I was correct


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Like arguing with women, isn't it?
Yep, pretty much. So I don't bother commenting on it.
There is more important things in life that using precious time arguing with strangers on a internet forum and wasting time. Got better and more important things to do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Yep, pretty much. So I don't bother commenting on it.
To be fair, it's mostly the authoritarian personality type at play here. Same result though.

What I find funny is how they insist on ignoring the tide - the migration is in one direction only, and it's not people going from the "conspiracy" side to the "narrative" side. The more their pool shrinks, the more loudly they will shriek.

@Pierce.Manhammer , strongly suggest moving out of the Bay Area. The hivemind is crazy strong there.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Maybe so?
Never thought much about it.
But you could be correct about it obviously. I dunno.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
You all stick to your 4chan and Rumble feeds; I'll stick to reading the Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine.

Science, it's AMAZING.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
The Covd-19 shot?
That is taking it way too far i think. Now we're really talking conspiracy theories if that is what you mean....

All the data I've posted here is backed up official data which can be vetted, proven and easily found if you want to find it. But that claim is just tinfoil theories which cannot be proven by any real offical published data from creditable sources.
Personally I don't take seriously MSM and CDC links. Not gonna get duped like that. But believe them if you like, we all gotta go our own way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
The Covd-19 shot?
That is taking it way too far i think. Now we're really talking conspiracy theories if that is what you mean....

All the data I've posted here is backed up official data which can be vetted, proven and easily found if you want to find it. But that claim is just tinfoil theories which cannot be proven by any real offical published data from creditable sources.
It's fairly well known some people received unique bluetooth addresses after taking the vaccine.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
You all stick to your 4chan and Rumble feeds; I'll stick to reading the Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine.

Science, it's AMAZING.
Yeah trust science!!
You sound like every other sheep parroting the same old brain washed narrative.

On the other hand:
Science is admitted amazing indeed when it its right, correct and working.
Science is also admitting mistakes and move on. Science is also not to fully trust something, but to curious and seek for new ways.
Science is critical thinking and not just accept something/idea just because someone claims it is "science".
Science is to explore new ways and finding, vetting and prove on paper that it actually works.
Science is also to be open and publish real honest non bias research data and not trying to hide it when it goes wrong.

Both the Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine and other medical publications were not honest about the data that was released of the covid-19. They followed suit like everyone else in the mainstream.

So yes, please do keep reading that too and "trust science" blindly. It will go well for you.

Nice shaming tactics by the way with "4chan and Rumble" etc.. You're funny. Never used any link from 4chan. Never would. its a shyte site..

Well have fun. Don't bother reply, because I wont respond any further and waste time on this nonsense just because you are triggered.
I got more sensible and important things than wasting time on this.
But if you do anyway - well thanks for more entertainment for the forum. :up::whistle:
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score

The difference being that the NEJM and The Lancet publish corrections and retractions, which you happily use to support your whack-job conclusions when it suits you, discounting them at all other times.

So far the only sources you’ve quoted that I can find are from medical journal retractions and corrections.

Anyway it’s all good bro, do yer thang grasshopper.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
To be fair in this discussion, the idea of the vaccine causing heart inflammation is not founded upon the idea of the vaccine but rather the idea of Covid causing it, meaning even if the vaccine did cause it, a more mild fork of Covid has been seen to make the heart inflammation even worse.

Granted, as far as we know Covid isn't circulating as it was, due in large part to the vaccines which has in part reduced the amount of severe cases, however this isn't to say Covid couldn't mutate as it already has 3 times and come back even stronger.

Per the findings so far, the only people who are at a great risk from the vaccine are young men, which was likely who Covid was genetically engineered to target in the first place, all this really means though is that young men are at a higher risk of developing heart inflammation from Covid, the vaccine just being a much lesser version of Covid, but if it were to come back, even under these higher risks, young men should still be getting vaccinated.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
I remember watching this well-known and respected virologist (with extensive certifications and all) talk about this dilemma. His take was to simply look at the size molecules of such viruses. Meaning, analyze their "anatomy" and put it to the test.

His findings, SARS (especially COVID-19) "anatomy" was way too small for normal cloth/paper masks to make a difference. They tested similar-sized molecules, along with people with COVID-19 and other SARS viruses. When using a cloth/paper mask, either by a sneeze or cough, it took about 3 to 4 of these types of masks on top of one another to actually stop the molecules from going through the mask and into the environment.

A N95 and higher quality mask, that's a different story. Those are effective, not 100% but at least closer to it.

Conclusion: unless you are either wearing 3 to 4 regular masks on top of one another (and consistently keep them washed/cleaned) or an N95 or higher mask, the only thing you are being successful in when using regular masks is reducing your oxygen intake and breathing more of your own carbon monoxide and ultimately causing unnecessary stress to the body and brain.

Lastly, we really should stop talking about this. I don't think any amount of evidence either scientific or data will convince either side.

Most people that follow the narrative, simply see what they want to see and are allowed to see and remember that often the placebo effect is real. If you think something is effective, it will most likely be.

Move on.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
People are too dumb to realize how communism started, they've never read about it, they never experienced it.

I was born in cuba, parents told me this is how it typically happens:

Started to divide people > started to censor those who disagree with main stream > started to get cancelled > got fired for disagreeing > started coercion > caused crisis so people depended on gov > created food shortages so people lean on gov > started to fvck people who disagree with gov > made them enemies of state > put then in prison > now gov controls what you can say, do and eat.

People criticize gen z, but you see boomers and gen x bending over backwards to not piss off daddy boss or daddy gov, with fears of being fired or cancelled.

People should be able to say what they want (within the law), conspiracy or not, and then other people should choose what to agree or disagree with.

"When people trade freedom for security, they don't deserve neither"


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
His findings, SARS (especially COVID-19) "anatomy" was way too small for normal cloth/paper masks to make a difference. They tested similar-sized molecules, along with people with COVID-19 and other SARS viruses. When using a cloth/paper mask, either by a sneeze or cough, it took about 3 to 4 of these types of masks on top of one another to actually stop the molecules from going through the mask and into the environment.
When I was hospitalised with Covid19 in the spring of 2020, I got a private room because I had to vape cannabis and the vapour would go straight through regular masks worn by other patients. Only medical staff with higher graded masks were allowed into my room, and only when I wasn't vaping or had vaped within the last 30 minutes.
Groma Kolibri set up in hospital room 3 long afdeling.jpg
At least it gave me time to write.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
When I was hospitalised with Covid19 in the spring of 2020, I got a private room because I had to vape cannabis and the vapour would go straight through regular masks worn by other patients. Only medical staff with higher graded masks were allowed into my room, and only when I wasn't vaping or had vaped within the last 30 minutes.
View attachment 11175
At least it gave me time to write.
Well good you made it mate.

Well in the flipside here is something no one talks about because it is "persona non grata" and hard censored in both main stream media, social media and Googles services such as search , YouTube etc.. All the people that did indeed get injured by the covid 19-vaxx.
Here is some examples:

If one do bother to move your fingers over the keyboard and search the internet wioth non censored search engines such as Duckduckgo you can find thousands upon thousands of sad stories like this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Do you remember?

I just cannot help it; this is just so gratifying and amusing to watch.:rofl::devil: But also sad of course.

But especially since to many said so many horrible things about people choosing not to take the covid-19 vax.
Like example:


Well the Covid-19 vaxx I suppose didn't love them back for their hateful, evil comments. R.I.P.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score

So much hate and evil thoughts back then from all these people.
Its scary to think that people can act this way, but that is why ordinary people ran death camps and killed millions of people during WW2: which it is so important that we never forget this... Some even demanded concentration camps and take kinds should be taken away from their parents if they didn't take the Covid-19 shot. Heck in Australia and New Zealand they did go that far and detained people in these camps. Absolutely nuts!
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
View attachment 11211

So much hate and evil thoughts back then from these people.
Its scary to think that people can act this way, but that is why ordinary people ran death camps and killed millions of people during WW2: which it is so important that we never forget this... Some even demanded concentration camps and take kinds should be taken away from their parents if they didn't take the Covid-19 shot. Heck in Australia and New Zealand they did go that far and detained people in these camps. Absolutely nuts!
Lol the chick in my avatar is a model from one of the Australian camps.