In between a married couples battle for son.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
"Who i want her to be"? Why dont you look for someone who is more like that by default? You said she was "almost perfect " fèw posts ago..

"From what i have heard, his family including him are arrogant bullys who likes control."

I hope you also have such a down azz fam as back up for when things get really rough...a hammer wont save you bruh .

So i assume she already made an appointment with an AA type of organization? A simple appointment/ intake will take weeks, but at least its proves she ain't playing.

Assuming you demanded this yeserday already...did you?
She has said herself that she is quarter of the person she used to be. She has made a really big improvement since i met her though. i'm not going to go into to many personal details because i think somebody might know me on this forum. We have both agreed she is going to try and improve. She has made a big improvement since started seeing her. Spend decades looking, never met a girl i click with like this before. I will enjoy the ride.

Yeah she has been to meetings.

Him and his family do not scare me.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
She has said herself that she is quarter of the person she used to be. She has made a really big improvement since i met her though. i'm not going to go into to many personal details because i think somebody might know me on this forum. We have both agreed she is going to try and improve. She has made a big improvement since started seeing her. Spend decades looking, never met a girl i click with like this before. I will enjoy the ride.

Yeah she has been to meetings.

Him and his family do not scare me.
Oke bro, just be careful and tell your ego to be a little less uptight when its about that other dude.

Your ego might overestimate your ability to " protect " her.