Tell me daygame is better than Facebook?


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Tell me why you think daygame is better than Facebook game?

I think Facebook game is better than daygame.

and I have my own reason. if you think daygame and going in the streets is better than Facebook, please enlighten me


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
in two three seconds of a direct opener you can't communicate who you are. it works but, in facebook the girl has the time to browse through all your pictures, and really get a good sense of who you are.

in facebook, there is no shyness or awkward moments for the girl

no fear of slut shaming

no fear of any kind of threat

in daygame you may come off as salesman, as any kind of person but a high status person

who wanders into streets, going after girl after girl? no one but a lifeless homeless horny person

that's my reasons, and there are many more


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
good point but the thing that gets most girls going is mystery. Also fb takes no balls, my brother adds girl after girl on fb and it never worked for him. He might be doing it wrong/weak game but then he just recently got a girl by meeting her in a 711


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2014
Reaction score
out of dozens of girls i asked they all almost responded the same, if you dress nice, basically dont look homeless, you come off as nice person and have a good personality

well they admire your confidence to walk up to them and start talking to them, a plus 1000 points in their book, even if she isnt interested in you as a sexual partner you still come off as positive, confident and open, which is something all djs need

i hate cold approaches as much as the next guy but its a way to get comfortable with women and a way to make yourself more outgoing and charismatic

something social media cant accomplish, so what if you get a date with a hot chick on facebook, when you meet in person and have no social skills, or you're not confident or you're not charismatic, you're just going to come off as a creeper in real life


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score

Something all DJs need is correct. Unless ur a mute or deaf you dont need to be talking to chicks through a key board.

Then when ur kid wants help meeting chicks you can say, just go on facebook and forget talking to her face to face.

What kind of crap are u guys talking about...geez louise....

Its fun talking to girls, seeing their skirts fly up as a gust of wind rolls by.

OP, youre doing it wrong if u think FB is better than day game.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
bcollarmechanic said:
something social media cant accomplish, so what if you get a date with a hot chick on facebook, when you meet in person and have no social skills, or you're not confident or you're not charismatic, you're just going to come off as a creeper in real life
well for a virgin, it's true, but if someone has had 1 or 2 or 3 girlfriends before, then he has enough social skills not to come off as a creeper.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
Facebook is the path of least resistance, comfortable, easier.. it can work. Like others have said though, the courage it takes to get comfortable day gaming will do more to build your confidence and social skills. Since nearly 90% of conversation is body language and tone, how can you expect to grow in these areas through keyboard conversation?

The past of most resistance will bring more personal growth and quality results sooner for those who have the nuts to not take the comfortable, easier path.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dreama said:
well for a virgin, it's true, but if someone has had 1 or 2 or 3 girlfriends before, then he has enough social skills not to come off as a creeper.
funny I trust most shy people will choose facebook because it make then less likely to make mistakes, but that is all, you already lose points with a girl just with it, unless you build your facebook just to show how much you ahve and only have good pics.

also it make me wonder, anyone who spend that much time on facebook don't have much else to do in life,
so enlightment me on why its better then really talking with a girl face to face?

because you can just copy and paste that write oppener you use? so everything you do is precise and to not make mistake?

boring no? are you not afraid to look like a boring person who only talk over social media? because the only fact to use facebook for this is because you are afraid of amke mistakes, or look needie or like you said a homeless (also make me wonder how you dress to make anyone think you are homeless).

hey just do what it works for you, but saying using facebook is better then really talking face to face, then you have too much to improve


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Your reasons are not good enough

browsing Facebook I've seen countless high status guys on Facebook, almost everybody have a Facebook

but men of lower social class have less access to social media, and therefore they go to the streets to pickup chicks, girls automatically assume you are a stalker or a salesman or some other worker-class person if you follow her in the streets, even if you really are a high status person

so wandering in the streets is a low-value sign

low-status guys are imitating the high-culture's dress and fashion. it's just transparent. even if you are a high status guy, and you dress fashionably you will still look like a try-hard in the streets. because that's low-value guys also dress fashionably to fool the girls.

just browse through some guys pictures on Facebook, you can easily spot the high status ones and there are many of them, when I browse their pictures my first impressions will change fast, i'll say "how cool the guy is"

how can you communicate all that in streets?

not possible.

you go "Hey, I just saw you from over there, and you look really nice, blah blah blah"

the girl's thought process will be "another lifeless chode wandering in the streets" "get away from me, I have better options on Facebook"


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
Dreama said:
how can you communicate all that in streets?

not possible.

It is possible. The way you carry yourself, your tone of voice and your body language. If you are a high status man, even if it is reflected on your Facebook page and it is 100% true, you will know it to your core. This will all come across when you walk into her life and introduce yourself to her. If she likes you, you could potentially have a date on the spot.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Dreama said:
Your reasons are not good enough

browsing Facebook I've seen countless high status guys on Facebook, almost everybody have a Facebook

but men of lower social class have less access to social media, and therefore they go to the streets to pickup chicks, girls automatically assume you are a stalker or a salesman or some other worker-class person if you follow her in the streets, even if you really are a high status person

so wandering in the streets is a low-value sign

low-status guys are imitating the high-culture's dress and fashion. it's just transparent. even if you are a high status guy, and you dress fashionably you will still look like a try-hard in the streets. because that's low-value guys also dress fashionably to fool the girls.

just browse through some guys pictures on Facebook, you can easily spot the high status ones and there are many of them, when I browse their pictures my first impressions will change fast, i'll say "how cool the guy is"

how can you communicate all that in streets?

not possible.

you go "Hey, I just saw you from over there, and you look really nice, blah blah blah"

the girl's thought process will be "another lifeless chode wandering in the streets" "get away from me, I have better options on Facebook"
You've made a shït load of assumptions there, if you're a cool guy and you approach on the street you have a much better chance than you do on facebook. Face to face kicks online's butt everyday of the week. But do what works for you, I think you're wrong but whatever.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
1/ If you get a girl through facebook, then, she uses facebook. If she uses facebook to the point of getting a date with it, then she probably uses facebook a lot. If she uses facebook a lot, she is just an AW, not a high quality women. (But if you don't look for more, then yes why not using facebook)

2/ You can't be sure about her pictures and what she is looks like right now.

3/ there are subtle redflags you can't see using facebook

4/ If you make a profile to DHV and get dates, then you are already revealing too much

5/ When you spot an attractive girl outside, you can actually try gaming her. You're not going to add her on facebook first

6/ Because your friends will see you as a god when you succeed, and give you a good ego boost to your narcissist self.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Day game is better than "internet game" because you can improve yourself. The only thing you can improve behind a screen is text game, which should rarely even be used in the first place. Day game isn't about getting the girl or her number, its about YOU over coming your fears and being socially confident. You can then use that social coincidence for many, countless, things in life. Which happens to include getting women just by "knowing" people.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Shaka said:
2/ You can't be sure about her pictures and what she is looks like right now.
You can always ask her for a new picture.

I think In the streets, you can't really know what she really looks like, specially if she has makeup on

in Facebook not only you can see different pictures of her with different dresses and different angels.

you can also see what hobbies she has, what is her age, what is her social class, is she a quality woman or not

in streets you approach her based on her looks, in Facebook you approach her based not solely on her looks but also other aspects of her life


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
bcollarmechanic said:
just another troll trying to justify not going out and doing cold approaches
I have done more than 5 hundred approaches


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Dreama said:
in two three seconds of a direct opener you can't communicate who you are. it works but, in facebook the girl has the time to browse through all your pictures, and really get a good sense of who you are.
PUAs don't want girls to get a sense of who they are. They want to fool them into thinking they are high status long enough that they sleep with them. By the time they find out different, it's too late. :yes:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Either could be effective if done right. To me though, facebook has a bigger disadvantage. If you see an attractive girl at a Target they won't really have much time to over think if they should answer or not. Chances are they will probably be flattered and give you their number. If you contact a girl on facebook, they have all the time in the world to debate if they will get back to you or not. I rather have somebody on the hook.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Dreama said:
in two three seconds of a direct opener you can't communicate who you are. it works but, in facebook the girl has the time to browse through all your pictures, and really get a good sense of who you are.

in facebook, there is no shyness or awkward moments for the girl

no fear of slut shaming

no fear of any kind of threat

in daygame you may come off as salesman, as any kind of person but a high status person

who wanders into streets, going after girl after girl? no one but a lifeless homeless horny person

that's my reasons, and there are many more
Agreed. Day game is for very low status desperate men. Lebron James would never day game