but the first school is $40,000 cheaper.

It's hard to be that serious with the long-distance scenario looming. I'm definitely not going to propose. I might even put her back on birth control next month; this month is 10 months before she leaves. Any longer and she would not have the kid before school started.

Plus, I'm getting a little sick of being a secret from her family. For the next three or four days, I am not allowed at her house because her half-sister is staying with her. She is supposedly close to her family, but doesn't seem to mind lying to them about me.

Plus, it is getting harder and harder to not fvck BPD girl. If anyone here has a BPD ex, you understand how much fun they are. I am actually rooting for her scum bag boyfriend to get out of jail for beating her up, because that will keep me away from her. I was told that he was some sort of street-fighting champion; I really doubt that he and I will get along. Their relationship can't last that long. I want to just stay away and let it run its course. But that can't happen until they at least let him out on bail.

So that is the good, bad, and the ugly. Like I said, it's all true, and I don't have a need to sugar-coat anything.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Lexington said:
I would say everything I typed here to your face.
And then you'd bleed. I guess you must not hang around any men, or else you would understand that. Keep running your mouth and someone will eventually teach you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
And then you'd bleed. I guess you must not hang around any men, or else you would understand that. Keep running your mouth and someone will eventually teach you.
This thread is all I need to know that the only thing bleeding would be your sand-filled vagina.

Running my mouth? I never said anything that you didn't. You just threw a hissy fit when I called it like it is.

But I'm sure you've made a great choice. A broke, 37 year old lardball who left you without any possessions and who doesn't want to tell her family about you? What could possibly go wrong? Oh well, if that doesn't work out, you can always go back go the knocked up BPD chick who's man beats her.