what is investment? I’ve had girls invest loads - watch my instagram for Years, convos etc lead nowhere and girls ‘invest’ very little but Sleep with me. In my experience, in this
texting era, investment means nothing as girls will talk to hundreds of men just to get attention.
What can’t be faked is a woman lowering her status when in contact with you aka DEFERENCE. Can you get away with things other guys can’t - acting arrogant/c0cky, disagreeing with her, lazy replies, typos, borderline disrespect, not opening the doors, posting other women, showing little reciprocation, escalating fast, she doesn’t challenge your grandiosity or absurd views, you can pull out your phone on the date but she wouldn’t dare to etc? If you can, then you’re special to her and she’s in your frame seeing you as the higher status individual. Can you act like her boss does at work? Like the highest status individual in her world?