Will a Rolex Get You Laid? Will a Rolex Help You Get a Longer Term Girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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before a man reaches that level he must still be SOMEWHAT financially stable/ well off..
Would a Rolex make a difference for the type of guy described in the opening post?

I think it could help if the man has around average social skills and possibly some other status symbol possessions.

A Rolex is a later purchase after the bachelor pad and the car.

The advantage of the Rolex over the bachelor pad and the car is that the seducer is able to take the Rolex with him while in a daygame venue or a nightlife venue. It's impossible to take your bachelor pad into a bar or a grocery store. It is possible to do something like make your BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Porsche logo car keys visible while in a bar. Showing off a Rolex might be easier in a mall and a few other daygame type venues than showing off BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Porsche logo car keys.

The problem is that these items WON'T magically give you more game.
Having a Rolex or BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Porsche logo car keys have the potential to attract some more women initially. These are highly likely to be gold digger types or at least superficial and pretentious types.

The AFC only gets more AFC once he learns that the expensive items don't do shyte for him.
An Average Frustrated Chump might get a small, short term bump from a Rolex or a luxury brand automobile. If he does not get more pussie as a result of the Rolex or luxury brand car, he will be even more PISSED.

A man must find a place of peace where he is satisfied with himself regardless of what women think of him. The Rolex will just be a really short boost, and when such a man gets dumped for " the cool broke dude " his entire life/ believe system will collapse.
For some AFC men, the short boost that a Rolex could provide might be all that they want. If they let their heart get into it too much (AFC/beta men are prone to this), then they could get played hard and getting dumped might lead to a life collapse.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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  1. Game is for getting vag.
  2. Money is for you, not for getting vag
  3. You is more valuable than random vag
Therefore In would say:
stocks,ETFs,bonds,rental units, businesses eg. Assets > home > car,rolex,boat and other liabilities.

Especially bad debt is something that really keeps you poor and you know it in your heart when you drive that brand new car you bought on credit.

And if you are into LTR:s this is good screening tool:

Chick that you get because of your liabilities is the wife that will keep you forever poor. No matter your income she wil make you waste it all.

..but the chick that thinks that your rental units are cool.. well thats a whole different story.. ;)
I finally found the quote I was looking for when I was rereading the Millionaire Fastlane. While imo the author pushes too hard as building a business being the only solution(I don’t think it is because the majority of businesses fail) he makes some very good points. Here is a quote about debt. I think this touches on why using debt as leverage to get women is not a sustainable strategy, even if the credit card companies want you to think it is:

“The average American owes more than they are worth. Having a lifestyle built on credit creates Lifestyle Servitude in the form of indentured time. And because total time is finite, indentured time grows by pilfering from free time. Indentured time leads to the Sidewalk. The next time you buy some fancy gadget on credit, know precisely what you are buying.”

“You’re buying parasitic debt that eats free time and transforms it into indentured time. For example, if you buy an audio system that costs $4,000 and make $10 per hour, what’s the actual price? That price is 400 hours of your free time since you must work 400 hours × $10 per hour to repay the debt. Add 10% interest and your final cost stacks up to 440 hours of your free time added to your weight burden. So next time you whip out the Visa, calculate the actual cost. How much free time is this going to cost me? Everything we buy has not one cost but two: The actual dollar cost The free time transformed into indentured time.”


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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For some men, they need possessions like a Rolex and a luxury car brand in order to get laid. If they don't have those things, they are more likely to be incel and being incel is bad. That factors into the analysis of what to do in a purchase situation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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For some men, they need possessions like a Rolex and a luxury car brand in order to get laid. If they don't have those things, they are more likely to be incel and being incel is bad. That factors into the analysis of what to do in a purchase situation.
This is very true. I just wanted to interject the point that in my opinion, trying to do this using only credit is destined to fail long-term. I will bash them at any chance I get lol.

I think the credit card companies know this and prey on it with their marketing.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think the credit card companies know this and prey on it with their marketing.
Credit cards are not the only way to pay for things. There's also cash. Credit cards can also be paid off in full at the end of each pay period.

trying to do this using only credit is destined to fail long-term. I will bash them at any chance I get lol.

I think the credit card companies know this and prey on it with their marketing.
Plenty of men go into debt in an effort to seduce. I mentioned earlier in this thread about how Phoenix/Scottsdale men commonly spend money they don't have on items (including Rolexes) in order to impress women and get laid.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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For some men, they need possessions like a Rolex and a luxury car brand in order to get laid.
Sounds like quite a lot of money to nail a gold digger.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Credit cards are not the only way to pay for things. There's also cash. Credit cards can also be paid off in full at the end of each pay period.

Plenty of men go into debt in an effort to seduce. I mentioned earlier in this thread about how Phoenix/Scottsdale men commonly spend money they don't have on items (including Rolexes) in order to impress women and get laid.
Absolutely. If you’re going to be a man who uses money to attract/seduce, then ideally you should use cash or pay off your credit cards at the end of every cycle. That’s the main point I want to make, so the companies don’t make a killing in interest lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Rolexes came up on another thread and I want to bring the Rolex discussion to a Rolex specific thread.

This is a guy who has a Rolex from his deceased father that he needs to get re-sized for roughly $1,500. New Rolexes are typically a lot more than $1,500. Spending $1,500 on getting the Rolex re-sized might get him more dating results in conventional dating
Get your Rolex re-sized and get it on your wrist! It has the potential to help with your seductions.
I honestly don't know if many people would actually know it is a Rolex, because it is actually a plain looking watch.
There are many plainer looking Rolex models, especially a lot of pre-1980 models. Since your father owned the watch, I'm guessing it is a pre-1980 Rolex. Is it a steel Rolex? The stainless steel Rolex don't stand out as much as gold Rolexes and don't tend to get noticed by women as much. A stainless steel Rolex can help but you might have to point it out more.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2022
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Darwin, Australia
Rolexes came up on another thread and I want to bring the Rolex discussion to a Rolex specific thread.

There are many plainer looking Rolex models, especially a lot of pre-1980 models. Since your father owned the watch, I'm guessing it is a pre-1980 Rolex. Is it a steel Rolex? The stainless steel Rolex don't stand out as much as gold Rolexes and don't tend to get noticed by women as much. A stainless steel Rolex can help but you might have to point it out more.
No, it is not that old. Post the year 2000, and yes, it is stainless steel, not gold.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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No, it is not that old. Post the year 2000, and yes, it is stainless steel, not gold.
That's reasonably new. I was expecting it to be older. It's worth some time on your wrist to see if it brings you some more pussie.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Imo for the vast majority of women you come across its not going to make a blind bit of difference

materialistic / narcissistic women ( the worst kinds of women ) may notice and may give you some brownie points

Most women though aren't really going to care , what the care about is how the room reacts to you , how individuals react to you , your composure , your confidence around her

this is what women care about and are attracted too not stupid brand name accessories


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You will come across three types of women:

A) The ones who don't give a fvck about your watch.
B) Golddiggers who use your watch as an indicator how easy you are to fleece
C) Female watch nerds who understand that Rolex buyers are unimaginative and dull crowd followers. Someone of real substance wears a (Grand) Seiko.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2022
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Darwin, Australia
That's reasonably new. I was expecting it to be older. It's worth some time on your wrist to see if it brings you some more pussie.
My Dad bought it after he retired. I don't think he ever actually wore it much. I think he just treated himself to a luxury good, knowing that it would increase in value. I have the original box as well, when I'm home from work, I'll try and find the specific model.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I have the original box as well, when I'm home from work, I'll try and find the specific model.
Thanks. I suspect it is something like a Rolex Datejust 16200, which was a basic steel Rolex from the 1990s/early 2000s. That's a nice watch.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2022
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Darwin, Australia
Thank you for taking the time to check. I don't think the Explorer is as good for seduction as a Datejust (often steel but can be two tone) or Day Date (gold). Some like the Explorer more than I like it.
I personally prefer the look of a silver / steel watch, as compared to gold. I also do wear a gold pinkie ring (again, was my Dad's... I used to own my own, which had a diamond in it, however, I unfortunately lost that), which is a nice contrast to a silver watch.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I personally prefer the look of a silver / steel watch, as compared to gold.
Many prefer Rolexes in the silver color, steel combination. The gold stands out a little bit more. The silver color, steel combination watches might not even get noticed by women at nightlife type venues when initially approaching or on a first date.