Trayvon Martin

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Bokanovsky said:
The fact that this case has turned into such a circus shows everything that is wrong with America. Charges against the defendant brought as a result of political pressure? Check. "Special prosecutor" who only cares about advancing her own career and files a false affidavit? Check. Media trying its hardest to turn the case into a race issue by constantly referring to a mestizo hispanic man as "white"? Check. Race baiters like Al Sharpton taking advantage of a tragic situation to further their own agenda (and being assisted in doing so by the media and the government)? Check. Biased judge who had to be removed from the proceeding by the Court of Appeal? Check.

This case should have never went to trial. Even the cops who arrested Zimmerman and the prosecutor who was initially in charge of the case clearly saw that there was no evidence to convict Zimmerman. The man had head injuries and a broken nose. He was punched and had his head slammed against concrete. If he didn't shoot Martin, the latter would have been charged with aggravated assault or perhaps even manslaughter. You can't think of a more clear-cut case of a justifiable use of deadly force.
Zimmerman should have kept his fat ass in the truck. If I am walking to the store tonight, and someone starts stalking me, I will beat their ass every time. What if it's a BPD ex? Gotta kill them first.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Malice said:
I am pretty sure Zimmerman did break the law when he followed Trayvon. There aren't stalking laws? What about when you are wandering around at night, police can charge you with "prowling".
Following someone is not the same thing as stalking. It's only "stalking" if you are acting with malicious intent. There is nothing unusual or malicious about a neighbourhood watch volunteer, at a gated community that has recently suffered a number of break-ins, drawing his attention to a suspicious-looking outsider, who appears to be wandering aimlessly, checking out houses, in the middle of the night, in pouring rain.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Bokanovsky said:
Following someone is not the same thing as stalking. It's only "stalking" if you are acting with malicious intent. There is nothing unusual or malicious about a neighbourhood watch volunteer, at a gated community that has recently suffered a number of break-ins, drawing his attention to a suspicious-looking outsider, who appears to be wandering aimlessly, checking out houses, in the middle of the night, in pouring rain.

I'm still going to beat someones ass if I see him following me to the store. I at least would confront him and say "WTF are you doing?". After that I could see throwing a punch or 2.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Malice said:
I'm still going to beat someones ass if I see him following me to the store. I at least would confront him and say "WTF are you doing?". After that I could see throwing a punch or 2.
And then you'd get shot and I'd have little sympathy for you. Just because you feel someone is following you does not give you the right to assault them. Confronting them verbally? Sure. Attacking them? No.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Bokanovsky said:
And then you'd get shot and I'd have little sympathy for you. Just because you feel someone is following you does not give you the right to assault them. Confronting them verbally? Sure. Attacking them? No.

Nobody is going to shoot me. I will shoot them first in self defense. I will grab the gun away quicker than Trayvon did and blow his brains out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Malice said:
Nobody is going to shoot me. I will shoot them first in self defense. I will grab the gun away quicker than Trayvon did and blow his brains out.
Just like in the movies, right? Good luck.


I can't believe the Justice Department is considering bogus hate crime charges against Zimmerman to please the black communities.

Zimmerman: ...This guy looks up to no good...
Dispatch: OK, and this guy is white, hispanic or black?
Zimmerman: He looks black.

As an Asian, I feel discriminated that my ethnicity was not in question.

Hate Crime!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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BeginningDJ said:
I can't believe the Justice Department is considering bogus hate crime charges against Zimmerman to please the black communities.
Now you know what Obama meant when he was talking about "change".

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Two points:

Number 1: Malice is a fvcking idiot.

Number 2: This stupid case has done much more to awaken the masses (I guess you could say white people) to the double standard going on right now in this country, than it has for nationally advancing colored people. Talk about irony and unintended consequences.

Job well done, Reverend Jesse.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Danger said:
Not true.

He was a neighborhood watch and on the phone with dispatch reporting information. That is WAY different than "stalking". Not even comparable.

So you would throw punches at a guy after you asked "why you following me for?"? Why not discuss it calmly? If you would honestly assault someone then you deserve the bullet, simply because you broke a serious law.

I would be outraged if someone has the nerve to be following me around. Take out the trash and deal with it.