The thin line between becoming a better man and becoming a simp needing hard for pvssy

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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It keeps amazing me how many hoops some guys here are willing to jump through just to get pvssy.

We know that women want the three 6´s (6ft tall, 6pack, 6figure income) or better alongside a list of other things.

It is what it takes to be in the top 1% or better of men, which gives you an opportunity to hit on 8+ women.

In general, most guys are quite easy to satisfy and not as much consumers as women.
Most of us would be happy sitting in a cabin in the woods, fishing/hunting/shooting/gaming/drinking/whatever all day long with our buddies if it weren’t for pvssy.

Be honest guys…. are you working that extra hours to impress women with a nice car/home/vacation/whatever?

Do you train and diet to get that 6pack really because you want to accomplish it or because it gives you a +1 with women?

Are you doing your 101st cold approach this month because you have fun or because you are in desperate need for pvssy?

When does a man stop becoming better and starts being a simp needing hard for pvssy?

I mean, we are talking about a finite resource, we are spending in pursuit of pvssy and that’s lifetime.

What do you do especially and only to get more/better women?

At what point do you guys say its enough, pvssy aint worth it?

How much of your lifetime are you investing in the procurement of pvssy?
You make valid points. I think everyone needs to remain balanced and stay true to your core. No matter what I do, hunting some animal or hunting women, I want to be as successful as possible so I do what it takes to get what I want. At the end of the day it's always been about me. Whatever it takes, within reason.

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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This is an interesting topic.

My core beliefs are the following:

I'm the best version of my self for my self and only.

Gym, good money, all the good stuff. I don't care if it attracts women or not. It's a side-effect and it does attract women anyway.

I love women but at the same time, I keep a balance of what I am and what I want to achieve. It has never been done for women and it will never be.

A man should have a good life. This is the ultimate goal everyone should go for it. Hell, why no?

The moment you start doing it for external factors and not for your self is when you start to become insecure.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Are we sure all of our goals are entirely "for ourselves"? I don't buy it. While there may be some specific things people do for themselves (such as taking care of their health), I think by default, almost everything people do is ultimately driven by an ulterior motive for social approval/interest from the opposite sex, even if it's entirely unconscious.

If women (and society in general) didn't care about these things, a lot of men would live in a cardboard box, drive an old shvtmobile, and wear rags.

Ask yourself, if you suddenly became invisible/intangible and couldn't directly interact with anyone for the rest of your life, would you care about most of these things? We are social creatures and hardwired to want a mate and this influences almost everything we do in life.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I am happy with threads like this.

We must encourage one another to find a place of peace during these wild times when it comes to women, love, dating and sex. I get that this isn't necessarily to keep you away from the chase or whatever, but rather to encourage you to find inner peace.

Luckily you provided an solution in the OP; be the best you can be. Aim high.

Because lets face it: at some point ,indeed, approach nr 101 and failed date nr 101 will chip away from your self esteem. Not only that. The time and cash you spend on getting nothing is time and cash you'll never get back. At some point you have to be realistic about it and face the facts. If you spend 30 weeks a year in a club to rake home one woman, then you are being inefficient AF. If you have to pay 250 bucks a month for premium subscriptions to go on 5 dates (where you get: hardly ever sex or more than one ONS)a year, you're inefficient.

At some point you gotta look jn the mirror and ask yourself: am I actually being effective in my effort to get (as many) women as possible? Or am I chasing a dragon while wasting time and money (perhaps self inflicting damage thus ironically enough killing my actual chances?)

The art is to combine it all somehow: to both become as " 6-ish" as possible AND contain but yet maintain your desire for women.You have to find a place where you can:

- become the best version of yourself
- enjoy the environment where there are also women so its not JUST about women
- learn game so IF you attract a woman you can keep her
I love my job. So. it’s hard to compare.
This is an important one: make sure you LOVE your job. So you can (again)combine it all: make money to live a better life and simultaneously attract women due to having more to offer.

I actually go to the gym because I fvcking like it, I wanna get better jobs cause that's a challenge for me, I dance cause I fvcking like it, I'm very social cause I like talking to people, tease them, have a good laugh, talk about common interests.

I won't deny that it helped me attract more women and keeping them around, which is one tbe feedbacks that a man is doing good for him
And this. Same as my previous point: combine it.

Might as well add that being fit = better performance at the job, faster recovery, challenging yourself ect.

Oh ,and you might attract more women.

So we already covered two sixes ,we can enjoy doing these activities/obligations AND we can feed our lust for women.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Are we sure all of our goals are entirely "for ourselves"? I don't buy it. While there may be some specific things people do for themselves (such as taking care of their health), I think by default, almost everything people do is ultimately driven by an ulterior motive for social approval/interest from the opposite sex, even if it's entirely unconscious.

If women (and society in general) didn't care about these things, a lot of men would live in a cardboard box, drive an old shvtmobile, and wear rags.

Ask yourself, if you suddenly became invisible/intangible and couldn't directly interact with anyone for the rest of your life, would you care about most of these things? We are social creatures and hardwired to want a mate and this influences almost everything we do in life.
I would still work out. I enjoy it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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So we already covered two sixes ,we can enjoy doing these activities/obligations AND we can feed our lust for women.
The third six is pursuing short-ass women lolz


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I want to give a real life examples of a man whose jumping through all kinds of hoops just to get some p00sy.

Before I start I wanna say this; on one side there's peace of mind and tranquility. That's the "lonely side". On the other side we have dealing with a (toxic) woman. All kinds of shyte happens ,shyte that even Shakespeare couldn't come up with.

40 y.o male. Dude got a girl from the Philippines. He's broke, a pile of debts and basically no game. He needs to enter this program that allows him to be debt free in 3/4 years ,but the downside is you'll get a financial mentor who owns your bank account, and you only get 50 bucks a week. Despite this he put in the work to get her here on a Visa. (You need a fulltime job to get a someone over on a visa, he didn't work for 7years untill he heard of this rule!)

It worked! Great! After 4 years no p00sy he finally got his gf to visit and she stayed for 3 months. Ofcourse he payed her ticket, visa, carried her financially when she stayed over.

And now he keeps getting calls that she needs to go to the dentist, the electric is cut off due to not paying the bill, her father is ill and needs money for a taxi to the hospital ect. Her brother is a deadbeat who probably assumes that his sisters will fix money from their European boyfriends. Also had to send a suitcase for her sister. 200 bucks.

So he spend so much money while she was here, that he now had to loan 50 bucks (despite having a fulltime job and paying zero debts) to send to her. He HAS to help her.

See what I mean? I told him to dump her. Because on one side: no woman but also no bs. On the other hand: jumping through hoops ,portaiting a life that doesn't exist for him by spending all of his money whike she was with him.

Now he wants to enter this government program to become debt free, but she (ofcourse!!) wants to come to Europe asap. While the SENSIBLE route is to tell her to wait 2 to 3 years ,so he can get his shyte together. But NO. Lets bring in a woman from a 3rd world country so she can be dead broke together with you in a small studio apartment.

Peace and tranquility vs wild emotional storms and drama.


Mar 6, 2017
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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I wish I could say the same. What´s your job?
I have several functions for the same healthcare organization. One is clinical. Another is client relations/PR. Another is education. I’m also in management. But that just seems to consist of taking a bunch of ‘career enhancement’ classes.


Don Juan
May 20, 2023
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Are we sure all of our goals are entirely "for ourselves"? I don't buy it. While there may be some specific things people do for themselves (such as taking care of their health), I think by default, almost everything people do is ultimately driven by an ulterior motive for social approval/interest from the opposite sex, even if it's entirely unconscious.

If women (and society in general) didn't care about these things, a lot of men would live in a cardboard box, drive an old shvtmobile, and wear rags.

Ask yourself, if you suddenly became invisible/intangible and couldn't directly interact with anyone for the rest of your life, would you care about most of these things? We are social creatures and hardwired to want a mate and this influences almost everything we do in life.
Couldn't agree more. When I'm tired from a long day and don't feel like working out, I damn sure ain't thinking, "Jeez, I can't miss a workout, gotta stay healthy for ME!". Uh, no, there's other motivational forces at play. If that makes me a simp, so be it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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That doesnt mean anything. They will still be looking for these features and the best deal they can get.

Top 80% of women think they deserve the top 20% of men.... what do the top 5% of women think they deserve?

But my question wasnt if you can get attractive women to fvck you a couple of times, the question was how much do you go out of your way to get pvssy.

Most guys DO NOT have women lining up in front of their home out of the blue and without effort.

The question is how far does it go......

When does a man stop? Is that chinese pvssy worth slaving away your life or will he quit being the plowhorse for a woman that drains his resources?
I have never been the type of man to bend of backwards for it and more often than not I find myself just walking away from women because I just can't be bothered with the hoop jumping and box crossing exercises , some men will happily do it

Here's an example from my own life below

I met a 23. y/o 6.5 on holiday last weekend it was a bit wired because we kept randomly bumping into each other so in the resort so we exchanged details before we went home

We exchanged some messages chit chat back and forth but as the week dragged on I became less interested and ended up not replying to her message for like 24 hours .....I eventually replied but could tell she was pi$$ed she didn't reply for 2 days and then last night sent me 3 really random messages and then removed me on instagram.

I read the messages and then promptly removed her too

I think I damaged her EGO but this is a 6.5 we are talking about

This is a pretty good example I think of a low quality woman wanting a high quality romcom style dating experience but not really being able to offer much to support it

Thats where the line is for me

How beautiful is she ? , how feminine is she ? how good does she make me feel as a man ?

if the answer to any of them questions is "meh" I am highly likely to just walk away at the first sign of discontent


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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I have never been the type of man to bend of backwards for it and more often than not I find myself just walking away from women because I just can't be bothered with the hoop jumping and box crossing exercises , some men will happily do it

Here's an example from my own life below

I met a 23. y/o 6.5 on holiday last weekend it was a bit wired because we kept randomly bumping into each other so in the resort so we exchanged details before we went home

We exchanged some messages chit chat back and forth but as the week dragged on I became less interested and ended up not replying to her message for like 24 hours .....I eventually replied but could tell she was pi$$ed she didn't reply for 2 days and then last night sent me 3 really random messages and then removed me on instagram.

I read the messages and then promptly removed her too

I think I damaged her EGO but this is a 6.5 we are talking about

This is a pretty good example I think of a low quality woman wanting a high quality romcom style dating experience but not really being able to offer much to support it

Thats where the line is for me

How beautiful is she ? , how feminine is she ? how good does she make me feel as a man ?

if the answer to any of them questions is "meh" I am highly likely to just walk away at the first sign of discontent
Great plan, cut bait early and save your time and resources for better prospects that are willing to comply.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Great plan, cut bait early and save your time and resources for better prospects that are willing to comply.
Trust me there's a hell of a lot of "meh" girls out there too

Its easy to be blinded by a bit of makeup and a flattering outfit when that comes off you really need to know what you are left with


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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...a low quality woman wanting a high quality romcom style dating experience but not really being able to offer much to support it
This is perhaps the best summation of OLD I've ever seen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Be honest guys…. are you working that extra hours to impress women with a nice car/home/vacation/whatever?
Do you train and diet to get that 6pack really because you want to accomplish it or because it gives you a +1 with women?
I've always wanted money for its own sake, for myself. I'm retired now, but I worked my arse off to earn money, partly so I could retire early. I wanted to buy my freedom. Money has enough benefits of its own that I wanted it for myself. If women find that attractive, that's just icing on the cake.

Working out now, I admit that is partly because I want to look attractive to women. It's partly for my health, but also partly so I look good (or better).

Most of us would be happy sitting in a cabin in the woods, fishing/hunting/shooting/gaming/drinking/whatever all day long with our buddies if it weren’t for pvssy?
I don't know how unique I am here, but I have always enjoyed the company of women, and that's aside from the sex. I like the yin and yang of it, I like the way the female compliments the male, I like the way we can interact without her being competitive. With males, it seems like there's always some ego and competition involved. Nothing wrong with that, but female companionship can be a bit of fresh air in comparison. I know a lot of guys on the forum don't seem to like women at all, outside of the sex, but I don't relate to that at all.

I'm not talking about trashbag hos though, she has to be a decent girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Funny, I don't do any of the things that are recommended to 'attract women'. Except not giving them attention.
not giving them attention or giving and withdrawing is powerful


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
It keeps amazing me how many hoops some guys here are willing to jump through just to get pvssy.

We know that women want the three 6´s (6ft tall, 6pack, 6figure income) or better alongside a list of other things.

It is what it takes to be in the top 1% or better of men, which gives you an opportunity to hit on 8+ women.

In general, most guys are quite easy to satisfy and not as much consumers as women.
Most of us would be happy sitting in a cabin in the woods, fishing/hunting/shooting/gaming/drinking/whatever all day long with our buddies if it weren’t for pvssy.

Be honest guys…. are you working that extra hours to impress women with a nice car/home/vacation/whatever?

Do you train and diet to get that 6pack really because you want to accomplish it or because it gives you a +1 with women?

Are you doing your 101st cold approach this month because you have fun or because you are in desperate need for pvssy?

When does a man stop becoming better and starts being a simp needing hard for pvssy?

I mean, we are talking about a finite resource, we are spending in pursuit of pvssy and that’s lifetime.

What do you do especially and only to get more/better women?

At what point do you guys say its enough, pvssy aint worth it?

How much of your lifetime are you investing in the procurement of pvssy?
A man becomes a simp when he gets feelings and starts spending money on a low interest hoe. If he's lucky, she has integrity and will turn him down, if he's not then she's going to milk him for it.

Simps get their validation from attention, not pvssy.