My version of Mode One: Mode X


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Yeah man, this is my version of Mode ONE.

Mode X.

Mode X is similar to Mode One, as it is bold, direct, and quick.

The major difference is, my version includes non-verbal game (mainly text).

Everything else is mostly similar, except it combines my own personal style of things.

My own flavor.

I will lay out the premise behind Mode X.

1. I am of the belief that women (generally speaking) aren't as uptight and adverse to a man offering them sex (again, generally speaking).

That being said, I am of the belief that, even IF a woman is offended by man (a stranger or otherwise) of whom offered her his sexual attention; even if she is offended by such a man, she will be RECEPTIVE (or the very least, less offended) by his advances IF SHE FINDS HIM PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE.

This^ is the key, fundamental point that most men don't seem to grasp.

Now, once you begin to understand this^ key point, then it makes Mode X not only easier to grasp, but easier to put into practice.

If a woman finds a man physically attractive, then she is less likely to give an adverse reaction to his sexual advances.

That is the main reason why most of you guys don't find the concept of Mode One (X) reasonable, because you do not agree with #1.

I shared the story of Laura, from my old job.

She found me physically attractive wayyyy before she uttered one word to me....and I even made a light, sexual advance towards her (Mode One style), and did she find it offensive?


Thus, my point.

You can take the case with Laura, and apply it to 90% of all women on earth.

If a woman finds a man physically appealing, there is practically nothing the man can say to her (sexually) that she will take offense to.

2. Based on point #1, if it all hangs on the woman's physical attraction to you, what should you do?

You have to increase your sexual market value (SMV), and build your physical/mental self.

Become a DEDICATED member of a local gym, and get on a steady workout plan.

This will improve your overall self (mind, body, and spirit).

Mind/spirit: Your confidence levels will increase significantly. You will walk with your head held HIGH and ready to conquer the world.

Body: You will become a well-built man that women will want to hop on like a Kangaroo.

Now, if you disagree with any of those points (#1, #2), then Mode X will not resonate with you.

But, for those of us of whom it DOES resonate, it is a very powerful tool...and once you truly grasp it, you will hardly EVER need to seek dating advice again...because Mode X is SOOO powerful that it simply will not allow you to be in those situations in the first place.

Now, lets talk about the actual method itself...


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Mode X

This is how I put Mode X in practice...when I was in the field..

I was going to the gym every other today. One day on, one day off, throughout the week. I already have a natural stocky build that I get complimented on a lot.

Add muscle mass to an already stocky build, and what do you have...on a 6'3 frame? You have a tall, well-built man.

I buy shirts that I know will make my physique even more apparent to the eyes of the woman of whom I approach.

I understand that women will be more receptive to my advances should they find me physically attractive, so the goal was to give her eye candy.

I would then go out, cold approaching.

I would make my Walmart runs, but even as I am in route to my destination, should I find a woman that is at the bus stop, or at the gas station pumping gas...I would pull over and holla at her.

The approach is ALWAYS the same, bank & out.

Me: Dangg. You cute. Are you single?

Her: Um, yeah.

Me: Bet. What is your name?

Her: Jasmine.

Me: Aight Jasmine, my name is Kevin. mind if I got your number? Maybe we can do a dinner/movie thing?


*Takes out phone, gets number*

Me: Aight, Expect to her from me later.

Jasmine: Ok.

Me: *Walks away*

The entire process should take NO MORE THAN a minute.

Now, some women are more interactive/social than others, but usually it doesn't take any longer than a minute to actually get the number and walk away.



If that interaction was at 1:00, I will send her a text message around 3:00-4:00.

The text would go something like...

Me: Stacy!! This is Kevin. We met at X place earlier. What's up with you?

Stacy: Hey Kevin. Nothing much. Just left my mother's house, headed home.


Mode X...

Me: Gotcha. Well, perhaps later you should stop by and let me suck on them big ass titties.


Now, lets pause right this point, her response is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.


1. If she declines, then what did I lose? NOTHING. I lost absolutely NOTHING.

2. If she accepts, then guess what....:cool::p:p:cool:

So, I cannot lose in this situation, because since she ain't giving me what I want, then I do not want her ANYWAY.

If she is receptive, then we will met at a place, and I will do what I do.

The worse thing she can do is accept, because once she accepts, then I will bit her with more VENOM, as I will set out to take her MIND and thus have control of practically every thought she has. :cool:

Now, the responses will vary, from...

High level of disinterest =

"How can you come at me like that. Do you think I am a *****!!! Do not contact me again".

Middle level of interest and/or intrigue =

"Um, can we at least get to know each other first?"

High level of interest and/or intrigue =


Usually, it will be a variation of those responses. Lets discuss each of those responses.

"How can you come at me like that. Do you think I am a *****?"

My response: No, that is not what I think. But we should still get together later though.

*Sometimes women will give an adverse reaction to you at first, but you still have to stick to your guns*

If she continues with such a reaction, I will say "Aight, I will leave you alone".

But I will keep her number on file for a lil while, and continue to send her random, MODE X Hardcore texts until I draw the conclusion that she stuck to her guns and the situation is helpless.

Now, usually, if a woman gives you a reaction like that WITHOUT giving you any variation of "leave me alone", then there may be some hope just have to stick to your guns and work on her more...and/or catch her at the right time.

"Um, can we at least get to know each other first?"

Me: Aight then. Meet me at the park (or public place) and lets talk for a lil bit.

Then we will set up a meet & greet at a public place. I am ensuring that I put on cologne and my breath smells good before I arrive. My goal is see how she reacts to my public display of affection.

When we first meet, I am giving her one of those big, intimate, long hugs so she can smell my cologne fragrance (thus making her more receptive), and seeing how she respond to my attempt at a kiss (I like kissing).

If, throughout our discourse, she responds positive to my physical, light-sexual advances, then I will give her a mental pass, and she will be place.

But throughout meet & greet interaction, I am as physically interactive with her as possible without coming across as demanding, thirsty, or aggressive.

Embraces, hugs, and kisses.

You see, a woman knows when she is in the presence of a real, masculine man. If she is feeling you, she WILL be receptive.

As long as you hold frame and give off your masculine energy, she will fall into your arms...if she is feeling you.

If she is not being receptive towards my light, physical advances and once I draw that conclusion of "she ain't buying it", then I will flat out say..

"Aight, do you know me well enough now".

And if she doesn't say what I want to hear, then shortly thereafter, I will tell her it is time for me to bounce.

I will still keep her number on file and proceed as I did with the other one, though.


"WYA" (Where You At)

My response: If she offers that response, that is about as high interest as you can get. Or, it may go something like..

Her: "I have to babysit my niece tonight".

But notice, she didn't say no. She didn't say yes, either.

So, keep prompting her, but keep it on point.

Me: Aight, tomorrow then...because them titties were looking lovely.

Never deviate from the targeted goal.

Monitor her responses, and eventually, you will get to the point where you can see whether she is bs'n or not.

The focal point is; no money is spent on a woman without being physical involved first.

No bonding without being physically involved first.

The only time spent, is the time spent on you being direct and bold about what you want from her.

No free attention.

That, is my Mode X.

After the physicality, comes the date.

More on that later.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
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Haha, it'll work for some women, but for a lot more it's gonna condition them to NEVER give out their number :lol:


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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one more, mode TRO: Temporary Restraining Order
If the woman finds you attractive, she wouldn't file a restraining order against you, would she?

No, she won't.

You scared, low-level thinking mf'ers always use the most negative, worse case scenarios to take away the fact that you will never have the balls to do what we "MO" guys can do.

So, be my guest; STAY getting flaked on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Haha, it'll work for some women, but for a lot more it's gonna condition them to NEVER give out their number :lol:
Yeah, and constantly getting flaked on and taking women out on dates with no ROI (return on investment), should condition guys to NEVER take a woman out on dates before they get physical.

But you don't think like that, do you?

Low level, beta mentalities throughout this forum.

And it is disgusting.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
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Yeah, and constantly getting flaked on and taking women out on dates with no ROI (return on investment), should condition guys to NEVER take a woman out on dates before they get physical.

But you don't think like that, do you?

Low level, beta mentalities throughout this forum.

And it is disgusting.
Maybe examine why you are constantly getting flaked on and not getting ROI. That's failure to manage the woman on your part.

Not everyone is only looking for quick fvcks... some may want to date plates that might have some actual potential while still enjoying themselves. Actually vetting women while having several options to keep their heads clear.

Someone who responds favorably to "suck on your tiddies" texts after a 30 second interaction at a gas pump? Ehhh... you do you, but wrap that thing up. An escort would be safer. Zero type of any future with a girl like that, she's for the streets.

If you're looking for nothing but bang and forget, there's nothing wrong with that. But that's not everyone's goal... and that doesn't make them "beta."


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Maybe examine why you are constantly getting flaked on and not getting ROI. That's failure to manage the woman on your part.
Dude, I never been flaked on in my life.

Try that line with someone else.

Not everyone is only looking for quick fvcks
... some may want to date plates that might have some actual potential while still enjoying themselves.
Some potential of what?

Actually vetting women while having several options to keep their heads clear.
I vet women, too. I scope for the ones with big titties, then shoot my shot.

Someone who responds favorably to "suck on your tiddies" texts after a 30 second interaction at a gas pump?
If she finds you attractive, then chances are she'll respond favorably.

I know that is hard for guys like you to believe, but it is true.

you do you, but wrap that thing up. An escort would be safer. Zero type of any future with a girl like that, she's for the streets.
Point is moot, because I am not looking for a future with the woman...not in the way you are talking.

If you're looking for nothing but bang and forget, there's nothing wrong with that. But that's not everyone's goal... and that doesn't make them "beta."
Man, please.

The desired result for every member on this forum is to meet a woman and have sex with her.

The only difference between most men on here and I, is the "in between" part.

The tactics used to get what we want.

But don't make it seem like it ain't about sex, because if it weren't, the whole forum would collapse into a black hole.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Ya know what, I agree with you. You want sex and nothing more, may as well be straight up about it.
May as well.

Either she accepts or declines. No time wasted or money spent.
Can't lose.

You are taking no L's.

What I and literally all men responding, even the men who advocate Mode One Hardcore, take issue with is the language you choose to pull such women.
I am built different, catz.

TBH, it is such an adrenaline rush, and even arousing to me...when I tell a woman "I want to suck them big ass titties".

The adrenaline rush as I await her response is intoxicating.

So when I tell a woman that, it is more for my pleasure than anything.

"I wanna fvck that ass" or "suck your big ass tiddies," honestly my own husband doesn't use such language with me.

And believe you me, I'm no prude and hubs and I have an extremely hot sex life.
I wish you both nothing but love, happiness, joy, and laughter.

The words you choose are considered low level, bottom of the barrel for most quality men and women with class and men who respect women.
We are all entitled to our opinions, aren't we?

And completely unnecessary to get the point across you wanna have sex and nothing more.
It isn't required, but it is damn sure preferred.

Now maybe you don't give AF about such things which is fine, no judgment, have at it.
As I stated, I do not believe most women are as uptight and easily offended as YOU ARE by such words, especially if it comes from men of whom they are attracted to.

So most likely the women responding are like @threeforfree said, skanks who belong on the streets.
Um, no.

1. Woman A is receptive towards Mode One Hardcore (X).

2. Therefore, woman A is a skank and belongs to the streets.

That is bullsh!t logic.

As it was pointed out to you before, ARC stated that only 3% of all the women that he smashed..

1. Fit the definition of what is commonly known as a "skank" or "wh0re"..

and that..

2. About 45% of the women he pulled, he pulled with the Mode One Hardcore approach.

You are simply WRONG here, both you and threeforthree.

I pulled a HUGE TITTIED 65 year old Black woman at Walmart who looked like she STAYED in Church.

She was a mature, classy woman of whom I had the balls to approach, and she wound up inviting me over to her house where I sucked them BIG ASS TITTIES on the couch on a Saturday night where she cooked dinner and introduced me to Squid Game on Netflix, that we watched ALL NIGHT.

I went Mode X on her and she was NOT offended whatsoever and she was not in the least bit a "skank".

And like I said, a man cannot offend a woman with sexual advances, no matter how vulgar, IF SHE FINDS HIM PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE.

It aint happening.

Like the woman who let you suck on her tiddies for two hours and then gave you a BJ in the parking lot.

Like come on man, really?
Yeah, really.

It happened.

It is amazing where confidence and boldness can take you.

Most men I know wouldn't touch such women with a ten foot pole, for various reasons, STDs being one but again you do you, whatever floats your boat.
You can get STDs from anyone...not just so called "skanks".

Were you worried about STDs from that dude you shared mutual eye-fuk with and dated?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Mar 6, 2017
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65 years old? Damn bro, you are a savage. Im not attacking you, consider it a compliment.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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May as well.

Can't lose.

You are taking no L's.

I am built different, catz.

TBH, it is such an adrenaline rush, and even arousing to me...when I tell a woman "I want to suck them big ass titties".

The adrenaline rush as I await her response is intoxicating.

So when I tell a woman that, it is more for my pleasure than anything.

I wish you both nothing but love, happiness, joy, and laughter.

We are all entitled to our opinions, aren't we?

It isn't required, but it is damn sure preferred.

As I stated, I do not believe most women are as uptight and easily offended as YOU ARE by such words, especially if it comes from men of whom they are attracted to.

Um, no.

1. Woman A is receptive towards Mode One Hardcore (X).

2. Therefore, woman A is a skank and belongs to the streets.

That is bullsh!t logic.

As it was pointed out to you before, ARC stated that only 3% of all the women that he smashed..

1. Fit the definition of what is commonly known as a "skank" or "wh0re"..

and that..

2. About 45% of the women he pulled, he pulled with the Mode One Hardcore approach.

You are simply WRONG here, both you and threeforthree.

I pulled a HUGE TITTIED 65 year old Black woman at Walmart who looked like she STAYED in Church.

She was a mature, classy woman of whom I had the balls to approach, and she wound up inviting me over to her house where I sucked them BIG ASS TITTIES on the couch on a Saturday night where she cooked dinner and introduced me to Squid Game on Netflix, that we watched ALL NIGHT.

I went Mode X on her and she was NOT offended whatsoever and she was not in the least bit a "skank".

And like I said, a man cannot offend a woman with sexual advances, no matter how vulgar, IF SHE FINDS HIM PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE.

It aint happening.

Yeah, really.

It happened.

It is amazing where confidence and boldness can take you.

You can get STDs from anyone...not just so called "skanks".

Were you worried about STDs from that dude you shared mutual eye-fuk with and dated?
You do understand that just because you give something a different name that it doesn't suddenly make old information groundbreaking? Your "Mode X" just has elements of what is preached here all the time.

However, this might be a first I have seen someone bragging about banging a 65 year old on SS. And you don't see too many "firsts" here. Impressive.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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You do understand that just because you give something a different name that it doesn't suddenly make old information groundbreaking? Your "Mode X" just has elements of what is preached here all the time.
First off, I never said it was groundbreaking, nor did I present it as such.

I stated that Mode X is essentially the same as Mode One, except for two distinctions.

1. It has a major non-verbal element to it, unlike standard Mode One.

2. It is about 90% Hardcore, also unlike standard Mode One.

Everything else is the same, but those key elements make it unique enough for it to be its own variation.

It is the same, yet different.

I made that point very clear so you stating the obvious is pointless.

However, this might be a first I have seen someone bragging about banging a 65 year old on SS. And you don't see too many "firsts" here. Impressive.
She had something I wanted; I went after it, and GOT IT.

Plain and simple.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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65 years old? Damn bro, you are a savage. Im not attacking you, consider it a compliment.
Thank you.

And guess what? It was the same bank robbery approach that EVERY one of them get.

She was a sweet older lady, who was more open to the company of a younger man than you could EVER imagine.

She wasn't thinking about me until I approached her.

It works, bro.

It works.