How the decline in casual dinning parallels a man’s struggles in modern dating


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Clearly I must be doing something right and have something going for me considering my girlfriend is 26 and a stunner and she picked me up.

But I guess that must not be true either. Amazing how people act like having women interested in dating you is some foreign concept and is not believable.
Right, a guy almost 50 years old that is 5'8" was picked up by a woman close to 20 years his junior, and not only that but she is also a "stunner". Do you have any idea how ridiculous of a claim this is to make? If living in this fantasy world makes you feel better about yourself I'm totally fine with it, I just don't have to buy into it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Bro, the guy is middle aged AND 5'8" lol. I don't want to hear about this nonsense from you and the others, a guy like this is NOT going to stand out in any manner on an OLD site and will struggle greatly. Being born in 1978, he would have already been close to 40 by the time that OLD really took off. Prior to tinder and the other dating apps, OLD sites were very slim pickings back in the late 2000s and early 2010s, I distinctly remember this in the Boston area when I was in my late teens and early 20s. I wasn't living in some small town in Iowa, this was in one of the bigger metro areas of the country with a ton of universities.

Assuming he was not full blown making up that number of 60 notches, most of these women he landed from OLD were 30+ or even 40+. Many were single moms I'm sure and I'm also sure a good portion of these women were overweight/fat, as most women in this age range are lol. Those that weren't single moms were leftovers, and they are leftovers for a reason. He is saying otherwise to protect his ego, I totally understand it, but I'm pointing out the reality for what it is.

I've said this before, but if a man's goal is to be as sexually active and have as much abundance/variety as possible this is how you go about doing it. IF this is your goal, you have to be willing to drop your standards by a good bit and date down, I'm talking like a real life male 7 being willing to go for 4s. This same guy is not going to get anywhere near this sheer volume or abundance if he is specifically going for women around his level. He can get dates from them and even relationships, but he isn't going to be slaying left and right like the black pill guys think. Unless a man is a celebrity, pro athlete or exceptionally attractive, the overwhelming majority of men that are highly sexually active men are using a strategy like I'm discussing here. Some other exceptions I can immediately think of are nightclub promoters, djs, drug dealers, etc.

There's a reason why the term "slam pig" and "slump busters" come to mind when I describe this.
I take everything with a grain of salt, I will be the first to admit I've banged more 4s via OLD than 8s.
However, I have learned a lot and seen a lot in life that you or other skeptics would call bullshyt. If I had not seen this with my own eyes I would think it would be lies for example

  • 5'4 wingman who had a 50% pull rate at nightclubs/bars with girls 5s-7s and he was taking the bus to the bars/clubs
  • 6 foot skinny average looking Asian guy, pulling the hottest white and Asian girls in the venue, once again wouldn't have believed it if I saw it with my own eyes consistently
  • 5'7 guy who I mentor dates nothing but smoke shows and IG models (yes he is a millionaire but he doesn't lead with his wallet)
  • A broke natural buddy who was making $10 an hour at Buckle living at his parent's house, pulling smoke shows and models and they were giving him thousands of dollars of pocket money
  • My engineer buddy pulling cute chicks younger than him(some even half his age), the guy I thought was ugly but fucc what I thought women love this guy he has no problem even at 45 pulling cute chicks. All over the world, and if you saw a picture you would think he is ugly but this guy gets cute chicks, far above his looks match

These are things that if you would have told me before I saw it with my own eyes I would have called bullshyt. I'm not saying the guy is telling the truth all I'm saying is keep an open mind one guy's fantasy is actually another guy's reality!


Sep 10, 2014
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Right, a guy almost 50 years old that is 5'8" was picked up by a woman close to 20 years his junior, and not only that but she is also a "stunner". Do you have any idea how ridiculous of a claim this is to make? If living in this fantasy world makes you feel better about yourself I'm totally fine with it, I just don't have to buy into it.
5'8" in elite physical condition...let's not forget that. A nice body with some abs at a water park can do wonders when most of the guys are fat and out of shape...

You should get out more and live in the real world...things like this actually happen out there.

Maybe not to you, but you have to be able to have normal conversations with women first and foremost for that to even be a possibility.

When you believe you are worth it and confident that you are, women are drawn to that like a magnet. Maybe someday you'll get to experience it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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5'8" in elite physical condition...let's not forget that. A nice body with some abs at a water park can do wonders when most of the guys are fat and out of shape...

You should get out more and live in the real world...things like this actually happen out there.

Maybe not to you, but you have to be able to have normal conversations with women first and foremost for that to even be a possibility.
Again, if living in this fantasy world makes you feel better about yourself I'm totally fine with it, I just don't have to buy into it. By continuing to get defensive over all of this you are just further validating everything I have been saying.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Research is available on the phenomenon where individuals find it difficult to believe or understand something they have not personally experienced. This concept is often discussed in the fields of psychology and sociology and can be related to several cognitive biases and psychological theories:
  1. Empathy Gap: This is a cognitive bias in which people underestimate the influence of visceral states on their own future behavior and decisions or on the behavior of others. It can make it difficult to understand and believe experiences they haven't personally experienced.
  2. Personal Experience Bias: This bias occurs when people give undue weight to their own experiences and are less likely to believe information that contradicts their personal experiences. This can lead to skepticism about things outside their own realm of experience.
  3. Confirmation Bias: This is the tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions. People may disbelieve or be skeptical of things they haven't experienced because it doesn't align with their existing beliefs.
  4. Phenomenological Approach: In phenomenology, personal experience is emphasized as the primary source of knowledge. This philosophical perspective posits that individuals' understanding and beliefs are deeply rooted in their experiences.
  5. Social and Cultural Factors: Sociological research also shows that social and cultural contexts significantly influence people's beliefs. People in different cultures or social groups might be more or less likely to believe in phenomena they haven't personally experienced based on the norms and values of their group.
  6. Psychological Distance: The construal level theory suggests that the psychological distance from an event affects how abstractly or concretely people think about it. If something is very distant from someone's personal experience, they might find it harder to believe in or understand it concretely.
True. Hell I get told around here all the time that my reality is impossible. Ok. Whatev. It remains my actual real life reality irrespective of someone's inability to wrap his brain around it (Shrugs).


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Bro, the guy is middle aged AND 5'8" lol.
In general, 5'8" is going to be a major hindrance, especially for a White male. White women have a strong preference towards 6'0"+. Women have rejected me due to height at 5'10". There's also a big difference between 5'10" and 5'8".

Being born in 1978, he would have already been close to 40 by the time that OLD really took off.
Your timeline is a little bit off on this. Online dating websites were destigmatized in the 2nd half of the 2000s decade. He was around 30 when dating websites were gaining popularity. He was about 35-36 when swipe apps took off.

a guy like this is NOT going to stand out in any manner on an OLD site and will struggle greatly.
Most 5'8" men are going to struggle on swipe apps. On Tinder, height isn't listed. On Bumble and Hinge, it is. If a 5'8" man leaves height blank, this would likely lead to some disappointment when some app arranged first dates happen.

having 60 lays from OLD, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of these women were average at best and many were very likely unattractive, fat, etc. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this if your goal is having a high degree of sexual abundance and variety, this is exactly how you go about doing it. I'm not saying any of this to tear you down, I'm pointing out the reality for what it is. I personally know several guys in their 20s, not middle aged like you, that are decently attractive and highly sexually active from OLD and this is exactly what they do.
In general, getting 60 sexual partners from swipe apps would be indicative of someone of Chad status. There are some men who would need to drop standards to get that quantity. Men near Chad status or at Chad status have a better chance of getting 60+ notches in the "cute" to "hot" range (generally considered 6+ in looks).


Sep 10, 2014
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Again, if living in this fantasy world makes you feel better about yourself I'm totally fine with it, I just don't have to buy into it. By continuing to get defensive over all of this you are just further validating everything I have been saying. if you are a loser that can't get women, everyone is a loser that can't get women.

Well my fantasy world looks pretty good waking up next to me in the morning, how about yours?

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Again, if living in this fantasy world makes you feel better about yourself I'm totally fine with it, I just don't have to buy into it. By continuing to get defensive over all of this you are just further validating everything I have been saying.
Say what you will, but at 50, I pulled and dated a 19-year-old for more than a year. And now, she's in her mid-20s, and she spends time with me between relationships. Do I, or can I do it all the time? No, but it's possible. Of course, I know what's going through your mind : she's fat, ugly, crazy, drug-addicted has Daddy issues, or whatever excuse you need to. The truth is she was and is gorgeous, intelligent and thoughtful. I've provided receipts to another member here, who will chime in to verify what I say, if he wants to, and she’s a smoke show, no money exchanged hands, just a whole lot of sex, mentorship and companionship.

She's 25 now and drives countless hours to spend weekends with me now and then. I'm probably a 7-7.5 age adjusted.

Given your general tone and demeanor with the men on this board, men who are here to provide mentorship and advice and only want to see other men succeed, you lack in personal development and people skills, which is your Achilles heel when it comes to women.

That is all.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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34 if you are a loser that can't get women, everyone is a loser that can't get women.

Well my fantasy world looks pretty good waking up next to me in the morning, how about yours?
Again, do you not realize that by continuing to argue with me over this you are just further validating everything I've said. I don't care about the reality you have going on in your head that you are trying to live out on here. If this makes you feel better, I'm totally fine with it.


Sep 10, 2014
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Again, do you not realize that by continuing to argue with me over this you are just further validating everything I've said. I don't care about the reality you have going on in your head that you are trying to live out on here. If this makes you feel better, I'm totally fine with it.
Hahaha, sure...believe that if it makes you feel better waking up next to an empty side of the bed every morning.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Say what you will, but at 50, I pulled and dated a 19-year-old for more than a year. And now, she's in her mid-20s, and she spends time with me between relationships. Do I, or can I do it all the time? No, but it's possible. Of course, I know what's going through your mind : she's fat, ugly, crazy, drug-addicted has Daddy issues, or whatever platitudes you need to. The truth is she was and is gorgeous. I've provided receipts to another member here, who will chime in to verify what I say, if he wants to, and she’s a smoke show, no money exchanged hands, just a whole lot of sex, mentorship and companionship.

She's 25 now and drives countless hours to spend weekends with me now and then. I'm probably a 7-7.5 age adjusted.

Given your general tone and demeanor with the men on this board, men who are here to provide mentorship and advice and only want to see other men succeed, you lack in personal development and people skills, which is your Achilles heel when it comes to women.
I'll go with the assumption that this is a real story, did you use money as a means to draw this woman in, yes or no? A girl barely out of high school does NOT go for men that are this much older than she is, it's so insanely rare and unusual it's not worth considering. An "older" guy to a 19 year old will be some dude that is 21-25 or so, basically a guy that can legally buy alcohol. Women in this age range are not going for substantially older men unless money is involved, end of discussion. Hell, at my age, 34, I can't even imagine entertaining a girl in this age range lol, she would be annoying and there would be absolutely NOTHING we'd have in common.

I don't care if this actually happened or not, the reality is that this rarely happens in the real world and is therefore not worth considering.

A good example of a large age gap would be Donald Trump and Melania, who is about 30 years his junior. I don't care about how charming she says he is, the reality was that he was/is a billionaire and she was attracted to his wealth and influence. Let's say Trump was the same person but an otherwise typical multi millionaire, so fairly normal. This woman would NEVER have given him a chance.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Hahaha, sure...believe that if it makes you feel better waking up next to an empty side of the bed every morning.
If you actually had a woman so much younger that is a "stunner" then why the hell are you posting so much on here, and not only but you are a moderator? This makes absolutely no sense, I actually kind of feel sorry for you that you need to live out this strange reality on here.

Please stop responding to me


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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This thread just proves to me that people end up where they want to end up.
You're a complete fool if you buy into any of the stuff that particular poster has been claiming. Keep telling yourself that you can be 40+ and be slaying attractive women, particularly those in their 20s, left and right lol. I have news for you, you are going to be in for a rough time if you delude yourself into believing this phony baloney nonsense.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
I'll go with the assumption that this is a real story, did you use money as a means to draw this woman in, yes or no?
As I said in my post : no money exchanged hands. We matched on OLD, she didn’t have her age listed, we chatted a bit, and she agreed to meet, I figured it was a one night stand, she was bored or daddy issues and I did t care because she was drop dead gorgeous to me, then this smart, thoughtful college sophomore emerged that exceeded every expectation. I thought she was 22-23 based on what I’d pulled before in college towns, turns out I could not take her for a drink. She was funny about it too, I asked for her ID, she produced it. We saw each other repeatedly and she spent the night countless times. She didn’t and does not drink and has developed her body from a already sensuous body into a gym bod after I wrote her a weightlifting split. She listened to a lot of the music I did and we had very interesting conversations all the time.

I left her, because I wanted her to have a full life. And consistently told her this was a fall-spring relationship. She suggested we get married and began to send me articles and research about large age gapped marriages. I actually considered it for a while, but being out of a marriage and having kids already woke me the f up. She had a plan: finish her degree and get married and have two kids, she was and is utterly squared away to my knowledge. She is following her plan, but complains about younger men utterly sucking at life. I give her advice when she asks for it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
As I said in my post : no money exchanged hands. We matched on OLD, she didn’t have her age listed, we chatted a bit, and she agreed to meet, I figured it was a one night stand, she was bored or daddy issues and I did t care because she was drop dead gorgeous to me, then this smart, thoughtful college sophomore that exceeded every expectation. I thought she was 22-23 based on what I’d pulled before in college towns, turns out I could not take her for a drink. She was funny about it too, I asked for her ID, she produced it. We saw each other repeatedly and she spent the night countless times. She didn’t and does not drink and has developed her body from a already sensuous body into a gym bod after I wrote her a weightlifting split. She listened to a lot of the music I did and we had very interesting conversations all the time.

I left her, because I wanted her to have a full life. And consistently told her this was a fall-spring relationship. She suggested we get married and began to send me articles and research about large age gapped marriages. I actually considered it for a while, but being out of a marriage and having kids already woke me the f up. She had a plan: finish her degree and get married and have two kids, she was and is utterly squared away to my knowledge. She is following her plan, but complains about younger men utterly sucking at life. I give her advice when she asks for it.
I don't care if this did or did not happen, it makes no difference to me. The reality is that something like this would be incredibly rare for a middle aged man to experience and it's not even worth considering. Rare outlier cases like this can happen, though thinking that it is to be normal or expected is delusional. A middle aged man that is single should be expecting to date women roughly his own age, this means they are very likely single mothers, overweight, etc. The overwhelming majority of women in this realistic dating age range fall within this bracket. Women in their 20s don't need to go for a 50 year old man, they have plenty of guys around their age to choose from.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
I don't care if this did or did not happen, it makes no difference to me. The reality is that something like this would be incredibly rare for a middle aged man to experience and it's not even worth considering. Rare outlier cases like this can happen, though thinking that it is to be normal or expected is delusional. A middle aged man that is single should be expecting to date women roughly his own age, this means they are very likely single mothers, overweight, etc. The overwhelming majority of women in this realistic dating age range fall within this bracket. Women in their 20s don't need to go for a 50 year old man, they have plenty of guys around their age to choose from.
Yes you are correct, but it is proof that an older guy can bed younger women. I was in the best shape of my life 6 pack and shredded, I am handsome by most measures and I am upper middle class and possess 4 degrees. If I can do it others can, not saying it’s possible for most but that it is in fact possible. Being a man that is interesting and successful and better than average, at an average height is capable.

Again, if not obvious a handful of years ago I was dating gals in their 20’s, regularly and getting laid by them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You guys picked on me for my blackpill copes and now @sangheilios is on your case. When the chadspainers go from picking on the incel to now trying to defend their ludicrous results as NORMAL to the normies you know this is now a level of circus.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
You guys picked on me for my blackpill copes and now @sangheilios is on your case. When the chadspainers go from picking on the incel to now trying to defend their ludicrous results as NORMAL to the normies you know this is now a level of circus.
The reality is a lot of guys fail with women and then they project their results unto other men, the truth is I could post pictures of guys who do not fit the "Chad/Tyrone" archetype that I know personally. These guys are getting tons of tail including a guy who is a 5'2 pilot, but according to this site that's impossible cause he's 5'2, yet his confidence infield makes him act like he's 6'2!

I reckon a lotta of guys here get/got rejected a ton and are butthurt about it also I reckon a lot of men in general (and here) suffer from various things but I would reckon lotta guys are autistic, don't know how to talk to women in a flirty engaging way, lack truth confidence hence so many guys are obsessed with Chad and looks thinking it will compensate for their lame personalities.