The new archetype Roman( the average guy that has trouble finding women)


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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What about the Hispanic Chad? Asian Chad? Indian Chad? It's a bit confusing that one minority gets its own "Chad" while other do not.
The race is more to hint at a certain type of guy.

Chad is the handsome white guy. Tyrone the handsome black guy. All other races will be one of these two, depending upon their character. A " rough" handsome latino( Escobar's son) will be a Tyrone. A educated handsome latino will be Chad. Same for Asian Arab ect.

Pookie/ Rayray is the black man that is a straight up street guy. He doesnt have to be pretty , just masculine AF. Yes, a ugly black man with the right masculine energy will pull easier than other races( except latin perhaps). Yes, by portraying a certain cliche image the sub average black man can pull poosy, especially if the woman has a thing for black man. In that case it's a matter of being the black guy at the right time at the right place.

Theoretically a rough redneck might have some Pookie Rayray vibe to him. All the other men ( nerdy overweight sub average black/asian/ Latin/white guy) is a Roman. Especially Asian men have this problem,


Sep 10, 2014
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Roman is fine as long as he doesnt go through too drastic changes in his life such as moving to a other city or doing time.

The combination of social circle , young/ decent looking face /body and a bit of naivety about dating will make sure Roman doesn't even notice his future problems. From age 16 to 30 he will have some LTR's, some fwb and even a sporadically a ONS with a town bicycle.

Roman's smv isnt always clear. Could be anywhere between 3 and 8. Probably declines from 8-6 to a lower number over time. This archetype came to existence due @Jake_Gyllenhaal69 's thread. At some point Roman will face his first long dryspell with no end in sight. His friends will get kids, marry, and have less time for " boys nights out", thus his routine of life will become stagnant.

He never practiced spam approach, and relies on OLD to meet women. After something like age 30 his lack of experience with women will start to work against him. The little mojo he had going on in his twenties is gone now, and nobody seems to care he doesn't have a role in the dating environment.

When he does move away from his hometown or something mayor ,life changing happens he wont have a social circle to fall back on and it will accelerate his problems.
Roman chooses this when he could easily choose something else. When you are a passenger in your own life, don't complain about where it drives you to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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The thread points to the main factor that marks the end of this civilization and social order and to a new social order that will take over the west.

These issues are so.widespread in the current order and also so important that the solution (community/alpha/social circles/localism) will spread like fire.

That new system, coming with newer socio economic and political leanings, will simply replace the current order.

Dont be surprised if this goes really far it could even replace languages and the names of countries.

It is like when an immoveable object meets an irresistible force. There is no such thing as an immoveable object.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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So the food chain goes something like this:

Honorable mentions: The guy who alpha widow-ed her and /or the guy at the top her Desdinovas High score List Theory.
1.- Chad Thunderc0ck / Celebrities
AAA.- Chad/Tyrone with money AND status but not as much money and status as celebrities.
AA.- Chad/Tyrone with money or status
A.- Chad/Tyrone
B.- Chad Light
C.- The average SoSuave Member
D.- Roman
E.- McLovin
F.- Incels

Feel free to edit your own version.
I agree. Roman is somewhere in the middle, and his future actions will decide his future category. A Roman can easily become an incel, and with real hard work he might become a Chad light ,depending on his genetics. By becoming a sosuave member Roman at least takes charge and tries to study life lessons about game he missed somehow.

Roman is a nothing burger basically.


Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2020
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South West UK
You didn't include the 'opted out' category.
I can't be the only one who's done with this absolute pantomime.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Roman chooses this when he could easily choose something else. When you are a passenger in your own life, don't complain about where it drives you to.
Yes exactly. That's the whole point of this thread. After weekend nr 200 without any action Roman might figure out something needs to be done in order to force things his way.

It's the hash reality that if life gives you lemons, you gotta make sweet lemon juice out of it.
I havent read the whole thing but yh scarcity is a big issue.

The problem is that men and women are not socialising much. For most guys they have little social interaction.

But in a natural tribal human/animal society there is more natural interaction between men and women.

But modern women are using simple social interaction to 'game' men to the point that for alot of scenarios if women even talk to men it is seen as a win for the guy.

So yh there is a big problem of women acting like even socialising or talking to men is giving away some power or something of value.

Women themselves lose due to this negative attitude.

That is the problem also with cold approach, a guy is going out of his way to be nice or sociallise with women and interact and the women often react too negatively ie arrogantly.

Its like often times women will simply pull away from social interaction as a form of power play or negoitiation and this is just going too far.

Half the pop in the world is women. As guys we are.simply not able to interact and socialise with women without going down to dating concepts like apps, cold-approach etc.

Most of us had the most amount of female interaction in school or univ after which point it just dries up and social circles arent big enough or stable enough to provide that interaction.

So the whole social system in the modern world needs to change and form around commumities and social circles where men and women can interact without it being some kind of win for the guy.

The coldness and game-playing strategy used by women is only leading them to a dead end of failure and anxiety.
There are tons of ways a Roman can become the center of this all. It will just take time and perhaps some money. But especially time and energy, and as we all know women can be ungrateful and entitled. It's hard to give without expectation.

Roman must find a way to add value because his core value ( being a MAN) isn't valuable by itself. He must add more somehow. The fact he is labeled as a Roman is a symptom of not having enough social status and value to both men and women.
You didn't include the 'opted out' category.
I can't be the only one who's done with this absolute pantomime.
Elaborate please


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I feel that i am not getting across the extent to which this is a problem with the system not with men, or women.

The reason why men and women are not interacting and sociallising in a positive way is due to the civilization based on patriarchy and marriage.

Those civilization and cultures had no communal social structure ie democracy, socialising where men and women talked and interacted.

What they did was create a marriage system where men and women got married young and then did not socialise with the opposite gender.

We have inherited from this system the lack of social customs that allowed men and women to socialise freely to develop romantic and friendly relations.

So this civilization will have to fall and all kings and histories since the bronze age will be forgotten and consigned to darkness.

It is the community or civilization which is responsible for creating and maintaining social customs and local communities where men and women can interact and socialise.

An individual guy can put in the work to create these 'communities' but if this a workable solution then it will simply expand and take over the country.

That is because the new community based social system is a solution to many problems in the modern world, for both men and women, and not just in the romantic sphere.

The major point being that this is not about the individual it is about the state.

Blame has to be placed on those who are currentlt winning in or upholding the existing system, capitalism, institutions etc.

These people can easily be recognised with their symbolic tribal attire constisting of a suit and tie and often inc glasses, bad haircuts etc.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I feel that i am not getting across the extent to which this is a problem with the system not with men, or women.

The reason why men and women are not interacting and sociallising in a positive way is due to the civilization based on patriarchy and marriage.

Those civilization and cultures had no communal social structure ie democracy, socialising where men and women talked and interacted.

What they did was create a marriage system where men and women got married young and then did not socialise with the opposite gender.

We have inherited from this system the lack of social customs that allowed men and women to socialise freely to develop romantic and friendly relations.

So this civilization will have to fall and all kings and histories since the bronze age will be forgotten and consigned to darkness.

It is the community or civilization which is responsible for creating and maintaining social customs and local communities where men and women can interact and socialise.

An individual guy can put in the work to create these 'communities' but if this a workable solution then it will simply expand and take over the country.

That is because the new community based social system is a solution to many problems in the modern world, for both men and women, and not just in the romantic sphere.

The major point being that this is not about the individual it is about the state.

Blame has to be placed on those who are currentlt winning in or upholding the existing system, capitalism, institutions etc.

These people can easily be recognised with their symbolic tribal attire constisting of a suit and tie and often inc glasses, bad haircuts etc.
I don't know if I grasp what you're saying, but I do feel like Roman is somewhat of a victim of how society changed. His dad was probably a bluepilled baby boomer that thaught him that " the right women will come along some day". Few generations ago he would be settled with kids by 30. Now he is invincible , and his own parent doktor even understand how that's possible.

What doesnt help his case is the fact he;
- doesnt approach
-lives a isolated life.
-might live in a small town
- never rejected a woman


Sep 10, 2014
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I feel that i am not getting across the extent to which this is a problem with the system not with men, or women.

The reason why men and women are not interacting and sociallising in a positive way is due to the civilization based on patriarchy and marriage.

Those civilization and cultures had no communal social structure ie democracy, socialising where men and women talked and interacted.

What they did was create a marriage system where men and women got married young and then did not socialise with the opposite gender.

We have inherited from this system the lack of social customs that allowed men and women to socialise freely to develop romantic and friendly relations.

So this civilization will have to fall and all kings and histories since the bronze age will be forgotten and consigned to darkness.

It is the community or civilization which is responsible for creating and maintaining social customs and local communities where men and women can interact and socialise.

An individual guy can put in the work to create these 'communities' but if this a workable solution then it will simply expand and take over the country.

That is because the new community based social system is a solution to many problems in the modern world, for both men and women, and not just in the romantic sphere.

The major point being that this is not about the individual it is about the state.

Blame has to be placed on those who are currentlt winning in or upholding the existing system, capitalism, institutions etc.

These people can easily be recognised with their symbolic tribal attire constisting of a suit and tie and often inc glasses, bad haircuts etc.
No it's a problem with people unwilling or unable to adapt to changes in society. That's life. Things are going to change and in the age of rapid technological advancements, change rapidly.

Either you decide to adapt or you get left behind. That's the reality of it all.

You can decide to cry and complain about it or you can decide to change with it and use it to your advantage since there will be plenty of those who won't. Again, it's simply a choice that every person makes.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I am a building a 'community-based' social system. Many many women are VERY happy with this new system. To build this I had to move away from 'traditionalism' ie the marriage system, monogamy, seeing women as an expense rather than an asset (social, economic, political).

That system is based around community and socialising between men and women. This is where Roman will be able to come and meet women and be able to possibly find love. But to have access to this system, he must fit into it, and there are no guarantees.

A mans ability to have a relationship (and children) though neither are necessary to be happy, is based on his value to this system. Thus, the man has to either bring lots of value to this system, or be subservient to it, as the system is what is bringing value to women.

It is just about forgetting bad ideas ie 'traditionalism' ie individualism and 'excess' competition, marriage, monogamy, excess violence, dominance ie traditional (beta) masculinity.

This system is more like EEF, ie Early European Farmers, rather than the post-Chalcolithic, Bronze Age system that brought marriage, patrirarchy, fuedalism etc. So we are just going back to a more 'natural' system that existed until around 4K BC, and since then we had a mini cycle of Patriarchy and Feudalism, from 4K BC to now, that brought the marriage system too. But that is a tiny part of human history, a degenerate system that has run its course and will now be replaced.

I honeslty cannot believe how well things are aligning. At this point the marriage system, the current dating market, social and economic failure in the UK, everything is collapsing faster and faster, day by day, and the amount of buy-in I am getting from women is massive.

I am pretty confident that in 20-50 years, Britain will be quite different, the whole system will change. Life will be easier, more tolerant, work will be easier, it will more driven by women and there just wont be as much 'energy' that currently exists which is used by the elites of this current order to get the population to work harder for their own benefit.

That time-frame is for the country as a whole, but for the early adopters, things will change as soon as they join the new social order.

In the new calmer system, men and women will just be more chill, work abit less, have more leisure time, less extreme wealth and less poverty, more time for calmness, reflection and that will enable better and deeper positive romantic relationships, even technological innovations. It will more quality and less quantitiy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I am pretty confident that in 20-50 years, Britain will be quite different, the whole system will change. Life will be easier, more tolerant, work will be easier, it will more driven by women and there just wont be as much 'energy' that currently exists which is used by the elites of this current order to get the population to work harder for their own benefit.
You are out of your mind if you think that a system that is even more driven by women will be "easier". We already have a system that is largely driven by women. It's called consumerism. Women make 80% of all buying decisions. In other words, our economic system (which also serves as the backbone of the social and political systems) caters to women...with predictable results.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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You are out of your mind if you think that a system driven by women will be "easier".
When I said 'driven' by women, I meant just more than the traditional patriarchy.

The new system is driven by values and positive outcomes. At the top will be the best men, then women, then average guys. The same type of social order that all human communities are based around.

That reflects the red pill truth of hypergamy, Alpha guys - Women - Average (Beta) guys.

It acknowledges that men occupy the top and bottom rungs of social status within communities, with women in the middle. But the bottom level doesnt need to be as bad as its made out, and ALL men and women, other than the top few % of degen males like Musk, Epstein etc, will have better lives in this system.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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The 2010s were special time for this world a global social revolution. Did I mention COVID. Everything was in questions. In general...

Women where used to push agendas. This resulted in lots of women making bad lifelong decision. (tattoos, single mothers, drug addicts, social media, only fans ect.)

Men on the other hand are not so easily influenced. Some men may have made bad lifelong mistakes (ba$tard children, ect.) but most have not.

We are now seeing the results, the men who kept their head down during rough seas are now finally seeing clear skies. The ship was shacked and rattled but never took on water and is now clear to sail ahead. The women now have a ship plastered with ireversable damage, has been taking on water and is now sinking.

We have alot of decent dudes now trying to pair with damage women and most are looking the other way. That leaves a small percentage of available decent women.

The notion that one dude is sleeping with 5 girls is maybe a small percentage ) (.01%) and isnt even worth mentioning, its just a talking point pushed by internet gritters as cope.

Is society going to collapse, no. but its safe to say the tradition family system for the last 100 years is on its way out. I would say we are going into a more tribal sate. Certain people will absoulty control certain areas through politics, money or influence.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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When I said 'driven' by women, I meant just more than the traditional patriarchy.

The new system is driven by values and positive outcomes. At the top will be the best men, then women, then average guys. The same type of social order that all human communities are based around.

That reflects the red pill truth of hypergamy, Alpha guys - Women - Average (Beta) guys.

It acknowledges that men occupy the top and bottom rungs of social status within communities, with women in the middle. But the bottom level doesnt need to be as bad as its made out, and ALL men and women, other than the top few % of degen males like Musk, Epstein etc, will have better lives in this system.
They already have societies like that (i.e. Saudi Arabia) where the "top men" horde all the women while the rest turn to religious extremism (and the promises of virgin pvssy in paradise). Trust me, you do not want to live in that kind of society. You will not be a "top man" unless you have the right family and political connections. The system is not based on merit.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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The reason why men and women are not interacting and sociallising in a positive way is due to the civilization based on patriarchy and marriage.
I'd say the 1940's thru 1960's era in America was a very solid time. It was very much about patriarchy and marriage.

A lack of patriarchy and marriage is what we have today in America and look at how chaotic things are.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I'd say the 1940's thru 1960's era in America was a very solid time. It was very much about patriarchy and marriage.

A lack of patriarchy and marriage is what we have today in America and look at how chaotic things are.
The period between the end of WWII and the rise of the hippy movement was the zenith of the Western civilization.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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No it's a problem with people unwilling or unable to adapt to changes in society. That's life. Things are going to change and in the age of rapid technological advancements, change rapidly.

Either you decide to adapt or you get left behind. That's the reality of it all.

You can decide to cry and complain about it or you can decide to change with it and use it to your advantage since there will be plenty of those who won't. Again, it's simply a choice that every person makes.
Man, the American Revolutionaries were a bunch of whiners, weren't they? Should've just gone along with the taxes. You can always adapt to being more frugal, but no they made the choice to whine.

For real though you have to define a problem before you can take action, and many societal changes started with people discussing problems and (gasp) complaining before then taking effective action.

So who exactly is the passenger here? Those enacting the changes, or those "going with the flow"?

Maybe we should just run at ever increasing speeds on the hamster wheel of technology as the Surveillance Panopticon is being built before our very eyes, sounds great to me.
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Sep 10, 2014
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Man, the American Revolutionaries were a bunch of whiners, weren't they? Should've just gone along with the taxes. You can always adapt to being more frugal, but no they made the choice to whine.

For real though you have to define a problem before you can take action, and many societal changes started with people discussing problems and (gasp) complaining before then taking effective action.

So who exactly is the passenger here? Those enacting the changes, or those "going with the flow"?
That wasn't society, that was a government policy towards them. If you can't underestand the difference between that and society there can't really be much discussion. We are discussing two completely different things which you are trying to claim are the same when they have nothing to do with each other. Sometimes they align with each other and at other times they don't.

Societal beliefs often times are at odds with government policies, which is why they end up getting changed or overturned at various times.


Sep 10, 2014
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Its inconvenient to the relevance of your advice, which is zero. Spamming OLD might work in NYC, where you live, but it doesnt work elsewhere for most men. When's the last time you cold approached or generated a social circle?
Don't live in NYC. I would never live in NYC or anywhere near it