Should men pay for women: THE ANSWER!!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
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haha i never pay. im unemployed though. i do offer for example last night. but she insisted on paying both our movie tickets. and kept offering to buy food or drinks. even ifi had money i wouldnt be one of them show offs who buys her drinks n all just to prove he has money. that will just get her use to the idea.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Look at it this way fellas.
cup of coffee on first date for both of you = $8
going to dinner on second date = $30
getting cup of coffee on third date for both of you (at end of date you get sex) = $8
total = $46


having sex with a hooker = $100 +

having sex with a hooker = 1 time
getting a relationship with girl you dated = sex MANY TIMES
When you think about it we men end up paying to get sex no matter what. Whether it be through paying for dates or getting a hooker. It is still much cheaper to just pay for the stuff in a date then it is getting a hooker.

Remember: The money you spend on a female on dates will likely equal having sex many times if you get a relationship unlike paying for a hooker.

It's just logic and common sense. The money you pay for dates till you have sex with a female will likely come much cheaper than what you pay for a hooker.

Another thing is that with the way society has us programmed you refusing to pay will only make you look cheap (even though you just have principles). She will likely feel a bit offended by it. Women detest men that are cheap and there are no lack of men that will spend money on them to get into her pants. Don't forget that in this world we are living in the pu$$y HAS THE POWER. So you showing your principles in this situation will more likely cost you a lay rather than help your cause as she has plenty of options.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
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f283000 said:
Another thing is that with the way society has us programmed you refusing to pay will only make you look cheap (even though you just have principles). She will likely feel a bit offended by it. Women detest men that are cheap and there are no lack of men that will spend money on them to get into her pants. Don't forget that in this world we are living in the pu$$y HAS THE POWER. So you showing your principles in this situation will more likely cost you a lay rather than help your cause as she has plenty of options.
yes and yes and yes its bvllsh!t but so is life.

Most of the time they just like the fact that you offer to pay, with no intention of actually letting you pay.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
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Here's the answer...

If it's a date, PAY.
If it's just hanging out, DON'T PAY.

If she gets annoyed at you for not paying, then she thinks you're more than friends, or is open to being more than friends. This is only the case if she's not using you...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Datpiff said:
i think that guy seems a lil insecure, hes taking the dont buy a girl drinks at the bar way too far

That's what I was thinking. The basis behind the 'never pay' rule seems to be anger at the entire female gender. The problem is that it is directed at one single woman, whom you probably barely even know. It's not any different on a first date than when a woman tells you all the things she hates about men. Bitterness is not attractive in either gender. We all want a woman without such emotional baggage, but you can't really ask for what you don't even offer yourself.

Obviously, throwing money at women is not the answer, because a lot of women would take advantage of you, but neither is the answer to be a complete miser. Becoming a good judge of character will save you more money in the long run than any rule about who pays on dates.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
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This is all a lot of nitpicking. If you know how to act, it really doesn't matter if you pay. But in my own personal opinion, if you're a decent human being, sometimes you will pay. It's not a big deal.

If my buddy from another state calls to tell me he's coming to visit, I'll let him know beforehand that he's paying his own way, and he needs to spring for a motel. While he's here, I might invite him out for drinks, and I would probably buy him a few. He's my friend, and I invited him.

If he just showed up and I had a lot going on, and I didn't have time for him, I'd tell him right away how it is. "I will make time for you when I can. You should've let me know you were coming." Then, while he's here, maybe I would invite him out, in which case I would pay a little.

The same for a woman. If you impose yourself on me, maybe I pay a bit here or there, but not much if at all. But if I invite someone, I should be a proper host and offer to pay at least some. This really has nothing to do with getting laid, it's just what I think is decent.

But whether you get laid doesn't hinge on you paying or not, unless you have no game.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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If you have to buy her stuff(dinner,drinks) in order to get laid then you are a TRICK!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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sighhhh...this thread (the infighting in it) is what I hate about Half the virgins and keyboard jockeys in here are going on and on about how "they would never" spend 10 dollars on "a *****". Ok guys, we are on the internets where no one knows you cry yourselves to sleep every night.

There's a difference between buying a girl a goddamn sandwich (when she paid for the bus fare) and buying her a diamond ring for no reason whatsoever.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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wall street
Bible_Belt said:
That's what I was thinking. The basis behind the 'never pay' rule seems to be anger at the entire female gender. The problem is that it is directed at one single woman, whom you probably barely even know. It's not any different on a first date than when a woman tells you all the things she hates about men. Bitterness is not attractive in either gender. We all want a woman without such emotional baggage, but you can't really ask for what you don't even offer yourself.
anger? how am I bitter and angry towards the female gender? just because i choose to let her pay for her own shit?

Why do you pay for dates with women anyways? i could understand it if we were still living in ancient times when women were not allowed to work but this is the 21st century ffs, even females are running for US presidency and stuff like that. so how am i wrong to expect them to pay for their own stuff?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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F*ck that, we are men and so we PROVIDE for women. Women don't like men who smother them with gifts, but they don't like cheap men either.
"oh no but feminists want everything to be equal, I'll give them equal!" Umm what? Are all women feminists? Are YOU a feminist? No? Just the f*ck up then, be a man and buy the woman a ****ing drink you fool.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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wall street
Chickfight said:
F*ck that, we are men and so we PROVIDE for women.
well shit...obviously i didn't get the memo!

Chickfight said:
Women don't like men who smother them with gifts, but they don't like cheap men either.
how does this matter exactly? i think you've mistaken me for someone who actually gives a fvck about what woman want.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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HolyG said:
sighhhh...this thread (the infighting in it) is what I hate about Half the virgins and keyboard jockeys in here are going on and on about how "they would never" spend 10 dollars on "a *****". Ok guys, we are on the internets where no one knows you cry yourselves to sleep every night.

There's a difference between buying a girl a goddamn sandwich (when she paid for the bus fare) and buying her a diamond ring for no reason whatsoever.

why are you buying her a sandwich? she has a job..she can buy her own sandwich. i don't spend money on people until they are worthy of it...


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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This thread proves that most of you are teenage boys in America with little money. Maybe one day you can be Mr. Mom! The emasculation is complete. Your girls kick soccer balls, walk like ducks, and smell horrible. Game is over.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2010
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I thought I'd lighten up the discussion a bit.

A while back, I chatted up this girl at a bar. She was a graduate student, pretty smart, so I thought I'd have some fun with her ;) She was griping about the injustice of women earning less than men for doing the same work. I responded with the following:

It's not that women make less, it's that men make more - it's affirmative action. You see, our society is organized such that men have to pay for women, and they have to pay for themselves. If men did not make more than women, we guys would end up having far less money than women at the end of the day... and women would hold all the financial power. You see, it's just affirmitive action, lol!

I was just having some fun, but she actually got into a whole discussion with me about it. She even said that she always go Dutch with a guy. Well, I told her that she's one in on hundred women exception and that that does nor get rid of the need for pro male affirmitive action in the workplace.

Jokes aside, I'll say this: Should men pay for women? - probably not. Is it a good idea in most cases? Yes. Even if a woman tells you that she can pay for herself when, for example, going out to dinner, our world views are such that both the guy and girl feel better about the whole thing if he pays. It's not fair, but it's reality.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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cordoncordon said:
He pretty much sounds like a d!ck to me.
I agree. The major problem in this particular situation is that the guy is working while the woman is not working. I would have understand if it were to be the woman working but for the guy to be working and pull sh!ts like this is crappp!.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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teacha said:
well shit...obviously i didn't get the memo!

how does this matter exactly? i think you've mistaken me for someone who actually gives a fvck about what woman want.

Yeah, I guess nobody ever taught you how to be a man.

Haha, there's a difference between what women want and what women say they want. A woman might say she doesn't mind going dutch, but inside she'll want you to be a man. You obviously don't care about either which is why you end up alone or with very insecure, unattractive women. Good luck though.