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  1. G

    bench press 1065, squat 1265, deadlift 1015

    those are the records, guys. Standing broadjump record is 11.5 ft, standing broadjump is 64", shoulder height on the guy! and he stood up after landing up there, on the edge of a wall sort of deal, too! Very impressive. most GUNFIGHTS are at 10ft and less. add 3 ft of leg sticking out there...
  2. G

    why are guys scared to start a topic?

    90% are scared to post at all, and not one in 50 ever starts a new thread. half of those who do start one never start another. Why be such a pvussy? what are you worried about? nobody knows who you are.
  3. G

    "armed" is a state of mind (Jeff Cooper)

    el jefe said that "you are no more 'armed' just because you are carrying a gun than you are a musician just because you own a guitar". A very experienced killer/merc once said of me, "he's more armed with just his stiffened forefinger than most men are with a machete". :-) It was true, too, but...
  4. G

    IS there anything about you?

    have you read dozens of books on economics, philosophy, history, science? can you dance, fight, drive motorcycle, swim, ride a horse, shoot well? can you weld, run a lathe and milling machine? Fix cars? Can you guide a woman thru a proper workout/diet regimen? wtf SHOULD she choose you over a...
  5. G

    more gunmakers jump into "pocket 9" field

    Sig Saur has 2 new entries, the single action P938 and the P290/RS. apparently the parent 250 model was/is a pos, Sig had to improve on it immediately. Don't these makers know to have REAL gun people shoot the hell out of prototypes, before they commit millions of $ into mass production of a...
  6. G

    know why only 2% vote libertarian?

    Because only 1 in 50 people can think for themselves and are willing to be responsible for themselves, and is also willing to leave other people ALONE.. Everyone else wants to use govt FORCE to take things from other people, or make them live as the forcers wish them to live. Whether its laws...
  7. G

    guys have truly dangerous assumptions.

    when I was 20 and in the Army, some guy who'd trained a few months at karate was convinced that he could kick me AFTER seeing me start to draw my .45 auto. I was wearing it ****ed and locked, in a thumbsnap Bianchi rig, tied down. I was a dog handler at night, nobody saw my gear who cared about...
  8. G

    kleck survey:>1 mill gun "saves"yearly

    in the US, legally, by civilian, google for it, it's been studied and is legit. now, well under 10,000 punks get shot during these attempted crimes, so it's very rare for the good guy to have to fire at all, and a lot more rare to have to actually hit someone with a bullet to stop them. so speed...
  9. G

    most people don't have a clue about probabiliity

    or any understanding of ratios. There is something called the 'Law of Diminishing Returns" that says you get less and less for each additional unit of resources committed, as you get closer and closer to what is possible". A rd of ammo that is rated as a 90% likely manstopper (with a regular...
  10. G

    Stopping power with guns is not lethality

    really. the 2 are only distantly related. I can stop you quite reliably and swiftly, by appying a ball bat across your abs, but barring a rare instance or 2, you will be ok in a day or 2. I can "cause your death" (ie, inflict a lethal strike) by injecting AIDS blood into your vein, but it will...
  11. G

    Bugout Bag list of gear, for shtf

    without the weapons, ammo, accessories and concealable armor, which 20 lbs, the rest of the pack list comes to 30 lbs. Just the pack, harness, frame and hydration bladder total 5 lbs. The water, spare canteen, canteen cup, "potable-aqua" tablets and 2 Life Straws total 8 lbs. fire starting...
  12. G

    York faced 80 Krauts, many with belt fed

    machine guns. With a 5 shot bolt action rifle and a .45 auto loading pistol, in about 1 hour, by HIMSELF, he killed 26 with 26 shots, and the REST OF THEM SURRENDERED to him! At WACO, 80 Feds, with helmets, rifle rated body armor, FULL AUTO M16's, the element of surprise, and the FULL weight of...
  13. G

    cost me 10k to get my Filipina.

    (I'm 60, guys) It took over a year, cost several k $ to get lots of smart, beautiful '20 somthings" (with no kids) to ym and email me on a daily basis. Then it cost several k more for roundtrip airfare ( for me and her), several k to live in Phills for 6 months and thoroughly "check out" the 1/2...
  14. G

    100k +, can 2x ur money, in 6 months

    if you'll just put it into importing .22lr ammo right now. u CAN'T lose any money if you buy it overseas, at normal prices, like $20 per 1000 rds. u'll e either make the 20% per year NORMAL return,or get 2-3x ur money back in a few months, if the current stupidity about .22 ammo hoarding and...
  15. G

    no y assasination not preferred over army?

    and the massive wastes of money on militaries? several reasons. One, the elites don't want OTHER countries thinking like that! :-) They don't want to have to ride around in tanks, sleep while wearing gas masks, and live in buried concrete bunkers. Also, what to do with the assassins...
  16. G

    best investment there IS, (currently)

    is ammo (popular handgun calibers, especially .22lr) and reloading components (mostly primers)AR-15 parts kits and "stripped' AR-15 lower receivers. That is, IF you can get the above at CLOSE TO the prices they were being sold at (pre Sandy-Nook massacre). Such things are currently going for...
  17. G

    we'll never again see $1500 an oz for gold

    they have printed too many dollars, we have too much debt, for that to ever happen. You MIGHT see $100 or so per oz of dip in price, but that's about it.
  18. G

    if you are ugly

    then FIX it. 10k or so $, overseas, 1/2 dozen surgeries, spread out over a year, and you no longer have that problem. so why let it screw up your life? you CAN do something about it. Especially WOMEN. Also, of course, you CAN do something about being fat. AGAIN, especially women readers...
  19. G

    how would you make something that u

    didn't really know what it ought to do or look like? If someone already has made one of them, you buy one and copy it, right? Semi auto guns, like the Thompson, are $1000, real deal smg's( from ww2 )Thompsons, sell for $15,000 or more. So, if you have the Federal license that lets you...
  20. G

    boardbreaking test of speed.

    the standard for minimum level of serious injury from a blow has long been the ability to break a 1" thick, 1 ft square pine board. That doesn't take all that much of a "pop", if it's administered with enough speed, and if you aren't truly fast, the guy will block or evade your blow, anyway...