money does not make the man


Oct 20, 2006
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Nah my nephew is a natural.

Tall, handsome, over confident, charming, good looking and a doesnt have a job and is broke for about 10 years.

Still he fvcks any girl he wants even the dimes with good jobs.
With all due respect Don Corleone:

I'm tall (6'5"), handsome (according to the age 21 year old women), charming (kissed 40 women in the past year, average age 24), good looking (ok, that was redundant), and I DO have a job (took home $50,000 in past 5 weeks after taxes). Which man will a woman choose?


Apr 21, 2015
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Nah my nephew is a natural.

Tall, handsome, over confident, charming, good looking and a doesnt have a job and is broke for about 10 years.

Still he fvcks any girl he wants even the dimes with good jobs.
Delusioneil makes more than the United States Top Level Engineering Executives. (apparently over three times as much), has 21 yo most desired women in the world who strip tell him they love him, can beat anyone at pool, fought and won against the four top rated bar fighters in the city he lived in at the same time, is taller than 95% of the population, was rated most eligible bachelor in an entire city, can tell you your birthdate, how the weather was that day, is excellent with numbers and never loses a disagreement. If you don't like it you must be a black woman on welfare.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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I want to see the pic. The temple BigNeil has built to his wallet.

And speaking of temples to things. Hey I'm old I'm allowed to ramble. I remember this minitiature snuff box. Sadly it was ivory. But about 150 years old so will forgive them.

Had a women on her knees worshipping a dcvk. And it was the wife s job to fill it up. Feeding that thought to your women s hamster every day BOOM. How's that for an affirmation Tony Robbins

Gotta rep those Chinese DJs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I told my girlfriend "In the game of life, you're first prize". Thus, as you see, the world actually does indeed revolve around bigneil.
That clearly shows that you are saying the world revolves around her. Holy **** dude, rule #1 is to knock them off their pedestal....


Oct 20, 2006
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That clearly shows that you are saying the world revolves around her. Holy **** dude, rule #1 is to knock them off their pedestal....
What would you say is first prize in the game of life, besides a 21 year old beauty queen (when you are 46) who is your favorite model, a singer with a voice you dream about for the next 48 hours after hearing it, an artist who paints just for you, a sweetheart over the first 6 months of dating and counting, a hopeless romantic, a poetic writer, a girl who makes love to you, makes your heart sing, has photos rated 99/100, has millionaires proposing to her and job offers in Las Vegas?

Who here denies that the world revolves around (being able to acquire) the hottest women we ever met?


Apr 21, 2015
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SS better put Delusioneil on suicide watch if/when his BPD stripping unicorn dumps him.


Oct 20, 2006
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I want to see the pic. The temple BigNeil has built to his wallet.
What pic would you like to see?

How does seducing a model mean it required my wallet? Haven't you ever seduced a model? I've been seducing the most beautiful women I've ever seen since 1987, 30 years ago, when I was 17.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Yes Neil my Romanian ex was a model in London. C'mon man just a bit of gentle stick. No need to bunch the panties.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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i turned 25 on the weekend and was doing some self reflecting

in the last 3 years my financial situation has been dire despite gaining 2 job promotions i just cant retain any type of personal wealth ,im literally trapped living with my parents, ive got a ton of debt my car is over 10 years old , i spend every penny monthly

the strange thing is , this hasn't handicapped me with women i every woman ive wanted iv'e got and ive never spent much on them, my current main plate who is on her way to attaining GF status would tick most guys boxes

obviously i realise i need to change my financial situation drastically for personal benefit more than anything

but for anyone worrying about having money to try and impress women , the answer is simple

DONT , once you start being the type of guy they want to fvck money doesn't seem to really matter
No body said money make man , and being a man is not prportional with how much women desire you directly although sometimes it is .
You might be attractive guy or social person , but that doesnt mean you are more manly than others.
after you pass 30 and you loose some hair then the money factor will start playing a rule.

So in short Money + Sexual appeal = how much you are desired to women .
young men usually have the later that is why money is not important when you are <25 otherwise no teenager would have a gf. but once your youth start fading then the money factor will start playing a role there


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Who here denies that the world revolves around (being able to acquire) the hottest women we ever met?
I do.

Everything you've done in your life was done for all the wrong reasons. I will not relegate my happiness, health, wealth, or wellbeing to a woman. No one should. That's placing everything you are on someone else and something you cannot control. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of.

You think the world of some broad who probably is pretty hot, not gonna doubt you there, but you place everything that you have ever done in your life to be because of her or finding someone like her. Funny thing is, this chick is a stripper, had sex with other men FOR money, and WITHOUT money too (aka feelings were involved) and even told you how she THOUGHT OF YOU while doing it. And to top it all off, you still claim to love her in spite of all that. That is truly some pathetic **** right there. I can't even wrap my head around how someone can do that and openly admit to it being the sole purpose too. Only on the fvcking internet can you find something like this, holy ****.


Apr 21, 2015
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I do.

Everything you've done in your life was done for all the wrong reasons. I will not relegate my happiness, health, wealth, or wellbeing to a woman. No one should. That's placing everything you are on someone else and something you cannot control. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of.

You think the world of some broad who probably is pretty hot, not gonna doubt you there, but you place everything that you have ever done in your life to be because of her or finding someone like her. Funny thing is, this chick is a stripper, had sex with other men FOR money, and WITHOUT money too (aka feelings were involved) and even told you how she THOUGHT OF YOU while doing it. And to top it all off, you still claim to love her in spite of all that. That is truly some pathetic **** right there. I can't even wrap my head around how someone can do that and openly admit to it being the sole purpose too. Only on the fvcking internet can you find something like this, holy ****.
How to explain that behavior? Simple. it's called being Delusioneil.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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It's interesting @Bingo-Player. Life is more comfortable when you have some money & have your financial house in order to be sure.

But working into that place requires skills and habits that start BEFORE you have wealth and it is this set of skills & habits that comes first.

You are yet a young man. At your age there isn't the ubiquitous expectation that you have something to "show" for your life's work.

So women go more by who you are than what you have. This adjusts as you get older but as @Bokanovsky correctly pointed out its really a sliding continuum that takes many factors into account AND varies greatly by what the woman in question is seeking.

I'm a financially secure woman and I create my own wealth. In some ways this frees me to look for men just based on sexual attraction...except that I'm also intelligent and ambitious and as such really appreciate a man who is successful in his own right because I like discussion that centers on topics of pursuit of ambition, strategy, etc. I also need to be able to respect that the man as a man and lots of factors figure into this.

What's interesting is my ex husband. He was a classically high value man when we met & my story is on here elsewhere...but he's a man who continues vying for my attention despite an enormous earnings gap (I out earn him by 10X), but he is in a position now and for several years where he has tremendous responsibility and is gaining both stature & influence with powerful people. He is demonstrating a social adroitness that I found admirable way back when & is making huge strides personally although not financially. Nobody here should be surprised that he is gradually rebuilding the respect he once commanded from me. The rebuilding is occurring in a way I did not foresee so it's rather fascinating. And he's still a sexy SOB.

So no money doesn't make the man. Often you become the man in the absence of money, and then the money follows suit.

Why is it that a guy like Guru can be broke & claw his way back? He's been in the fire & survived. He has overcome. Money is the byproduct of the skill set, not the other way around.

Women and a man's interactions with women are somewhat related to but largely independent of success thinking. That is what the OP really boils down to IMO.


Oct 20, 2006
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What's interesting is my ex husband. He was a classically high value man when we met & my story is on here elsewhere...but he's a man who continues vying for my attention despite an enormous earnings gap (I out earn him by 10X)
How is this possible? If he's average and you're top 1%, that means he earns $35,000 a year and you earn $350,000 a year? Or maybe he earns $10,000 a year and you earn $100,000 a year?

Note that men couldn't care less what a woman earns. A woman with money isn't more attractive the way a man with money is, especially since they tend to turn into men and want some pretty young piece of as-s.

Getting the perspective of a woman who has a lot of money and earns more than 99% of the men she meets is misleading here. Naturally women with money don't care as much about men with money. But we need to know what percentile you are in.


Oct 20, 2006
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I do.

Everything you've done in your life was done for all the wrong reasons. I will not relegate my happiness, health, wealth, or wellbeing to a woman.
Quick! Let's get the virtue-signalling perspective of a 17 year old SJW boy who is too young to have ever had a job in his life!

Does ImTheDoubleGreatest realize he exists as a parasite and requires other people to fund him in order to live? His saying money doesn't mean anything is a f*cking joke. Without the tax dollars of those of us who work for a living, he would realize in a hurry why some women prefer men with jobs.

Let's see him graduate college, get a job, start a business, and make it to the top point one percent of income and then we can ask how much money means.


Jun 23, 2014
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Quick! Let's get the virtue-signalling perspective of a 17 year old SJW boy who is too young to have ever had a job in his life!

Does ImTheDoubleGreatest realize he exists as a parasite and requires other people to fund him in order to live? His saying money doesn't mean anything is a f*cking joke. Without the tax dollars of those of us who work for a living, he would realize in a hurry why some women prefer men with jobs.

Let's see him graduate college, get a job, start a business, and make it to the top point one percent of income and then we can ask how much money means.
ITDG BigNeil is making an excellent point here and the pattern is seen throughout this thread.

- Guys who are charity cases to some extent, to where they either don't have a lot of money and/or are LIVING off of someone else partially or in total........are the main people talking about "money doesn't matter."

- The guys who get up on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. to run a business, manage investments, operate a career, etc. to produce their own money and have succeeded in life......are NOT running around here saying money doesn't matter.

This is very similar to the tax debate. The people who pay little or NO taxes are always in favor of raising taxes to create more "free shyt" because technically, THEY don't have to pay for it, it's my who has to pay for it.

To quote Ben Affleck's character from BOILER ROOM (Jim Young), "People claiming money is the root of all evil DOESN'T have any! They say money can't buy happiness, LOOK at the fvcking smile on my face!"



Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
How to explain that behavior? Simple. it's called being Delusioneil.
No ****ing kidding. That whole concept just seems crazy to me. Like I can get competition as a form of motivation, but that's only because you want to be the best, not that you are doing it for them or because of them. Fvcking madness man.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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ITDG BigNeil is making an excellent point here and the pattern is seen throughout this thread.

- Guys who are charity cases to some extent, to where they either don't have a lot of money and/or are LIVING off of someone else partially or in total........are the main people talking about "money doesn't matter."

- The guys who get up on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. to run a business, manage investments, operate a career, etc. to produce their own money and have succeeded in life......are NOT running around here saying money doesn't matter.

This is very similar to the tax debate. The people who pay little or NO taxes are always in favor of raising taxes to create more "free shyt" because technically, THEY don't have to pay for it, it's my who has to pay for it.

To quote Ben Affleck's character from BOILER ROOM (Jim Young), "People claiming money is the root of all evil DOESN'T have any! They say money can't buy happiness, LOOK at the fvcking smile on my face!"

Both of my parents are entrenched in black Christianity and think that God will damn all the rich people to hell and ****. Yet, they are obsessed about becoming rich at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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It's all relative.

A guy in college or university, goes to a house party with a tenner in his pocket, buys smokes and a few beers, and manages to charm a 18 year old chick who goes home with him the same evening. Success without money.

Another older guy, graduate of a few years and a successful professional, earns 60K net annually. He knows where to go out in a large city at the weekend and might drop a couple of bills in bars and clubs, where he picks up good-looking birds easily. Success with money.

The real crux of the matter being, take these two guy out of their own environments and force them in to trading places for an evening; both are relatively lost as to where to begin, at least initially.

-Mr Student realises he's probably not going to get very far in the big wide world if he doesn't eventually earn a half-decent paycheck. In five or ten years time, he'll look like a weird old creep at college house parties.
-Mr Professional realises that, in certain environments, especially at a house party, surrounded by objects of his own desire, money means almost nothing. He literally needs to bring something else to the party.

And this friends, is why money does matter and money doesn't matter, depending on the context. It's just one factor out of dozens that will have influence during your night out.

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