Only date women that show high interest from the start


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Only girls that are openly enthusiastic about your messages and company should be taken on dates.
Girls that are cooperative and warm from the get go.
99% of problems can be fixed by focusing on your smv and following this rule
Alpha dont entertain someone who is cold or wish washy in the hopes of raising their attraction. She’d be warmer to another man.

have you ever read a romance novel filled with passion? Women don’t act overly cold or flakey with the men they desire. A test here and there is normal, but the overall interaction should be warm and pleasant
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Select quickly & cull early based on interest. Pick from the women who are picking you. That solves 90% of dating problems.

Your time is the single most valuable thing you have. Do not waste it on low or iffy interest women. Respect yourself & weed out the idiots quickly.

There is power therein. Use it to your advantage.


Dec 30, 2022
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I don't just go for interest, I go for interest and compliance.. But, that's because alot of women in big cities are superficial and the ones that show you alot of interest off bat, are just as likely to give alot of interest to the next guy whos attractive.

Alot of quality women don't give you high interest off bat.. it's like they play coy and try their best to not show you how much they like you. Same goes for guys in all honesty.. simpy men will show alot of interest but confident, cool dudes usually do their best to not show a girl that we really like them..


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Select quickly & cull early based on interest. Pick from the women who are picking you. That solves 90% of dating problems.

Your time is the single most valuable thing you have. Do not waste it on low or iffy interest women. Respect yourself & weed out the idiots quickly.

There is power therein. Use it to your advantage.
It’s an ego thing. We men don’t like failing at things. It’s engrained in us to solve problems and succeed at things. And at the end of the day to most regular guys, there’s far more uninterested women than interested ones and we don’t like swallowing that pill. So we’d subconsciously rather turn the potential L into a W. With that said, we need to drop our egos and learn to accept to not view these as a challenge, but instead a waste of time.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Quality women don't always show high interest off bat. Infact, alot of the times , women will try their best to not show any signs of interest when they like you alot.. It's like they don't want to give themselves up. Especially when you're the confident guy who pursued them first. In my experience these women are more genuine.

Alot of superficial bimbos show alot of high interest off bat.. But if it wasnt you, it would be the next attractive looking dude she woulda gave that same interest to. Things with these chicks are cool tho because it usually means a quick lay, but it also usually fizzles out quickly or you find out she was just using you as a rebound and went back to her ex, lover, bf, husband.

Thats why you don't just look for interest, you look for interest and compliance. Compliance is a better sign of whether a girl genuinely likes you or if she's just excited/motivated to sleep with you for some ulterior motive or superficial reason.

That being said, if a woman is just completely cold , it's a no brainer that you shouldn't waste time on her.
no young, beautiful woman is thinking that deeply about things. A girl that plays those kind of games is probably over 25, unattractive or looking for a betabux.


Dec 30, 2022
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no young, beautiful woman is thinking that deeply about things. A girl that plays those kind of games is probably over 25, unattractive or looking for a betabux.
I'm speaking from pure experience. and its nothing to think about "deeply" as most people learn to do this very early on in life. Not all women are just going to show you high interest off bat, and alot of the times, the ones that do, can just as easily be using you as a rebound. We see alot of posts on SS where a guy was clearly being used as a rebound by a girl who showed alot of high interest at first, but it meant jacksh.t when she dropped him like he was recycled paper, leaving the guy confused af.

Guys who get alot of attraction already from women, we expect women to like us off bat without any IOI's..but we know if a girl is showing way too much interest off bat, something aint right because most girls' who genuinely like you and want to date you try their best to protect their vulnerability until they feel more secure/know you like them the same way. Ofc if you're lookin to just bang and wont get attached, hgih interest is a good thing because it means getting laid. For some guys, older guys, or guys that want something more serious, pu55y isnt the endgame.

But your overall sentiment is true though.. You don't want to waste time on a chick that's cold. That being said, if you dated more than a few girls in your time, you'll know that some of the hottest chicks otu there love playing hard to get/ and acting coy.. I love that sht. I'm too used to crackin girls easily and then being bored of them.. The quality ones always kno how to play.. mostly becuase they think of us confident guys as expecting to get any girl with little effort.. which is true lol..
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Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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You should only go after woman that are choosing you, but it isn't so cut and dry and it isn't abundantly clear in the early stages

no young, beautiful woman is thinking that deeply about things. A girl that plays those kind of games is probably over 25, unattractive or looking for a betabux.
Yeah no they certainly do.

Many chicks play hard to get and put up walls in an effort to screen men and see who they are. Girls who are highly interested in you but suspicious play these games all the damn time. Doesn't mean you should play along with the games and testings, but they certainly do it. It also depends on the vibe of the guy, if the girl thinks he's a player and she has feelings you bet your a** she is going to protect herself and not show too much interest as she feels him out.

High interest doesn't always read clearly and women will intentionally subdue their interest in an effort to protect their ego and avoid getting hurt or played. The more beautiful the woman the more likely she is to pull these games because she literally has to as she is inundated with men's attention and options. I don't blame em and view them as a challenge


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Valid points gentlemen. I agree 100% that quality women may appear lukewarm about you at first, coy as stated.

Men must learn what signals to pay attention to and what doesn’t matter. Actions matter. Does she accept dates (or counter if she is already busy), does she respond to your communication, is she warm & engaging?

Yes beautiful women are constantly sought after. It is exhausting to deal with an over abundance of attention. Beautiful women may be very selective about giving out their contacts, and/or they may be very selective about who they will respond to. You see lots of women are conflict averse. They don’t want to disappoint you to your face in most cases. So they will give you a number or social media & then never respond or set something up only to flake.

That is due to conflict aversion. Few women will straight up tell you they are not interested. I do, and I have always been kind & respectful about it but I’d rather not BS a guy or lead someone on. I don’t appreciate that & assume men would rather know up front it ain’t happening. And nobody gets a means to reach me unless I actually want to hear from them.

As men you’ve got to learn to pick up the correct signals (action, does she accept dates)…and also take some risks and look for progression rather than a fast lay. You might get a fast lay but you can’t be too pushy. Progression. If things are progressing that is positive, if she is responsive, that is positive. And if you like a woman you are also going to have to reveal yourself if you expect her to also. Invest. I look at actions and investment made by a man. Time, effort, yes money but that is secondary. Does he open my door, does he put his arm around my waist or hold my hand. Does he pick up the check.

It’s an initiate/respond equation early on. Does the man initiate? Does the woman respond?

If yes in both cases then you’ve got potential. Sex is not everything. That’s true. Find someone you enjoy who also enjoys you.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Not all women are just going to show you high interest off bat, and alot of the times, the ones that do, can just as easily be using you as a rebound. We see alot of posts on SS where a guy was clearly being used as a rebound by a girl who showed alot of high interest at first, but it meant jacksh.t when she dropped him like he was recycled paper, leaving the guy confused af.

Guys who get alot of attraction already from women, we expect women to like us off bat without any IOI's..but we know if a girl is showing way too much interest off bat, something aint right because most girls' who genuinely like you and want to date you try their best to protect their vulnerability until they feel more secure/know you like them the same way.
Agree with the OP but also with this. "Enthusiasm" can be a sign of toxicity, in fact. Be careful and screen. There are some loonies out there.

Also if you're high value, an attractive girl may mask her interest a bit early on. Sounds counterintuitive but just assume attraction until and unless she says no. Sometimes they are trying not to screw up, believe it or not. I'm not talking about noncompliance, it's comply or bye. I'm just saying I don't limit myself to the super stoked chicks. Remember, the farther down the scale, the more they will go for broke.

I know in the past I left some good p*ssy on the table thinking they weren't interested.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
some females will have sky high interest one week and the next it can tank no matter how tight and smooth your game is.
An ex hit her up or the guy at work finally gave her the eye fvck.
Women also tend to communicate in opposites and that is something to be armed with the reflex to catch.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Personally i like to play them at their own game

I mask my own interest whilst testing and playing with hers , i told the last girl i was seeing she just wasn't my type and i kept pointing out my type when we were on dates

she hated it , but it kept her on her toes

A lot of attractive women are highly competitive by nature can be manipulated against them

Men make the mistake of taking women too seriously , 9/10 they don't even know what they want they act almost on pure impulse

How can you be so outcome dependent on something so unstable !?!


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Agree with the OP but also with this. "Enthusiasm" can be a sign of toxicity, in fact. Be careful and screen. There are some loonies out there.

Also if you're high value, an attractive girl may mask her interest a bit early on. Sounds counterintuitive but just assume attraction until and unless she says no. Sometimes they are trying not to screw up, believe it or not. I'm not talking about noncompliance, it's comply or bye. I'm just saying I don't limit myself to the super stoked chicks. Remember, the farther down the scale, the more they will go for broke.

I know in the past I left some good p*ssy on the table thinking they weren't interested.
Sometimes they are trying not to screw it up, other times the same woman can say to herself "go for it" to the same man depending on what mood or phase he can catch her in. A female's sense of vulnerability can vary.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I know in the past I left some good p*ssy on the table thinking they weren't interested.
Correct. This "only date women that show high interest from the start" mindset stems from wanting guarantees (not to say, I'm not guilty of this in the past).

A logical approach to an emotional game.

just assume attraction until and unless she says no.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Any high interest at the beginning is very superficial and very poorly calibrated.

She knows very little about your personality.

My best results with genuinely satisfying relationships were based on interest that slowly increased over time.

The more she gets to know you, the more she increases her interest in you.

This is ideal.

Contrarily, initial high interest is likely based on false assumptions and who she thinks you are.

From a purely probability standpoint, high interest that stays high as she gets to know you is incredibly unlikely.

Therefore, in my opinion, requiring high interest from the beginning is more of an internet flex than an effective strategy.

Of course, that is based on relationships.

If all you're after is hit and runs, then initial high interest is all you need.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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If all you're after is hit and runs, then initial high interest is all you need.
Even for a same night lay, initial high interest isn't even needed. Just interest.

And I dunno about this high interest being incredibly unlikely to stay high after she's gotten to know you. If you're working towards being the best man you could be, how can you not help but exceed the hype?

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Excitement can be faked. But your underlying point is more than valid.

One of the standards set by men should be to pursue a woman that invests back in them.

Investment can't be faked because the moment you do, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable and losing proposition.