Hi all, please help. I met this girl through one of her roommates. Actually almost four months ago she was having anxiety attack and I went to counsel her and that's how our conversations kicked off. Now I'm deeply in love with her and yesterday she told me that she doesn't have a thing for me. On whatsapp she replies to almost all of my texts but I can feel the zeal in the conversations has gone fro, her side and she just replies for the sake of replying(like she never initiates the conversation and replies are mostly cold). She has been a big motivating factor in my life and in last four months have been working real hard(now aiming for a job in Europe or America). Next month that girl moving to states for higher studies. She told me about the feeling she had for a guy from my college and how he turned out to be a ****head. Regarding the personality of the girl, she is introverted, admires success and has a tendency for self pitying. Now I don't want to break the streak and I'm afraid that without her my motivation will be shattered. In the last for months I drunk texted her many times telling her how she meant the world for me and she never said that she doesn't like me and despite her roommate's warning she secretly texted me. I think that I lacked confidence and over texted her and she took me for granted there after. Is there a way by which I can get her back ? Regarding me when it comes to girls I'm highly under confident. You can gauge from the fact that I'm 28 and still a virgin despite the average or average plus looks and from the best college of the country.
Please help guys
Please help guys