No sex yet after 5 dates


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2023
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This follows a post I made a few weeks ago:

So I've been continuing to see her and we've been making out but when I try escalate further she gets awkward and doesn't seem to want to take it further.

I think she's the slow burner type but I know she is interested. On the fourth date she asked if we were exclusive which is very early in my opinion to be mentioning that especially before sex. I deflected. She is also catholic and goes to church so maybe that's a factor, I'm not religious myself but I know being catholic can mean different things depending on the person.

I feel that sex should've happened by now and don't know how much longer it will take and if I want to wait for that long.

Any advice on what to do? It seems she is in it for the long haul which I am open to but would like more benefits along the way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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How old is she and whats her relationship history? Unless she is a virgin, or you're going to be number 2, I wouldn't put up with this. I've ghosted girls who play hard to get after date 2/3.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2023
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26 and got out of a major ltr I think a couple years ago, maybe 1 year minimum. She also said "I don't really know what I'm doing" and that she was out of the market for a while until recently. Don't know how many people she's been with but it seems low


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
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It's a judgment call, and depends on what you are looking for. Are you looking for, and would be completely up for, a suitable LTR? Or are you looking for quick lays? Don't ask her body count... but if you're in the field for LTR, you know that lower body count is better and you're not gonna find that with someone who gives it up in the first several dates. A true good girl will hold that back until she's sure. The problem is that you don't know if she's playing you or if she's REALLY a good girl, true good girls are few and far between nowadays.

And if she is a true good girl and you just want a lay, be honest with her and don't unnecessarily boost her body count under false pretenses. There's plenty of easy lays out there without helping to ruin girls that are trying to do the right thing, IMO.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2009
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26 and five dates no sex? Your paddling hard into the friend zone territory. Ive banged 21 year olds that night.


Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
This follows a post I made a few weeks ago:

So I've been continuing to see her and we've been making out but when I try escalate further she gets awkward and doesn't seem to want to take it further.

I think she's the slow burner type but I know she is interested. On the fourth date she asked if we were exclusive which is very early in my opinion to be mentioning that especially before sex. I deflected. She is also catholic and goes to church so maybe that's a factor, I'm not religious myself but I know being catholic can mean different things depending on the person.

I feel that sex should've happened by now and don't know how much longer it will take and if I want to wait for that long.

Any advice on what to do? It seems she is in it for the long haul which I am open to but would like more benefits along the way.
She knows if you're waiting that long without ejecting, she has you hooked with the hope of s3x, she said ltr cause she can sniff your desperation for her, so you can still taking her on dates, paying for stuff, and she only giving you kisses in the mouth as reward

When you're kissing her you either tell her "I fvcking desire you, lets go back to my place" or you stay as the orbiter forever, paying dates to get some kisses"

If she doesn't wanna, eject, ghost her, move on the next one, she's playing you while you're paying for some kisses.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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5 dates is too many to wait. I can understand holding off on the 1st or 2nd but 5 dates is too long. Has she made every single guy she's ever been with wait that long?


Nov 13, 2021
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It's a judgment call, and depends on what you are looking for. Are you looking for, and would be completely up for, a suitable LTR? Or are you looking for quick lays? Don't ask her body count... but if you're in the field for LTR, you know that lower body count is better and you're not gonna find that with someone who gives it up in the first several dates. A true good girl will hold that back until she's sure. The problem is that you don't know if she's playing you or if she's REALLY a good girl, true good girls are few and far between nowadays.

And if she is a true good girl and you just want a lay, be honest with her and don't unnecessarily boost her body count under false pretenses. There's plenty of easy lays out there without helping to ruin girls that are trying to do the right thing, IMO.
Don't listen to any if this guy's advise


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
Reaction score
Don't listen to any if this guy's advise
It all depends on what you're looking for. All I'm saying is to be honest about your intentions, not every girl out there is a 304. But they can be turned into one eventually. Are you saying that you should misrepresent your intentions to bed a girl that is looking for something other than hookups? So many women out there are OK with hookups, I see no need to misrepresent my intentions if that's what I'm looking for.

Should you go for it? Sure. But be aware that you might actually be dealing with someone who doesn't just give it away easily, and you shouldn't be dishonest.

Guys love to complain about women being broken, yet are often all about taking part in breaking them just for fun.


Sep 10, 2014
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She would get one more chance from me and the second she stops the escalation I'd very calmly stop and tell her she has made it clear that she isn't into you in that way and that you wish her the best and hope she finds what she is looking for but that you don't have any more time to give her.

Then calmly get up and leave or ask her to leave if she is at your place.

If she has any interest in you whatsoever she will fvck the hell out of you after that.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2022
Reaction score
She would get one more chance from me and the second she stops the escalation I'd very calmly stop and tell her she has made it clear that she isn't into you in that way and that you wish her the best and hope she finds what she is looking for but that you don't have any more time to give her.

Then calmly get up and leave it ask her to leave if she is at your place.

If she has any interest in you whatsoever she will fvck the hell out of you after that.
This is the play here, OP ^^^


Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
It all depends on what you're looking for. All I'm saying is to be honest about your intentions, not every girl out there is a 304. But they can be turned into one eventually. Are you saying that you should misrepresent your intentions to bed a girl that is looking for something other than hookups? So many women out there are OK with hookups, I see no need to misrepresent my intentions if that's what I'm looking for.

Should you go for it? Sure. But be aware that you might actually be dealing with someone who doesn't just give it away easily, and you shouldn't be dishonest.

Guys love to complain about women being broken, yet are often all about taking part in breaking them just for fun.
Yeah after 5 dates with no s3x him saying "yeah I just wanna have s3x with you" that will get him what he wants sure.

Nobody forces nobody to get laid, a guy doesn't have to feel guilty for following his desires, women do it willingly.

You're saying woman withholding s3x after 5 dates, gets weird when he makes a move, but then him paying for dates, dinners and stuff is not a broken woman, but a great one? Typical Madonna/wh0re complex.

Both are broken the woman for dangling the carrot and the man for being a moron that allows all that to happen and who is getting all those breadcrumbs, instead of him cutting his loses.

I was him at some point in the past, I know what I'm saying.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
Reaction score
Yeah after 5 dates with no s3x him saying "yeah I just wanna have s3x with you" that will get him what he wants sure.

Nobody forces nobody to get laid, a guy doesn't have to feel guilty for following his desires, women do it willingly.

You're saying woman withholding s3x after 5 dates, gets weird when he makes a move, but then him paying for dates, dinners and stuff is not a broken woman, but a great one? Typical Madonna/wh0re complex.

Both are broken the woman for dangling the carrot and the man for being a moron that allows all that to happen and who is getting all those breadcrumbs, instead of him cutting his loses.

I was him at some point in the past, I know what I'm saying.
He doesn't need to be paying for dates, dinners, etc. If she's truly into him she'll be happy spending time with him without those $$ dates. Stop going out on expensive dates if you're not getting s3x. You'll know then what she is interested in... dating for dollars, or you as a person.

I am NOT saying that he should not attempt sex, or not move on if he's not getting it if that's all he's looking for. I'm saying that there is the chance that she is not giving it away to anyone easily, and if that is the case he should either move on or understand that she MAY be a rare one. But... don't lie about it.

There are so many women out there for s3x, I don't feel like I have to be dishonest to get laid. As a matter of fact I'm seeing someone now with a body count of 3. And I've been completely honest about it... she knows I am open from anything from short term to whatever, and that I'm extremely selective should I ever decide to go longterm. I never sold myself as wanting LTR with her... so I can do whatever with a clean conscience.

Pretending that you're interested in a LTR when you have no serious intentions of that just to pump and dump is pretty low behavior and I stand by that. Just say you're open to LTR but that comes much later, after you see how things go.


Dec 30, 2022
Reaction score
Keep this girl in your life, put her on the bench for now.. Girls like this can be solid plates later on -- Not every girl is a hoe homie..

If your're lookin for sex focus on other chicks but see where this goes.. if shes completely boring tho, dont waste your time and dont lead her on.

I been with every type of girl you can imagine.. and rarely are good looking women a complete waste of time. they all have different purposes/value.

p.s. you might not be able to crack her, but i prob can. the thing is, diff levels of game, and it all boils down to chemistry. if you can make her feel comfortable and sexual, she'll open up.. any girl will. ofc, some girls are just more modest and it takes time. with that comes some real quality traits.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
Women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men are the gatekeepers of relationships/exclusivity.

This sounds like a power struggle and you are losing. She is low-key leading how things are going, you are not.

Having said that, I would pull back and focus on other girls and/or your hobbies.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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What are her views on sex out of marriage/relationships? What has she done in the past? Is she a diehard committed Catholic? Most Catholics drink and have premarital sex. I am one!

My gut tells me she is delaying sex because she isn't that into you.


Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
What are her views on sex out of marriage/relationships? What has she done in the past? Is she a diehard committed Catholic? Most Catholics drink and have premarital sex. I am one!

My gut tells me she is delaying sex because she isn't that into you.
Keep mind this girl was the one who invited him inside of her house for drinks, but he didn't make a move on her, and she cut the date short. Idk too many inconsistencies


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
He doesn't need to be paying for dates, dinners, etc. If she's truly into him she'll be happy spending time with him without those $$ dates. Stop going out on expensive dates if you're not getting s3x. You'll know then what she is interested in... dating for dollars, or you as a person.

I am NOT saying that he should not attempt sex, or not move on if he's not getting it if that's all he's looking for. I'm saying that there is the chance that she is not giving it away to anyone easily, and if that is the case he should either move on or understand that she MAY be a rare one. But... don't lie about it.

There are so many women out there for s3x, I don't feel like I have to be dishonest to get laid. As a matter of fact I'm seeing someone now with a body count of 3. And I've been completely honest about it... she knows I am open from anything from short term to whatever, and that I'm extremely selective should I ever decide to go longterm. I never sold myself as wanting LTR with her... so I can do whatever with a clean conscience.

Pretending that you're interested in a LTR when you have no serious intentions of that just to pump and dump is pretty low behavior and I stand by that. Just say you're open to LTR but that comes much later, after you see how things go.
The girl is 26 and not a virgin.

Once she is not a virgin, she loses all leverage. Even if she wants a LTR, which is fine, she has give it up to keep him. 4th date she asks if they were exclusive and no sex? Come on.

I took this 37 year divorced women out for several times. After maybe the 4th date she asked “where are we?” I said ”what? You want a ring?” She said “I don’t know, I don’t know.” I said “honey, we havent DONE anything yet.” She dropped it.

Cant be a feminist Monday Wednesday Friday and a traditional girl Tuesday Thursday,


Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
After maybe the 4th date she asked “where are we?” I said ”what? You want a ring?” She said “I don’t know, I don’t know.” I said “honey, we havent DONE anything yet.”
I'd like to see her face when you said that. Did you end up taking her to pound town?