Trayvon Martin


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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Danger said:
Well duh.

But if you think that George pulled a gun on Trayvon BEFORE punches were thrown, then you may as well get out of this thread now. There is absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever and you are just reacting emotionally to this as opposed to logically.
And, again:

Leporello said:
I'm not going to explain this any further. if you can't understand it then I can't help you. It's obvious to most people, it's obvious to me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Christ, you really are slow to comprehend someones message sometimes Danger.

Leporello is not saying that Zimmerman pulled a gun on Martin upon approaching hes. Leporello is saying that different situations exist where someone whos defending themselves from a threat, will actually strike first. He merely gave you one example of these situations.

You make a habit of zeroing in on one sentence, and completely missing the point someone is making.

Anyways, the lead DA did a pretty damn good job of swaying the jurors towards a manslaughter conviction Id say. He pointed out many inconsistencies in Zimmermans stories.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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Everything GZ says is God's truth. "Facts" that validate his story are the only ones that matter. GZ's story is not to be questioned. Forget inconsistencies and forget about the perjury over the donation money. GZ does not lie, he is incapable of lying.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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We'll see soon.

Aside, I think no one can say that GZ has not been well represented. If I was being charged for murder I would want O'Mara representing me. He seems competent and has his client under control now, GZ hasn't been out running his mouth in interviews for a long time. No doubt O'Mara wants it this way. I think GZ is now listening to his attorney's advice and doing everything exactly as instructed.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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speed dawg said:
I'd go and link the countless stories of thugs shooting cops in routine traffic stops if you like, but I really don't want to waste the time.

Either way, the cop was cleared of any wrong doing in that Tolan case because it was part of an investigation. And they were out at 2 am. Had the guys not gotten aggressive, it wouldn't have come to that.
How about this case?,0

Its happening in the south, prolly not far from you. Gotta love that southern justice. A black man cannot defend himself on his own property from someone charging him with a knife.

Yep...blacks are treated pretty equally in the court system. Life in prison sentence because he killed someone trying to harm him and his son. Luckily he was released earlier this year, only to have to bury his wife two days later.

So he spent the last days of his wifes life in prison. All because of a sh!tty DA and an unjust criminal justice system. PairPlus made a valid point about racism in the courts. And unless youve ever worked in the system, you have no idea whats going on. My father is an attorney, and he sees a lot of BS, but I wouldnt be surprised if its not near the amount of BS which occurs in the south.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Danger said:
Justice prevailed. Glad to see the right to self-defense doesn't get hijacked based on emotions and conjecture.

Bottom line, there was no evidence against George's use of self-defense.

The tragedy is that a person had to die, but better only one life ruined than two lives ruined.
I really, really hope nobody else will because of the verdict. Let's hope all the media reports of "prepping for riots" is just your run of the mill fear mongering from the media.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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Just went on facebook, looks like the site is split in half with two different decisions lol


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
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can't believe any of you actually think the jury's decision was right. Self-defense or not (which it wasn't), he killed a minor. Second-degree murder, and he gets off scott-free.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The jury enforced the law. That's what they are supposed to do.

Having said that, Florida and their "shoot first" law is the most fvcked-up take on the right to self-defense that has ever existed. And that right has been around a long time, maybe a thousand years dating back to merry olde England.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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I dont agree with the verdict, but at least there was a trial. More will unfold though. The civil case being one of them, which like OJ, Zimmerman will definitely lose. However unlike OJ, Zimmerman is not loaded with cash and shouldnt expect an outpouring of public donations to cover the millions of dollars hes about to lose. The Home Owners Association got off easy and Zimmerman is gonna be the one to be raped financially.

So either way, despite not going to jail, this guys life is over. His freedom is still compromised due to safety concerns, and his finances will be screwed. Oh wells.

Anyways, Im not surprised by the verdict. Its Florida for Christ's sake. The state that let off Casey Anthony and made it so that a sweet little girls death went unpunished. So I didnt think it was beyond this same state to let a young teens death go unpunished. Hell, nevermind his color and what Ive said in posts above about the southern justice system and blacks. Folks can read those links again if they like.

I will say this, the Zimmerman case will be a turning tide in this nation...and people across the country will be pushing for a big change into self-defense laws that are like Florida's. The public wont stand for it. This case, along with these "shoot first" laws, set a precedent where I could easily start an altercation with someone, and as long as I ensured there were no witnesses, I could kill the person and claim self defense. A person with a vendetta against someone could easily do this. This all really opens the wrong doors. If the Jodi Arias trial was in Florida, Im sure she would have gotten off on self defense as well, which is what she tried to argue in court.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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More non sense and agenda pushing from Jaylan. Self defense laws and concealed carry were loosened up because criminals/thugs were attacking and killing people and innocent people were victimized again by having to defend themselves in criminal court for defending themselves.

Sometimes these lax self defense laws allow someone to instigate something and shoot without really needing to defend themselves. But that's not the case here. George was ambushed and pretty violently attacked.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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Eph said:
can't believe any of you actually think the jury's decision was right. Self-defense or not (which it wasn't), he killed a minor. Second-degree murder, and he gets off scott-free.
Unlike the 12 year old kid picture the media likes to show, you have a 17 year old 6'2 200 lb guy that was on top of you and beating shoot too. Innocent child he was not. Thug, yes sir. Jury agreed as well.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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a black man can't expect to have rights in this fu*cked up country from the start, especially when it says in the amendment that a black man is 3/5 of a man. Blacks have been getting no justice since we stepped foot on this country.

So Jaylan it is no point in going back and forth, let it go cause what is done is done, and arguing pretty much is not going to solve anything. What kills me though is people acting like race didn't play a part on this, and it really did because behind closed doors people still have the mindsets of before integration.

Believe me Jaylan, your silence can be way more powerful then your words, it is what its bro.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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So can anybody explained me generally how the trial ended?

Not familiar with laws there and reason for the choice.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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115 come on brah seriously get off the gas, you knew exactly what you mean't when you said ebt and thug.

It is what it is though, like I said I'm done, lol at give blacks a bad name, I'm an true example of a real black man, you wouldn't know anything about that since you accused this guy of being an ebt using thug, judging his life like you walked with him daily. You talking about where is the evidence, where is the evidence he used ebt and that he was a thug, you didn't know this guy until it showed up in the news smh.

I'm done with this discussion though.

and for you mr.nipple breast titty, how about you read article 1 section 2 of the constitution and keep your corny jokes to yourself.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
This is directed at BOTH sides of the argument. Listen..

Like other posters have pointed out.. there is nothing unique about this case. It happens every day. The only difference is the media ran with this one.

How many people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, by the Mafia, assassinated, etc.? And people lose their sh!t over this ONE particular situation.

People are truly retarded. They continue to be "shocked" by things that happen every day. So called "justice" is an illusion based on religion based morals (which are also an illusion). Life is not fare. It never has been and it never will be. Race gets a lot of focus, but life isn't fare for anyone. Some are just lucky enough to have this unfairness work in their favor.

All you can do is try to understand the world and do whats in your best interest. You can't always depend on others to do right by you, avenge you, seek justice for you or treat you fairly. Life is about political connections, alliances, social value, money and relationships. If you lack those things, your life is worthless in the eyes of most. Harsh but true.

Many good men and women have been murdered since Trayvon's death. Many of their murderers will walk free. Where is the Internet thread or media swarm for those people? :confused:

Those who want to "do something about Trayvon" should get off the Internet and do it. Those who are not going to do anything should STFU and talk about something else. Its over. And I'm glad its over. :)

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Can we finally lock this down? It's over.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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bradd80 said:
(1) Zimmerman had a broken nose and was covered in blood and bruises while Martin had no such bruises,

(2) several witnesses had reported seeing Martin on top of Zimmerman and punching him repeatedly "MMA style," and

(3) the testimony of the chief medical examiner, who stated that it was his opinion that Martin was shot in the chest while on top of Zimmerman.

Why didn't they find Zimmermans DNA on Martins hands? Why didn't they find Martins DNA on the gun he supposedly grabbed? If he was beating Zimmerman, or grabbed the gun, wouldn't the DNA be on his hands?

A view nobody has ever brought up is, what if George broke his own nose after he knew he shot the kid? He was like "oh sh!t what have I done? I better make this look like self defense", then he proceeded to bash his own face.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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Malice said:
Why didn't they find Zimmermans DNA on Martins hands? Why didn't they find Martins DNA on the gun he supposedly grabbed? If he was beating Zimmerman, or grabbed the gun, wouldn't the DNA be on his hands?

A view nobody has ever brought up is, what if George broke his own nose after he knew he shot the kid? He was like "oh sh!t what have I done? I better make this look like self defense", then he proceeded to bash his own face.
It's quote common for self-inflicted 'fake' injuries to be quite minor, as the person is naturally reluctant to injure himself.

I may have missed this but was any of Zimmerman's blood on Martin? If he's supposed to have hit Zimmerman hard enough to draw blood you'd think there would be.

As for the decision, while I do think Z is guilty I don't know if the evidence was enough to convict him 'beyond a reasonable doubt' because mostly what we have is Z's word for how the events happened. The civil suit, if there is one, will probably ruin him.

So, Zimmerman's life is probably over, and I'm OK with that. He acted in a completely reckless and unnecessary way from the start. We know he was hostile to Martin just by looking at him (calling him an 'a**hole' for no reason) and honestly it was only a matter of time before he killed somebody.

Danger said:
I know what I meant and I will say it again. Trayvon was a thug in training, and Jeantel was headed for EBT.
Danger, we already know you hate black reason to keep bringing it up.