How the decline in casual dinning parallels a man’s struggles in modern dating


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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But getting ripped increase confidence in knowing that physique wise you're better than 90% of men out there? Fvck yes
Still, you're hanging up your confidence in impressing women with your physique, measuring yourself against other men. While it sounds great that a woman considers you aesthetically more pleasing than other men, if that aesthetic is your main 'selling point' in the 'sexual marketplace', there will always be someone with a more pleasing aesthetic.

I prefer to measure myself only against my 'former self' in order to see how I progress, but never against other men.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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They do it for men. And it will attract a lot of them. But their really doing it to capture the interest of the best men.
Yeah, but somehow on a seduction forum men shame each other for reasoning the same.

A man might wanna max out as much facets as possible to attract the best women. I don't understand whats wrong about this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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there will always be someone with a more pleasing aesthetic.
Oh yeah I know that. That's what happens with gymcels, they don't have anything else going on for them, don't know how to maintain a proper conversation and their only selling point is their physique, that's not me, but it does help a lot.

I prefer to measure myself only against my 'former self'
Agree 100% with you as I do often. But you know sometimes humans are curious and sometimes we wanna see how strong the competition is, you know like reading a poem that your arch nemesis wrote.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Changing Atmosphere- Customers are rejecting casual restaurants for more fast casual restaurants or other atmospheres for custom catered experiences. In comparison, women are rejecting the average guy for guys that offer more fun experiences, resources, or emotional tingles. In addition, it doesn’t take that much effort to Google search the best mom and pop restaurant in an area vs a woman has access to high value men through OLD and social media.

Decreased Value in the newer market- Microwaved food is not something a customer will be willing to buy in today’s market. In comparison, the average man offers nothing of value to women outside a penis and provide and protect at best. In addition, casual dinning franchises are everywhere and over saturated just like the average male in the dating market. Why would a woman stick with “you” when she can easily find another “you” the next day?
The decline in casual dining is related to the changes in the sexual marketplace.

Think about the majority of casual dining chains. Most were founded in the 1960s-1980s and appealed to the market of young adult Boomers who got married earlier in life despite the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s-1970s. Boomers were still getting married at 23-25 after a few sexual partners, unlike previous generations who were more likely not to have any sex before marriage. These casual dining chains were appealing to Boomers when they were having their families with Millennial children in the 1980s-1990s. From 2000 and beyond, these chains lost their way as Boomers aged into Empty Nesters. Millennial adults in the 2000s-present haven't found casual dining as appealing as their predecessors.

Casual dining chains are oversatured now, similar to beta males. Beta males were still acceptable in the Boomer era. In today's sexual marketplace, the beta male Millennial is struggling to find a place and is experiencing increased sexlessness. Gen Z/Zoomers are also experiencing this.

I agree that Google searches have hurt casual dining as it now easier to find more unique dining experiences.

Poor leadership- Franchise corporations are led by shareholders that are more than likely out of touch with common reality. In comparison, the average man receives terrible dating advice from society and the internet that puts him in a trap hole or deadlock at best.
Almost all the chains have had poor leadership. The challenges and changes in the market have made strong leadership and adaptability more important. There are very few leaders who could have dealt with these changes.

Conventional and blue pill dating advice for men has not helped men for a few decades now.

In comparison, the early boomer and previous generations of men destroyed the reputation of the traditional average men. Women hated being stuck in a house with no freedom with a guy that failed his traditional duties and resorted to cheating, alcoholism, and physical abuse.
What you describe was not as common among Boomer men as the Silent Generation (late 1920s-1945), GI Generation (1910s-early 1920s births), and generations before the GI Generation. Fewer Boomer women were stay-at-home mom wives who were dependent upon men. With that said, Generation X and Millennial women have become more independent than Boomer women were, especially Millennial women.

Women entering the workplace is a major factor in what killed the daytime television soap opera. A lot of daytime TV soap operas started airing in the 1950s-1970s and aired for decades until most were cancelled in the 2000s-2010s.

The fvck as many Chads/have fun in her youth and settle down for Beta Bob afterwards is not as common as the Red Pill projects.
Millennial women have been very independent and that's something likely to continue as Gen Z gets further into adulthood. The idea of settling for a Millennial women isn't very appealing. The Millennial woman in the video below acknowledges this. Feminists have been telling women to "Never Settle" since the 1960s and that message finally got ingrained as Millennial women entered adulthood.

More and more Millennial women have enough education and training to be financially independent. Their economic livelihood is not dependent on a man. Part of the reasons beta males in the past had a place in the sexual marketplace is that women needed a basic provider male. Women don't need that man anymore and many would rather stay alone than with a boring beta male.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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What does the average woman offer?
What the average man does, adding in a lack of effort and civilization-destroying proclivities.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Disagree here. A lot would change. Men are not helpless and they are not victims.
95% of men are non-entities to women, so even if they approached it would be pointless. It's not like all these men are shooting themselves in the foot by not approaching, the overwhelming majority of men don't even register to women as men, let alone viable men who they'd be receptive to.


Sep 10, 2014
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Then raise your value. Most men don't even come close to their potential then whine about why it's so hard.

How many are in peak physical condition? Under 10% most likely, probably more like 5%.

How many have their life and career together? Again, probably not more than 20% of the dating market.

How many are able to hold conversations and aren't boring like watching paint dry? Not very many again.

Men are literally competing against losers and dudes who are lame, boring or socially inept for the most part.

If they are struggling then it's likely they are part of that group.

Too many guys think they can just do whatever and it should lead to success but success with women is like success with anything else. Your options are directly correlated to what version of you, you have become.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Then raise your value. Most men don't even come close to their potential then whine about why it's so hard.

How many are in peak physical condition? Under 10% most likely, probably more like 5%.

How many have their life and career together? Again, probably not more than 20% of the dating market.

How many are able to hold conversations and aren't boring like watching paint dry? Not very many again.

Men are literally competing against losers and dudes who are lame, boring or socially inept for the most part.

If they are struggling then it's likely they are part of that group.

Too many guys think they can just do whatever and it should lead to success but success with women is like success with anything else. Your options are directly correlated to what version of you, you have become.
Too many guys think they can reap the benefits of self-improvement in perpetuity, seemingly forgetting that death is a thing and humans live very short lives while lacking the ability to carry life lessons into future incarnations.

You've got to enjoy yourself in there too. Balance is good.


Sep 10, 2014
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Too many guys think they can reap the benefits of self-improvement in perpetuity, seemingly forgetting that death is a thing and humans live very short lives while lacking the ability to carry life lessons into future incarnations.

You've got to enjoy yourself in there too. Balance is good.
It's far more enjoyable when you aren't an unemployed 300 lb slob who is out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs and has women immediately turned off by their presence.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
The biggest problem I see with today's crop of 20-30yo men doesn't have anything to do with the government, boomers, or mediocre restaurants that greedy bastards run.

As you said, "the average man offers nothing of value to women outside a penis and provide and protect at best.

An average guy can't expect the results of someone that is above average. Just how it is. Work on improving your situation if you don't like it. This forum will teach you everything you need to know to be above average. It just won't do the work for you.
I know a guy who is 35 years old smokes weed, and plays video games every day, he didn't have a job for 6 months and he lived with his parents to boot. The guy was complaining about women being to "flakey" mmmh 2+2=? lmfaoooo. Long story short he got a job, a fat girlfriend who ended up kicking him out in less than 3 months he's now living back with his parents. I think the obvious doesn't need to be stated

On the flip side, I'm mentoring a 25-year-old accountant(who works as a waiter on weekends for extra cash) he makes 6 figures. He is in good shape, dresses like a model (no diddy)Has a rotation of hot girls. He doesn't lead with his wallet heck a lot of girls don't know he has money until they go to his place. Even if he didn't he still wouldn't have a problem pulling. However, from these 2 stories you see the difference in mindsets and why one guy is successful with women and the other isn't. Let me be clear I'm not saying you gotta make 6 figures to pull hot chicks, but what I am saying is if you're ambitious it goes a lot further than being a bum in this mating climate

It's like 5% of the reason things are so bad

If every man started approaching almost nothing would change

The issue is feminism, fundamentally
Feminism is a symptom of the problem the real problem is the people that put feminism in place! the politicians who wanted women in the workplace so they could get more tax money! cause the government needed more money to keep their endeavors going especially after World War 2. Women entered the workforce, wages overtime went down, your spending power went down but taxes went up! Don't believe me do your own research on this topic

Social programs went into hyperdrive in the 70s/'80s/90s and how taxes have increased in the last 60 years. It blows my mind how Redpill guys don't see that there was/is a bigger picture at play than feminism. It's about Money!!! I could go deeper into it but if you think feminism is the main issue you have to ask yourself. Who benefits the most from feminism? not the women, the government does! (once again do your research if you don't believe me you won't find this type of information on a red pill podcast where they talk about "The Wall" and "Hypergamy" for the 50,000th time)

Then raise your value. Most men don't even come close to their potential then whine about why it's so hard.

How many are in peak physical condition? Under 10% most likely, probably more like 5%.

How many have their life and career together? Again, probably not more than 20% of the dating market.

How many are able to hold conversations and aren't boring like watching paint dry? Not very many again.

Men are literally competing against losers and dudes who are lame, boring or socially inept for the most part.

If they are struggling then it's likely they are part of that group.

Too many guys think they can just do whatever and it should lead to success but success with women is like success with anything else. Your options are directly correlated to what version of you, you have become.
Totally agree, it's easier to get laid in 2024 than in 2004. I remember women would make you wait 4 dates or make you wait until you are official. Due to hookup culture now you don't have to even take a girl on a date to get laid. I got a buddy who hasn't gone on a date in 2 years he gets laid regularly. Heck, I have had girls come straight to my place as well. However, I prefer to meet in public first to see how we vibe. I'm not glroying it but it's easier to get laid now than ever. Every guy has different experiences but a lot of men are ok with being subpar which is crazy to me. The number of men whining in comment sections on youtube red pill podcast, forums like Reddit(even on here) etc. A lot of men have become weak, lack perservance, and HAVE BECOME JUST LIKE THE WOMEN THEY WHINE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT!

Don't believe me? back in 2004 only losers would have paid for onlyans there is no way Onlyfans would be a thing. Yes webcam girls existed but guys actually had pride and would be embarrassed, men had pride and Someone would have shamed you for that loser activity! now you have men bragging openly paying for Onlyfans. The delusion and entitlement of modern men is cringeworthy and at times is at the same level as modern women!
It's truly sad when you watch a youtube livestream and guys are brazenly bragging about paying for hookers. In 2004 as a 20-year-old that never crossed my mind why? we were to broke so we hit the field! We had pride, yes we got rejected a lot but that was part of becoming better. We understood you had to grind. Modern men now have no perseverance that's why so many men are lazy and living with their parents in their late 20s or 30s. When I was 21 I got kicked out of my house, I didn't have mommy and Daddy to save me. 2 years later it was the 08 recession I worked 2 jobs. Sometimes 24 hours straight (3:30-11pm, 11:30-7 then 8:00-4:30) I had to grind and fast forward now I'm hopefully within 2 years of retiring before 43! I dont say this to brag but I say this to say no one was gonna save my a$$ and it was by God's grace that I'm here today. So I can't even take the credit but I certainly had to put in the work!

Now men are hitting up Onlyfans or messaging hookers.

In human history there always have been 60%-70% of men who never got to procreate, for guys who are complaining now just wait until 2030 than you really gonna cry waaah waaah waaah


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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95% of men are non-entities to women, so even if they approached it would be pointless. It's not like all these men are shooting themselves in the foot by not approaching, the overwhelming majority of men don't even register to women as men, let alone viable men who they'd be receptive to.
This. Probably shooting yourself in the foot by approaching. Total sh1tshow.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It's far more enjoyable when you aren't an unemployed 300 lb slob who is out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs and has women immediately turned off by their presence.
You are talking about the bottom 20% of guys. That's definitely a sub-set of the 95% of guys that @FlexpertHamilton is referring to. Now what about the other 80% who don't meet that extreme profile?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Don't believe me? back in 2004 only losers would have paid for onlyans there is no way Onlyfans would be a thing. Yes webcam girls existed but guys actually had pride and would be embarrassed, men had pride and Someone would have shamed you for that loser activity! now you have men bragging openly paying for Onlyfans. The delusion and entitlement of modern men is cringeworthy and at times is at the same level as modern women! It's truly sad when you watch a youtube livestream and guys are brazenly bragging about paying for hookers. In 2004 as a 20-year-old that never crossed my mind why? we were to broke so we hit the field! We had pride, yes we got rejected a lot but that was part of becoming better. We understood you had to grind. Modern men now have no perseverance that's why so many men are lazy and living with their parents in their late 20s or 30s. When I was 21 I got kicked out of my house, I didn't have mommy and Daddy to save me. 2 years later it was the 08 recession I worked 2 jobs. Sometimes 24 hours straight (3:30-11pm, 11:30-7 then 8:00-4:30) I had to grind and fast forward now I'm hopefully within 2 years of retiring before 43! I dont say this to brag but I say this to say no one was gonna save my a$$ and it was by God's grace that I'm here today. So I can't even take the credit but I certainly had to put in the work!

Now men are hitting up Onlyfans or messaging hookers.

In human history there always have been 60%-70% of men who never got to procreate, for guys who are complaining now just wait until 2030 than you really gonna cry waaah waaah waaah
I thought @Pierce Manhammer said prostitution discussion or references were not allowed.
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I thought @Pierce Manhammer said prostitution discussion or references were not allowed.
If you read what he wrote, he’s calling men that use prostitutes ass clowns. Espousing prostitution as some red pill thing or as if it had anything to do with seduction, which is what this board is about is asinine.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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95% of men are non-entities to women, so even if they approached it would be pointless. It's not like all these men are shooting themselves in the foot by not approaching, the overwhelming majority of men don't even register to women as men, let alone viable men who they'd be receptive to.
Interesting take. Some questions -

95% of men - where do you get this stat?

So you believe chances for success are equal whether you do something or do nothing?

Do you personally let women define your value for you as suggested above?