I talked to guys who are getting laid a lot in 2023, here's how they are meeting women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
There fixed it for you. That should be added to every post everyone makes about anything here.

How it is everyone expects everything to be the same is beyond me. There are just too many variables to be able to make sweeping statements without caveats.
I thought what is understood doesn't need to be said?
I clearly was talking about my experience(MY ISSUE, I didn't say the forums issue or the world issue, I said MY in terms of me as an individual), I don't expect a guy who lives in Chicago, New York or Istanbul to have the same experience as me

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I guess my reason for doing it has more to do with the fact that we’re dealing with a lot of young impressionable minds here. And sometimes things need to be said blatantly. In order to get the message across clearly.

So much of what we discuss here is location and culture dependent, but we act as if it is NOT in normal conversation assuming that everybody is following with that understanding.

I thought what is understood doesn't need to be said?
I clearly was talking about my experience(MY ISSUE, I didn't say the forums issue or the world issue, I said MY in terms of me as an individual), I don't expect a guy who lives in Chicago, New York or Istanbul to have the same experience as me

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I wanna know if anyone got LTRs off OLD?
I met my wife years ago on an online dating site, not on the apps we have today.

Two of my female cousins, now married with children, met their husbands on Tinder.

Two of my close friends met their women (pretty much second marriages without government papers) from Bumble. One of them has his second child with one.

An acquaintance of mine met his girlfriend on an app.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2022
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Hey I'm guilty of this but as a guy striving to be a "Top-Tier" man my best advice is like @CornbreadFed work on the things you can change your body, money etc. I've noticed this as well once I started losing the weight my results began to improve a lot
Sure, but sometimes your possibilities are limited. If someone's autistic, he won't have super-duper bulletproof game. So there needs to be advice on how he still can get laid.
With your body you can do a lot, like not being fckin fat. But getting extremely big, in terms of muscles, is not always easy.
And money: For guys that are well over 30 I don't see great chances to break out of their salary range when their career is already set. (I dunno though) For me it's alright, since I'm doing a good engineering degree and am aware of the things I have to pay attention to. So I can probably expect a better income than average.

So what are guys doing that are stuck in certain aspects? Advice like "Just be alpha bro" doesn't help there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
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Cold approach works really fine for me when Im just direct and on parties.

Not always end up with sex, sometimes yes and some no.

But what works in that case is being quite direct.

I just came and say hi, asked her name... Say she is good looking and would like to kiss her. Some play some games, and if you insist a bit you get it... It seems to me that being direct to the point shows some kind confidence.

If she is not interested, I just say that was nice to meet her and leave.

Also I do cold approach without the need of alcohol, so I dont look like a freaky drunk guy approaching women.

And what I observed on parties is that the guys that try really hard to have the best conversations or the best game, end up frustrated.

Taking care of your body and look matters too. The more I improve my appearance the easier it gets. To the point that in some occasions some women approach me.

The bad thing about cold approach on parties is that it will be hard to end up with sex compared to OLD. I think its way easier when you meet someone online and can schedule a date on a restaurant or even at your place.

I would not try to apply cold approach like that in other environments rather than parties or clubs.

I also have lot of datings on OLD too. I like to use Facebook instead of Instagram and it works quite good. The suggestions on facebook helps to find some interesting women.

The only thing that I dont like that much with OLD or cold approaching on parties is that its hard to find a keeper. So yeah, its great for casual dating/sex... But finding a good woman to invest its difficult. Maybe because of that modern society or maybe because there would be better places to meet women for LTR.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Advice like "Just be alpha bro" doesn't help there.
It might not, considering the following men men cannot be “out-alphad,” but were nevertheless publicly punked or left by their women:

Bill Gates
Brad Pitt
Will Smith
Tom Brady
Ben Affleck
Jeff Bezos
Vladimir Putin

For me it's alright, since I'm doing a good engineering degree and am aware of the things I have to pay attention to. So I can probably expect a better income than average.
If you are not socially stunted and you have such a profession and you’re alright looking, you’ll be attractive to enough women these days.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2023
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So is any guy here meeting quality LTR worthy chicks on OLD or is OLD just for hookups now.

I think its interesting if OLD (Tinder, etc) are just hookup apps now. It could be related to the death of LTRs.

I wanna know if anyone got LTRs off OLD?
OLD is norm now. Everyone does OLD, *****s and good chicks alike. The good ones delete the app after meeting someone solid. That's just how it works in 2023


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
OLD is norm now. Everyone does OLD, *****s and good chicks alike. The good ones delete the app after meeting someone solid. That's just how it works in 2023
Agree 100% with everything you said. Especially the part I bolded is so true and it hasnt been said enough.

That´s why using OLD is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sometimes you have to spend weeks, months, or (worst case scenario) years screening out the trash before you can find a diamond in the rough.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I never trust a topic from Jesse cause of his mindset. I'm going to go against the grain here and say that OLD still sucks. It's basically dumpster diving. Instagram is a little better but you better have the status, pics, and followers to back you up. Otherwise, out in the wild is still the best approach.

We hear the stories of the woman looking at her phone during dates, but that is because she is preparing an in-person meeting with a guy she already knows who is going to pound that p*ssy all night while you pay for her drinks and lobster.

But at least in person, you have the most control over the situation. Online, the woman only has your non moving pictures and your texting. All of it can be interpreted from the comfort of her home. In person, your height, your voice, your eyes, your body language, your body shape, your inflection, your charisma, all of that hits her from so many angles, she cannot keep up. In that, she is in your frame.

Summary: OLD: female frame.
IRL: Male frame.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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The problem with social circles becomes sustainability over a longer period of time (5+ years). Social circles have a way of getting pissed off at men who continually exchange girlfriends without marriage or babies, even if the relationships are semi-long (1-4 years) Remember that social circles generally have a blue pill viewpoint on romantic relationships. After 2 or so instances of medium term relationships, the social circle will run dry. Social circle is not likely ideal for a serial monogamist who does have extended relationships but doesn't commit or the player type who tends to have relationships of less than 1 year.
To add, yes, I've seen this happen irl to myself. As some know, I am not one to commit to a girl. I am seldomly seen with a girlfriend, but I do have girls that surround me. At the moment I am seen as kind of a playboy and as such I am not invited to a lot of the events or outings that the couples of the circle do. I know why: the girls are usually the excuse for the men going out so I lose out on a lot of social interaction with my friend group unless it is with other single men. I still get invited to parties mostly cause I am still good looking and girls still like me. But that is as far as their trust goes despite the way the girlfriends of the couples look at me.

It's a hard existence. Being a player is not for the easy heart.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2023
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Summary: OLD: female frame.
IRL: Male frame.
OLD can work with good pictures I've heard.

But yeah, women don't know what they want until you're standing right in front of them. They almost have to FEEL you. There has to be tension between you and her. Otherwise, it's a "friendship".


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2022
Reaction score
Sure, but sometimes your possibilities are limited. If someone's autistic, he won't have super-duper bulletproof game. So there needs to be advice on how he still can get laid.
With your body you can do a lot, like not being fckin fat. But getting extremely big, in terms of muscles, is not always easy.
And money: For guys that are well over 30 I don't see great chances to break out of their salary range when their career is already set. (I dunno though) For me it's alright, since I'm doing a good engineering degree and am aware of the things I have to pay attention to. So I can probably expect a better income than average.
It might not, considering the following men men cannot be “out-alphad,” but were nevertheless publicly punked or left by their women:

Bill Gates
Brad Pitt
Will Smith
Tom Brady
Ben Affleck
Jeff Bezos
Vladimir Putin

If you are not socially stunted and you have such a profession and you’re alright looking, you’ll be attractive to enough women these days.
What I meant by "Just be alpha bro"- doesnt help is that it's not specific actionable advice. I mean if sb. says this, what should I do? Alpha is an abstract place-holder term that means sth. different to everyone. I wasn't even talking about "alpha", but about this dismissive kind of advice that doesn't say anything.

I'll be attractive to women in their 30ies, but am I arousing to the girls in their 20ies?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
I'll be attractive to women in their 30ies, but am I arousing to the girls in their 20ies?
Isn’t this for you to observe and find out?

PS: was not speaking against your by the way. I was agreeing with you.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
We hear the story of the woman looking at her phone during dates, but that is because she is preparing an in-person meeting with a guy she already knows who will pound that p*ssy all night while you pay for her drinks and lobster.
For the sake of argument, we can just assume that your assertion has merit.

How does initiating a relationship through direct interaction—as opposed to online dating platforms—provide immunity from encountering the same challenges or scenarios? The circumstances under which you met her hold no sway over her involvement with online dating apps.

It would be a reasonable conjecture to assert that most women, perhaps more than 65%, have a dating application installed on their smartphones, irrespective of whether they engage actively or casually. Research corroborates this notion, indicating that 48% of women have utilized a dating app at some point.

And more links I came across:

Old OLD article, still interesting:

Given all the analytics available today, I cannot find stats published by Google Store or The Apple Store that show the prevalence of types of applications installed on phones and subsequently broken down by gender. The data is available to the companies and easily charted in a pivot or database.

It would be interesting to see the popularity of apps installed or actively used by gender.
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