SoSuave is a Thing of my Past


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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rascal99v said:
Yeah, there are much better posters than him without the angry woman hating beta tone that he was promoting. The dude hated chicks so much that I doubt he was having any success with them. The post he made to vice after he came back proves that point. The guy watched and posted you tube videos. He posted the cliff notes and swore at the members. Big Deal. Anybody can do that. There are people here that post from experience that can get their point across much better without calling them lame names.
Totally agree. I know the guy was heavily into unplugging, but he came with so many negatives attached, that I very much question if he was ever a truly positive influence on those he mentored. Or was he doing more harm than good? Giving out the red pill, but with a heavy dose of arsenic attached. His followers were probably unwittingly poisoning themselves.

Epinames said:
There's a some good info here and a good community of like minded men that can continue to make this place a success. And part of that success should be respect.
Definitely respect.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
BeDJ said:
It's no longer a game when you realize it's a human being you are fvcking with for your own self interest. When you change the course of someone's life and future actions for the worst, every condolence and reparation offered will never mean sh!t. Time heals. Life doesn't.
I don't get your thinking at all. You act like you did some horrible thing by having sex, the girl you knocked up is just responsible too if not more. It takes 2 to tango and she wasn't being responsible by not being on the pill or at least using some back up after the condom accident. Why didn't you both chip in and buy the morning after pill?


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
i was talking about this on the street last night.

the game has changed since 2005. it's now, " instant" gratification. girls can just boot up facebook put a semi decent. ( or worse) and get like 25 likes from guys who want to **** her. The amount of **** I see guys doing is just ridiculous.

I have one girl on facebook ( she is a promo girl) who post pictures of her facebook window and guys are just like " oh baby you are so hot I want to fook you" and this crap.

think about it back in the 80's before we had the internet. it's was like. if the girl had a friend who was deicing with your friend. she would go and drag her away.

now if your games not 100% on point it's gunna to happen. I feel like MOST ( not all) girls can act like entitled *****es and get away with it. ( maybe i'm misogynistic?)

that's just how It is now I guess.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
wait, its Sosuaves fault you did this?
Gotta agree.

Where ANYWHERE here was it suggested to not wrap it up? Quote it, please, because I've never seen anything like that here. Not once. Ever.

The fact is, its quite to the contrary. Own your own behavior. Don't blame the board.

And agree or disagree with him or his style, but when, EVER, did PHM make a "beta" suggestion.

You guys are ridiculous.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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Epimanes said:
I agree. Well said.

Now I may not do field reports etc (although I did make a married guy lay report in the married man section) mainly because I am married, but I hope to bring help/hope to married guys here and offer advice that I see fitting. There's a some good info here and a good community of like minded men that can continue to make this place a success. And part of that success should be respect.
Why are you here? You're ****ing married.

Honestly, what the **** do you ever hope to contribute to these forums?

Spell it out. In detail.

WTF do you , a married poon on a mission, purport to contribute to single guys trying to get laid?

Wow us. Spell it out


I, personally, want to hear it. In detail.

Regale me, Mr Promise Keeper.

Because I think you are out to save the world for your church. Or you just want to share your misery with people who don't have to put up with it.

Regale us. Seriously. What POSSIBLE reason would a rational male have to sign up for what you have? I've read your posts. I would rather set my balls on fire than sign up for what you have chosen, as a matter of law, for yourself. Jesus

"don't let this happen to you"

This board is for single men who want to fvck. We dont have to deal with pms or any of the rest of the horsesh1t you do. Do you know why? Because we are SINGLE. Why on earth would any of us listen to you or want what you are stuck with?

She's going to be fat, wrinkled and heinous in the next 5 years. Guaranteed. Why should we sign up for that, again , Mr Sanctimonious?
Last edited:


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport

I'd suggest that you read some "Chateau Heartiste" (Roissy's blog)

But since he's married, he couldn't possibly have anything to offer the DJ community.

Think before you type sometime.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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Married guys can contribute constructively in certain ways. This one in particular is a troll, is all. He's been pushing a non DJ ajenda the whole time he's been here. Blatantly. Go read his posts and see for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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There's a Married Men subforum on this site, so it's obviously not just for single men trying to get laid. This being the general forum, everyone should be able to post here.

Not everyone here has the same goals. Not everyone is looking to live the life of a playboy for the next 60 years. Some want to get good with women with the intent to eventually get a girlfriend. Spinning plates and screening is a good avenue toward that end. Some may even want to have a family someday. I think that's a worthy goal, although it's hard to recommend marriage in this day and age. Regardless, as a married men Epimanes has a unique perspective, whether you agree with it or not.

There are all different types here. They can all contribute if we tolerate the differences. The problem with the guy who got banned here was that he wouldn't tolerate anyone's viewpoint other than his own.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
As I said, I'm fine with married men contributing. If they actually contribute. As I said, go read his posts.

Hell, just look back earlier in this thread.

Dude is a troll. With an agenda contrary to the purpose of this site. His own words speak volumes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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A good skill to acquire in life in general is thinking before you type or speak. Otherwise you risk coming off as a real assh0le.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."



Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Atom Smasher said:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."



Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
A good skill to acquire in life in general is thinking before you type or speak. Otherwise you risk coming off as a real assh0le.
Apparently, by the current standards, I'm an *******.

Pile on all you want. But how about actually reading my posts first. If you guys think my point has been a problem with married people posting, then 'tis not I who is the fool.

I'm talking about one specific poster and his obvious agenda.

Reading helps! :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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I have no agenda. I came here to better myself like the rest of you, because there is some great tools here that have helped me and my marriage in certain ways. I also came here because the other tools I use in my marriage didn't have everything I needed. So, Yes my perspective is unique. I'm not spinning plates nor fvcking random chicks or offering field reports, but have a successful and HAPPY marriage and am raising balanced children(currently 16 and 10) in a loving and caring environment and living as an example in how I hope they one day will follow when they grow up and have families.



Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Come on, fellas, this is a forum, not Dear Abby. You're going to get different viewpoints. Critical thinking is supposed to be built into the male brain. No matter what decisions you make or values you choose, they are yours, not anyone else's. Even if you take them directly from Pook or Heartiste or Epimanes, you still are the one who has to accept them as your own. Seek advice when needed, but own your decisions. Know thyself.

As for SS going downhill or whatever, every so often there's a thread started about how great it was in the old days and how much it's diminished. That's a matter of opinion, but I don't remember any specific halcyon days around here when things were better than they are now. (I do remember more spirited discussions with Str8Up and JoPhil.) And the game - facets of it change, but the overall game is the game. The marketplace is the marketplace.

Anyway, as they saying goes, things are more like they are today than they have ever been.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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As a member of almost 10 years i can honestly tell you that the ratio of useful advice to crap posts has always been pretty low. What has changed is you. You have developed, so the advise here no longer applies to you and this is why you might be considering that the things here are no longer useful. But if you go to the tips section you might be able to find more useful stuff though.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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Fair enough. I applaud your standpoint and efforts to that end. It's what any responsible husband and parent should do. I genuinely mean that.

My problem is you, sir, have this knack for swooping into threads and using some extreme case as validation for why single men should strive to be like you. Why single men shouldn't spin plates. You agreed with a poster earlier in this thread who called a controversial banned poster "beta." That poster was many things, and agree with him or not (I didn't always), but being beta was not something any realistic person would ever describe what he wrote. At all. But since being called "beta" here is akin to being called gay in Jr high, why not pile on, since you never agreed with him to begin with, eh?

Then, the OP, who has been through a bad experience recently and has, obviously and understandably, become gunshy makes a heartfelt post regarding being sensitive to people and you jump all over it as confirmation of why we have to be respectful blah blah. Of course we do. But failing to wear a condom doesn't mean that game is disrespectful. And it's bot confirmation that we shouldn't spin plates and every last one of us should strive to get married and have kids.

The thing is this....Someone reading this thread probably, and rightfully, would think I've been coming off half-****ed. But I've read your comments in this discussion through the prism of your previous posts. Specifically, a post of yours about a month ago where you pretty much said that anyone who spins plates, by virtue of simply playing the game, automaticly was of low morals and probably had illegitimate children they haven't taken responsibiliy for, etc.

Nothing personal, and I'm seriously not trying to be argumentative, but I have never seen something so patently offensive or absurd posted here. Ever. And it appeared to be a blatant attempt on the part of someone with an agenda contrary to what this site is about to undermine the word and spirit, fundementally, of what has always been taught here. Abd, in sorry, but I've been HIGHLY suspicious of anything you've posted since.

I can quote the post if you like. I'm on a phone so it's not that convenient.

Meanwhile, I live in the freaking south. You can't drive down the street without seeing some church organization billboard for marriage building. These pseudo science backed programs for why marriage is liberating for everyone blah blah. It's everwhere. They are just setting people up for tragedy in our modern age....probably because churches need revenue. It's the kind of thing they do on weekends for young people when they aren't trying to write creation theory textbooks. And I find it nauseating.... no church ever paid anyone's alimony or child support.

So, you see, it's not that I'm an a$$hole. It's not that I want to flame or sh1t up the boards. Its not that I dont respect what you posted above.

It's that I have gotten a lot from this site over 7 years here. I hope to get more. I hope to share more. And I hope others can do the same. It's that I've seen your posts in the past and I, frankly, just don't trust your motives for being here. Especially when what most of what you have to say is, frankly, very blue pill. I don't think we caught you on a bad day when you posted that. I think we caught you being completely and entirely honest about what you think of us and why you are here.

Again, nothing personal. That's just how I see it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
I respect your opinion. Don_Dom and can see how you might feel that way. My intents are not to derail anyone from here. I might get conflicted once in a while and express such morals out of my passion to see successful relationships, but take it with a grain of salt if I get passionate about certain topics because not everyone shares the same morals as I do nor have the same ideals as I do. I'm cool with that, we all come from different perspectives and stages in life.

I get the church thing too and why it causes so much bitternenss in people. I am christian but can't stand the idea of church. To me god is everywhere and not just in some building. I have a personal relationship with him and I generally keep it to myself and my family. Besides, I dislike the seemingly hidden agendas of the churches I have experienced also. I believe in jesus but NOT organized religion. Too much abuse of peoples beliefs going on in that deptartment.

To each his own.



Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Don_Dom said:
blah blah blah,

This board is for single men who want to fvck. We dont have to deal with pms or any of the rest of the horsesh1t you do. Do you know why? Because we are SINGLE. Why on earth would any of us listen to you or want what you are stuck with?

She's going to be fat, wrinkled and heinous in the next 5 years. Guaranteed. Why should we sign up for that, again , Mr Sanctimonious?

clipped crap post from last page
Garbage post.

Information on this forum and many others like it, are helpful to ALL MEN!

Hearing good advice from married men is helpful in keeping relationships healthy. I know a couple that workout together and look damn good. A man or woman who work for each other and their relationship, wont just let themselves it emotionally, mentally, or physically.

You gotta lot to learn dude (should you at 44?). A woman wouldnt be quick to let herself go if her man maintains his value and frame.
Don_Dom said:
As I said, I'm fine with married men contributing. If they actually contribute. As I said, go read his posts.

Hell, just look back earlier in this thread.

Dude is a troll. With an agenda contrary to the purpose of this site. His own words speak volumes.
Many of us have seen Epimanes's posts. And from what I can tell, many men, including the single men here, appreciate his contributions from a committed mans perspective. Chill bro.