FINALLY! Got her number...but IL seems low...


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Tantric said:

I think what pi$$ed me off is that she could have EASILY said, "I'm seeing someone", or, "I have a boyfriend", or whatever...

I mean why go to the lengths of giving me her phone number if she was just going to go straight out and reject me?

Jesus...she's been home for a a while now...not one word... no, "sorry I didn't call you"...just a whole lotta nothin'.

What sucks is that becasue she lives accross the couryard, I see her light on and shyt...pi$$es me off...

Lets think about this and put it into perspective:

If she phoned every guy she was not interested in, she would be spending a hell of a-lot of time wasted, so why should she?

Look you ‘ego’ is bruised, no offence but you sound like a guy who has been ‘shot’ in the heart and now is ‘pissed’.

The problem is YOU not her.

Your interest in this girl is WAY TO HIGH.

This is your problem, you invested far too much in the outcome, as I predicted from my first post.

My analysis was SPOT ON, but you passed it by, hey why should I care, tbh about I really don’t give a flying monkeys, but I post it anyway, maybe you will look, read and listen, instead of letting your head do the talking.


If this is what your like every time a girl rejects you, I fail to see you being successful, your far too focused on the outcome.

Girls are going to reject you and you think they owe you an apology?

Get real!

Why should she waste time, in phoning guys she has no intention of seeing?

This is how the conversation will go in her mind (remember she is not interested).

Also remember women hand there numbers out to anyone, I have had shi* loads of numbers in my time they mean NOTHING, this is the reason why I don’t pander to PUA who use numbers has there Success, numbers are nothing, women will give you there number to GET RID OF YOU!

Conversation start:
“hey sorry I have not phoned you”

“hey that’s cool, when do you want to meet up”

“sorry I am not interested”

“waaa waaaa waaaa, why what have I done, what is wrong with me e.t.c bore bore bore bore bore”

Why the hell would she want to do that?

Also x this by 10 for all the other guys who she handed her number out that day, Do you think her live revolves around apologising to guys she is not intereseted in?
I would not be bothered, but you had a 1min conversation, which in that conversation she rejected you, but you failed to take the hint so she got rid of you the ‘best’ way she could, she played you and has seen your type too many times, you wont learn if you turn into some hurtful little wuss everytime a women states NO in her own little way, you NEXT and move on, NEXT and move on, that’s all.

Let’s get real here.

YOU need to accept rejection, if you don’t, you will never get off the first hurdle.

You did good talking to her, now stop the borderline one-itus and go open up another girl!

Some girls won’t be interested in you.


DO not waste time analyzing it, just NEXT and move one.

Got it?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm going to offer a slightly different perspective. You only called once, right? So she went away for two weeks, comes back all but forgetting that you exchanged numbers (what could you expect after only a 5-minute conversation). Now she's not going to call you back because (a) its not in her sphere of concern anymore, and (b) after almost 3 weeks, she's going to feel stupid about waiting so long.

Nothing wrong w/ calling her one more time....


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm going to offer a slightly different perspective. You only called once, right? So she went away for two weeks, comes back all but forgetting that you exchanged numbers (what could you expect after only a 5-minute conversation). Now she's not going to call you back because (a) its not in her sphere of concern anymore, and (b) after almost 3 weeks, she's going to feel stupid about waiting so long.

What I am saying is that there is nothing wrong w/ calling her one more time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
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jonwon, you gotta kick back man...

I am not really THAT bothered by it. It just makes me laugh, and AS A PERSON, that behaviour is dis-respectful to me. I couldn't give to shyts if she as interested at this point...the reality is that I would have preferred to be dissed straight up.

I've hit up many girls since then, and closed with numbers, so I am not having a case of "one-itis" here dude.

At this point (as mentioned in the last posting), I actually would call her one last time...for shyts and giggles...but I got rid of her number a couple of days ago.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Tantric said:
jonwon, you gotta kick back man...

I am not really THAT bothered by it. It just makes me laugh, and AS A PERSON, that behaviour is dis-respectful to me. I couldn't give to shyts if she as interested at this point...the reality is that I would have preferred to be dissed straight up.

I've hit up many girls since then, and closed with numbers, so I am not having a case of "one-itis" here dude.

At this point (as mentioned in the last posting), I actually would call her one last time...for shyts and giggles...but I got rid of her number a couple of days ago.

i'll do you a deal :D

i'll kick back, if you dont worry about some random women and embrace the fact, your attention is much more deserved to a women who will show a higher level of interest.




Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Tantric, you know what, I'd call her again if I were you.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but I'm at a point where I want the rejection. I would want to know..full closure. Plus, you never know, she may be just really shy or reserved.

Yes, we can interpret woman's behavior and analyze it to the *teenth degree, we can say next, move on, etc. however sometimes it's good to man up and be bold.

I'd call one more time, leave a message, if she doesn't respond, forget about her. If you see her in the gym, be polite and all, but don't bring it up again.

My two cents.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Mr.Positive said:
Tantric, you know what, I'd call her again if I were you.

I'll probably get flamed for this, but I'm at a point where I want the rejection. I would want to know..full closure. Plus, you never know, she may be just really shy or reserved.

Yes, we can interpret woman's behavior and analyze it to the *teenth degree, we can say next, move on, etc. however sometimes it's good to man up and be bold.

I'd call one more time, leave a message, if she doesn't respond, forget about her. If you see her in the gym, be polite and all, but don't bring it up again.

My two cents.

You won’t get flamed by me, it’s actually a good idea, why?

There are a few things that could have gone on.

Like the scenario I painted about my mate waiting, when the girl first rejected him in the bar, then he went up to her periodically in the night, it’s the same deal.

This is what happened, to re-iterate.

The girl did not get any ‘better’ offers that night, when she first rejected him, there was a few things going on:

1. She probably was not in the mood, if this is the case a few drinks later, loosened her inhibitions.
2. She was waiting for a better offer, it did not come along and the first offer was still on the table.
3. The persistence proved attractive to her, his constant attention to her, eventually won her over, has it give her a massive feeling of importance.

Which ever variable with what you suggest we can think:

1. The girl in question may not have had any attention over the last few weeks, which is always a possibility, so when he calls her shield is lowered.
2. She maybe bored and may do it for entertainment.
3. She may not have had any better offers and it just happens to be the time of the month where she is most sex’d up

Yes I believe women at certain times of the month are hornier then other times, DD, describes this and states women can be 400x more aroused at certain times of the month and are ‘easier’ to game, I have experienced this also, it would seem.

So yes its worth a call has one of those scenarios maybe true and you never know once she is out, it is a great time to get her invested into you, which a 1min conversation can not do.

On the other hand, if there is no phone call back, just NEXT.

Tbh honest it about it, would I do this>?



I like a girl to be receptive, not avoiding.

When I phone a girl and leave a message, I EXPECT a call back, if she does not, I aint wasting my time phoning her again, her loss, she had her chance, I like the chase at this stage to be mutual.

When girls don’t phone BACK, I find it puts you in a situation where you feel a little ****t* has you assume she is not interested, that is only worse when you persist and it is clear you get nothing back for it.

When I score, I don’t like the goal posts to move and avoid the ball, when I take the shot I like the goal posts to stay there, granted if I miss I miss, but I aint going to be chasing a moving goal post, to me that’s too much like hard work.

I like a girl to invest a good level of interest, if she does not, I know I will be doing far too much chasing, why keep chasing a moving goal post, when you can aim at a different one, that would either welcome the shot, or allow you chance to score, ie. Be receptive.

She could be shy, but from the conversation, it does not seem so, why?

She said:

We will talk about it next time I see you, i.e in the gym: i.e that to me is chick speak for ‘go away I am busy, your pestering me’. in a nice way.

It’s always worth one last phone call, but usually when I do a follow up call, the interaction prior has far more investment then a 1min conversation.
The phone again thing, is normally best done when you have had some better level of interaction, but you never know.

There is one good thing in his favour.

Because he has not phoned prior, he has not put himself into the ‘pest’ category or ‘desperate’ which may help.

But I don’t think this girl is interested.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Tantric said:
...the reality is that I would have preferred to be dissed straight up.
9 times out of 10 you will not get this type of response, atleast if you approach in a respectable way. Women do not like "confrontation" especially when it involves turning a guy they feel is atleast "nice" away. They would rather "avoid" you and hope you forget about it.

A friend of mine took a chick out to dinner and thought things were going well. He called her and left a message (bad idea) about how he liked her and wanted to take things a little further. Leaving the message itself was not good, but her reaction was priceless. The next time he saw (or talked to over the phone) her he asked if she got his message, she said "yes" so he asks what she thought about it and she says "it was sweet"........thats it.

I didn't ever tell him, but I got some pretty strong IOI's from her after our first meeting and I think that played a part in her sudden "change of heart". My point being, rather than simply say she wasn't interested or whatever, she chose to say nothing even after he directly asks her.

I remember I asked a girl out who was working at an ice cream parlor, the whole ordeal had me nervous as hell almost the entire time. Long story short, I was given "excuses" rather than the truth. A few days later I see her at a fast food joint with a guy who was actually persistently trying to kiss her when I spotted them. I think she kept resisting because she saw me looking over at them. When they finished, she had him walk out first as she followed and awkwardly says "hi" to me.

It gave me a good laugh because she could've said anything, like "I have a boyfriend", but no. She was "too busy" to go out with me and got embarrassed when I saw her with another guy, but she still couldn't be straight up, she had him walk out of the place first like he wasn't with her after I SAW them together........look at the lengths some will go to. It almost insults your intelligence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Tantric said:
ah yes...

But i threw away her number 5 days ago...

Go online and check your Wireless account. Her number might be there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Tantric said:

I think what pi$$ed me off is that she could have EASILY said, "I'm seeing someone", or, "I have a boyfriend", or whatever...

I mean why go to the lengths of giving me her phone number if she was just going to go straight out and reject me?

Jesus...she's been home for a a while now...not one word... no, "sorry I didn't call you"...just a whole lotta nothin'.

What sucks is that becasue she lives accross the couryard, I see her light on and shyt...pi$$es me off...
the only thing worse than what she did to you is what you are doing to yourself now ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
you should not call her.

at the very least leave to until you bump into her in the gym again.

DO NOT call her though.

yes you may get a date, but it will also be very evident that after 3 weeks you are still thinking about - which will give her a huge ego and make her the prize.

leave it until you bump into her face to face again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
oh and personally, if i were you, since you bump into the roomate as well you were saying, id ask the roomate out.

you want to teach her a lesson about respect? that will do it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Hi joekerr31,

Didn't you mention at some point that calling could also be a good thing?

I have not seen her in the gym at maybe she changed her schedule or doesn't go there anymore. So I think this 3 weeks will turn into 30 weeks!!! ha!

kinda stuck between calling or not...turn out her # was in my cell afterall...


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
if some gorgeous chic at the gym asked you out would you quit teh gym before speaking to her again?

sorry dude, but her IL is low.

if you need closure and have to hear it to believe it, then give her a call.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Tantric said:
...I said "hi" to her through the mirror, but she had her headphones on and was watching TV. No reply.

So...I actually felt dissed. Plus the 2 buff guys who were obviously showing off their testosterone gave me a very "weak" feeling.

Still focused on the TV, she again did not say anything when I walked by and asked how her workout was going.

Again, felt really dissed.

I told myself FVCK IT!! I could be totally reading into this....if she is going to diss me, I rather get dissed in the face, and I was tired of pvssying around.
Hahaha, yeah, one feels foolish when the other person doesn't respond to your greeting - especially when it happens twice!!

"As she is done her workout, she smiles and says, "goodbye", Hahaha, she said goodbye before you had the chance to say hello!! :D Funny!

The fourth post in a row where I laughed out loud :up:

Your pick-up was good :up: Good looking girl - 8 months without a guy in LA? Strange!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe she never received your message for whatever reason and she thinks that you did not call? Or maybe she is too shy to call back -- shy girls don't call dudes!

You should always call back twice to follow-up a few days later and then leave her alone! One call could be missed but you know two calls are being ignored!


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
You should always call back twice to follow-up a few days later and then leave her alone! One call could be missed but you know two calls are being ignored!
Exactly...I still say call her Tantric. It seems that we've gotten to the point of worrying about a woman's IL before even getting a date.

That's what the date is see if this woman is worth dating. That's when IL becomes important. You have very little knowledge of her yet.

Take a chance!! Don't sit there going "boohoo" because she didn't call you back on the first call.

There could be thousand's of reasons she didn't call you..shy,lost your number, didn't get message...having low IL is one of them.

You will never know unless you call again.